Why ALL games that i have dowloaded from Shirley_Games trigger my antivirus?
So i tried to feed ALL games executables that i downloaded to virustotal.com that has 70 antivirus engines, and typically 50 of them say that the executable of the games contain a trojan dropper.
Only the game executable , and all reports a trojan dropper; all others executables like the installer , updaters , etc, are always reported clean.
I'm not starting those games untile someone confirm that they're clean.
So i downloaded this game that i already have and compared it:
On my version, the game executable "erect.exe" it's 2203648 bytes.
On Shirley_Games version the game executable "erect.exe" it's 210432 bytes.
Then i noticed that on Shirley_Games version the file "update.exe" it's the real game, and i succesfully ran it on my package.
What is the 210k "erect.exe" provided on Shirley_Games version?
So i opened the other archives i downloaded, looks like the update.exe it's always the real game exe so i can keep the games after fixing the issues, and the fake game exe always change the size in the range 100-250k.
I hope someone explain this.