✿Otome Game Walkthroughs✿

The Royal Trap

Happy End:
1. I appreciate you too
2. I might consider it
3. Wear the necklace
4. Stay and talk
5. Offer money instead
6. Duke Pherod
7. Talk to Oscar first
8. He's better than you
9. Talk to Oscar
10. What about Cassidy?
11. Protect Cassidy
12. Accuse Callum
13. You can pick either, it won't affect anything
14. Oscar
15. Send her a message
16. You're getting better
17. Hug him
18. I can't make that choice
19. Tell the guards to stand down
20. Shield Cassidy
21. Run for the secret passage
22. I can't let you die
23. Say something
24. A position for myself
25. Propose marriage

Normal End:
Pick everything the same from choice 1 to choice 21.
22. You are not strong enough
23. Say something
24. A position for myself
25. Pick either of them, you will still get the same ending

Bad End:
Pick everything the same from choice 1 to choice 23.
24. Oscar's marriage to Cassidy
25. Break his heart
Happy End:
1. Stop wasting time
2. I still wouldn't marry him
3. Don't wear it
4. Leave immediately
5. Duke Pherod
6. Go with Callum now
7. He's not as good as you
8. Talk to Callum
9. Let Callum explain
10. Defend Callum
11. You can pick either of them
12. Callum
13. You can pick either of them
14. Kiss him back
15. We're not finished here
16. You can pick either of them
17. It's none of your business
18. I enjoy my life
19. Kiss him first
20. I don't want to lose you either
21. Yes
22. you can pick either of them
23. Talk to your parents

Normal End:
Pick everything the same from choice 1 to choice 19.
20. You never had me
21. Yes
22. You can pick either of them
23. Talk to your parents

Bad End:
Pick everything the same from choice 1 to choice 10.
11. Don't untie her
12. Ignore her
13. Callum
14. Because you weren't a threat
15. Kiss him back
16. We are not finished here
17. Snark at Dolores
18. It's none of your business
19. I enjoy my life
20. Kiss him first
21. I don't want to lose you either
22. Yes
23. It makes me laugh
24. Talk to Duke Pherod
Happy End:
1. Stop wasting time
2. I still wouldn't marry him
3. Don't wear it
4. Leave immediately
5. Prince Nazagi
6. Tell him
7. Go with Callum now
8. He is good - in a fair fight
9. Talk to Oscar
10. You're like a brother to me
11. Protect Cassidy
12. Defend Callum
13. You can pick either of them
14. Nazagi
15. It is suspicious, isn't it?
16. There was an assassin
17. How clever of you
18. This explains everything
19. I don't know any funny stories
20. You can pick either of them
21. You can pick either of them
22. They don't look that bad
23. I'm not sure
24. This is sudden

Normal End:
Pick everything the same from choice 1 to choice 5
6. Don't tell him
Pick everything the same from choice 7 to choice 14
15. I was looking for a poison
16. I can't tell you that
17. That's insane!
18. It's too unbelievable
19. This snake fell on Prince Callum...
20. You can pick either of them
21. I think she's attracted to you
22. You'll manage eventually
23. It's the truth

Bad End:
Pick everything the same from choice 1 to choice 23
24. This is wrong
Happy End:
1. Stop wasting time
2. I still wouldn't marry him
3. Don't wear it
4. Leave immediately
5. Prince Gaston
6. Go with Callum now
7. He is good - in a fair fight
8. Talk to Oscar
9. You're like a brother to me
10. Protect Cassidy
11. Defend Callum
12. You can pick either of them
13. Gaston
14. I am in awe of Gaston!
15. I want Gaston to like me
16. Appeal to emotions
17. I was lonely too
18. That's sweet
19. Look for Callum
20. Express misgivings
21. What does your heart tell you?
22. Unfortunately, yes
23. We could share
24. Stay in Gewellinor

Normal End:
Pick everything the same from choice 1 to choice 23
24. Return with Oscar

Bad End:
Pick everything the same from choice 1 to choice 13
14. It was a accident!
15. I need a new master
16. Appeal to logic
17. That's obsessive
18. Look for Paloma
19. Keep quiet
20. You are Caspian
21. Thank you
Happy End:
1. Stop wasting time
2. I still wouldn't marry him
3. Don't wear it
4. Leave immediately
5. Duke Pherod
6. Go with Callum now
7. He's not as good as you
8. Talk to Callum
9. Let Callum explain
10. Defend Callum
11. Untie her
12. Dolores
13. Because Oscar and I stopped him
14. Freeze
15. Yes, you should
16. Defer to Cassidy
17. I'm not interested in Callum
18. I wish things were different
19. Demur
20. You can pick either of them
21. No
22. It's sad
23. I'm tempted...
24. I will

Bad End:
Pick everything the same from choice 1 to choice 10.
11. Don't untie her
12. Ignore her
13. Because you weren't a threat
14. Freeze
15. Yes, you should
16. Defer to Cassidy
17. I'm not interested in Callum
18. I enjoy my life
19. Demur
20. You can pick either of them
21. No
22. It's a weakness
23. I'm tempted...
24. I will


