[Hentai game] [120427] [アストロノーツ・シリウス] デモニオン ~魔王の地下要塞~ [H-Game]

I'm not 100% sure on this, but this is what happened to me.

My first play through, I fear that I'm going to run out of turn, so I defeat Cromwell before I even recruited Himika. I did not get an event with Cromwell.
My second play through, I took my time, recruiting Himika. Then when I defeat Cromwell, she attacks my dungeon.
Can someone tell me what the rooms do?

Barracks allows you to train orc/troll? warriors, the more you have the higher level of them you can train
Graveyard allows you to train zombies or spirits, the more you have the higher level of them you can train
Demonic altar allows you to train devils, the more you have the higher level of them you can train
Trap creation room allows you to create traps, higher level, higher level traps.

The magic room, treasure room and slaughter grounds, do you have to kill the enemy in that room to boost you bones/magic/money income? My gold keeps gettings drained when the enemies go into the treasure room!
okay, the Offense Sequence:
1. invade. to take over towns, straightforward. units won't die even if their HP is reduced to 0 here, they will just retreat. and if you fail to take over a town in 1 go, you'll continue with the weakened enemy the next time
2. challenge. in your next defense sequence, you will be attacked by more, and stronger enemy. enemy heroine appearance will vary. never clicked this so dunno what it really does
3. leak treasure info. low level enemy will attack in your next defense sequence
4. get information on a girl's weakness
4. anything with 調教 in it: H-scene. train captured heroines. train them 2x and they will be your party member
5. お楽しみ: H-scene, when the girls are already your subordinate
6. ダンジョン増築:increase your dungeon area. more space=more space to build things up
7.モンスター強化:power up a certain kind of monster
8.the 2 options below power up monster are power up for you. your max population and max HP. I believe everyone can read HP so I don't have to point which one is which
9. Trades. buy bones with money, or buy magic with money
10. do nothing

to capture a girl:
the girl must be defeated in a room with her weakness in it. for example olivia is weak to imps. she must be defeated in a room filled with at least 1 imp.
list of the weaknesses I found on 2ch:
Himika-oboro+ninja house
Maia-pitfall trap

original texts to match the katakana to your game:
レイリス オーク
ジュリアン クロウラー
ネージュ 封印の符
オリビア インプ
アーウィン ゾンビ
オボロ アラクネ
ヒミカ オボロ+忍者屋敷
マイア 落とし穴
ヴァネッサ 条件なし?
So who's who? I don't know what the heroine's names are...Please help me D:
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So who's who? I don't know what the heroine's names are...Please help me D:

Here you go. Match the English name with the Japanese name in game.

Reiris レイリス
Julian ジュリアン 
Neige ネージュ 
Olivia オリビア 
Arwen アーウィン 
Oboro オボロ 
Himika ヒミカ 
Maia マイア 
Vanessa ヴァネッサ 
Here you go. Match the English name with the Japanese name in game.

Reiris レイリス
Julian ジュリアン 
Neige ネージュ 
Olivia オリビア 
Arwen アーウィン 
Oboro オボロ 
Himika ヒミカ 
Maia マイア 
Vanessa ヴァネッサ 

Thanks! by the way from what do i build "arakumo" ? Now i'm facing the little ninja...
Like bane I would like to know which monster the crawler is and dab84 in the box where you choose your monster/summon are two buttons the monster one and the one to the right is the trap button. Hopefully that makes sense
Thanks to 2ch's thread, I finally got Vanessa ヴァネッサ.

You have to use one of your heroines to defeat her.
Crawlers (they looks like sand worms) are gotten from having 2 of the green rooms(the one that looks like plains, not the bone one or the one with the spire). You can't make these right away so essentially forget about the first chick till you do. The spider monsters are gotten from having 2 demonic alter rooms. Gotta upgrade your space to make 2 of any room I believe.

Got Vanessa on literally the last possible turn before I lost. Now I'm just stuck on how to recruit Neige. "Seal?" doesn't look like anything I've unlocked. Initially thought it was a certain room that had a seal on the floor, but its not.

Its a great game with fantastic art, but the time limit sucks. You have to essentially rush forward, while building the best troops.....don't stock up on too many low level monsters at the start. Use the same ones and micro manage the entire time so nothing dies. Pull them out when they have low health, then put them right back in.

I personally liked using the upgraded demon troops and the "earth troops". Undead and Orcs aren't very good IMO.
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Now I'm just stuck on how to recruit Neige. "Seal?" doesn't look like anything I've unlocked. Initially thought it was a certain room that had a seal on the floor, but its not.

