[MENTION=36528]aexiel[/MENTION]; If you search for me then add me.......

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; Yo.... We got Cactuar earring..... Those that beat Titan at TGS.... A world get selected and gets the earring..... And our world won.... A very cool unique untradable item........

『Oh, we won? Thats great ^_^ But I thought that the event starts tomorrow though...』

『Hmmmm... I guess its about time to call them today...』
I thought TGS started on the 18th.... Oh well..... I'm happy I saw our world on that lists............

Hurry up.... I want you to play SCH for the last main story dungeon..... So we can get the 2 healers spot and enjoy the CS without interruption from idiots that speed run for tomes........... Without healers they can't do anything but wait or goes back to queuing again....
『Lol, you are evil xD But for me to get SCH I must first lvl up CNJ till 15, you know? And I would still need to finish all the class quests and get used to healer role too...』

『Well, from the post office they said they aren't sure (don't know why) but if they got it today then the lady that went delivering notices should bring me one. So right now I'm building up my points. The more time I waste without going to check the post box, the higher the chance of notice being there gets...』
Evil....XD I guess I am but it fair games....Telling peoples to skip CS for speed run is idiotic for their 1st run..... Besides I can wait till you get SCH.... Not hard Lvling up CNJ to 15..... Once you unlock SCH it already 50 since it tied to ACN....
『I'm not yet 50 for my ACN though...』

『Also, seems like nothing today as well...:sigh: The hell is shipping time 5-7 days... 3 weeks passed already...』
Hmm... You'll get to 50.... Not very hard lvling at all...... I do dungeon run for green armors/weapons and lvl up at the same times....
what is your in game name [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; I can't find you
[MENTION=36528]aexiel[/MENTION]; It on the 1st page...... Mai Ou.... You can't add me if I'm not online...... So when ever you are on look me up.... I'm mostly on when you do...... I'm not on right now.... Maybe in an hr or 2 I will be.......
『I see... So this is how they came, huh... If you want to upgrade your PS3 version to PS4 version you will have to lose PS3 version... Doesn't sound bad at all first but... I think people are forgetting that you have to pay for PS Plus if you want to play online on PS4 and that will mean to play FFXIV on PS4 you will have to pay for both FFXIV subscription and PS Plus subscription...』
whaaaaaat? that's a bit of a downer. but I think PS Plus will cut off the price of subscription
What!?~ I think you are mistaken something about the PS+.... You don't need that for online of FFXIV play..... You will able to play as long as you got internet... The PS+ is a must for any games that Sony put it that required online service play....

You know like how FFXI came out for the Xbox... Peoples is able to play it with the Silver service which is free and don't need the Gold service....
since sova is taking a hell of a time to get his game already, I guess I'll level up my Weaver skills in the mean time.
『Everyone goes for weaver! xD』

『And its not my fault those shitty humans can't even get a single package from England to Ukraine (2000km) in more than 3 weeks!:raging:
you know... someone probably already stole it since it goes out of stock quite quickly. XD

cause with weaver you can make your own armor? we're almost all mages aren't we?
『Stole it? I seriously doubt anyone here would be interested in that kind of games... People here consider only Dota 2 as games... + people here don't know english at all + there are very few people who even have PS3 here... So if you consider all these filters I really doubt it should be a good item to steal...』

『Hmmmm, yeah... But weaver is quite a boring crafter class since you always have to craft the ingredients... And if you get the ingredient by botanist yourself it becomes even more long xD』
Stolen.... You know.... If you have let me create the FC, we'll be having our FC already...... Now we got to wait for you and Decal to get on and stuff....

Who craft armor for a mages???? Dungeon one are better... Crafting is to get gil.... And weaver have lot of craft classes armors so you got to lvl that up....
i don't know, i feel like i like crafting and stuffs. But yes I found that weaver needs other classes like botanist, miner, leatherworker, alchemist, etc. culinarian only needs botanist and fisher (aside from regular classes for hunting).

I figured I owe it to myself to reach at least level 10 with each crafting and gathering class after I reach 30 or I get a chocobo.

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; did you perhaps consider the fact that it came from UK and was stolen in UK?
『Hmmmmm... I guess that is quite possible. But if thats the case, won't people find that the stuff is stolen, contact the shop and shop contact me afterwards?』

『Also, the higher the lvl of your highest class is, the faster other classes lvl up. Although I think its only for battle classes...』
It only battle..... Lvling craft classes up is easy... Save the leves allowance and use it for that.... Give only HQ item and look at the xp it gives....
『Well, earlier lvls can be just lvled up by doing all the items in crafting book...』
I craft those that was necessary.... Inventory get filled up pretty quick if craft like that.....
I only wanted to level up the crafting classes because my inventory is filled up and I don't want to waste the items by destroying them or selling for minimum gil.

Your really should just go with digital download, after all its $10 less than the hard copy.

if you live in a backwater country like mine, chances of foreign-origin packages arriving is 1/100. BTW via air cargo it should only take 4-6 days, if it doesn't arrive then the best option is to cancel the order.

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redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

can you upload android version of B-Ginga simulation games ? thx in advance
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry if disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
Bedusz wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Reupload please 🙏
okinawa wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.
