[Hentai game] ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170526] [エウシュリー] 天結いキャッスルマイスター + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game] [Crack]

so im at chapter 3 pretty much almost at 4 and did everything i could up till now..

beven tho the game is great but where is the hentai part of the game? did Eushully abandoned it?

up until now there wasnt even one scene.. yes i have fun even without stuff like that but in the first place as an actual eroge/hentai game it should atleast have something..

or is this chapter still tutorial? im already 14 hours in (most of it grinding but even tho)
how many chapters are there?
patience will be everything ;)

9 + prolog or something like that

build a bath room to see something interesting
so im at chapter 3 pretty much almost at 4 and did everything i could up till now..

beven tho the game is great but where is the hentai part of the game? did Eushully abandoned it?

up until now there wasnt even one scene.. yes i have fun even without stuff like that but in the first place as an actual eroge/hentai game it should atleast have something..

or is this chapter still tutorial? im already 14 hours in (most of it grinding but even tho)
how many chapters are there?

The ero stuff begins only at chapter 4; just like it was with Kamidori.
ohh good to know thanks guys...

also another question do u guys happen to know a game like madou koukaku? it was by far my favorite eroge/hentai game of all time next to sengoku rance..
I'm at the second dungeon in the frozen lands level where you beat the majin and go towards the EVENT marker, and then there's this smaller map with horned flyers that can one hit kill with a -999HP attack, where even my lvl 99 Alvaro isn't safe. I can't leave the map either. Any tips? WLPw3zH.jpg
I'm at the second dungeon in the frozen lands level where you beat the majin and go towards the EVENT marker, and then there's this smaller map with horned flyers that can one hit kill with a -999HP attack, where even my lvl 99 Alvaro isn't safe. I can't leave the map either. Any tips? View attachment 19042

Equip items which prevent instant-death. If you're playing this for the first time, there's at least one pair of boots that has this property.
Three characters with the right equipment should be able to block the initial onslaught allowing others from the rear to finish the job. If you were underlevelled and under-equipped going into the EX dungeon stages, you'll need to reload to an earlier save.
Equip items which prevent instant-death. If you're playing this for the first time, there's at least one pair of boots that has this property.
Three characters with the right equipment should be able to block the initial onslaught allowing others from the rear to finish the job. If you were underlevelled and under-equipped going into the EX dungeon stages, you'll need to reload to an earlier save.

Thanks! What does EX dungeon stage mean?
You're in it. It's the secret stage past the frozen dungeon which is not accessible on an initial playthrough. There's even a warning when players try to enter it the first time round which illiterate players tend to miss if they're CTRL-skipping everything.
You're in it. It's the secret stage past the frozen dungeon which is not accessible on an initial playthrough. There's even a warning when players try to enter it the first time round which illiterate players tend to miss if they're CTRL-skipping everything.

Are you trying to insult me or something? I've asked what the EX part means as it seems like there's more of them, not only this one. As for a warning, even if there was one, there's literally not a single map that has given me serious issues until this particular dungeon, and only because of the instant kill attacks.
The whole part past the big door (which you are given a warning asking whether or not you wish to proceed) is the EX dungeon (or EX-level content for those who want to be picky). It's independent of the AP content and has always been referred to as the EX-dungeons even by the game itself.

It's a fact illiterate players struggle on this series of dungeons because they don't know what the enemy skills are when they right-click on them.
即死 = Instant kill attacks
Equipment other than weapons with the same Kanji prevents the ability from triggering.
As an aside (since it's not obvious), any character who is divine (Fia, Eushully, Valefor, Forneus, Belial) is also immune to instant kill attacks.

