[121124] [HGame] [excess m] ZOMG – 王様はおねショタの夢を見る

hey man can you tell me how to edit if you know it all jap i don`t understand thing
how to get edit mode to work: in the manuals folder there is an HTML tagged (Edit Data) open it to see what the different files are and select 6(or less) different (doubles work too!) girls ("E##.Player" files, the ## refers to the girl's number in the data HTML) make a copy and rename them to "ED##.player" replacing ## with 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06 (order doesn't matter) next find a stage you want ("S##.stage" files) copy and rename the stage to "EDS1.stage". next take a "vs#人.demo" copy and rename it to "ED_O.demo" then you take one of the files ending in a number in parenthesis copy it and rename it to "ED_N.demo" lastly take all the files with ED in their name that you just made into the game.exe's directory and enjoy! (I haven't figured out the difference between the "vs#人"'s or the ones ending in (#)or(##) I'll let you guys figure those out)
Forgive me as the guide may be rough and i'm not sure if I was supposed to post this here, but I spent hours with trial and error trying to figure this out and wanted to help (and you don;t have to understand Japanese just look at the pictures in the manual that's how I figured it out!)
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First of all, thank you Nikanoru for your explanation. It was pretty easy to follow when I had the files in front of me.
I also figured out the other 2 that were missing:

The "vs#人"'s ones decide how many girls can gang up on the character at the same time. So if you choose "vs1人.demo" only one girl can hold the boy down, but with "vs3人.demo" three girls can hold him down at once.

The files ending with a number in parenthesis seems to adjust how many girl you have to defeat to win the stage. Though the game just restarts after you win, (the game not the stage.)
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Reactions: Nikanoru
Thanks Thonk! I'm glad I was of use there xD

Anyway another little guide for those that don't know I have a guide on how to use the other game modes:
After unlocking Extra_07.zip (beat level 7) you'll notice 3 .demo files in the zip; "hard.demo", "water.demo", and "counter.demo" Hard = Hard mode, Water = ALways have watergun LV2 (the lazer gun that shoots everything on screen) and Counter I'm not entirely sure of but i believe it's Auto-Counter or maybe all attacks = counter, I haven't tested that one yet. Choose the one you want and rename it to "title.demo" and drop it into the directory with the game's exe and overwrite the old one (I believe the title.demo in the extra_7 folder is a backup to return it to normal) and enjoy!

To Unlock the last extra folder (THIS IS NOT THE PASSWORD ONLY HOW TO GET IT):
To unlock Extra_Last.zip beat any level on Hard Mode
I Noticed many people are having issues figuring out how to unlock it so I hope that helps!

EDIT: I forgot to ask is anyone else having issues with the boss from level 6? if she grabs me I can't escape or die I get stuck at 3/4ths HP and if I break out she is stuck to me in the same animation and won't attack (I can walk normaly but I can't hit her or get her off of me she's just stuck trying to rape the air) everytime it happens I have to restart the whole level Dx (maybe someone could be nice enough to PM me the password for beating her?)
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I forgot to ask is anyone else having issues with the boss from level 6?

A patch was released that fixed this bug, along with some others. It replaces a bunch of data files though, so the download is pretty large. I mirrored the patch here, since the original zip needed a password, and wasn't compressed all that well, so this version is around 90MB smaller. Also, it's probably best not to waste the developer's bandwidth. ;)

Patch: http://bitshare.com/?f=qzf96zfh

Again, this is only the patch. Just extract the updated data files to the game's directory. Someone can apply it to the main download if they want.

By the way, that boss isn't even the end of the level. There is a "super" version of her afterward, followed by some more enemies and an entirely different boss.

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ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile.
https://gamerch.com/biim/714171 Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance
GhostHD wrote on wretchedegg's profile.
Hi, did you maybe have some work of these creators:

- bttファンクラブ
- skb
- Kiramekuhoshi / 煌めく星

mostly from btt would be my interest.
