『Mafia Game 8: Your maddest School Life ever starts from here...』

I know... but I did not want to betray zad, since he didn't want to kill Mikhail. I took the risk. ;____;
pity that satori and i kept putting pressure on you and zad

plus ill be honest they way on how you protected him made it more clear that one of you commited the crime
pity that satori and i kept putting pressure on you and zad

plus ill be honest they way on how you protected him made it more clear that one of you commited the crime

Well he told us that one of them (most likely bear) pressed the button, but not that they were ones to try to clean up after. So for a while I was expecting a third party, and then the trial ended, so I just had to make a guess. :P
hmm good question, [MENTION=78659]marimofluff[/MENTION] and [MENTION=60305]zad38[/MENTION], did either of you try to clean up?

@prye if there was a third party, i would be thinking it was infa then but due to the lack of proof apart from samyes blood crystal, didnt seem the chances were him. i dont get why you voted for chiru snice it would have impossilbe to clean up snice i was with her the whole time after finding her
ngh... i did have a back-up plan but i wasn't here to execute it...
There is still a few things left unclear.
But there isn't much we can do :/
@prye if there was a third party, i would be thinking it was infa then but due to the lack of proof apart from samyes blood crystal, didnt seem the chances were him. i dont get why you voted for chiru snice it would have impossilbe to clean up snice i was with her the whole time after finding her

No I just said that going by the game's logic, Chiru seems like she should be the culprit, but at the same time she was not the answer madd wanted. That is why I largely discounted her and voted bear.

Marimo was too willfully suspicious given the situation, and pointed blame at himself and bear. But yeah, still was kind of expecting a third party, so I felt like I was just making a random guess, really.
[hl-red]『Hmmmm, I would have wanted to start punishment right away but something is lacking... Yes... Something important is lacking... And that is... The Climax Inference! Well, its not strange that its lacking with this case considering you just randomly voted for first person possible, but perhaps you just didn't know how to do it thus didn't? Perhaps I shall show you how its done. Yes, I think I should now... Here we go...』

『The Climax Inference!』
『The murder took place at afternoon. Bear and Maeve who were in Library, found a book about the school and decided to return to Dorm to show it to people. At around the same time in Dorm, Chiru and Mikhail decided to go to School themselves. They asked Kuro who went to School with them if he wanted to return with them but he declined. When they came to Dorm Underground they noticed that train wasn't there and decided to go through the right tunnel in order to get there. But meanwhile Bear and Maeve already got to School Underground and boarded the train that was on right track and pointed towards the Dorm. Without knowing that other 2 are in the tunnel, Bear pushed the button and train started. On the other side, Mikhail and Chiru got to around 25% of the tunnel when they suddenly noticed train running at them. Knowing that they couldn't run away and only Chiru could survive, Mikhail threw her in the corner and prepared for the blow. The train hit Mikhail instantly killing him and scrapped the Chiru lying in the corner ripping away her bunny's ear. Noticing that they've hit something, after train stopped, Bear and Maeve ran out of the train and went to spikes on it's face locating the corpse and becoming first 2 locators. During that time Fear decided to go to school as well and went into the right tunnel locating Chiru there. He took her to Infirmary and there treated her wounds. And while he was doing that, the 2 that accidentally killed Mikhail began trying to hide the body. They decided that while Bear takes care of the body, Maeve goes to get something to wipe the blood. Thus, Maeve went to Laundry to take towels and bucket of water. And meanwhile Bear took off his pants and tried to take body off spikes making it drop on the tracks and the stomach fall out from impact and making Bear need to jump off and get it back on station since he couldn't take it through train. Afterwards he dragged it on the station and after passing train, dropped it back to tracks and dragged it into the tunnel to hide it in the darkness of the tunnel dropping the stomach nearby it. After he finished and got back to station, Maeve returned with bucket of water and towels. After washing the blood off with water behind the pillar, wiping what was left with towel and wearing his pants back, Bear and Maeve used their towels to try to wipe the blood on station to at least make that part unnoticeable. But they couldn't wipe it off completely. After dropping blood soaked towels into the bucket, Maeve went to Laundry to throw towels into washing machine and Bear went to bath to try to wash off what little of blood that was left on him. And around that time, remembering that he needs to feed his classmates, Fear returned back to dorm while carrying Chiru through the same right tunnel. At around the time for dinner, Fear and Chiru were almost at the tunnel exit. And then Fear stepped on something in the darkness. Then, after taking it out of dark tunnel while walking on blood trail and noticing what that it was stomach, he sent Chiru to Cafeteria above to tell people there might be corpse in the Underground. And as Chiru ran off, he went in the tunnel and found the body. While dragging it by it's arms, 1 arm which's bone was broken by one of the spikes and meat damaged by dragging got ripped off. And when the body was finally out in the light and Fear saw it, he became the 3rd and final locator.』

