[Hentai game] [120727] [unicorn-a/げーせん18] 三極姫2 ~天地大乱・乱世に煌く新たな覇龍~ 豪華限定版 + Official Guide + Manual [H-Game] [No DVD Patch + Serial]

Thank you for all information. And about how to conquered another region you just sent unit to castle near sea then attack it to sea location. It connect to another region I hope it can solve you problem.

About building on region it can only one active or not . And it effect to another region?
About mage attack it something like this?

X X---O X
O X---X X
X X---O X

X X---X X
X O---O X
X X---X X

How to available unit in military command ( 5 ) it depend on happiness?
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Commands by order:

1- Upgrades walls of castle, stronger walls for battle and slight added income
2- Improves the harvest rate %, resulting in better income
3- Improves the residents happiness by improving commerce
4- Taxes the citizens...gives you money but reduces harvest rate % , and peoples happiness...only for when your broke
5- Build buildings on region, each gives various effects, ranging from better crops , to more CP points added, etc...

In battle, the generals skills active randomly. The "mage" unit cannot attack front row front position, if placed in the back row...only the position up or down. If you place them forward, they can only attack front position.

I also have a big doubt. I am with the Wu, and just conquered the starting region i was on, but now i can't move outside the region. What command do you select to invade other regions? Or do i need to have some event first? Really need help on this.

I just told by my friend on Twitter, we need to wait for Enjutsu event to occur. He just cleared the game one hour ago :|
I'm going to do it again now, but since I have to start again from zero, it is really pain in the butt. :|

Btw, anyone can translate this ?
寿春を落とすのをなるべく遅く(~28ターンくらい)にするのがポイント --> it is for Wu route I think.
Thank you for all information. And about how to conquered another region you just sent unit to castle near sea then attack it to sea location. It connect to another region I hope it can solve you problem.

About building on region it can only one active or not . And it effect to another region?
About mage attack it something like this?

X X---O X
O X---X X
X X---O X

X X---X X
X O---O X
X X---X X

How to available unit in military command ( 5 ) it depend on happiness?

That's the thing....i had units near the blue areas, but it say there's no possible enemy castles to attack...i guess i was way to fast to own Enjutsu.

About buildings, can't help you here yet, because to be able to build them you need control of the region, and it looks like i will have to restart game -.-

Also, that is correct,the mage unit has that attack pattern.

Creating units, or recruiting reserve soldiers lowers peoples happiness...a not so happy population will revolt on you and thief's will run rampart. By having the cursor hover a castle in the region, you can check the region's happiness with your rule...is the parameter in the middle....generally having it above 70 is safe. Also. the higher this parameter is, the more effective you can recruit reserve soldiers, or more units types become available to create.

I just told by my friend on Twitter, we need to wait for Enjutsu event to occur. He just cleared the game one hour ago :|
I'm going to do it again now, but since I have to start again from zero, it is really pain in the butt. :|

Btw, anyone can translate this ?
寿春を落とすのをなるべく遅く(~28ターンくらい)にするのがポイント --> it is for Wu route I think.

Wait for Enjutsu's event? Which one? I had lots of them...

The sentence translates to the following:

That the important point is, to be as slow as possible to conquer (about turn 28), the top left castle of the region.

Man...what the hell? I wasted Enjutsu at turn 9, and now i learn that i have to sit around for about 20 turns scratching my ass? You can't even have control of the region , if the above tip is actually true, which means i can't improve income or the crappy starting CP....The powergame side of me raging right now...sigh -.-
That's the thing....i had units near the blue areas, but it say there's no possible enemy castles to attack...i guess i was way to fast to own Enjutsu.

About buildings, can't help you here yet, because to be able to build them you need control of the region, and it looks like i will have to restart game -.-

Also, that is correct,the mage unit has that attack pattern.

Creating units, or recruiting reserve soldiers lowers peoples happiness...a not so happy population will revolt on you and thief's will run rampart. By having the cursor hover a castle in the region, you can check the region's happiness with your rule...is the parameter in the middle....generally having it above 70 is safe. Also. the higher this parameter is, the more effective you can recruit reserve soldiers, or more units types become available to create.

Wait for Enjutsu's event? Which one? I had lots of them...

The sentence translates to the following:

That the important point is, to be as slow as possible to conquer (about turn 28), the top left castle of the region.

