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no, it's fine. you saw me fall off of a cliff. i have my hundreds of pokemon to comfort me :runaway:
no, it's fine. you saw me fall off of a cliff. i have me hundreds of pokemon to comfort me :runaway:
I didn't even know there was a cliff around let alone watch you roll off one...
There there nee-chan, your twin is here for you.
/me returns to LPW ... did I miss anything?

Evening Dream!
well my nee-san didn't even care i fell off a cliff, so i'm sorry if i'm not super happy with him right now
Your nee-san did care, when he knew. Nee-san was on mobile and not keeping up very well.

/me returns to LPW ... did I miss anything?

Evening Dream!
/me glomps.

You missed the thing I found

The rocket killed the LPW again...
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