Blue Rose

• Green texts are only unlocked if you manage to finish 1 good end for Blue Rose.
• After you get the Tobias’s good end, Aran’s route will be unlocked.
Day 1:
• “Lady Adale”
Day 2:
• “Who are you?”
• “That’s none of your business”
Day 4:
• Forest
• Cottage – Tobias
• Outskirts – Aran
Day 5:
• “Stop him”
• Forest – “Let me join You”
• Lake
• “Talk to Simon first”
Day 6:
• Main Street
• Forest
• Main Street
Day 7:
• Main Street – “He sounds like he cares for all of you”
• Mountains
• Mountains
• Main Street
• Inn
• Outskirts
Day 8:
• “Team up with Tobias”
“This isn’t about Humans”
• “It’s nothing for her to worry about”
Day 9:

• “I wouldn’t mind tasting his omelette either”
“I feel obliged to thank him"
• Outskirts
• Main Street
Day 10:
• Inn
• Main Street
• Cottage
Day 11:
• Main Street
• “Follow Tobias”
Day 12:
• Main Street
Day 14:
• “Enter the Valley”
Bad End
Load save file
• “Go back for help”
• Green text are only unlocked if you manage to finish 1 good end for Blue Rose.
• After you get the Gavin’s good end, Aran’s route will be unlocked.
Day 1:
• Lady Adale
Day 2:
• Who are you?
• That’s none of your business
Day 4:
• Outskirts – “Join”
• Inn- Erin
• Inn – “Give him your food”
Day 5:
• Let him go
• Mountains
• Lake – “Find Gavin and ask Him”
Day 6:
• Street
• Forest
• Lake – erin
Day 7:
• Street
• Forest
• Main Street
• Lake- Gavin
• Mountains
• Mountains
• Outskirts
• Inn
• Mainstreet
Day 8:
• “Team up with Gavin”
“This isn’t about Humans”
• “Her concern makes me happy”
Day 9:
• Leave him alone
“I feel obliged to thank him”
• Outskirts – Gavin
• Main Street
• Inn
• Mountains
Day 10:
• Mountains – Gavin
• Cottage
Day 11:
• Main Street
• Festival – Automatic Gavin
Day 12:
• Main Street
Day 14:
• Forest
• Mountains

Bad End:
Load *Save*
Day 9:
• I wouldn’t mind tasting his omelette either
• Main Street
• Main Street
• Inn
Day 10:
• Main Street
• Cottage
Day 11:
• Outskirts
• Festival – Automatic Gavin
Day 12:
• Main Street
Day 14:
• Forest
• Mountains
• Green text are only unlocked if you manage to finish 1 good end for Blue Rose.
• After you get Simon’s good end, Aran’s route will be unlocked.
Day 1:
• “Simon”
Day 2:
• “Who are you?”
• “That’s none of your business”
Day 4:
• Forest
• Cottage -Tobias
• Outskirts
Day 5:
• “Let him Go”
• Mountains
• Lake – “Talk to Simon first”
Day 6:
• Main Street – Simon
• Forest – Tobias
• Outskirts – Simon
Day 7:
• Main Street – “He sounds like he cares for all of you”
• Mountains
• Mountains
• Inn
• Outskirts
• Main Street
Day 8:
• “Team up with Tobias”
“This isn’t about Humans”
• “Her concern make me happy”
Day 9:

• Leave him alone
“I feel obliged to thank him”
• Main Street
• Main Street
Day 10:
• Inn
• Main Street
• Cottage
Day 11:
• Outskirts
• Follow Simon
Day 12:
• Main Street
Day 14:
• “I can’t accept that”
Bad end
Load save file
• “He doesn’t trust me after all”
• Aran’s route is only unlocked if you finish at least 1 good end from Simon, Gavin, Mary or Tobias.
Day 1:
• “Lady Adale”
Day 2:
• “Who are you?”
• “That’s none of your business”
Day 4:
• Forest
• Cottage – Tobias
• Outskirts – Aran
Day 5:
• “Let him go”
• Mountains
• Lake -”Talk to Simon First”
Day 6:
• Main Street
• Lake
• Lake
Day 7:
• Lake
• Mountains
• Mountains
• Outskirts
• Inn
• Main Street
Day 8:
• “Team up with Tobias”
• “This isn’t just about humans”
• “Her concern makes me happy”
Day 9
• “Leave him alone”
• “I have to talk to him”
• Main Street
• Main Street
• Inn
• Main Street
• Cottage
• Main Street
Day 11:
• Festival – Automatic Aran
Day 12:
• Main Street
• *save*
• “Go back into the mountains”
Bad End
Load save file
• “Go to bed”
Lady Adale
Do you know me?
It hasn’t been an easy trip
Give him your food
Stop him
Talk to Simon first
Main Street
Main Street
He sounds like he cares for all of you
Outskirts-Main Street-Inn
Team up with Tobias
Her concern makes me happy
I wouldn’t mind tasting his omelette either
Main Street
Main Street
Help Erin
Main Street
(Day 0 unlocked)


ristorante amore

It starts out as a otome game then the main chatacter is a guy if you only want to play the otome part dont do POST-PROLOGUE
These prologue walkthroughs are for the common scenes only because the choices in the actual prologue routes don't matter. You do get slightly different dialogues when you choose other choices, though, so if you're interested in them, they're not completely pointless.

Pierre: See if Pierre needs help > Disagree with Liam > "Well, keep trying your best." > "You're interested in travel?" > Pierre

Liam: Ask Liam to come over > Disagree with Liam > "You're great the way you are, Liam!" > "You two seem pretty close to me." > Liam

Ethan: Boldly approach Ethan > Agree with Liam > "Well, keep trying your best." > "You two seem pretty close to me." > Ethan
These will put you on the correct characters' routes. Of course, they aren't the only ways and you can get the normal ending in other ways, too, this is just one way for each.