Man...what the hell? I wasted Enjutsu at turn 9, and now i learn that i have to sit around for about 20 turns scratching my ass? You can't even have control of the region , if the above tip is actually true, which means i can't improve income or the crappy starting CP....The powergame side of me raging right now...sigh -.-

I don't know which one, he said also " 袁術との決戦の時に大志慈が来てくれるイベが起きればルート入ったと思っていい ", I think it has to do something with Taishichi.
Hahah, first I wasted Enjutsu on turn 11, then it fails and can't move on to another province. I played it again, but now I wasted Enjutsu on turn 31. Nothing happened, except I'm fighting Taishichi. Just like you, I can't figure out anything :|

Btw, have you tried that tips ?

NB; I asked him again to give more detailed explanation, and he anwered like this : " えっと…寿春に侵攻する前に甘寧のイベント、太史慈との一騎討ちを見る。寿春侵攻後に袁術偽王イベを見る…かな?で、六安侵攻時に太史慈が援軍に来る "

Might be useful ?
I don't know which one, he said also " 袁術との決戦の時に大志慈が来てくれるイベが起きればルート入ったと思っていい ", I think it has to do something with Taishichi.
Hahah, first I wasted Enjutsu on turn 11, then it fails and can't move on to another province. I played it again, but now I wasted Enjutsu on turn 31. Nothing happened, except I'm fighting Taishichi. Just like you, I can't figure out anything :|

Btw, have you tried that tips ?

NB; I asked him again to give more detailed explanation, and he anwered like this : " えっと…寿春に侵攻する前に甘寧のイベント、太史慈との一騎討ちを見る。寿春侵攻後に袁術偽王イベを見る…かな?で、六安侵攻時に太史慈が援軍に来る "

Might be useful ?

Hrmmm, the first Japanese sentence you wrote, mentions about the event, in which when you do the final battle against Enjutsu, Taishiji appears in the battlefield to aid you...but i had that event, and can't get out of the region...so the problem must lie elsewhere....

Haven't tried the tip yet, so i can't say anything about it's validity yet, sorry :(

The translation about the detailed information goes likes this:

Before taking down the top left castle of the region, you have to see 2 events. One of them, is the duel with Taishiji...i also had this event, in which she challenges you to a 1 on 1 duel. I won it with Ginga, in which after he spares her life and lets her go....she later comes back when you attack Enjutsu's castle, and to repay the debt she has you, she will back you up.
I had these events happen to me, so this can't be the problem.

Now, the second event necessary before taking down the top left castle, is something i HAVEN'T seen. It mentions about having Kannei's event, which is someone i haven't met yet. I went to get a quick look at the maker's homepage to see who Kannei was...shes a warrior with pink colored hair...since i have never met her, this could be the reason we are getting screwed.

The latter half of the Japanese mentions, about after having captured the top left castle, but before invading Enjutsu, that you have to see Enjustu's fake emperor event...not quite sure about which one this refers to...i remember seeing an event in which she decides to become the new emperor and sends notifications to all of the other lords proclaiming herself as the true emperor....but i am not sure if it's about this one...

Let me know how it goes for you, since today i have to clean my apartment, so i don't know if i will have the time to try the stuff you posted....sigh, i hate cleaning day -.-

EDIT: Good news ! I was able to finally assault castles outside the region. But there is also a piece of bad news....which is...i have no freaking idea why this bug happened to us...but i can tell you the reason i couldn't go outside the region.

I will clear some things that are not necessary at all to advance.First, i was able to pwn Enjutsu at turn 9 again and later i was able to go outside...so there's no need at all to wait to turn 28...thank god...
Also, it doesn't matter whats the last castle that you capture before challenging Enjutsu...i captured the one on bottom left instead and it worked fine.
Kannei's event is not needed here too.

This is what i did:
1 - I had 2 rebel castles remaining to take on map (not counting Enjutsu's base)
2 - I assaulted 1 of the 2 castles...encountered Taishiji for the first time, she challenged me to a duel, and i won...Ginga then lets her escape
3 - There's a event at the start of the next turn, where Enjutsu decides to become the emperor, and sends a notification to all of the other factions.
4 - I attacked the last rebel castle...Ryoumu appears after the battle, with an urgent message...An urgent war council is opened to decide what to do about the fake emperor Enjutsu
5 -I assaulted the main castle of Enjutsu. Event where Taishiji comes as a back up to you happens.
6 - After you win, Ginga talks to his strategist on top of the castle walls, and then goes to meet Sonken.
7 - At the start of the next turn, you have another event where you talk with your generals. Here it will be mentioned that to continue the story, you have to see 2 new events by using the Event Command.
8 - From the event command, pick one of the new events, where Kannei (pink haired girl) ends ups joining you.
9 - Again from the event command, pick the event in which the black haired girl (forgot her name) joins you. End the turn.
10 - New turn begins...now its possible to move outside region...just have the troops on the castle near the blue circles and choose to attack.

