[Hentai game] [131206] [unicorn-a/げーせん18] 戦極姫5~戦渦断つ覇王の系譜~ 豪華限定版 + Tokuten + Sofmap + Manual [H-Game] [Serial] [No DVD Patch]

Thanks heared the second parameter where speed like Haladrin said, but after the tutorial it was clear that this can't be right, but the cunning seems right.

P.S. anyone found out how to get Hanbei and Kanbei. They aren't chooseable as bonus character at game start, that was the solution by the Rifle-Girl don't know what her Name was. No idea how anyone should be fast enough to get her before the Rape-Scene which makes her unavailable. And you don't get Hanbei anymore with Hideyoshi like it was in SH4. So I have no idea what the trigger for them are.
Guys anyone got a game starting problem after installing patch 1.03?

It seems that nodvd ver 1.02 doesn't work with patch 1.03.

I am using Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Well obviously 1.02 WONT work with patch 1.03 :D

EDIT: Just Use Patch 1.02 :O
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hey i have been having issues getting it working so i am hoping someone can tell me what im doing wrong ive installed the game but im having issues with the no dvd thing continuously getting errors.... this series in general has been giving me problems normally id be able to figure it out whenever i try to run the no dvd a message comes up C:\user\(my username)\Sengokuhime.exe

Nevermind figured it out still cant get 3 to work though
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Alright then. Tutorial time!
Unfortunately, my external HDD (with the game on it...) just so happened to die, so there's some pictures that I couldn't take, and a few things that I couldn't actually confirm.
Also, I put most of the pictures in spoiler tags.

Sengoku Hime 5 Tutorial

The first 3 sliders are for sound.
The "Voices", although I haven't confirmed it yet, is probably the option to disable male voice acting.
Auto mode and message sliders adjust the speed of auto mode, and the speed text appears.
Autobattle has 3 options: "Arbitary" (Which I guess is "choose before each battle"), fight the battles yourself, or auto. Haven't tested autobattle, but I'm guessing it means autoresolve - i.e. you just get the result and won't see the battle itself.
Seppuku, I would believe disables suicide - I'm guessing that this means after a succesfull siege, enemy generals will always offer to join you instead of killing themselves.
Game speed: Left option is normal, right is fast.


Here you have:
情報 Information. I don't remember the buttons, but you can select: Generals info(武将情報), Country info() (see the situation in a country you don't own, costs 1 CP), clan info (check the situation of another clan, costs 1 CP). In Generals Info, you can select 解雇 to sack a general.
即保 Quicksave
即読 Quickload
Gears Options. Again, I don't remember everything, but here you have, among others:
*Exit to menu
End turn

Seasons: As far as I know, the only effect of seasons is that in autumn () you will recieve your yearly tax, and will have to pay maintanence costs, as well as your generals' salary. So, if there is a general you want to sack, you can wait until summer () to do so.
Money: Self explanatory. You gain some at the beginning of each turn, and a lot in autumn.
CP: Your action points. Most actions cost CP.

1: 威光 Authority. Also kind of like your "honor". The higher it is, the less the possibility of a general turning on you. Also increases your chances of pulling enemy generals to your side.
2: 格式 You have 3 titles: 豪族 , 小大名 , 戦国大名. You get the second one if you gain full control over a country. You get the third one after your wealth is 100. Some actions require you to get to the second rank before you can use them.
3: 総石高 Your overall wealth. This influences the yearly tax you get in autumn.
4: 総武将 The number of generals you have.
5: 総兵 How big your army is.

Information about specific countries:
石高 Wealth: Wealth here actually means how much rice can be harvested. Since the yearly tax in autumn is payed in rice, it affects how much money you get. Also, the higher this is, the more soldiers you can recruit. Recruiting, however, lowers the wealth.
支配下 Controller: You need to control at least 80% of the castles in a country to be considered it's controller. Some actions can only be used in countries you control.
町規模 How advanced the cities are: This affects income.
住民感情 Happyness: The higher it is, the less likely a peasant uprising is.
収入 Income
自武将 How many of your generals there are in this country.
敵武将 Enemy generals in the country.

