[Hentai game] ★ 自炊 Own Bought Game RIP ★ [New Release][130628][CROSSOVER] 花嫁狩凌 ~絶対快楽の白濁淫毒~ 限定版 [1.0G]


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Sep 22, 2011
You are free to post this in other place BUT ONLY use the links provided in this post only. Please do not re-upload. You can always buy your own game to upload

花嫁狩凌 ~絶対快楽の白濁淫毒~ 限定版

Product Price: \9,240 (Pre-Tax \8,800)
Release Date: 2013/06/28
File Size: 1.0GB

Gerne: 嫁候補の令嬢を独占調教!口淫発情ADV
Sub-Gerne : アドベンチャー
Categories: 学園、お嬢様、発情、フェチ
CG Artist: ジェントル佐々木、牧だいきち
Scenario Writer: show-ziii、須々木鮎尾
BGM Artist: GlassRoad、ARIEL WAVE
Music Artist: カヒーナムジカ
Composer: wight

Information: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=765812
Information: http://www.crossover-soft.jp


[img]http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/images/attach/torrent.gif[/img] [URL="http://sukebei.nyaa.eu/?page=download&tid=287633"]Click to download the torrent file[/URL]

Own Bought Game Release Rules
1. By default our own-bought games are scheduled to released 10 days after purchase.
2. For every copy of our own-bought game or own-bought CG posted within the past 14 days, re-uploaded by any uploaders here in the past 7 days, 6 hours is added to the scheduled release date. (Except games released by Japanese uploaders on Freenet/Share)
3. For every "Thank you" replies in Game CG DDL / Game DDL thread started by me in the past 7 days, the release time will be push forward by 60 minutes. E.g. 15 games with 10 replies each = Release 150 hours earlier!

Note: Our handle name is mikocon88vX1xYfxo on Share.

Complete CG Download: http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...cg-[123m-lossless-67m-jpg]-136722/#post982046
Direct Download: http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...嫁狩凌-~絶対快楽の白濁淫毒~-限定版-[1-0g]-138094/#post991176
Last edited:
A pirate telling other pirates to not pirate because he owns it.

Not quite sure I follow.
A pirate telling other pirates to not pirate because he owns it.

Not quite sure I follow.

You don't have to follow it. Just that the more people re-upload, the later everyone get the game. Or else more people "Thank-you", the quicker everyone get the game.

Or would you prefer I never post this game at all? Everyone else can take out their own credit card and buy a copy.
You don't have to follow it. Just that the more people re-upload, the later everyone get the game. Or else more people "Thank-you", the quicker everyone get the game.

Or would you prefer I never post this game at all? Everyone else can take out their own credit card and buy a copy.

You can do whatever you please. I'm just pointing out the double standards.

The people who want to re-upload said games/files you claim to have bought will do so regardless of what you do. Those who are here for just the game with no concern about re-uploading and earning money + fame are the ones who get punished, not those that take your files in order to share them elsewhere. I just think you should think about this, but it's up to you.
You can do whatever you please. I'm just pointing out the double standards.

The people who want to re-upload said games/files you claim to have bought will do so regardless of what you do. Those who are here for just the game with no concern about re-uploading and earning money + fame are the ones who get punished, not those that take your files in order to share them elsewhere. I just think you should think about this, but it's up to you.

1. If people do care, give a nice reply and negate the effect of re-uploaders.
2. If people don't care, I don't have to share. Then those re-uploaders have nothing to re-upload.
3. The later the games get posted, the longer time (we) enjoy the games while everyone else waste their time looking for a download for days, weeks or even months.

In none of the above case, I lose out.

Perhaps you can give me some reasons why (we) should post own bought games earlier, or post at all?
In none of the above case, I lose out.

Perhaps you can give me some reasons why (we) should post own bought games earlier, or post at all?

I will refer back to what I said. You can do as you please. There's no need for me to tell you why you should release anything at any time, earlier or later. I'm not affected by this. I just wanted to point out the double standards, and maybe make you realize said double standards. Doesn't mean you have to change anything you do. Continue as you want. ^_^
Perhaps you can give me some reasons why (we) should post own bought games earlier, or post at all?

Sharing is caring!
The main problem with your 'thank you' system is that here on AS you don't actually need to be registered to get the links, you have like 100k guests and 2k registered users browsing this site, so its safe to conclude that most of the people are just leeching out and cba.
#1 FTW don't listen to "12 yr old pirating brats" who first off made no sense commenting, for example, If he wasn't interested in the upload or what you were doing, then why the #### are looking at his thread in the first place???

