[Japanese] (同人ソフト) [130115] [ベルゼブブ] 自宅警備員


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Apr 13, 2011
The application won't start. I just got a window in Japanese popping up displaying the location of the file.
Grrr I try everything but cant pass through the final day... i collect so many things but not what i need or what is important to do blackmail to Shouko... There isnt walkthrough too yet >_<
No idea neither. I if i go to the backyard and investigate too early, the old man kills me.
If i go later, the landlady will stop me from doing so.
Then the day goes by and reaches a ending that leads to nowhere.

By they way, how do you use the items?
Like how yo use the potions?
Or the phone which has to do something.
Or even the tree.
No idea neither. I if i go to the backyard and investigate too early, the old man kills me.
If i go later, the landlady will stop me from doing so.
Then the day goes by and reaches a ending that leads to nowhere.

By they way, how do you use the items?
Like how yo use the potions?
Or the phone which has to do something.
Or even the tree.

To set items, you should choose : 警備機材を設置する in any room you come in.

The problem is I don't know how to use them.

Patch update: http://beelzebub.sakura.ne.jp/jitaku/patch101.zip
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I searched in their blog and found out some clues. I progressed further but still cant get an good ending.
And they are releasing each day new versions of the game with bugfixes. If you want to keep on touch for new versions check here. Those bugfixes may lead you to new clues maybe :p

So what I found out so far:

1) to answer banzemanga for using potions you need to set Shouko alarm clock to 18:00, with this she wont go to kitchen and you can prepare the potions. First is aphrodisiac (love potion) to make them masturbate at night and you can catch them with digital camera. The second is diuretic and idk so well what may do, but i guess make them going to WC more or stay there more time. Though I don't know what good that bring yet.

And the quantity from 1-4 idk what can happen though I tried with 1 and with 3 and seems to be the same.

2) there is Yuki phone thing in closet and (right in front of bathroom when you get out) the key for locked room (not good to enter there until we get more clues. Once you enter there some event happen and game over). Still couldnt find which day we get that or hour but I get it. There is the Bonsai thing on entrance (idk what we will do with this though). On living room there is a key too I think or something, I forgot. But idk what that key does.

3) At first I couldnt blackmail them but after a few tries now I can do rather easy. There is just one problem. They get scared so some peeping events or dinner talk don't happen as normal. But I thing after a few days they get back to normal (not sure yet how that happen). I wonder if there is some good day to blackmail them or with more info.

When we use them as blackmail to do stuff seems Shouko and Yuki are limited and Sayaka have a few more options in beginning but idk how to unlock more stuff (even though I got like 1 piece of each things at least to buy in ANAZON)

4) When we lose and we retry (first option) seems we keep our previous stuff we bought and money. With that gets easier to get house covered with all 3 devices better.

5) A good way to get money is on old man room. And saw banzemanga saying that old man kill him if you investigate to early? Never saw that happening :x

6) that Yuki's friend named Nami seems to be a problem to you. Idk how to deal with her. We don't know in which room or where she sleeps. And in 5th and final day when I removed the video camera from bathroom and go to my room to watch and get more material and attempt to go out she pop in the room saying she saw everything and hit you with a stungun and other stuff leading to game over...

PS: this was with all 3 heroines blackmailed (my first sucessful attempt to blackmail and lead to this) so I'm trying now to see if I blackmail just one or two to see what may happen.


Well, this mostly what I know so far... anyone knows more stuff? :p
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I searched in their blog and found out some clues. I progressed further but still cant get an good ending.
And they are releasing each day new versions of the game with bugfixes. If you want to keep on touch for new versions check here. Those bugfixes may lead you to new clues maybe :p

So what I found out so far:

1) to answer banzemanga for using potions you need to set Shouko alarm clock to 18:00, with this she wont go to kitchen and you can prepare the potions. First is aphrodisiac (love potion) to make them masturbate at night and you can catch them with digital camera. The second is diuretic and idk so well what may do, but i guess make them going to WC more or stay there more time. Though I don't know what good that bring yet.

And the quantity from 1-4 idk what can happen though I tried with 1 and with 3 and seems to be the same.

Thanks for the clue.