更新 "Update" phase.
This is the phase where certain events happen.
A masterless general can visit you and ask to be employed.
Events about the actual harvest (bad/good harvest) might also happen. I haven't confirmed how this works here, but in 3 it affected a region - here it might affect only one country. Some of your generals can have skills that affect the chances of these events happening.
Plagues can also happen. These can spread from one country to another. An affected country loses wealth, and armies stationed there lose sldiers. Some generals can have skills that help evade this event.
You can get a messenger from the emperor. This will cost you some money, but it also gives your honor/authority.
If a province's happyness is low, an uprising might happen.

軍備 Military preparation phase.
Recruit soldiers: You have to select a country to recruit from. Then, you can give those to your generals in that country.
Training: You can have your generals train for experience. 10 can train together at the same time, and the more they are in one session, the more xp they get. Of course, it will cost more CP.
Reward: Give some money to your generals to increase their loyalty. Not sure if I observed this correctly, but it seems this doesn't increase their salary, as it did in Sengoku Hime 3.
Visit: You can use it in the country the head of the clan is in. You do a visit to a castle, looking for some items. Usually you'll get money instead, though.
Rifles: The Kanji might be different for the command in game, but I can't double-check it... so basically you can buy firearms for your armies. What you need to keep in mind, is that rifle troops are not an extra, but are subtracted from the overall army - i.e. an army with 2000 soldiers and 700 guns means you have 1300 normal soldiers and 700 gunmen. Controlling certain provincis will increase the number of guns you can buy in one turn, as well as decrease CP cost - the tutorial only mentiones two: Satsuma (starting province of the Shimazu clan), and Kawachi (there's a pic of it on the next page of this thread)
Send a spy: I couldn't experiment with this too much thanks to my HDD dying, so I'm not sure how it works. It basically sends one of your generals away as a spy, so you can see the enemies movements, each turn get a report about the generals you selected. If you have a spy somewhere, you can use another command to try and make them attack or ally with someone. It does mean, that your general actually leaves you and joins them - I'm not sure how you get them back.
Appoint governor: Appoint a governor to the country. If they're in the country, they get some benefits, e.g. decreased CP cost for administration actions. Also, it seems that if a governor participates in a victorious battle, it will increase the happyness of the country they are appointed to.

内政 Administration phase
You have 5 options here:
城の普請 Strenghten fort - increases fort level
治水開墾 Flood control and cultivating new land: This increases the country's wealth and happyness.
楽市楽座 Increases the development of the cities (町規模) and happyness.
?時徴収 Sorry, I don't know the first kanji here... :) This is a special tax, which gives you money, but decreases happyness, and according to the tutorial, could decrease your authority/honor as well.
All 4 of these should be done with character that have high administration skill (政治)
武将に会う Meet with a general. Events with your generals.

政略 Political maneuver phase
Move army: Move your generals and their armies.
Reserves: If you get a new general, they're put in the reserves first. With this order you can deploy them. Even if they are in the reserves, you will still need to pay their salaries.
Alliance: Send an offer to another clan to sign a non-agression pact. If you attack an ally, you will lose authority/honor, and some loyality from your generals. However, an ally will attack you if you cut off their way to others (i.e. you're the only one they can attack)
Ask for assistance: Haven't tested it, but you can ask for assistance from another clan. If you do a field battle in the country you used this on, you might get help.
Agitate: If you succeed with this, that clan is going to be more likely to battle you on the field, instead of retreating to the castle.
Order for spy: If you have active spies, you can use this to try make the infiltrated clan attack or ally with another clan.
Turn General: Try to convince an enemy general to join your side. If you're authority/honor is higher than the other clan's, your chances increase.
Order for Governor: If you have governors, you can give them direction on what to do. With the button you can add orders. When you do this, you'll see 4 buttons. These are the same as the first four actions in the 内政 (administration) phase. The slider sets the goal. Until the goal is achieved, you will be automatically asked at the beginnin of the phase if you want the governor to carry out the action.

作戦Strategy Phase
作戦命令 Order an attack on an enemy castle. When you give the order, the window that pops up gives you some info.
The uppermost 3 are what's important: CP cost, money cost, and how much a "siege" would cost. (More on siege later)
計略 Some planning or plotting or something like that. It decreases the enemy fort level.
内通 Have your general do some secret stuff. It should give you some kind of advantage in battle.
For the last two, you should use generals with high cunning skill (知謀). Also, after using one of these two, that general can't partake in an attack.

合戦Battle Phase
In this phase the attacks planned in the Strategy Phase will be carried out. However, if your generals are attacked before carrying out their attack, they won't be able to attack. And you won't get the money you spent for the order back.

