So i decided to add english sub to Diabolik Lovers ~Haunted Dark Bridal~ since alot of people wanted to play the game but no patch was available or an English version so yeah :)
il add more links over time on this forum if anyone is interested :rolleyes:
Basically this is my introduction
Hi my name is RJ and i am 19 years old and i love anime i have being collecting one piece manga for a few months now :) and i expect to do so tell i own all the volumes
i also have a youtube channel i mostly post anime gameplays such as diabolik lovers , amnesia...
Hello guys im new to this site :3 and look forward to using it in the future.
I have just recently started a Youtube channel where i will be doing Many Otaku tasks.
So far i have started two Eroge series and hope use will have a look ^.^ Hit me up with a friend request and i would appreciate it...
yes it's "that thread" again. every time youtube changes its format someone will always open a thread to complain about it, and this time I am that guy.
last one really grew on me because it shows the new videos grouped by the channels I subscribed. now it's not even grouped together any more...
I can't believe no one's made this yet.
Well we've all watched random videos on YouTube through sheer boredom or whatnot, so share some of those videos that you found interesting, whether it be funny, weird, serious, etc.
Hello there, hope someone can help me, or maybe you have experience with this problem :)
Today, I uploaded a video to Youtube. However, a few minutes later I got an email.
The video was blocked world wide and I deleted it.
Anyone who knows a solution to upload the video (and to show it...
Hello guys!
I have seen some HOTD AMVs here and I thought I would post my AMV of HOTD. This was made when I was still an amateur with Sony Vegas and editing. Hope you all enjoy it!
P.S. You can give me some good editing advice or feel free to comment on what parts you like!
P.P.S. The song is...
Ok I was asked to do this so here it goes. I apologize in advance for my older videos, looking back at them kinda makes me not want to admit there mine XD
Feedback would be appreciated ^_^
June 4, 2010
My very first vid, gotta love noob editing.
(pretty much blocked everywhere but the U.S.)
Anyone here ever upload videos (popular or not) to youtube? Kinda curious to see some of the members channels.
I have a channel where I did some LP gaming a while back (will probably start doing so again soon but on a different channel) along with a few random vids.
Heres my channel...
Hai Hai, Mr tofoo here
Welcome to my video post thread, a place to take a break from all the uploading, downloading and watching of anime and or manga to sit back relax and watch what made other people ROFL
The rules are simple
1.Please keep it appropriate although i realize some of the...