#2 Old saying goes, if you have nothing actually constructive to say, don't say anything.

#3 Thanks for all the great uploads FTW, i will seed as long as i can
On a completely different subject, are you the same gentlemen posting games over at 2djgame.net? Also, how can you even tell when people repost your stuff? Are you counting on them being too lazy to repack the iso? Finally, is there someplace where you announce what games you have bought before you post them? I was going to buy the new Tsurumiku game on the same day you posted the torrent. While I wouldn't have been too annoyed (it's good enough that I might just buy it anyway), it would still be nice to know which games you're going to release.
On a completely different subject, are you the same gentlemen posting games over at 2djgame.net? Also, how can you even tell when people repost your stuff? Are you counting on them being too lazy to repack the iso? Finally, is there someplace where you announce what games you have bought before you post them? I was going to buy the new Tsurumiku game on the same day you posted the torrent. While I wouldn't have been too annoyed (it's good enough that I might just buy it anyway), it would still be nice to know which games you're going to release.

Yes and no. We work collectively to share the workload. One admin over there deals with server, mikocon deals with the download, xiaohai deals with the CG and I deal with English related / DDL.

Regarding the game / CG copying. How conveniently that usually less than an hour after we post EVERY own purchased game or CG rip, there is a same thread sitting on top. Anyone have even a bit of reasoning skill could think why this happens.

If the games are released by the Japanese, it would end up on Share/Freenet. And yes they can use the Japanese source, which would be normally several hours or several days late. Certainly NOT within the same hour we posted our "Own Bought" games. For other games (we) posted as "Own Bought", we are supposedly the only source on the net. If these uploaders (I would rather call them transloaders) indeed have their own game or CG RIP source, why not post them before (us).

For those asking what games will be purchased, there is a listing in Chinese / English / Japanese in the sticky over there. It doesn't count as a "release" post and Eroge corner don't get many views so there is no point to post in AS.

why you and 2DJgame has the same magnet link ? you really buy the game?

Part of the reason above.

For the games, since we work as a collective uploader group, not as individual uploaders, we have the backing of the whole community. Plenty of members, including moderators and admins who would provide games to us for sharing, for our reputation or being fast and reliable over the past 10 years, and a lessor reason, for our FTP access right. We also help members buy Japanese games by our staffs in Tokyo with zero fee, and in some case, further subsidized by our DDL earnings.

I am sure plenty of uploaders / transloaders earn MUCH more than (us) and easily could have afforded to buy the games themselves.
Well, transloaders can do whatever they can for now. We have a potentially excellent solution to the transloading problem and make everyone have faster access to the games, but would probably violates rules in most forums.
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You cannot say for certain that other uploaders do not have their own source, or can download quickly via share/OpenNap-Utatane and take it for granted to be a reupload of your 'own' stuff but ye it's quite possibly that many take 2dj as a source, but then again 2dj also takes others as a source many times.
I would rather call them transloaders
The more correct term for it would be a 'courier' in scene terms, thou there is no specific ruleset for this type of material that everyone follows cuse this is in fact one of the few things that never really got into 'the scene' to my big disappointment. I imagine 2dj is a great place for chinese users but for me it's very hard to navigate there so I stick with something else, maybe if 2dj becomes more international friendly more ppl would instead get their stuff/links directly from there and you would not complain much about this all issue since you can do/implement whatever you want on your own forum.
You cannot say for certain that other uploaders do not have their own source, or can download quickly via share/OpenNap-Utatane and take it for granted to be a reupload of your 'own' stuff but ye it's quite possibly that many take 2dj as a source, but then again 2dj also takes others as a source many times.

The more correct term for it would be a 'courier' in scene terms, thou there is no specific ruleset for this type of material that everyone follows cuse this is in fact one of the few things that never really got into 'the scene' to my big disappointment. I imagine 2dj is a great place for chinese users but for me it's very hard to navigate there so I stick with something else, maybe if 2dj becomes more international friendly more ppl would instead get their stuff/links directly from there and you would not complain much about this all issue since you can do/implement whatever you want on your own forum.

At least in scene term, the couriers keep the original NFO file, rather than wiping traces of whoever uploaded the original then add your own NFO inside the SOLID rar/7z archive. Can you still consider this "courier" ?