The reason i was stuck, was because, for some freak reason....after defeating Enjutsu, step 6 and 7, DIDN'T happen to me the first times i tried...Leading to step 8 and 9 never happening too... making you stuck on the region forever, since you can only leave, if you have those 2 new girls as your generals.

The only thing i did different from the times the bug happened, was to attack Enjutsu's castle...from the top right castle, instead of the one i was using before...Like i said, no idea why this even happened in the first place...just try have the events i listed there, and it should be fine, good luck.
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Hrmmm, the first Japanese sentence you wrote, mentions about the event, in which when you do the final battle against Enjutsu, Taishiji appears in the battlefield to aid you...but i had that event, and can't get out of the region...so the problem must lie elsewhere....

Haven't tried the tip yet, so i can't say anything about it's validity yet, sorry :(

The translation about the detailed information goes likes this:

Before taking down the top left castle of the region, you have to see 2 events. One of them, is the duel with Taishiji...i also had this event, in which she challenges you to a 1 on 1 duel. I won it with Ginga, in which after he spares her life and lets her go....she later comes back when you attack Enjutsu's castle, and to repay the debt she has you, she will back you up.
I had these events happen to me, so this can't be the problem.

Now, the second event necessary before taking down the top left castle, is something i HAVEN'T seen. It mentions about having Kannei's event, which is someone i haven't met yet. I went to get a quick look at the maker's homepage to see who Kannei was...shes a warrior with pink colored hair...since i have never met her, this could be the reason we are getting screwed.

The latter half of the Japanese mentions, about after having captured the top left castle, but before invading Enjutsu, that you have to see Enjustu's fake emperor event...not quite sure about which one this refers to...i remember seeing an event in which she decides to become the new emperor and sends notifications to all of the other lords proclaiming herself as the true emperor....but i am not sure if it's about this one...

Let me know how it goes for you, since today i have to clean my apartment, so i don't know if i will have the time to try the stuff you posted....sigh, i hate cleaning day -.-

EDIT: Good news ! I was able to finally assault castles outside the region. But there is also a piece of bad news....which is...i have no freaking idea why this bug happened to us...but i can tell you the reason i couldn't go outside the region.

I will clear some things that are not necessary at all to advance.First, i was able to pwn Enjutsu at turn 9 again and later i was able to go outside...so there's no need at all to wait to turn 28...thank god...
Also, it doesn't matter whats the last castle that you capture before challenging Enjutsu...i captured the one on bottom left instead and it worked fine.
Kannei's event is not needed here too.

This is what i did:
1 - I had 2 rebel castles remaining to take on map (not counting Enjutsu's base)
2 - I assaulted 1 of the 2 castles...encountered Taishiji for the first time, she challenged me to a duel, and i won...Ginga then lets her escape
3 - There's a event at the start of the next turn, where Enjutsu decides to become the emperor, and sends a notification to all of the other factions.
4 - I attacked the last rebel castle...Ryoumu appears after the battle, with an urgent message...An urgent war council is opened to decide what to do about the fake emperor Enjutsu
5 -I assaulted the main castle of Enjutsu. Event where Taishiji comes as a back up to you happens.
6 - After you win, Ginga talks to his strategist on top of the castle walls, and then goes to meet Sonken.
7 - At the start of the next turn, you have another event where you talk with your generals. Here it will be mentioned that to continue the story, you have to see 2 new events by using the Event Command.
8 - From the event command, pick one of the new events, where Kannei (pink haired girl) ends ups joining you.
9 - Again from the event command, pick the event in which the black haired girl (forgot her name) joins you. End the turn.
10 - New turn begins...now its possible to move outside region...just have the troops on the castle near the blue circles and choose to attack.

The reason i was stuck, was because, for some freak reason....after defeating Enjutsu, step 6 and 7, DIDN'T happen to me the first times i tried...Leading to step 8 and 9 never happening too... making you stuck on the region forever, since you can only leave, if you have those 2 new girls as your generals.

The only thing i did different from the times the bug happened, was to attack Enjutsu's castle...from the top right castle, instead of the one i was using before...Like i said, no idea why this even happened in the first place...just try have the events i listed there, and it should be fine, good luck.

