[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; Someone seem to translate that image.... Here is the low down on what it is....
A summary of other stuff he said:
They're trying to get Arcanist ready for Phase 4
Please wait a little more for the details on how Arcanist works (perhaps revealed in the upcoming Niconico Live Event?)
Event Bosses implemented in Phase 4
SLI support implemented in Phase 4
Male Miqotes (and other races?) will have unique motions when entering baths
When leveling a second class, you will have bonus exp
Addressed a bug where the cursor goes funny in some instances
Adjustments to how (slow/fast) a Gatherer levels
Adjustments (maybe) to the ease of making HQs from NQ materials in crafting
An in-game event will be implemented right away after Launch (Bomb Event?)
The dev team has designed endgame events to outright kill players
(The Labyrinth of) Bahamut is so long, it pretty much requires players to 'save progress' as they proceed through the dungeon
No plans to implement a 'your server only' option for the Duty Finder as for now