『Phew, I guess thats it for Climax Inference... Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, lets start with what you all have been waiting for! Iiiiiiiiits Punishment Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!』
[/hl-red] shouts out Monoowl as it spreads it's wings, walls open and lots of chains bind around Bear making him let go of the book and drop it on the floor and then take him away into the wall. Where it opened there is now a passage and a corridor with the door at the end of it. Monoowl picks up the book and says "[hl-red]『Now everyone, lets go and see what happens to naughty children who have done something bad and were found.』[/hl-red]" as it runs off into the wall. Everyone followed and went through the corridor and into the room behind the doors (with Sin still dragging his now red table with him). It was a half-round room with a wall on the other side from entrance made from glass. Behind the glass there was darkness. Once everyone was inside, doors closed and the space on the other side of the glass lighted up. On that side were Monoowl (that was wearing white professor robe), Bear and a big table to which Bear was tied that was placed so that everyone could see him. [hl-red]『And now, I'm gonna start the Human Experiment! First, let us reopen the giant scar on test subject's torso and see what is inside!』[/hl-red] With those words, Monoowl stabs one of it's sharp feathers into highest part of the scar and slowly slowly cuts it down till the end, "accidentally" slipping and cutting into the other side half-way (making it look like "y" letter turned upside down). [hl-red]『Yes! Best wounds are open wounds! And there is nothing better then reopening closed wounds!』[/hl-red] And as Bear cries out in pain: [hl-red]『Its boring! I want to see his face as he cries out!』[/hl-red] Monoowl suddenly clicks it's feathers and a capsule flies out of the wall color black. Monoowl takes out something looking like a key from inside and sticks it into Bear's mask's side and turns it making mask fall off and beneath it... [hl-red]『Are-re..? Why is everything above mouth is metal?』[/hl-red] The normal face that was supposed to be there is instead replaced with robot-like sensors, camera-like thingies instead of eyes, and only mouth is made out of flesh. [hl-red]『Does that mean insides are too?』[/hl-red] Monoowl rips open the wound on torso and reveals metal skeleton and organs! [hl-red]『Wow! Look everyone! Bear-kun was actually a robot! ( ゚Д゚)ノ』[/hl-red] as it started ripping away all the meat that was on Bear and revealing metal parts to everyone until only robotic parts covered in blood remain while Bear still shouted out like a human until there was no longer a mouth to shout from and only the robotic skeleton kept twitching around. (of course everything else including table, floor, walls, Monoowl and glass had blood and pieces of meat on them here and there) [hl-red]『Seems like it was actually not Human Experiment but Robot Experiment, huh... Seems like it is still programmed to feel pain, eh? The maker must have been a true genius ^_^ Now then, I suppose there is nothing else to do but to dismantle him and use parts for something more useful than just a person~』[/hl-red] and so Monoowl took off the now red robe and wore a mechanic cask. Afterwards lots of giant screwdrivers, drills, wrenches, welders and others came out from the floor and all started doing something to Bear's body letting out so many sparks it was impossible to see what was going on, and after a few seconds: [hl-red]『DONE!』[/hl-red] What was on the other side was a small robotic bear cub that was making weird moves and robotic bear-like sounds! [hl-red]『Now the only thing left is to touch this button aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now Bear's data including personality, memory and such are all completely erased ^_^ Now to install the animal bear's data into the empty body... Anyway, now Bear-kun received his punishment AND I got a new pet! Hooray! Its 2 bears with one button!!! Te-hee ;p』[/hl-red] The light in that room finally turned off... And, silence finally came to the room as the door through which everyone entered opened...