Thanks !
Your method works on me.. thanks a lot :D
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Great game. It is actually seems to be more interesting than previous Sangoku/Sengoku games of the serie.
Just finished Wu campaign, cleared Wei campaign before that. There will be an addon with two more campaigns in october, and december will bring new Sengoku game.

Never saw any Ryofu events. What am i doing wrong? She is obviously clearable character.
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What about building in region.

column 1 : increase status for unit ( hero )
column 2 : have on idea only 4th maybe increase CP gain.
column 3 : Not learn yet.

If anyone have information please share thank.
What about building in region.

column 1 : increase status for unit ( hero )
column 2 : have on idea only 4th maybe increase CP gain.
column 3 : Not learn yet.

If anyone have information please share thank.

The buildings are as follows:

column 1 - builds a statue of a specified hero that you currently have, rising their abilities.

column 2 -
1 - Increases harvest
2 - Raises the domestic affairs parameter of all army
3 - Raises the parameter used in duels, for all army
4 - Raises CP
5 - Raises the abilities of the entire army

column 3 - Each one raises the abilities of a certain type of unit...spears, archers, cavalry, etc...
how to recruit reserve soldiers?

Is it the fourth button phase 1?

In my game it has always been gray for me not red.
how to recruit reserve soldiers?

Is it the fourth button phase 1?

In my game it has always been gray for me not red.
Its the third one. Click it to draw recruits, and you will get an option to replenish your existing units and/or put recruits into reserves.
The fourth one alow you to replenish your units from existing reserves.
Never saw any Ryofu events. What am i doing wrong? She is obviously clearable character.

Try not beating her right away...I am playing with Wu , and when her castle became possible to attack, i defeated her right away, and saw the battle event...she will then join you, but you wont be able to see her events with the event command...

I found it really odd that she would join me after the first battle event, since it makes no sense for her to join at that point...so i decided to load and try this idea i got. I attacked her with Ginga, and retreated right away at the start of the battle, the battle event still happened...next turn i attacked her again,this time for real...i won and another battle event happened, that's obviously extremely important to her and Ginga.After this event, it actually makes sense that she would join you,unlike before....Also her first event in the command window became available this way.
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For anyone interested, here is the ITH code to hook text, with the following setup:

[120727] [unicorn-a/げーせん18] 三極姫2 ~天地大乱・乱世に煌く新たな覇龍~ + update 1.01a + nodvd crack


Tested on ITH/WinXP, in ADV mode only.

Thanks go to Andys at hongfire.

So... can someone walk me through the process to get it working preferably in Window 7 with a video no sounds.

EDIT: Never mind. I figured it out in the end that I had to put the entire code in the area next to the process box and hit enter. Took me a while find out how to not crash the game in the process as well.
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When it is the Armament Phase (2nd Phase), click on the 2nd Option and it will bring up another window. Click on the first option to increase your troops by 100 and it will also add a point to some kind of experience pool. Once it passes 10 points of experience pool, it will level your General by 1. Maximum Level is 4 I believe but I am still at the starting point of the game.

1. Click on the Highlighted Option to take you to the next window.

2. Click on the First Button in this window to increase troops by 100 and gain a Battle Experience Point (I just made it up since I don't know what the red circle says. But getting 10 will increase the General Level by 1 full level.)

3. Should change from 1 whole number to the next whole number. For this case it went from 2 to 3 and the troop maximum size increased from 1800 to 1900.


The other way to increase the General level is by going into battle with them. There will be a possible chance it will increase their experience by 1 if they participate in battle enough.

Another way to increase your General Level is to do things in the 3rd Phase. This basically includes all the top 4 options which often gives experience to your general. The effects of the top 4 options in the 3rd Phase (Development/Politic/Relationship Phase) are:

1. Increase Castle Fortress Defense Strength
2. Reclaim Farmland (From Flooding) [Increase income per Fall Season and maybe in-between]
3. Improve Markets/Economics [Increase income per season(?)]
4. Taxing [Gain income but decreases Farmland and Market/Economics of the region]

I'm not sure if the 5th option increases General Experience but someone needs to test it before I can say yes or no.


