[Hentai game] ❀velka Bought Game❀ [190222] [アストロノーツ・シリウス] ギルドマスター + Update 1.02 [H-Game]

His 3rd skill should be prevent damage being done to the selected ally, not the entire party.
And I think I found an exp bug or something, I cleared till Stage 6 now, and what I do is I enter Stage 6, then immediately backtrack to Stage 5 and clear the mobs
Certain group of mobs give me Stage 6 mobs exp instead of Stage 5, is like totally random, not all the mobs.
Not sure what is the trigger or bug though

Yes that's what i meant to say, to take said party member damage when he/she is being targetted.
But still, it doesn't work. Unless the effect only lasts on that 1 turn. Nevertheless he's still very good addition to the party just because of his broken 200% DEF shield.

how everyone is translating from the game? can share what you used ?

Read page 1 and 6
1.04 is out....

it says they also fix the upgrade item problem.
Anyone can share battle skill / adventure skill list for each unique character ?

Also, how do PRS & MRS (PHY/MAG resistance) work ? what differs them from DEF and Elemental resistance value ?

This game's skill stuff can be weird sometimes,
like that oswald dude (lizardman knight) has his default tank skill with 200% def value (i thought it was like lavinia's taunt skill from Regalia but nooope), and later on he also gains another tank skill but it's only 120% def and consumes higher SP. :eek:

Some skills aren't worth upgrading (like roxanne's cure?), some others are really-REALLY worth the upgrade (like heal because of ATK scales way higher than HP).

If pictures work for you: /a/s0bThCy (imgur)
Just my guess but PRS, MRS, Elemental got added to DEF depends on the enemy atk
If pictures work for you: /a/s0bThCy (imgur)
Just my guess but PRS, MRS, Elemental got added to DEF depends on the enemy atk

Nice one my dude, just the one i'm looking for.
Looks like level 5 is the final upgrade level by looking at lalo's (priest kid) party-heal skill.
On the other hand, no new battle-skill & adventure-skill even you're already lv 40+, kinda underwhelming :(

I still don't believe, minus PRS debuff for example affecting physical damage dealt to the enemy.
Probably will work against naturally high resistant enemy, such as reaper-like mob which is very resistant to physical attack.
Nice one my dude, just the one i'm looking for.
Looks like level 5 is the final upgrade level by looking at lalo's (priest kid) party-heal skill.
On the other hand, no new battle-skill & adventure-skill even you're already lv 40+, kinda underwhelming :(

I still don't believe, minus PRS debuff for example affecting physical damage dealt to the enemy.
Probably will work against naturally high resistant enemy, such as reaper-like mob which is very resistant to physical attack.

That's probably all battle/adv skills you get (4th battle skill is a character's final skill, my highest is 47 now and no sign of new adv skill)
Another imgur for another unique character avail at 10th floor: /a/eC2hEck
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Hope the company still lives. This 1 is rather bare for a rpg. Has loads of 'rpg' issues to list out.

Scene-wise, I just wish they did not randomize the characters to chat with every week. Also, disappointed there isn't any group-scene...

Still crossing fingers for a demonion III.

So, has anyone actually completed the 'fishing' quest in floor 3/4? That quest is collecting dust in my mission board.
Supposedly the fishing quest bug which prevented its completion is fixed in 1.04. I haven't tried it yet, but only have Kanbei with the skill. It's only floor 3 though, so I suspect just one person should be enough.
my party clear this fishing quest after 3 turn , party : faien zerma roxale kanbei ( remove and re-accept quest for luck :) )
my party clear this fishing quest after 3 turn , party : faien zerma roxale kanbei ( remove and re-accept quest for luck :) )

That settles it. Just one member with fishing will clear it. Prior to 1.04, the quest flag was borked.
Another question, is the gold crown icon wpns / items the best you can get ?
And you can only get those upgrading materials from the quest right ?
Doesn't seem to have any other means of getting them.
Another question, is the gold crown icon wpns / items the best you can get ?
And you can only get those upgrading materials from the quest right ?
Doesn't seem to have any other means of getting them.