Angelina: Skip work for today > Stay behind > "You can't do this all by yourself." > Keep Angelina company > Call Angelina > Ethan > Laura > Liam > Angelina > "It's not like they hate you."

Liam: Get up right now > Side with Liam > Go home > Call Liam > Ethan > Laura > Angelina > Liam > "Even you can relate to it?"

Ethan: Hit the snooze button > Go home > Call Ethan > Laura > Liam > Angelina > Ethan > "They like seeing your hidden side."

Laura: Get up right now > Side with Laura > Stay behind. > "Just doing you a favor." > Call Laura > Ethan > Liam > Angelina > Laura > "You'll be fine."

Normal/Friendship Ending: Hit the snooze button > Stay behind > "You can't do this all by yourself." > Go home > Call Liam > Liam > Ethan > Laura > Angelina > "Well, your character kind of deserves it."
These post-prologue walkthroughs will lead you to the romantic endings. The endings are all-or-nothing, so after getting a romantic ending, simply go back and change one of the choices and you'll be able to get the friendship ending for the character.

Angelina: "You should live life at your own pace." > "Maybe you only thought you loved him." > "There's more to you than just your looks."

Liam: It's more fun when he's around > "Are you really happy with this?" > Because I care about him

Ethan: "Maybe I'll look into it, then." > "Doing that will just make things worse." > Because I really care about him

Laura: "May's your hero, isn't she?" > "Don't forget your real goal!" > "You make a difference in my life."



This walk through assumes this is your first time playing Sweet Fuse.
I suggest playing in this order to maintain the mystery in the course of the story :
Towa Wakasa → Kouta Meoshi → Ryusei Mitarashi → Kimimaro Urabe → Subaru Shidou → Ayumu Shirabe → Mikami
If this is not your first play, then pay attention to the green asterisk. * The one in green asterisk simply means that this choice has been unlocked after your first play.
Pressing “Select” on your psp cycles through “Skip All” dialogs or “Skip read” dialogs.square will activate/disable the skip function.
L1 to [quick save]. R1 to [load quick save].
Triangle to access menu and change game settings.
Circle to take screenshots.
Towa Wakasa
You know who he is ?*
Examine panels with Shidou, Wakasa and Meoshi
I think it was the tail
Explosive Insight: “Awaken to your destiny”
Wakasa might know something
Let Meoshi try
Take his hand
Examine the sliding doors with Mitarashi (Towa’s name could not fit after translation so they have to omit it)
What were you thinking?!
Explosive Insight: different
Get mad
Get mad
Go with Wakasa, Shidou, and Urabe
Western with Wakasa
[Create quick save]
Yeah (Unlock special scene/CG)
[Load quick save]
I don’t think so
Breaktime: Wakasa
Urabe, are you all right?
The ceiling’s going to crush us!
Tell him to do his best
Explosive Insight: Queen of Hearts
Get mad
You were late, so I went to find you
How are you feeling?
Breaktime: Wakasa
Go with Shirabe and Wakasa
Come on, this way!
Get mad
Is there something you want to tell us?
Seven deadly sins
Explosive Insight: seven deadly sins
Got it
Explosive Insight: All these sins
Trust Urabe
Get mad
Breaktime: ???
stage-4-towa-wakasaSTAGE ★ 4

You’re an amazing singer!
I’m counting on you!
Let’s decide together
Explosive Insight: Restaurant
He did it for me
[Create Save]
Did something happen?
You’re so mature

I’m embarrassed
Explosive Insight: one other
Hold on
Get mad
Just have fun!
I’m not scared with you here
You’re amazing
Get mad
Bad ★ End
Access “Diary” in the Title screen
Wakasa Stage 7 : Affection: 0/15

The diary is a great way to easily skip scenes. You can unlock the bad ending by simply adjusting the affection to zero before accessing the last diary entry.
Here in this example we set the affection to zero and selected the last diary entry.
Kouta Meoshi
You know who he is ? *
Examine panels with Shidou, Wakasa and Meoshi
I think it was the tail
Explosive Insight: “Awaken to your destiny”
Wakasa might know something
Let Meoshi try
Take his hand
Examine the floor with Shirabe and Meoshi
What were you thinking?!
Explosive Insight: different
Get mad
Get mad
Go with Meoshi to the arcade
I thought I might learn something about
Breaktime: Meoshi
Urabe, are you all right?
The ceiling’s going to crush us!
Tell him to do his best
Explosive Insight: Queen of Hearts
Get mad
You were late, so I went to find you
How are you feeling?
Breaktime: Meoshi

Go with Shidou and Meoshi
If you give up here, it’s game over!
Get mad
Is there something you want to tell us?
Seven deadly sins
Explosive Insight: seven deadly sins
Got it
Explosive Insight: All these sins
Trust Urabe
Get mad
Breaktime: ???