Yeah, "seal" is not very helpful. To get Neige, use the "封印の符". I too was stuck on this, until
I read that the seal "封印の符" is not a room nor troop. It is a trap. Here are 6 total kinds of trap
in the game, and "封印の符" is the second from the bottom trap on the trap listing in the dungeon.
The image of the seal trap is the purple black hole with the white horizontal ribbon. You use that Seal Trap to get Neige.
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To add to that, you get the option to make Seal (封印の符) from recruiting Himika.
Anyone mind telling how the slaughter grounds, magic room and treasure room work? Do you have to kill the enemy in that room, or just have the room to boost the bones, magic and gold you get?
Do this game have a ending for each heroines or only one end

The game has two endings: Queen gets raped and executed or you save her and she becomes your servant. To get the best ending where you save her, you have to capture all heroines before taking down the three last towns/castles on the main path.

Now, as how to best get to the ending. First off, you don't need to do everything on your first try. After you lose or win, you can start a new game and import some of the monsters you had with their experience (70 command points + 10 if you upgraded your command points at least 5 times in the previous playthrough) and you get to keep half of your money. The heroines will also retain their experience, but you won't start with them. What you will start with though, is the buildings and units they give after you capture and train them. So on your first try you should aim to capture most if not all of the heroines.

Second, you have to know that if you capture Vanessa, the turn timer goes to 99 and you have infinite turns to finish the game. But to have a chance of capturing Vanessa, you need to have captured all other heroines except Neige before capturing the castle with Vanessa in it (the one that leads to the mage tower). You must also capture her before attacking the last three towns/castles, otherwise you get the bad end. Neige will come out after you capture the mage tower so you can take your time with her.

Third, to capture a heroine you have to defeat her in a dungeon room with her weakness (either a unit or a trap) in it three times. When you defeat her with her weakness, she will appear again on the next turn. So you could capture a heroine in three consecutive turns. Then, to get her to join you, you have to train her two times. You will then be able to summon her in the dungeon and you will gain her unique building/traps. Then, if you do the sex scenes, you will eventually get a ????? option. Doing that two times will give you the unique monster unit for that girl (but most of those monsters aren't really good anyway so don't do it until you have infinite turns).

Here's a nice table:

Heroine (name in Japanese) - Weakness (name in Japanese) - Her Building (what it does) - Her unit

Arwin (アーウィン) - Zombie (ゾンビ) - 魔物の巣 (can summon nature units) - ナイトシェード
Julian (ジュリアン) - Crawler (クロウラー) - 闘技の間 (more experience gained for units in the room) - キャタピラー
Olivia (オリビア)- Imp (インプ) - 魔界病院 (heals adjacent rooms) - ダークエンジェル
Reiris (レイリス) - Orc (オーク) - オベリスク (units in adjacent rooms are stronger and take less damage) - ウルク
Maia (マイア) - Pit (ピット) - 迷いの回廊 (attracts enemy units and debuffs them at random) - キラージェリー
Oboro (オボロ) - Arachne (アラクネ) - 忍者屋敷 (traps in the room have a chance to kill enemy units in one hit) - オニ
Himika (ヒミカ) - Oboro + Ninja Room (オボロ+忍者屋敷) - 封印の符/深闇の獄 (two individual traps: freeze in place + medium holy damage / anti-holy damage + magic absorption) - モウジャ
Neige (ネージュ) - Seal Trap (封印の符) - 弱化の罠/盲目の霧 (two room-wide traps: medium magic damage + debuff / small magic damage + blindness) - ハイトロル
Vanessa (ヴァネッサ) - Any heroine - 司令所 (+20 control points and 10% more chance for your monster units to retreat instead of dying) - ギガント

Which monster units/traps go with which buildings. The level is simply how many you have built. To build the 魔物の巣 you need to defeat and train Arwin first:

訓練場Lv1 オーク + バグベア (ウルク)
訓練場Lv2 オーガ (オニ)
訓練場Lv3 トロル (ハイトロル)
墓地Lv1 ゾンビ + ゴースト
墓地Lv2 グール + スペクター (モウジャ))
墓地Lv3 スペクター + ワイト (ナイトシェード)
闇の祭壇Lv1 インプ + ガーゴイル
闇の祭壇Lv2 デーモン + アラクネー (ダークエンジェル)
闇の祭壇Lv3 イービルアイ (ナイトシェード)
魔物の巣Lv1 スライム (キラージェリー)
魔物の巣Lv2 クロウラー + ゴーレム
魔物の巣Lv3 ドラゴン(キャタピラー)
罠工房Lv1 ピット + 串刺しの槍
罠工房Lv2 毒針
罠工房Lv3 爆炎 (封印の符 + 深闇の獄 + 盲目の霧 + 弱化の罠)

Source: some Japanese BBS thread + me beating the game.
How to recuit Vanessa??? I defeated her at Offensive. I also recuited Neige.And now I am trying to attack the last castle. But she haven't showed up at all

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ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile.
https://gamerch.com/biim/714171 Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance
GhostHD wrote on wretchedegg's profile.
Hi, did you maybe have some work of these creators:

- bttファンクラブ
- skb
- Kiramekuhoshi / 煌めく星

mostly from btt would be my interest.