So first, you have field battles (野戦). In these, the weather can affect your battle:
Clear weather has no implications.
In fog, you can't see your enemy untill your troops "touch" theirs. You still seem to be able to fire at them with firearms though.
In rain, you won't be able to use your firearms (unless your general has a special skill)

You have 3 types of troops:
騎兵 Cavalary - Strong vs archers. They can attack after moving.
弓兵 Archers - Strong vs spearmen. They can attack enemies one square ahead, and their charge attack is an area attack that damages more enemies.
槍兵 Spearmen - Strong vs cavalary. Will always counterattack (except if they're being shot, of course)

The two bars in the upper side show the two sides' overall morale. You can win by depleting the enemy's.
You will also automatically win if you defeat the enemy captain (大将). If you win like this, you will get the castle too, without having to siege it.
You will also win, if one of your troops gets to the last square.

At the beginning, you can select your formation, after which you'll have to select your captain. And place your troops.
About the battlefields: on the map, you can see signs next to the castles - these indicate the size of the battlefield. These are:
Large - 5 rows
Medium - 3 rows
Small - 2 rows

The orders you can give are:
移動>>前進Move forward and 後退Move back
攻撃 Normal Attack
突撃 Charge - Stronger than normal attack, but the enemy will counterattack, meaning you also take some damage.
鉄砲 Fire guns - you can only shoot at the troops in the same row, and the closer you are, the more damage it does. You need to wait for some time before using it again though.
交代 Change - if you have extra generals not on the battlefield, you can call them in instead of someone already on the field. You can't call your commander off though, instead you can have them change place with someone next to them.
待機 Wait
特殊 Special - haven't tried it yet, but I'd guess some skill can be activated here
大将 Commander - Here you can call in a 別働隊 (detached force), if you have a general waiting and not on the battlefield. It takes a turn to prepare, and your commender gets an extra attack for their next attack. This is also where you can retreat, either into the castle where the battle is (if defender), or to another one.

Then you have 攻城戦sieges.
If you are defender, there is nothing really to do.
If you are an attacker, you can:
強攻 Assault: You do more damage, but you lose soldiers.
包囲 Siege: Does less damage, but you won't lose soldiers. Costs money instead. When you hover over the button, you can see the cost, as well as your current money.
With the last button, you fall back.
Sometimes, if your army is strong enough, you can get this message:
Select yes (left one), and you might get the castle without having to siege it. However, if you select that and they won't give up the castle, you will only have 1 turn instead of 3 to siege.

装備、スキルEquipment and skills
I couldn't take pictures for this one, and I don't remember every button, so I'll have to keep this really basic.
To acces items, you view the general information. There, one of the buttons takes you to the skills and equipment screen.
Here, you can see info about your general:
代官 Here you can see if the general is the governor of a country
統率 Leadership (In battle)
知謀 Cunning - You need this for military and diplomatic actions. Also affects battles in that more cunning generals move first.
政治 Administration - If your clan leader has more adm. skill, you'll get more CP. You need this for actions during the 内政administration phase.
忠誠 Loyalty - Loyal generals are less likely to rebel against you, and will be harder for the enemy to make them leave you. Means they are important characters who you can't fire, but won't turn on you either. If you visited every event of a general, you will form a bond with them, so they won't betray you.
俸禄 Salary
兵種 Unit type
兵数 Army size
鉄砲数 Guns
レベル Level
経験値 XP

As for the skills... since each of them have different effects and requirements, I'm sorry but I'll skip those... :) I don't know if Souma's skills are the same in each campaign, but I do know that in the Date campaign his first skill, when activates, gives bonus attack power for assaults during a siege.

装備Items: here, you can equip items. You have 6 types:
*刀Swords: Increases Leadership, can be used by anyone.
*槍Spears: Increases Leadership, for generals with spearmen.
*馬Horses: Increases Leadership, for generals with cavalary.
*弓Bow: Increases Leadership, for generals with archers.
*書物Books: Increases Administration skill.
*巻物Scrolls: Increases cunning.
*貴品Treasures: Can't be equipped, but can be sold.
To sell items you don't want, use the 売却 button.

