
  1. nanashi1

    Happy B'day Arylin (and to other, where their day already had in Feb.)!!!

    ryuraze; Neko; pichu655889; Shinseph; TheWikiHow; Brandish; Dark Angel; DreamCa7ch3r; @TsubameGaeshi; T-ELOS; AhGwee; GenKiDan; Hinode; nawi; Ralium; ryuta; samyeung46; Shir0; unownHGSS; Arylin; Anayomex; FinalPyre; Infamous; Jezebel; Sakimichi; KingArturia; Malicent...
  2. nanashi1

    Well, a year goes, but on this empty place goes a new year: Happy birthday Gwee (AhGwee)!!!

    Happy bday Gwee...!!! Well, to first: With this thread want I at Gwee apologize, because I've at last year totally forgot one to make, what I me since that time me a bit shitty feel. I hope, that Gwee me forgive can^^! Well, we're again together met, at/to a very important person from our...