Lol, there is a simple method of earning resources and that's by buying low and selling high. I wish I realise this much earlier in my 1st and 2nd playthrough. Go to your shop and buy demon power when it's at 600+ gold per 1000. Wait for 3 days(usually) then resell the demon power at 700+ per 1000 to get profit :P. Obviously the higher your capital is, the more you will be able to earn and so far it's been able to sustain my 20k demon power spending per turn lol.i'm running out of magic now =)), i thinking about buy magic with gold to get some magic, do you get the book help upgrade lv 45 for dragon ?
How many times have you done the power-up events for your heroines? Although it says the power-up caps at 20 times, it's still increasing even if it says no effect(bug, yeah?) lol. I have recorded down the number of times I have done the events.
Risbell - 20 times
Beatrice - 24 times
Verlnya - 12 times
If you mean the upgrade for natural units level cap to 45, then you can find it on the 3rd floor of the 光翼の塔.
You can (1)buy some units in the shop, (2)defeat certain enemies to get their summon, or (3)find them in a chest. Each summon has their own way of unlocking so it could be really difficult if you don't have the guide for it.jesus how can i recruit higher class troops? i'm on the third run already and the best unit i can get now is still oni, where are the dragons and lich? help me guys
Those found in a treasure chest:
オニ :シンレンガ 5F
レヴナント :バラードホルン 4F
ナイトシェード :虚無の玉座 6F
ドラゴン :光翼の塔 7F
ホーリードラゴン(holy dragon):最果ての墓所 20F <<this is the strongest generic unit in the game, 12 cost and higher base attack and hp than even all your heroines etc
Those you can get by defeating:
トロル :ボフォスト廃鉱、最果ての墓所 15F
アイストロル :ボフォスト廃鉱、三章防衛
ファントム :最果ての墓所 10F付近、終章防衛
リッチ :最果ての墓所 10F付近、終章防衛
ブラックウィドウ:ボフォスト廃鉱、最果ての墓所 12F〜
イービルアイ :最果ての墓所 10F付近、終章防衛
キャタピラー :二章
アイスゴーレム :ボフォスト廃鉱、三章防衛
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