『Mafia Game 8: Your maddest School Life ever starts from here...』

It's actually a room with a bunch of illegal downloads of games , software, and movies
To be honest I'm only teasing, but that doesn't mean that I'm incorrect.
Although... Knowing Sova, your idea might not be too off.
『Why bother with bullets when you can have plasma turrets?!』
Because you might destroy most of the building in the process?

Welcome back inori~

Hmm pie... /me eats sin's mystery pie :runhappy:
Well look who it is!
How have you been my dear :fulfilled:

I've been doing fine~ :fulfilled:
Currently I have nothing to do....I wake up and look what to do for the day but never get to do anything at all and a day goes by with me doing nothing -.-
Save me from this boredom :baby:
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I've been doing fine~ :fulfilled:
Currently I have nothing to do....I wake up and look what to do for the day but never get to do anything at all and a day goes by with me doing nothing -.-
Save me from this boredom :baby:
Board games!
Card against humanity!
Why can't we play this online... :crushed:
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Reactions: trtlatstewa
It's a game with black cards ( question cards) and white card ( answer cards) most of the answer don't make sense but it's for laughs

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