2) there is Yuki phone thing in closet and (right in front of bathroom when you get out) the key for locked room (not good to enter there until we get more clues. Once you enter there some event happen and game over). Still couldnt find which day we get that or hour but I get it. There is the Bonsai thing on entrance (idk what we will do with this though). On living room there is a key too I think or something, I forgot. But idk what that key does.
The key in living room is the key to open the room where you find Myphone and Old Key(open the door blocked and you get killed by someone,this is the event which banzemanga talks).
i found that you can enter that room in the night,if you search(first option) you find a shovel and you can use(first option) in the backyard(but during night appear shoko and stop you).
3) At first I couldnt blackmail them but after a few tries now I can do rather easy. There is just one problem. They get scared so some peeping events or dinner talk don't happen as normal. But I thing after a few days they get back to normal (not sure yet how that happen). I wonder if there is some good day to blackmail them or with more info.

When we use them as blackmail to do stuff seems Shouko and Yuki are limited and Sayaka have a few more options in beginning but idk how to unlock more stuff (even though I got like 1 piece of each things at least to buy in ANAZON)
i think is all connected on random events(when you see panties of sisters or seethrough clothes of her mother)unfonrtunally i don't know how do in the rigth way.
The hardest to blackmail is Shoko then younger daughter and the easy is the older daughter.
4) When we lose and we retry (first option) seems we keep our previous stuff we bought and money. With that gets easier to get house covered with all 3 devices better.
Yes is easy but without rigth choice doesn't change much.
5) A good way to get money is on old man room. And saw banzemanga saying that old man kill him if you investigate to early? Never saw that happening :x
See ,answer to point 2
6) that Yuki's friend named Nami seems to be a problem to you. Idk how to deal with her. We don't know in which room or where she sleeps. And in 5th and final day when I removed the video camera from bathroom and go to my room to watch and get more material and attempt to go out she pop in the room saying she saw everything and hit you with a stungun and other stuff leading to game over...
There is a random event about her,during afternoon she call you and you see her panties;if this event happens you shouldn't worry about her.
PS: this was with all 3 heroines blackmailed (my first sucessful attempt to blackmail and lead to this) so I'm trying now to see if I blackmail just one or two to see what may happen.


Well, this mostly what I know so far... anyone knows more stuff? :p
ゴゴマジック: The while cream bottle is used for cleaning any of the bathrooms. This is the first option in the bathrooms 掃除をする. I believe what it does is that it takes less time to clean the bathrooms. Also, I think (not sure) that there are some bathroom events which requires the bathroom to be clean in order to be able to film. Otherwise the camera won't capture anything.

Also, i am speculating that if i need to change Shouko's alarm for the potion; i have to change the TV clock on the room of the black sofa for the pills. According to the pill descriptions, it makes the girls go to the bathroom to pee.

As for the locked room, you go there on the final day after you see a recorded sound message. The sound message will be heard even if you don't have any sound devices installed anywhere. It is a unavoidable event. The message is about 'Sayaka saying that if it is there, be shouldn't be able to find out.' So you go to the locked room after 0:00 midnight.

To blackmail any girl, i think that you have to have at least 4 evidences. If you collect any bathroom footage for the 4th girl without making 4 evidences in total, she will kick your arse and loose. I wonder if anybody knows her schedule to collect all her evidences at once?

Edit: Shouko's alarm is enough for either the pills and potions. I am still wondering what the television alarm is for. Maybe the cellphone?
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but now you have to go to the kitchen to prepare potions after changing the alarm time?
but now you have to go to the kitchen to prepare potions after changing the alarm time?
You change Shouko's alarm before 18:00. And when it is 18:00, you go to the kitchen and put the potion/pills to their food.
I have been wondering what the TV alarm does too but out of luck... I read on the blog the JP comments and seems the way to unlock more stuff like other tools is having more blackmail or evidence points (the first one). Like 100-300.

Saw them saying that seems Shouko, at least for now, has only blowjob... I hope not. But looking at her difficulty to gather material should be hard :x

banzemanga ohh maybe is that on wc... the Go Go magic is for cleaning fast hmmm.

If you want to check the blog for some infos to help go here. I try to find clues there too >_>

Stupid game doesnt have any walkthrough yet so far and game is hard. We have only 5 days unless there is a way to increase what i doubt. Their comments seems the game has some problems from start and no wonder they keep bugfixing and releasing new versions :x
Anybody was able to blackmail the 4th girl? I got all her 4 items and still got my but kicked.