Wiki link hasn't been flagged up in this thread for months now, so here it is: https://www65.atwiki.jp/amayui/pages/1.html
It's accurate and contains everything players need to know about this game. It's the 21st century, so use browser machine translation to get by if you can't read. Alternatively, search the thread since a lot of questions have been answered before when the game was still hot off the press.
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See, this is the passive aggressive kind of behavior I meant. You still haven't answered my question, to which I could say that you can't read English, following your logic. I've managed to find the answer myself. The EX dungeons seem to be extra content maps in NG+. I've also checked if there was any warning, and no, there wasn't any. Perhaps you're playing with some easy mode option turned on, or unlocking the training dungeon has affected your gameplay in some way. Either way, don't be quick to jump into conclusions, and perhaps easen up on the douchy attitude. It's not like you NEED TO answer to someone asking for help here, at least not to me, and if it's such a bother to explain something, I guess you let someone else do it instead if you're so appaled with people not reading every paragraph of a wiki before playing a game. :)
Warning that areas past the red door are for high-level characters only:


Mea culpa regarding visible warning that prevents you from diving in head-first. Once you get the key from Eushully and the first EX dungeon is unlocked, there is nothing stopping players from jumping in (and getting hammered if they're not prepared).



2nd playthrough onwards, triggering the event regarding discovery of the red demons' gate in the sealed ice palace will eventually allow entry into the dungeons past the red door upon reaching chapter 7 and viewing the event in Eushully's candy house.

Stupid of me not to check the game first instead of relying on a 9 month old faded memory regarding this segment. I deserve the criticism in this respect. The screenshot on the other hand does prove my point about the dungeon past the frozen segment being EX-mode though.
Is there a way to equip a character with an item that gives them HP recover or buff skills? I mean the skills with green heart icons that Fia, Alvaro and Mikshuana have. I mean specifically equipping the characters that don't have them, not getting characters that do, to be more specific.
uhm dunno if u already know it but there is an actual translation which translate everything except story/sidestory stuff...
like the complete ui all item-names/skills etc..

i also got a question at the frozen wasteland first dungeon (!!SPOILER!! where u help that ice winged guy !!SPOILER END!!) there is a lvl45 enemy at the upper left corner is there a specific way to defeat her? im kinda getting destroyed by her..im lvl 34 right now on everyone..is that difference such a big deal? had no problems so far, just with her
uhm dunno if u already know it but there is an actual translation which translate everything except story/sidestory stuff...
like the complete ui all item-names/skills etc..

I can read Japanese so I don't need it, but thanks for the tip.

i also got a question at the frozen wasteland first dungeon (!!SPOILER!! where u help that ice winged guy !!SPOILER END!!) there is a lvl45 enemy at the upper left corner is there a specific way to defeat her? im kinda getting destroyed by her..im lvl 34 right now on everyone..is that difference such a big deal? had no problems so far, just with her

Level up your characters. At this point if you can tank, you can probably get Dito to attack from a distance if you're interested in taking her down the hard way. You can't capture her with Fia.
Is there a way to equip a character with an item that gives them HP recover or buff skills? I mean the skills with green heart icons that Fia, Alvaro and Mikshuana have. I mean specifically equipping the characters that don't have them, not getting characters that do, to be more specific.

weapons with healing skills can be made

for snow girl Mikeu
and spirit girl Roselina

maybe some other
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hm have to look into it..also i never used fia´s capture skill yet..is it important?
can someone help me with this event.
hm have to look into it..also i never used fia´s capture skill yet..is it important?

It's how you capture additional characters, like the first in-game flyer, you can see here:


The capture skill is called 結騎捕獲 and has an upgraded version called 結騎捕獲 • 改 and has an animation reminding a magical rope, with a sound of something getting stretched.

As for not being able to beat the sprite, as they level up, your characters also get rank ups, similar to Fia's when she gains enough points for it. Their increase in power makes a lot of difference, and they get new skills as well. Give it a shot later, it should turn from impossible to fairly easy.
can someone help me with this event.

Park the four characters in the party except for Catlit in each of the specially marked areas.
After the short scene when the barrier goes away, proceed onwards.

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