1000 Post Club- Let The Spamming Commence

hmm...i love woman a## but...:dispirited:....I'm not an ASSSS!!:runaway:
don't look at me I didn't create it

nawi, see I called you by user-name

ol maid-man started it.......
hmm....hahaha....it's alright man....i'm just joking :)..as i said, just call me by my name from now on;)
hmm...if you really want to call me by that name, it's okay too;)
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Thanks mate :3

i can call you Nawi if you want

but i love to give nicks or at least add ,-kun ,-san, -chan to users

BTW i heard that you have PS3? :surprise:

mind if i will add you if you do?


actually i just sent it away to some random labratory today so they can poke it :wasclose:

so i can't add you till next week : (

feel free to add me though xD

have the same user name :p
Ahh so youre the victim customer that send it :evillaugh: Itll be all better when it comes back :traitor:
hm...i just remembering my old consoles....atari, nes, gameboy, sega, psx...hmm.it makes me wanna

play them all again^^
Hmm i have a ds but i never do anything with it xD The chat thing is now for practicing my hirigana and katakana now~
Hmm that whatever thingy... its for if theres someone else with a ds close by or whatever xD
Well not really... just makes me memorize them in order so it take forever to match the characters...
Umm..... consoles talk

I personally hated consoles in the past and still hate them in some way, sure i had old consoles like my old PS1 and i enjoyed them (i recall how i like tekken 3... :swearveng: Gon i miss you ;( )

but after my ps1 i started to understand that most of the consoles are mostly for milking money out of us, sure it nice when you have "mobile" game station that all you need to do is just put disk into it and play, not to mention that you don't need to upgrade it parts every 2 years (for now.... since it seem that sony and MS have other milking money plans in minds >.> )

what i really hate about this idea though is that some games are for different consoles, technically they can make them all work in one dam machine like the pc (and make more performs out of it) but why they will bother to do it when they have better way to take more money out of us with the consoles?

want to play all TO games? buy 5 different consoles :0

consoles also have too much limits compared to pc, PC can run stuff way better (depend on the user hardware though) and show better grfix, But because most of the companies see it as second rate machine that can make them less money (also because of piracy which i have alot of stuff to say about that matter) they prefer to make the games primarily for the consoles and make a poor ports for the pc later, to make game for the consoles = to limit the game performs so it can work on it, instead of making better code they use their poor codes most of the times for the pc instead >.>

as for piracy... let just say that even if less people moded their consoles it don't mean that people don't moded them at all, piracy not always came from wanting games for free as most people think, they came as means for people who can't get the game they want, at the time they want,

Steam proved that people who can get their games with decent price (not everyone were born with credit card in their hands like most people on US... plus some countries sell the games with double or tripel price ) and less time Not to mention about getting the game at all (i don't want to say how many times the game that i wanted don't was in the stock anymore xD ) pirate less games, some even don't pirate them at all.

Also with all the DLCs and DRMs i totally can't blame people for doing so, companies such as Ubisoft proved that when they try to fight piracy with their annoying means they end up making people do the exact opposite

sure piracy is a deep matter of opinions since everyone have different view and thought of this world, not everyone will agree with my opinion since it my opinion, however what i said not only was my opinion, it was pure proof at least in data terms
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