Edit: To get the second key, you must have both the phone and the tree.

Edit2: It seems that it is the other way around for the 4th girl. We should know her schedule so that we don't get her on camera. Since the game gave her a stats i thought we could blackmail her. But after checking the CG/Memory section, she is nowhere to be found. Meaning we won't be able to do her.
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Where is the CG/memory? I don't have visible yet O.o It is after we do a clean end and not bad end?
Where is the CG/memory? I don't have visible yet O.o It is after we do a clean end and not bad end?

In the main title, the third option from right to left.

I managed to get good end? With either one of the girls by having their evidence points up to 300 and having sex with them continuously. The ending is that he has sex with either girl without getting killed.

But i still haven't been able to dig what's inside the backyard. When try to dig it during the day, Shouko tells me to talk to the old man. I talk to the old man and come back yet Shouko still tells me to talk to the old man. I tried combining the alarms at Shouko's room and the black sofa TV alarm. No luck at all.

Edit: Looks like i have all the endings. The three good endings are sex with either one of the daughters or with both daughters. Three good endings but i am still curious on how to get the last item or what is in the backyard. According to the translation of the last item スクラップ記事, it is a 'scrap report'

Edit2: Here is my savefile for those who want it.
View attachment ベルゼブブ.rar
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1.4th girl have no route. so you can't blackmail and rape her

2.Don't bother use old key and shovel to avoid bad end

3.When you use drug on older sister , little sister or mom try to use it everyday and you must set video camera and the girl room and wish for luck that she didn't go masturbation in toilet. If she didn't go to the toilet you will get CG that she masturbation at her own room (drug effective random in my case older sister and little sister and mom effectively well but I only got little sister CG because older sister and mom masterbation in bathroom = =")

4.Try to focus on one girl at first. If your backmail point go around 200 levels you can use the sextoy.
A little advice for blackmail so I advice you to set your cam to record before you go to rape her do as much as you can in the night but don't overdo if it's about to pass 6am ( 1 Time Sex : 1.30 HR )

5.If your focus girl blackmail point get pass to 300 it will be the another end

But i haven't find last item yet

6.Too bad Her mom doesn't have a route T_T

7.Try to get another blackmail evidence as much as you can such as toilet , bathroom before 4th girl nami arive 2nd time (1day before end the game or Saturday) If you are on Saturday don't bother set cam at toilet or bathroom or you will get stungun to the death.

PS. Sry for bad english
Hope this help

Now i'm looking for true end of this game
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I saw the thing you are looking for :X

Sadly that will lead you to a shocking truth and of course a bad end or main character end. I dont if there is a way to get the item and not get the end. If you want me to tell what happens tell me xD

PS: to see what is in backyard try to go there after midnight. You will success without Shouko inteference.

So we need to keep having sex from day 1 or 2 when we get a chance to blackmail them? I read on blog that shouko hasnt a end. Is true? You just said it was either Sayaka or Yuki or both sisters. No Mother? If not is too bad...
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I saw the thing you are looking for :X

Sadly that will lead you to a shocking truth and of course a bad end or main character end. I dont if there is a way to get the item and not get the end. If you want me to tell what happens tell me xD

PS: to see what is in backyard try to go there after midnight. You will success without Shoujo inteference.

So we need to keep having sex from day 1 or 2 when we get a chance to blackmail them? I read on blog that shouko hasnt a end. Is true? You just said it was either Sayaka or Yuki or both sisters. No Mother? If not is too bad...

Well sure tell me. I didn't bother to read the bad old man ending. I am just speculating but i think:
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I read on blog that shouko hasnt a end. Is true? You just said it was either Sayaka or Yuki or both sisters. No Mother? If not is too bad...
yes,i haven't found Shouko's end....i think she hasn't a route....only oral sex,in the future....
Idk how people can get to 200-300... I tried to focus on Sayaka only and best I did was 189 in the very end... I dont even want to know how hard will be to get both sisters sigh. Can you give any tips, please?

About the hidden text you put is that the end. Idk if we didn't have the ropes we wouldn't commit suicide.

About the milking medicine idk too... We got the HCG today on e-hentai and seems sayaka lactate in the cow position. Idk if we have to spam a specific position to trigger the new one or unlock the access to make the medicine.

Did you get her pregnant in yours 200-300 evidence points?

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