Yes we are in the process of making the site more easy to navigate, and creating sub-sites for non-chinese users. Upgrading the forum took away the ability to have a native English interface (multiple themes are not supported in Discuz X2/X2.5/X3). The download area is however open to guest. It wasn't until the recent move towards "Original" content, that making sub-sites considered feasible.

For the reuploading, if anyone write "No re-upload" for their unique content, we would have followed and not re-upload. By the way I never downloaded a single file from AS with the exception of checking if it is a duplicate, let alone transloading...

Off-topic, just bought 3 small games that didn't get released in the past 3 months.
Thanks for the response. I guess if I ever end up buying and posting a game myself, I should take a picture of the box :P

Also, thanks for pointing out the existence of that sticky. What a useful resource.
#1 FTW don't listen to "12 yr old pirating brats" who first off made no sense commenting, for example, If he wasn't interested in the upload or what you were doing, then why the #### are looking at his thread in the first place???

#2 Old saying goes, if you have nothing actually constructive to say, don't say anything.

#3 Thanks for all the great uploads FTW, i will seed as long as i can

#1 I'm a moderator. Pretty sure checking out threads is part of the job description. I never condemned FTW for what he does, and we both discussed it in a civil manner. I disagree with him, and he disagrees with me, which is perfectly fine.

#2 What I deem constructive you may not. For instance what you're saying I don't deem constructive at all. Why? Because I'm the only person who is acting like a "12 yr old pirating brat" as you deem it. No one else is commenting on the subject I brought up. I can talk to FTW all I like, as long as I do it in a decent matter. Likewise he can choose to answer me or not at all.

This is a forum, we can voice our opinions. Forcing it upon others, however, isn't acceptable.
At least in scene term, the couriers keep the original NFO file, rather than wiping traces of whoever uploaded the original then add your own NFO inside the SOLID rar/7z archive. Can you still consider this "courier" ?
You'd be surprised with what actually happens behind the scenes of 'the scene' until the public gets their hands on the final release.

Yes we are in the process of making the site more easy to navigate, and creating sub-sites for non-chinese users. Upgrading the forum took away the ability to have a native English interface (multiple themes are not supported in Discuz X2/X2.5/X3). The download area is however open to guest. It wasn't until the recent move towards "Original" content, that making sub-sites considered feasible.
Well even with an english interface it will still be quite troublesome to ppl who don't understand chinese when all the content posted has a chinese description, all the replies are as well in chinese and would not be so polite to go there and ask/say something on another language besides chinese. Also AFAIK and last time I checked 2dj had some complicated currency system if I'm not mistaken that is quite difficult for a non-chinese to get their hands on it. I don't know what can be done about that, but IMO what would be best and if you are looking to expand it's just to create an all-english sister site of 2dj for the non-chinese community.

For the reuploading, if anyone write "No re-upload" for their unique content, we would have followed and not re-upload. By the way I never downloaded a single file from AS with the exception of checking if it is a duplicate, let alone transloading...
The original company that created the game also says something among the lines of do not copy/distribute still you do exactly this hence the situation is like a catch-22.
You are free to post this in other place BUT ONLY use the links provided in this post only. Please do not re-upload. You can always buy your own game to upload

I'm actually quite tempted to download and then upload that off to a CDN now you made that comment :D
I'm actually quite tempted to download and then upload that off to a CDN now you made that comment :D


I am Lester. I am new to anime, and to sharing, and to anime-sharing. Is this the way anime and other things are shared on the internet? If so, I should upload this somewhere else and spread the links? I read there are several guidelines for this. Can you help me?
Well even with an english interface it will still be quite troublesome to ppl who don't understand chinese when all the content posted has a chinese description, all the replies are as well in chinese and would not be so polite to go there and ask/say something on another language besides chinese. Also AFAIK and last time I checked 2dj had some complicated currency system if I'm not mistaken that is quite difficult for a non-chinese to get their hands on it. I don't know what can be done about that, but IMO what would be best and if you are looking to expand it's just to create an all-english sister site of 2dj for the non-chinese community.

I have to agree with this. I've been trying to download the CG for Koikishi Purely Kiss and Classy Cranberry's mainly for the char rips and I have no idea how to work the website. Some CG packs have the download links while others have some banner that says something about DB? I am not a chinese speaker so I really can't make sense of it.

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TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry if disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
Bedusz wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Reupload please 🙏
okinawa wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

tintin0821 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.