『Well, I checked and there are only 2 save files. System Information and Character Data. The first 1 is probably settings and everything and 2nd is obvious... But still, isn't all data held online? Whats the point of transferring it?』
You still need those data.... Even if it online....It hold info which the online don't have... How should I put it.... Hmm... Let say my COD:BlOP2 save data is deleted... Then all my weapon unlock, prestige, etc is deleted.... The online just hold my playtime and other online stuff I did... I don't have my character data... That what it is... Usual it is lock with copyright protect.... How I know cuz I deleted my COD4 game save when I switch HDD so I got to start getting everything all over again....
『But its MMORPG? When I played WoW on my own PC, then went to another PC and logged in from that one everything I got was still there... Or is it different just cause its consoles?』
It consoles that why it different... MMO on PC is saved on the server... Consoles is on your HDD.... Plus the server read it of the HDD to get the info from the save data.... You need to play more online-games... FPS always say loading data from the ps3 hdd when I go online... It could be said bout other MMO games even if it fps or rpg....
『Then you think if you created your char and started playing on 1 console you won't be able to play with the same char on another unless you transfer the data? I think the data will that is held on the server will just be automatically downloaded once you try to login with that character on another console...』
The data that I will get is the time, money, quest, etc.... The character data is something you already create... It will load that... If it on another ps3 that mean I need to create another chara., maybe....
『Oh, I see... This isn't my characters data like guest, money, etc... Its just her looks. Since its a beta, they made a function that creates character presets when you create a character. I think you can use it later in the full game to create character with same looks without a need to go through character creator again. No wonder it's size is only 138kb...』
『You won't need to create another character when logging into your account with another PS3 or PC cause all character data and everything else is held online. Btw, if character data was held only on my console there is no way it would be visible here: http://eu.beta.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/1677698/』
Hmm.... Is account name same as in game name???? If it different then I could create it with this name...... In game name will be very interesting to create when I get my hand on the open beta... Might not get the official release cuz I got no time to pay the fee just to play it for a very little time.....
『Take your time, the next test will only start on Friday after all...
"Jun. 28th 2:00 a.m. to Jun. 30th 2:00 a.m. (PDT) / Jun. 28th 9:00 to Jun. 30th 9:00 (GMT)"』
『Slayn, you mean character's name? Nope, character's name would of course be different and you will give it to char during creation... Although you would be logging in with that account name before playing...』
I see... Now should I make an account now or what till open beta???? The close beta, you can only play on fri-sun.....3 days to play and all the data is deleted when phase 4 is starting.....
『Well, actually its its only 2 days Friday and Saturday. But its not just them. Its 3rd beta test of Phase 3. I played both test 1 and test 2 and got to 22nd lvl, got quite far through the story and even managed to try lots of different classes in the process. And there is still a test 4 that is gonna last a week or so I think...』
『But anyway, you will lose nothing if you create account now if you don't think you will forget the password until Phase 4 starts...』
It impossible for me to forget the password, maybe.... Yea, I should create it already... When they open up the beta then I can just start the dl then start it without having to create an account when I already did it....
『My PC is too weak so it will be a PS3 version... I think I'll stick with the Moogle server (it is a Europe server but it you can access any server from any region) that I use in this beta... But then again servers might change from Phase 3... Also, what kind of bonus is received by pre-ordering?』
Sorry if disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.