☆☆☆ Index of my wanted VN ☆☆☆


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Sep 21, 2013
☆☆☆ Index of my wanted VN ☆☆☆​

Original Title: H-baby えっち・べいび~(Windows版)
Romaji: H-Baby
Release Date: 2010/05/02
Company, Producer: Reverv
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v10827


Original Title: 長靴をはいたデコ(Windows版)
Romaji: Nagagutsu o Haita Deco
Release Date: 2007/09/28
Company, Producer: Lost Script
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v606

Need a patch 1.01 (web.archive did not save the patch, the official site did not save the patch, no one on the torrent with the patch)


Original Title: Valentine Memories ~舞い降る雪の中で~(Windows版)
Romaji: Valentine Memories ~Mai Furu Yuki no Naka de~
Release Date: 2002/03/15
Company, Producer: Sight
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v14587


Original Title: Happy Planning~しあわせの総和~(Windows版)
Romaji: Happy Planning ~Shiawase no Souwa~
Release Date: 2004/03/19
Company, Producer: Juno
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v5091

Need patch:


Original Title: ATOM GRRRL!! -The O-EDO Uprising!-
Release Date: 2016/08/14
Company, Producer: Cosmillica
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v19057

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Original Title: Atom Grrrl!!
Release Date: 2014/08/17
Company, Producer: Cosmillica
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v14367


Original Title: 氷花ノ幻夜 -小春日和-
Romaji: Hyouka no Gen'ya -Koharu Biyori-
Release Date: 2006/08/13
Company, Producer: FAKE STAR
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v23126

+ Additional Event Patch 1 & 2


Original Title: アルペジオ
Romaji: Arpeggio
Release Date: 2011/12/31
Company, Producer: Hyperiyon
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v8825


Original Title: 月下蝶の館
Romaji: Gekka Chou no Yakata
Release Date: 2002/08
Company, Producer: Stray Moon
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v25455


Original Title: ひまわりのチャペルできみと外伝 女教師・仁時一紗香(旧姓)(Windows版)
Romaji: Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to Gaiden Onnakyoushi - Nidoki Ichisaka (Kyuusei)
Release Date: 2007/12/21
Company, Producer: Marron
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v33222

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Original Title: 田舎でシよう!2 博多編 ~ボクと妹たちの花嫁修業~(Windows版)
Romaji: Inaka de Shiyou! 2: Hakata Hen ~Boku to Imouto-tachi no Hanayome Shuugyou~
Release Date: 2008/08/17
Company, Producer: Clic-Clac
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v2541

With patch inakadeshiyo2_1.01.zip


Original Title: ひまわり(Windows版)
Romaji: Himawari
Release Date: 2002/08/30
Company, Producer: Regrips
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v2825

With patch himawari_05.lzh


Original Title: GHQ~千尋学園裏学園祭~(Windows版)
Romaji: GHQ ~Chihiro Gakuen Ura Gakuensai~
Release Date: 2002/10/18
Company, Producer: Luchs
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v4947

With patch ghq_update01.lzh


Original Title: Vie -いつかの夏の日。(Windows版)
Romaji: Vie - Itsuka no Natsu no Hi.
Release Date: 2001/03/09
Company, Producer: FlyingShine
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v7460

With patch vie_p1001.exe


Original Title: もえべん ~いとこ(妹)はふすまごし~(Windows版)
Romaji: Moeben ~Itoko wa Fusumagoshi~
Release Date: 2003/05/02
Company, Producer: Stereo Purin
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v6203

With patch 1.04


Original Title: あにめショップへいこう!(Windows版)
Romaji: Anime Shop e Ikou!
Release Date: 2001/04/20
Company, Producer: SQUADRA D
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v3772

With patch ashop_update.exe


Original Title: ノゾミカナエタマエ ~Daydream Reconstruct~(Windows版)
Romaji: Nozomi Kanaetamae ~Daydream Reconstruct~
Release Date: 2009/08/15
Company, Producer: Vallel
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v7321

With patch 1.10

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Original Title: 竜機伝承3 ~ 黄昏に導いた者たち ~(Windows版)
Romaji: Ryuuki Denshou 3 ~Tasogare ni Michibiita-shatachi~
Release Date: 2000/01/28
Company, Producer: KSS Inc.
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v19197


Original Title: 竜機伝承2(Windows版)
Romaji: Ryuuki Denshou 2
Release Date: 1997/06/27
Company, Producer: KSS Inc.
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v19196


Original Title: まじかる☆ている(Windows版)
Romaji: Magical☆Tale
Release Date: 2004/11/19
Company, Producer: Patissier
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v2982

With patch mTale_2004_11_24.exe


Original Title: カフェ・リトルウィッシュ(Windows版)
Romaji: Cafe Little Wish
Release Date: 2003/02/14
Company, Producer: Patissier
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v2087

With patch Cafe1127patch.EXE

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Original Title: 上海侍女物語(Windows版)
Romaji: Shanghai Maid Monogatari
Release Date: 1999/06/11
Company, Producer: Light Plan
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v10321

My need patch:


Original Title: Silvery White ~君と出逢った理由~(Windows版)
Romaji: Silvery White ~Kimi to Deatta Wake~
Release Date: 2006/09/29
Company, Producer: Ohgetsu
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v612

My need two patches:
Ver1.2 & VerA


Original Title: プレミアムアーカイブス 北側寒囲(Windows版)
Romaji: Premium Archives Kitagawa Samui
Release Date: 2014/12/19
Company, Producer: Sweet Hearts
Getchu link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=831509
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/r36882