Does anyone have a link to the Japanese Wiki of this game. I am... having trouble understanding all the building options and effects for the 3rd Phase where you could possible build something at certain location or something.
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When it is the Armament Phase (2nd Phase), click on the 2nd Option and it will bring up another window. Click on the first option to increase your troops by 100 and it will also add a point to some kind of battle experience. Once it passes 10 points of battle experience, it will level your General by 1. Maximum Level is 4 I believe but I am still at the starting point of the game.

i see, i thought that option only for increase the troop limit..
can i ask about the third phase button, i still don't understand that phase
the thing i understand just the event button..
third phase is quite hard to understand.
if you need the japanese wiki, i believe this is the wiki, but it's still not complete.
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i see, i thought that option only for increase the troop limit..
can i ask about the third phase button, i still don't understand that phase
the thing i understand just the event button..
third phase is quite hard to understand.
if you need the japanese wiki, i believe this is the wiki, but it's still not complete.

Third Phase has the 3 Circle on the top-right corner of the screen highlighted.

The Four Options circled in Green also gives a chance for a General to Increase his Experience.

It follows this order:
1. Increase Castle Fortress Defense Strength
2. Reclaim Farmland (From Flooding) [Increase income per Fall Season and maybe in-between]
3. Improve Markets/Economics [Increase income per season(?)]
4. Taxing [Gain income but decreases Farmland and Market/Economics of the region]
5. Build a Range of Buildings of Particular Type
6. Increase Affection of Female Main Generals to your Character (Through Slot Machine Mini-Game)
7. Event List
8. End (Current) Phase
9. Option Menu


Thank you for the Japanese Wiki. To me, it does no matter if it is finished or not. Just seeing any information will help me accelerate finishing the game. The more I know, the faster I can construct a efficient way to finish the game while building relationships with other Female characters.
I'm currently testing that out. I think I have to correct myself in one area. Building the Fortress Defense more likely than not will not give experience. Building (in 5th Option) statues, town buildings or recruitment buildings(?) definitely will not give General Experience. I'll will be building a few more buildings in the next hour to see if I'm right.

EDIT: Actually building Fortress Defense does give a chance for a General to gain Experience. It more likely to happen when the General is at a lower level though.
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That's because you need to wait a few more seasons to see all the automatic important events that occurs at the first phase of the season. This happens a lot in the Story Campaign modes.

I'm trying to save three red clan girls from being raped in the green clan route.
why I can't attact,61 turn and I can't attact TT_TT

From the image, i can see that your playing with the Wu....i already explained a few pages away, why this bug that doesn't let you go outside the region happens...try having all the list of important events i mentioned before and it should be fine...i was able to go outside by turn 11 easily.
From the image, i can see that your playing with the Wu....i already explained a few pages away, why this bug that doesn't let you go outside the region happens...try having all the list of important events i mentioned before and it should be fine...i was able to go outside by turn 11 easily.

How I can go outside turn 11??
How I can go outside turn 11??

Sigh...dude, do you even bother read what i wrote? If you had gone 2 pages back, you would already had found the solution to your problem...geez...

This is what i did:
1 - I had 2 rebel castles remaining to take on map (not counting Enjutsu's base)
2 - I assaulted 1 of the 2 castles...encountered Taishiji for the first time, she challenged me to a duel, and i won...Ginga then lets her escape
3 - There's a event at the start of the next turn, where Enjutsu decides to become the emperor, and sends a notification to all of the other factions.
4 - I attacked the last rebel castle...Ryoumu appears after the battle, with an urgent message...An urgent war council is opened to decide what to do about the fake emperor Enjutsu
5 -I assaulted the main castle of Enjutsu. Event where Taishiji comes as a back up to you happens.
6 - After you win, Ginga talks to his strategist on top of the castle walls, and then goes to meet Sonken.
7 - At the start of the next turn, you have another event where you talk with your generals. Here it will be mentioned that to continue the story, you have to see 2 new events by using the Event Command.
8 - From the event command, pick one of the new events, where Kannei (pink haired girl) ends ups joining you.
9 - Again from the event command, pick the event in which the black haired girl (forgot her name) joins you. End the turn.
10 - New turn begins...now its possible to move outside region...just have the troops on the castle near the blue circles and choose to attack.

The reason i was stuck, was because, for some freak reason....after defeating Enjutsu, step 6 and 7, DIDN'T happen to me the first times i tried...Leading to step 8 and 9 never happening too... making you stuck on the region forever, since you can only leave, if you have those 2 new girls as your generals.

The only thing i did different from the times the bug happened, was to attack Enjutsu's castle...from the top right castle, instead of the one i was using before...Like i said, no idea why this even happened in the first place...just try have the events i listed there, and it should be fine, good luck

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