Sorry, Wakasa
Thank you so much

Why do you stay inside all the time?
Explosive Insight: right in front of us
I’m a little scared

Get mad
Be careful

Get mad
…I’m glad you’re here
What was that?
Explosive Insight: written in blood
Yeah, lets do it!
Get mad
Bad ★ End
Access “Diary” in the Title screen
Meoshi Stage 7 : Affection:0/13
The diary is a great way to easily skip scenes. You can unlock the bad ending by simply adjusting the affection to zero before accessing the last diary entry.
Here in this example we set the affection to zero and selected the last diary entry.
Ryuusei Mitarashi
You know who he is *
Examine statue with Shirabe, Mitarashi, and Urabe
I think it was the tail
Explosive Insight: “Awaken to your destiny”
Wakasa might know something
Let Meoshi try
Take his hand
Examine the sliding doors with Mitarashi
What were you thinking?!
Explosive Insight: different
Get mad
Get mad
Go with Mitarashi to the office
Don’t treat me like a kid
Breaktime: Mitarashi
You’re right
Urabe, are you all right?
The ceiling’s going to crush us!
Tell him to do his best
Explosive Insight: Queen of Hearts
Get mad
You were late, so I went to find you
How are you feeling?
Breaktime: Mitarashi

Go with Mirarashi and Urabe
Come on Urabe!
Get mad!
Is there something you want to tell us?
Seven deadly sins
Explosive Insight: seven deadly sins
Got it
Explosive Insight: All these sins
Trust Urabe
Get mad
Breaktime: ???


Stay behind and take care of him
You said “mom”
Mostly I’m just worried
Are you sure you’re okay?
Get mad
Absolutely not
Explosive Insight: help us out
Don’t be so impatient!
Explosive Insight: Yesterday
I’m a little scared

Don’t be so reckless!
I want to know what the “E” is….
Head for the other E!
Explosive Insight:flies over
I know! It’s so cool!
Restrain myself (Acquire missing CG)

Stop doing this!
Explosive Insight: rescued
Get mad
Bad ★ End
Access “Diary” in the Title screen
Mitarashi Stage 7 : Affection:0/15

The diary is a great way to easily skip scenes. You can unlock the bad ending by simply adjusting the affection to zero before accessing the last diary entry.
Here in this example we set the affection to zero and selected the last diary entry.wsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd7yu66poiy7t\
You know who he is ? *
Examine statue with Shirabe, Mitarashi, and Urabe
I think it was the tail
Explosive Insight: “Awaken to your destiny”
Wakasa might know something
Let Meoshi try
Take his hand
Examine the statue with Shidou and Urabe
What were you thinking?!
Explosive Insight: different
Get mad
Get mad
Go with Wakasa, Shidou, and Urabe
Japanese with Urabe
There’s always next time
Breaktime: Urabe
You’re right
Urabe, are you all right?
The ceiling’s going to crush us!
Tell him to do his best
Explosive Insight: Queen of Hearts
Get mad
You were late, so I went to find you
How are you feeling?
Breaktime: Urabe

Go with Mirarashi and Urabe
Come on Urabe!
Get mad!
Is there something you want to tell us?
Seven deadly sins
Explosive Insight: seven deadly sins
Got it
Explosive Insight: All these sins
Trust Urabe
Get mad
Breaktime: ???

Why do you hate him so much?
You’re not your father
And M2 was Hostein?
Thank you
I’m coming with you
Get mad
Aww, thank you!
Explosive Insight: safer
I’m touched, but….
Trip him

Get mad
Get mad
Get mad
Explosive Insight: full rotation
Bad ★ End
Access “Diary” in the Title screen
Urabe Stage 7 : Affection:0/13
The diary is a great way to easily skip scenes. You can unlock the bad ending by simply adjusting the affection to zero before accessing the last diary entry.
Here in this example we set the affection to zero and selected the last diary entry.
Subaru Shidou
You know who he is *
Examine panels with Shidou, Wakasa and Meoshi
I think it was the tail
Explosive Insight: “Awaken to your destiny”
Wakasa might know something
Let Meoshi try
Take his hand
Examine the statue with Shidou and Urabe
What were you thinking?!
Explosive Insight: different
Get mad
Get mad
Go with Wakasa, Shidou, and Urabe
Chinese with Shidou
Breaktime: Shidou
You’re right
Urabe are you all right?
The ceiling’s going to crush us!
Tell him to do his best
Explosive Insight: Queen of Hearts
Get mad
You were late, so I went to find you
How are you feeling?
Breaktime: Shidou
Go with Shidou and Meoshi
If you give up now, it’s game over!
Get mad
Is there something you want to tell us?
Seven deadly sins
Explosive Insight: seven deadly sins
Got it
Explosive Insight: All these sins
Trust Urabe
Get mad
Breaktime: ???
Sweet Fuse Walktrough

Go with Shidou
I’m curious about the ‘PW’
Urabe’s not that kind of person
Explosive Insight: attacked at the same time
Yes! I trust you
Get mad
Get mad
Yeah, I kinda do
Why don’t we put them all on the tray?
I think it’s closer to 200 yen
Explosive Insight: commerce
Explosive Insight: stuffed Hogstein
[Create Savepoint]
You sure you want to talk about this?
Get mad
See how the others play
You have to, or we can’t beat this game
If only Mitarashi was feeling better!
Get mad
Don’t say that
We have to trust him!
Yeah, as long as I’m with you
Explosive Insight: Ninja step
Get mad
Bad ★ End
Access “Diary” in the Title screen
Shidou Stage 7 : Affection:0/17
The diary is a great way to easily skip scenes. You can unlock the bad ending by simply adjusting the affection to zero before accessing the last diary entry.
Here in this example we set the affection to zero and selected the last diary entry.
Ayumu Shirabe
You know who he is *
Examine statue with Shirabe, Mitarashi, and Urabe
I think it was the tail
Explosive Insight: “Awaken to your destiny”
Wakasa might know something
Let Meoshi try
Take his hand
Examine the floor with Shirabe and Meoshi
What were you thinking?!
Explosive Insight: different
Get mad
Get mad
Go with Shirabe and explorer the park
Take a snack
Breaktime: Shirabe
Did he think I felt bad about messing it up?
Urabe are you all right?
The ceiling’s going to crush us!
Tell him to do his best
Explosive Insight: Queen of Hearts
Get mad
You were late, so I went to find you
How are you feeling?
Breaktime: Shirabe
Go with Shirabe and Wakasa
Come on, this way!
Get mad
Is there something you want to tell us?
Seven deadly sins
Explosive Insight: seven deadly sins
Got it
Explosive Insight: All these sins
Trust Urabe
Get mad
Breaktime: ???
I’ll go with you
You don’t know much about her, do you?
You’re family. You’ll figure it out
Get mad
Circle around