Original Title: 台中國的帝雉少女(Windows版)
Romaji: Tai Zhongguo de Di Zhi Shaonu
Release Date: 2021/01/21
Company, Producer: Erotes Studio
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v30182


Original Title: エロかん! ~エロいことばかり考えている俺が異能力を手に入れたらやっぱりエロいことしまくるよね~(Windows版)
Romaji: Erokan! ~Eroi Koto Bakari Kangaeteiru Ore ga Inouryoku o Te ni Iretara Yappari Eroi Koto Shimakuru yo ne~
Release Date: 2017/08/11
Company, Producer: X-BangBang
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v22942


Original Title: 妹☆悶すたあ ~妹が人外の血を引いていて大変な件~(Windows版))
Romaji: My☆Monster ~Imouto ga Jingai no Chi o Hiiteite Taihen na Ken~
Release Date: 2016/12/29
Company, Producer: X-BangBang
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v22929

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Original Title: 淫がおーほー !? ~横暴な兄が女になったので懲らしめることにしました~(Windows版)
Romaji: Inga Ouhou!? ~Oubou na Ani ga Onna ni Natta no de Korashimeru Koto ni Shimashita~
Release Date: 2016/08/15
Company, Producer: X-BangBang
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v22925


Original Title: としあき(Windows版)
Romaji: Toshiaki
Release Date: 2005/01/14
Company, Producer: D.O.
Getchu link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=661062
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v8382


Original Title: ぴん☆すた~絶頂皆伝3姉妹~(Windows版)
Romaji: Pin☆Star ~Zecchou Kaiden 3 Shimai~
Release Date: 2006/04/21
Company, Producer: Marry Bell
Getchu link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=239765
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v6965


Original Title: W~ウイッシュ~(Windows版)
Romaji: W Wish
Release Date: 2004/12/29
Company, Producer: Princess Soft
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v758

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Original Title: ASa Project 15th Anniversary Box 2011-2020(Windows版)
Release Date: 2022/10/28
Company, Producer: ASa Project
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/r93940


Original Title: Dear world(Windows版)
Romaji: non color
Release Date: 2007/10/01
Company, Producer: non color
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/r7002


Original Title: 戯画ロイヤルスウィートコレクション 再販版
Romaji: Giga Royal Sweet Collection - Resale Edition
Release Date: 2023/03/24
Company, Producer: Giga
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/r98877


Original Title: ダブルリアクション(Windows版)
Romaji: Double Reaction!
Release Date: 2004/05/21
Company, Producer: DAISY CHAIN
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v3565


Request 3 DLC

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Original Title: ランドセルシンドローム(Windows版)
Romaji: Randoseru Syndrome
Release Date: 2017/12/29
Company, Producer: Mochi no Otoshigo
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v18411

Original Title: 兄妹同棲(Windows版)
Romaji: Kyoudai Dousei
Release Date: 2005/12/30
Company, Producer: Fluorite
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v27301

Original Title: ドミトリー(Windows版)
Romaji: Dormitory
Release Date: 2002/10/25
Company, Producer: passion
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v20773

Original Title: 二重人格(Windows版)
Romaji: Nijuu Jinkaku
Release Date: 2003/06/19
Company, Producer: Haikara Kissa
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v6803

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Music Request

D-EVE in you SPECIAL Sound Track CD + Character Song CDs [Lossless Format]


Soundtrack Title: PRISM Generations! Prism☆Magical Character Song Shione

Game Represented: Prism☆Magical (プリズム☆ ま~じカル PRISM Generations!)

VGMDB Link: https://vgmdb.net/album/57612


Soundtrack Title: PRISM Generations! Prism☆Magical Magical☆Drama CD Drama to Bust to Prelude

Game Represented: Prism☆Magical (プリズム☆ ま~じカル PRISM Generations!)

VGMDB Link: https://vgmdb.net/album/16934


Soundtrack Title: PRISM Generations! Prism☆Magical Character Song Puchi Hime

Game Represented: Prism☆Magical (プリズム☆ ま~じカル PRISM Generations!)

VGMDB Link: https://vgmdb.net/album/25730


Soundtrack Title: PRISM Generations! Prism☆Magical Character Song Yuri Wachi

Game Represented: Prism☆Magical (プリズム☆ ま~じカル PRISM Generations!)

VGMDB Link: https://vgmdb.net/album/16937


Soundtrack Title: Kimi ni Semaru Otome no Lesson ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK

Game Represented: Kimi ni Semaru Otome no Lesson (キミに迫るオトメのレッスン)

Webpage: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/product-other/120118183

VGMDB Link: https://vgmdb.net/album/70026


Soundtrack Title: MME GREATEST HITS

Webpage: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/120131934

VGMDB Link: https://vgmdb.net/album/88921


Soundtrack Title: Otome 3 Music Collection

Game Represented: Otome 3 ~Elf Musabori Choukyou Hen~

VGMDB Link: https://vgmdb.net/album/57052


Soundtrack Title: Eternal Place / Betty!

Game Represented: Otome 2 堕姫 2

VGMDB Link: https://vgmdb.net/album/138334

Soundtrack Title: HYPER SECURITIES S / はいぱぁセキュリティーズS

Game Represented: Hyper Securities S

VGMDB Link: https://vgmdb.net/album/3330

Soundtrack Title: Confiture/Katakoi/コンフィチュール/片恋

Game Represented: Oshiete☆Ecchi na Recipe -Anata to Watashi no Ama~i Seikatsu!-

VGMDB Link: https://vgmdb.net/album/132689
Doujinshi Request



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TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry if disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
Bedusz wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Reupload please 🙏
okinawa wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

tintin0821 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.