Last tier (pink crown) weapons avail on 10th floor (for last unique chara, it's in the shop but for the rest, they're dropped from mobs in 10&11th dungeon)
Yes, those materials are from quests
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To everyone who asked for H-code: either
A. use AutoTranslator to patch the game permanently
B. use Cheat Engine to find single-use H-code for Textractor and ITH 2.3 (or ITH64).

XUnity.AutoTranslator has several versions, you need ReiPatcher version as described earlier in the thread. Install that, then run the game once and exit; you'll see Config.ini file in AutoTranslator directory. Open it in a text editor (i.e.Notepad), find "CopyToClipboard=False" line and change False to True. This will remove the need for H-code as the game will copy Japanese text to the clipboard on its own.

If, for some reason, you can't (or don't want to) use AutoTranslator, you can use H-code which changes every time you play the game, and is only compatible with Textractor and ITH 2.3 (for 32-bit version of the game) or ITH64 (for 64-bit version of the game). You can not use this H-code with VNR, ITHVNR, AGTH and anything else.
32-bit H-code is /HW-4@address
64-bit H-code is /HW0*0@address,
where "address" is the location of System:Char:IsHighSurrogate function as seen in Cheat Engine with activated mono features. More info on that here:

It does the same thing as AutoTranslator's "CopyToClipboard=True" option except faster, but this H-code expires when you exit the game and you'll have to find the address again when you play the game next time.
While it takes only 10-20 seconds once you've learned which buttons to press, this is less convenient than patching the game just once, so consider this as a "plan B" when using AutoTranslator is not an option.
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So, I talked with the dev of Textractor for last few days. His new update can now hook Guildmaster 1.04 32 bit edition




Textractor 3.0.0
Guildmaster 1.04 32-bit edition.


  • GuildMaster_Game_2019-02-28_.png
    553.6 KB · Views: 46
Guild level determines how far the buildings can be upgraded. So no going past level 3 for each facility until the guild level is at least 6 for example.
When i start the 1st mission dungeon, my screen go black. also the game is really slow
So, I talked with the dev of Textractor for last few days. His new update can now hook Guildmaster 1.04 32 bit edition

Textractor 3.0.0
Guildmaster 1.04 32-bit edition.

You may want to reopen the Textractor Github GuildMaster issue due to performance slowdowns and sluggishness.

Time in auto mode from 1st line in new game till Neil's first voiced line 'うむ'.

Game only:

ITH2.3 [with 'Auto suppress repetition', 'Auto copy to clipboard'] by CheatEngine method:

Textractor 3.0.0 [with only 'Remove Repetition', 'Copy to Clipboard' extension] by CheatEngine method
On 'Console' output, game attached but hook not yet added:

On 'Game Hook' output:

Could be due to Textractor auto-recognising too many hooks/threads. Maybe suggest to developer to have an option setting to enable/disable the auto-recognising function if it helps.

All tests on fresh boot with game version 1.05.
Okay I will try showing him this thread and hopefully he comes up with something.
Autotranslator-Reipatcher stuff worked fine until I got to the first character dialogue. Now each time it's spamming clipboard with a character name indefinitely. Narration lines copying normally. Did someone encounter such problem? Ver. 1.05x64.
For the accessories items, I figured there are no ranks like the armor and wpns pieces right ?
And patch 1.05 still have bugs like after opening locked doors using your characters skills, you immediately get frozen and not able to move.
So you can only save after you get stuck and then reload the save to move forward.

Still irritating, and sidequest exp still not showing properly.
Oswald's third skill may be mining, but for some reason I can't get any iron when I go on a mining run with him as the designated miner. I think I get crystal and the guild building upgrade resource from the sites, but no iron whatsoever. Will need to see if Bojek has the same problem.

Edit: Looks like 1.05 introduced another bug. Resource gathering doesn't work once players go past a certain point in the story. That, or resources like iron are only obtainable on the current "live" floor players have unlocked.
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Accessories can be upgraded, just like armour and weapons.

Oh, I was referring to like for weapons, you can see bronze, silver, gold then silver crown icon on them.
But for accessories you don't, so I assuming that you only get one 1 kind of accessories unlike weapons where you have higher grades

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