A-Are you s-sure…?
Explosive Insight: touch
No, it was cool to learn about you
Give her a hug
I told you to stop doing that
Explosive Insight: something beyond that
[Create savepoint]
I’ll come with you
Get mad
It doesn’t matter

It’ll be a stretch
Go confront Hogstein
Get mad
Bad ★ End
Access “Diary” in the Title screen
Shirabe Stage 7 : Affection:0/15
The diary is a great way to easily skip scenes. You can unlock the bad ending by simply adjusting the affection to zero before accessing the last diary entry.
Here in this example we set the affection to zero and selected the last diary entry.
You know who he is?
It was a present. [affection for Mikami]
This scene is triggered once you have finished an ending for one of the characters. In my case it was Shidou, but it can be any guy I presume. He is a candidate, and appears after the Samurai Fantasy VII attraction is cleared only if you select the choice 'It was a present'. If you select 'You know who he is?', Mikami will not appear in the again.
Stage 1 - Samurai Fantasy VIII

Examine panels with Shidou, Wakasa, and Meoshi.
Examine statue with Shirabe, Mitarashi, and Urabe.

I think it was the stomach.
I think it was the tail. [affection for Shirabe]

Explosive Insight
(Awaken to your Destiny)

Stop Mitarashi!
Wakasa might know something. [affection for Wakasa]

Think about it some more.
Let Meoshi try. [affection for Meoshi]



Take his hand. [affection for Urabe]
No, I'm fine.

Examine the statue with Shidou and Urabe.
Examine the floor with Shirabe and Meoshi.
Examine the sliding doors with Mitarashi.


Are you okay?
What were you thinking?! [affection for Mitarashi]

Explosive Insight


Get mad. [affection for Shidou]
Restrain myself.

Samurai Fantasy VII Completed

Get mad.
Restrain myself.


I don't think that's a good idea. [affection for Mikami]
All right, I understand.

Break Time - Mitarashi


[affection for Mitarashi]

Stage 2 - Alice Kart Grand Prix

Rock [Shidou]
Scissors [Meoshi]
Paper [Shirabe]

Did he think I felt bad about messing it up? [affection for Shirabe]
Did he think I'd mess it up again?


Stop it, you two!
Urabe, are you all right? [affection for Urabe]


The ceiling's going to crush us!
Hurry up and solve the puzzle!


Tell him the answer.
Tell him to do his best. [affection for Wakasa]

Explosive Insight
(queen of hearts)

Get mad.
Restrain myself.

Alice Kart Grand Prix Completed

You were late, so I went to find you.
What were you just doing?


I wouldn't do it. [affection for Mikami]
I-I don't know...

Were you on the phone?
How are you feeling? [affection for Mitarashi]

Break Time - Mitarashi


[affection for Mitarashi]

Stage 3 - Bloodstained Hospital of Terror

Go with Shidou and Meoshi.
Go with Shirabe and Wakasa.
Go with Mitarashi and Urabe.


Hold up. [affection for Mikami]
I believe you.


Mitarashi, wait!
Come on, Urabe! [affection for Mitarashi]


Get mad. [affection for Shirabe] ~Game over for Heroine
Restrain myself. ~ Game over for Shidou

Do you have to go to the bathroom?
Is there something you want to tell us?

Explosive Insight
(seven deadly sins)

Got it! [affection for Shidou]
Maybe we should all think about it...

Explosive Insight
(All these sins)


Think about it more.
Trust Urabe. [affection for Urabe]

Bloodstained Hospital of Terror Destroyed

Get mad.
Restrain myself.


Stage 4

I was worried about you.
They'll be fine. [affection for Mikami]


Leave with him.
I can't choose.

Stage 5



Get mad.
Restrain myself.



I understand.
I can't do that. [affection for Mikami]

Stage 6

Not really.
Yeah. [affection for Mikami]


I still don't think it's right. [affection for Mikami]
I understand where you're coming from.


Get mad.

Restrain myself.


Stage 7

Explosive Insight


Get mad.

Restrain myself.