And that's it. Sorry for the kind of hectic writing, it's probably not a well-written tutorial overall, but even like this, it took quite some time. No doubt you guys have already figured most of this out by yourselves already, but I hope you could find something here that made things clearer for you.
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Awesome guide :D, Helped answer quite a few things i didnt know.
One question though how do you increase the amount of rifles you can get?
generally its for me

5 CP = 100 Rifles
4 CP = 200 Rifles
3 CP = 300 Rifles
2 CP = 400 Rifles
1 CP = 500 Rifles
ive never gotten it below 5 CP (minus story mode)

Never figured out how to, and it would really help to not spend 5 CP a turn for only 100 Rifles :D
I forgot to include that, but according to the game's tutorial, guns are "hard to get and expensive". However, owning some provinces gives you bonuses to buying guns (provinces that historically did a lot of trade with Europeans, I guess). The tutorial mentions 2, if I remember correctly one of them is Satsuma (The starting province of the Shimazu clan).
any1 have any tips for increasing units more quickly or how is the number of troops you can recruit determined
The number of soldiers you recruit depends on the wealth (石高) of the province, and if I remember correctly on the happyness (住民感情) as well.
The number of soldiers you recruit depends on the wealth (石高) of the province, and if I remember correctly on the happyness (住民感情) as well.

That i knew, i was just wondering how to decrease Rifle cost :D
That i knew, i was just wondering how to decrease Rifle cost :D

I wrote that one to CJ993's question. :)

As for the guns: As I wrote in my post before that, the only way the tutorial mentions is controlling specific provinces. I have reinstalled the game since, and the second province it mentions is Kawachi (河内), which is this one here:
I have tested it quickly, taking control of the Shimazu starting province in story mode, and taking control of Kawachi in freemode with Miyoshi. Both have worked and decreased the cost to 4 + increased guns bought to 200.
Nope lol
id rather use Yoshitsugu anyway :D
way to cute ^_^

+ lvl 4 is kinda strong for (40 Morale for 3 turns is great)
Jus finish my Oda run on Easy. I think easy gives you too much money and it reduce almost all the challenge. I could attack 7 cities at once using 3X3000 team for each and CPU will nv fight me. So pretty much jus surround the castle and capture!

Was wondering abt why cant i speak with my generals? And for some reason some of my CG in from Oda are not complete...
Does anyone Know of a Nodvd patch for 1.05 version?
apparently it adds a new "battle" mode for the game
Jus finish my Oda run on Easy. I think easy gives you too much money and it reduce almost all the challenge. I could attack 7 cities at once using 3X3000 team for each and CPU will nv fight me. So pretty much jus surround the castle and capture!

Was wondering abt why cant i speak with my generals? And for some reason some of my CG in from Oda are not complete...

Oda Route locks all the Side-Storys you get from speaking with your generals, on other routes only a few characters are locked like the characters from Miyoshi on Ashikaga-Route. The missing CGs from Oda are likely from Side-Storys (Imagawa Characters I think) and if you don't defeat Nobunaga with Nobuyuki in the first battle.
How to make the game non widescreen when in fullscreen mode? I mean 16:9 in 1920x1080. Not with those black stripes above and below made for japanese eyes
Do you have multiple monitors connected on your pc? It happens often to me, so i have to turn off all 3 extra monitor, start the game, then turn them on (but i use shortcuts to automate everything), seem that is a windows issue that report the informations on the wrong order, not the games themself.
Want to buy NoDVD for Version 1.07 :(

A NoDVD for Version 1.07 were great I think the last was for Version 1.02. A Walkthrough were good as well still don't know how to get Kanbee and Hanbei, always the same I get Kanbee and don't Hanbei or Reverse, but I need both to clear them.

And what are the right choices to marry the sisters on Shimazu Route. You should be able to choice on of the four sisters, the harem or the family end, but I always got only the choice for family end.
I play this game relatively normal, save and retrieve the data were normal. But i meet this problem :
when I met H-scene, everything was fine,after that i save and I back into my main screen area to see H-scene,
I was kicked out of the game
when I go back to games, every scene scene disappeared
other things and it's still repeated many times . plz help me
Do you have multiple monitors connected on your pc? It happens often to me, so i have to turn off all 3 extra monitor, start the game, then turn them on (but i use shortcuts to automate everything), seem that is a windows issue that report the informations on the wrong order, not the games themself.
No. Only one monitor. =/

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ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile.
https://gamerch.com/biim/714171 Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance
GhostHD wrote on wretchedegg's profile.
Hi, did you maybe have some work of these creators:

- bttファンクラブ
- skb
- Kiramekuhoshi / 煌めく星

mostly from btt would be my interest.