1. [MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION] ; = Fear
2. [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION] ; = Final
3. [MENTION=28026]KOS-MOS[/MENTION] ; = Erza
4. [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; = Ariya
5. [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ; = Tane
6. [MENTION=76366]chiru[/MENTION] ; = Chiru
7. [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ; = Yabai
8. [MENTION=36528]aexiel[/MENTION] ; = Azuriel
9. [MENTION=25147]MokouX13[/MENTION] ; = Chiaki
10. [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ; = Moetron
11. [MENTION=60305]zad38[/MENTION] ; = Bear = DEAD
12. [MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION] ; = Hanami
13. [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION] ; = Kuro
14. [MENTION=14327]kimovis[/MENTION] ; = Daichi
15. [MENTION=32153]DaRk_AnGeL_ZoA[/MENTION] ; = Rin
16. [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; = Sumire
17. [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION] ; = Sky
18. [MENTION=78507]Satori Shinozaki[/MENTION] ; = Satori
19. [MENTION=29827]Ogikumo[/MENTION] ; = Skall
20. [MENTION=78659]marimofluff[/MENTION] ; = Maeve
21. [MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION] ; = Koshka
22. [MENTION=78963]Soul Yamamoto[/MENTION] ; = Ayano
23. [MENTION=79180]M1ha1ru[/MENTION] ; = Mikhail = DEAD
24. [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] ; = Sin

『Tag: #MG8
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Ah, the ethics of killing intelligent robot things. Well I guess if bear was a terminator we just gave skynet what-for!

I guess if I had looked at the maps maybe I would have figured out that they would have been already on the train when it hit m1 (I assumed that the train was on its way, and brought them the body, or something). That would have made everything straight and simple.
『Ugh... Tired... That was a lot of writing...:dead: Anyway, this is the first and the last way I'm gonna write Climax Inference... It is originally something players investigating the case should write up. But it is obviously hard so from now on a person that writes up a correct Climax Inference for next cases will receive a rare medal!』
So Bear turned out to be a robot all along? Pity he wasn't really a real human being since it doesn't feel the same seeing a machine being destroyed or disassembled than a human being tortured and killed. Oh well.

Anyway. I want a toy bear too! ^_^
"I'm sorry for misleading everyone... I just wanted to help him." Maeve stares blankly at the ground and scuffs her shoe against the floor.
"I'm sorry for misleading everyone... I just wanted to help him." Maeve stares blankly at the ground and scuffs her shoe against the floor.
"It's perfectly okay, you only lost my trust and potentially the trust of others. ^.^
"Now, was it really worth it?"
"I'm sorry for misleading everyone... I just wanted to help him." Maeve stares blankly at the ground and scuffs her shoe against the floor.

"I agree with sin, would rather have someone else die who was innocent to pay for bears crime? Not only that he lied when we did the vote saying he didn't kill anyone, if you both were truly sorry then you should have fessed up at the start"
* Maeve nods quietly at Sin's question whilst still staring at the ground.

"Bear didn't know... he didn't deserve to die... we wished that no one would find the body so that nobody would have to die..."
* Maeve nods quietly at Sin's question whilst still staring at the ground.

"Bear didn't know... he didn't deserve to die... we wished that no one would find the body so that nobody would have to die..."
Why risk so much just to save him? He's just a machine after all and is not a human being no matter how you look at him. You should have just told us the truth from the start so it would have saved you and everyone else a lot of trouble. You better watch your back from now on cuz you might just be the next to die.
"While I somewhat agree with satori, he was programmed to have emotions and to think for itself. So I don't think you need to go as far as saying he is just a machine"

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