Makoto Mikami End

10 Days with My Devil

Kakeru Kamui Main route - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

A. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

A. I’d be happy to.“

Episode 02:

A. "He’s joking.”

C. “Maybe you’ll understand humans better.”

Episode 03:

A. “Might as well while I’m making my own.”

B. Make fun of him

Episode 04:

A. “Thank you very much.”

A. Stop talking about this!“

Episode 05:

A. "I might like him.”

A. “I’m okay now, but…”

Episode 06:

B. “I’m not so sure.”

A. “That’s cheap!”

Episode 07:

A. Isn’t this lunch good?“

A. "I couldn’t sleep…”

Episode 08:

B. “I see…”

B. “What about?”

Episode 09:

B. “Maybe?”

C. “I can’t hear you.”

Episode 10:

B. “But…”

B. “It’s cute.”

Episode 11:

C. “Is it that strange?”

A. “I don’t know to tell you.”

Episode 12:

C. “I’m not sure when…”

A. “But, Kakeru…”

Episode 13:

C. Fight back

C. “Do you want to know?”

Episode 14:

A. “I couldn’t stop myself.”

C. “You’re fine with me?”

Episode 15:

A. “I’m glad you’re safe.”

A. “Of course.”

Episode 16:

Super Happy Ending <3

Kakeru Kamui Dating a Demon Sequel - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

C. “There’s no reason.”

C. “Weren’t you the one crying?”

Episode 02:

B. Stare into his face

A. “Yes… I’ll be all right.”

Episode 03:

A. “Should we wear them too?”

A. “I did notice.”

Episode 04:

A. “Thank you for helping me.”

A. “I saw it…”

Episode 05:

Super Happy Ending <3

Kakeru Kamui Sequel - Super Happy Ending:
Episode 01:

C. “It’s the power of love.”

A. “What kind of person is she?”

Episode 02:

C. “I’m not confident.”

C. “Is it okay for me to be here?”

Episode 03:

A. “I understand.”

A. “Nothing in particular.”

Episode 04:

B. “It was fun.”

A. “You mean, Remy?

Episode 05:

C. "I’m not sure.”

A. Kakeru’s room

Episode 06:

A. “I slept in peace.”

C. “I thin it’s something else.”

Episode 07:

C. “Would you cut it out!?”

C. “I’m happy.”

Episode 08:

B. “Ask Meguru.”

B. “…from the Demon Realm?”

Episode 09:

B. Persuade Remy

C. “You’re mistaken.”

Episode 10:

Super Happy Ending <3
Haruhito Amano - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

A. What do you mean?

C. I haven’t thought about it

Episode 02:

A. Follow quietly

A. Is that person really an angel?

Episode 03:

C. Running away from Meguru?

A. He’s a friend

Episode 04:

B. Stay wrapped in his arms

C. Return it to the living room

Episode 05:

C. Try to stop them again

A. Follow quietly

Episode 06:

B. Let’s apologize to Rein

B. Remain in the same position

Episode 07:

A. Do you know the time?

B. There’s no way to change fate

A. Hear the purpose for the time being

Episode 08:

A. I feel down too

C. He’s not my boyfriend

Episode 09:

B. You’re neglecting your work

A. For Haruhito

Episode 10:

B. I’m crazy anyway!

B. You wouldn’t have given up

Episode 11:

A. Ask again

B. Listen quietly

Episode 12:

A. Haruhito’s not stupid

B. I don’t mind

Episode 13:

A. I’m happy

A. Hug him back

Episode 14:

A. Go through with it

A. Make it where?

Episode 15:

A. Follow him

B. Like this?

Episode 16:

Super Happy Ending <3

Haruhito Amano Dating a Demon Sequel - Super Happy Ending:
Episode 01:

A. “I was very surprised.”

B. “I’ll be with you.”

Episode 02:

A. “Would you like to go with me?”

C. “You’re not weird.”

Episode 03:

C. Call out to them

A. “It’s nothing.”

Episode 04:

B. “Stay with me from now on.”

A. “That doesn’t matter.”

Episode 05:

Super Happy Ending <3
Haruhito Amano Sequel - Super Happy Ending:
Episode 01:

C. Wait for Haruhito to say something

B. I don’t think so

Episode 02:

A. …come to tell us about the incident?

A. Is it a demon?

Episode 03:

A. Are you serious?

B. If that’s what you want

Episode 04:

C. Phew, that’s good…

C. Should we just watch?

Episode 05:

C. Talk to Haruhito

A. …Don’t be so reckless

Episode 06:

A. Try to soothe Kakeru

A. I want this

Episode 07:

B. Understand him, please

A. Isn’t it great?

Episode 08:

B. Make something for Cerby

B. Don’t worry

Episode 09:

A. I’ll wait here

B. Leave it to me

Episode 10:

Super Happy Ending <3
Haruhito Amano Wedding Sequel - Super Happy Ending:
Episode 01:

C. “Are we getting married?”

C. “I’m happy.”

Episode 02:

B. “Am I all right being just a human?”

A. “It means you.”

Episode 03:

C. “I’ll work harder.”

C. “As many as possible.”

Episode 04:

B. “I’ll try negotiating with him.”

A. Hold Haruhito’s hand

Episode 05:

C. “I’ll follow you wherever you go.”

B. “Let’s take it home.”

Episode 06:

C. “Did you remember your parents’ love?”

B. “We’ll do something about it.”

Episode 07:

C. “Everything is all right now.”

C. “The boss saved you.”

Episode 08:

A. “You were really cool.”

A. Introduce yourself

Episode 09:

B. “We started living together.”

A. “Really.”

Episode 10:

Super Happy Ending <3
Satoru Kamagari Main route - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

B. I’m still trying to take this all in

B. I think I got it

Episode 02:

B. It’s not like I’ll try to escape

A. I’m not a tool!

Episode 03:

C. I’m sure he won’t do it again

C. You don’t know how?

Episode 04:

C. What should I do?

B. Which one is the real you?

C. I bet he’s popular with women

Episode 05:

A. Satoru

A. Break loose

A. I’ll be more careful

Episode 06:

B. …a demon?

A. Ask what it is for now

Episode 07:

A. Is there anything I can do?

A. “I want to talk to you about something.”

B. “It would be a waste to cry.”

Episode 08:

C. “You should learn how to do this.”

B. Try to move away casually

Episode 09:

C. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

A. Apologize

A. Ask him to hold your hand

Episode 10:

A. “It’s my fault.”

B. “Was Kakeru mad at you?”

Episode 11:

C. Say nothing and wait

A. “I trust you.”

Episode 12:

B. “Let’s give it a shot.”

C. “I trust you guys.”

Episode 13:

B. Talk to Satoru

A. Explain the situation

Episode 14:

B. Someone special

A. I’m happy

Episode 15:

B. “Today’s the 10th day.”

B. “Anywhere is fine.”

Episode 16:

Super Happy Ending <3
Satoru Kamagari Dating a Devil Sequel - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

C. “Are you afraid?”

B. “Japan is fine.”

Episode 02:

A. “We prefer just the two of us.”

B. “Satoru, you’re soaking wet.”

Episode 03:

C. “I’m actually happy.”

A. “We have to get get him.”

Episode 04:

A. “A joke!?”

A. “From the beginning.”

Episode 05:

Super Happy Ending <3

Satoru Kamagari Sequel - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

A. "Not necessarily.”

B. Push Satoru away

Episode 02:

B. “I’m his girlfriend.”

A. “Because you couldn’t trust anyone?”

Episode 03:

C. Look at Tsubasa

A. “I won’t be calling you.”

Episode 04:

A. “So you really are an angel?”

A. Stay like this a little longer

Episode 05:

C. “This is not the time to be fighting.”

B. “I saw a suspicious figure.”

Episode 06:

B. “Take me with you.”

A. “Do you think he'sthe culprit?”

Episode 07:

C. “Captain Fujikawa would never…”

C. Stay where you are

Episode 08:

A. Contact Kakeru

C. Run away

Episode 09:

A. “Satoru is righ.”

B. “There must be a way.”

Episode 10:

Super Happy Ending <3
Main route
Shiki Kurobane - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

B. “Pretty eyes.”

A. “It’s cute.”

Episode 02:

B. “You like figures?”

B. “Something with that?”

Episode 03:

A. “I’m sorry!”

A. …is cute

Episode 04:

C. “I can’t.”

A. “That hurts.”

Episode 05:

C. “…”

A. “It’s still mean to say.”

Episode 06:

B. “He’s like a cat.”

A. “Thank you.”

Episode 07:

A. “Were you worried about me?”

A. “I like you.”

Episode 08:

A. “I like you.”

A. “I was the one who hugged him.”

Episode 09:

A. “Thank you.”

C. Close your eyes

Episode 10:

A. “He’s a friend.”

A. “I want Shiki.”

Episode 11:

B. “There’s someone else I like…”

A. “Thank you.”

Episode 12:

A. “It’s so pretty.”

B. “Wow!”

Episode 13:

A. “I want to go to the Demon Realm.”

B. “You’re wrong.”

Episode 14:

B. “That’s impossible!”

A. “Yes.”

Episode 15:

B. Yell to the cat for help

A. Try touching him

Episode 16:

Super Happy Ending <3
Dating a Devil Sequel
Shiki Kurobane Dating a Demon Sequel - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

B. “Okay, open up!”

A. “Sorry about earlier.”

Episode 02:

C. Say he’s your boyfriend

A. Open the window

Episode 03:

C. “Do you wanna rest a bit?”

C. “Do you feel better?”

Episode 04:

A. “Anything, as long as we’re together.”

C. “My boyfriend is not Satoru.”

Episode 05:

Super Happy Ending
Shiki Kurobane Sequel - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

C. “Maybe so, but…”

A. “Were you waiting for me?”

Episode 02:

A. “That’s not for you to decide.”

C. “About our future…”

Episode 03:

B. “He would with me too.”

C. “Poor Shiki.”

Episode 04:

A. “This is the real Shiki.”

B. “I was half threatened…”

Episode 05:

A. “About Nozomu…”

C. “Anything else you’re not telling me?”

Episode 06:

B. “I hope he won’t go back.”

A. “Never.”

Episode 07:

C. “Ask Shiki.”

B. “That doesn’t matter.”

Episode 08:

B. “Maybe they meant it.”

A. “Nozomu said so.”

Episode 09:

A. “Of course.”

C. “I’ll be okay.”

Episode 10:

Super Happy Ending <3
Main route
Meguru Kamui Main route - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

A. “I’m new to this, too.”

A. “I never knew he had a brother.”

Episode 02:

A. “Well, sure!”

A. “That could work!”

Episode 03:

B. “I’m sorry…”

B. “…”

Episode 04:

C. “I’m not worried.”

A. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

Episode 05:

A. Stop them both

B. “Sure, I’d love to!”

Episode 06:

A. A cool deep green one

B. “It’s cute.”

Episode 07:

B. “But that’s the good part.”

A. “I don’t want that!”

Episode 08:

B. “…are for Meguru.”

B. “I was happy.”

Episode 09:

A. “What will happen to you?”

B. “Yes, let’s.”

Episode 10:

A. “I had a nightmare.”

A. “…not touching the flower?”

Episode 11:

A. “…I’ll be fine.”

C. “No, I’m not.”

Episode 12:

A. “…not like your mom?”

B. Stand in front of Meguru

Episode 13:

A. “I do!”

A. “You ARE an idiot!”

Episode 14:

B. “Is that what you really think?”

A. Ring the bell again

Episode 15:

C. “They’re tears of joy.”

B. “This is for my sake.”

Episode 16:

Super Happy Ending <3
Dating a Devil Sequel
Meguru Kamui Dating a Devil Sequel - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

C. “You’re like family to me.”

A. “Sure.”

Episode 02:

B. Stare at Meguru’s face

C. “I hope so.”

Episode 03:

B. “I’ll head back in a bit.”

B. Call out for Meguru

Episode 04:

B. “I wanted to be alone.”

C. “We didn’t have a fight.”

Episode 05:

Super Happy Ending <3
Meguru Kamui Sequel - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

C. “A lot ahead of you, though.”

C. “He wasn’t serious, was he?”

Episode 02:

A. “Great job! Keep at it!”

C. “You’re really talented.”

Episode 03:

A. “I want to hear it.”

A. “It must have been awful.”

Episode 04:

A. “…a loving brother.”

B. “It made me think about my own family.”

Episode 05:

B. “Came to see Meguru’s progress?”

A. “No, I won’t!”

Episode 06:

A. “I should tell Meguru!”

A. Chase after Meguru

Episode 07:

C. “You’re not worried?”

A. “So that he can become stronger.”

Episode 08:

A. Search for Meguru

B. Scold Meguru

Episode 09:

A. “That doesn’t matter.”

B. “You finally beat Kakeru.”

Episode 10:

Super Happy Ending <3
Main route
Rein Isaka Main route - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

C. “I can’t promise that.”

C. “You don’t have a girlfriend?”

Episode 02:

C. “Don’t say that so casually.”

A. Keep watching them

Episode 03:

A. Talk to them brightly

B. “No, I’m not.”

Episode 04:

C. “I want to see him again.”

A. “Tell me about Rein.”

Episode 05:

A. “It wasn’t just a coincidence, was it?”

A. “We should look for her.”

Episode 06:

A. “Thank you for looking with us.”

C. “It would be nice if that were true.”

Episode 07:

A. “Of course.”

B. “Rein, do you know Haruhito?”

Episode 08:

C. “You go on ahead first.”

C. “What are you doing here, Haruhito?”

Episode 09:

A. “I missed you.”

C. “Think of it as work.”

Episode 10:

A. “Why would you do that?”

A. “Of course.”

Episode 11:

A. Take it

A. “I don’t want to go.”

Episode 12:

C. “Just saying that is enough.”

B. “Yes, it is.”

Episode 13:

B. “I have no choice.”

C. Look up in the sky

Episode 14:

A. Smile

C. Speak to Haruhito

Episode 15:

B. Ask Cerby to help you

A. Go toward Rein

Episode 16:

Super Happy Ending <3
Rein Isaka Sequel - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

C. I’m already your

A. A little

Episode 02:

C. Do you not like the sofa?

C. We’re not bathing together?

Episode 03:

A. “I’m his girlfriend.”

A. “Can I go with you?”

Episode 04:

A. “Yes, I am.”

A. “Leave without me, Rein.”

Episode 05:

A. “Everything.”

C. “Well, as long as we’re together…”

Episode 06:

A. “We should dance.”

B. “I’ll wait here.”

Episode 07:

B. “But we could understand each other.”

B. Leave him alone

Episode 08:

B. “I was just about to make dinner.”

B. “You should be an angel.”

Episode 09:

C. “Is Rein safe?”

A. “Please forgive him.”

Episode 10:

Super Happy Ending <3
Main route
Tsubasa Shirai Main route - Super Happy Ending:

Episode 01:

B. “Are angels really that scary?”

C. “That is one of the reasons…”

Episode 02:

A. “You have the most amazing smile.”

C. Ask Seiji

Episode 03:

A. “I’m still looking.”

A. “Couldn’t be better.”

Episode 04:

A. “It’s no problem at all.”

C. “Are you being serious?”

Episode 05:

A. “You seem like such good friends.”

B. “Is something bothering him?”

Episode 06:

A. “I thought you might be tired.”

A. “I can’t ignore this!”

Episode 07:

A. “All right. I won’t ask.”

A. “Maybe I am.”

Episode 08:

A. “Yes and no… It’s complicated.”

A. “They’re people I work with.”

Episode 09:

C. “I have a lot in my mind.”

B. Go and get them

Episode 10:

A. “You’re a pretty nice guy.”

A. “I’m fine.”

Episode 11:

A. “I’m sorry for the trouble.”

B. Think this through a little

Episode 12:

A. “I’m sorry to have worried you.”

A. “It flew by.”

Episode 13:

C. Look at Tsubasa

B. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

Episode 14:

A. “I could never hate you.”

B. “You’re so trendy!”

Episode 15:

B. “Don’t hide who you are.”

C. “Will I see Tsubasa again?”

Episode 16:

Super Happy Ending <3
Episode 1
Sounds good!
I want to, but...

Episode 2
I might.
No, I'm not.

Episode 3
We talked a bit.
Do you really want this?

Episode 4
Did Tsubasa change?
It's just so cute!

Episode 5
Ask about Tsubasa's problems.
I might be a bit late.

Episode 6
This character's difficult

Episode 7
It's not like that!
You don't have to forget!

Episode 8
You can do it, Tsubasa!
No, thanks.

Episode 9
Hug him gently.
We'll go with the flow.
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