I didn't give you no effin steak. I just taunted you a bit so you'll be conscious while i drag your body through the stairs. Now on hind sight, I feel like I shouldn't have bothered helping you eat. That way you would have died less painfully. Hahahaha LOL
Now that I think about it, acting very suspicious throughout the game without actually doing anything might save you from a lot of trials when most people vote for you just because you're creepy.
whhaaaa? I thought being wrongly accused would exempt you from being chosen through random execution? At least that was what was agreed upon before. Or is it that there is now a new mechanic where the more accusations you get, the higher the probability of you getting randomly executed?
Dynasty Warriors NEXT I believe. I have good luck with random stuff but not where it matters. I even received an open beta key for Elder Scrolls Online which I wasn't expecting at all. It starts beta this Feb 7 at 12PM PST to Feb 10 11:59PM.