I was going to extract an h-code on this game, however when i disabled the crawl for the voices, the repetitions near disappeared except for the character names; only got two repetitions until now;
it's on the option panel, 2nd tab, on the 4th flag in the lower left, the one named "音声と文章を同期" (synchronize text and voice);
did anyone tried that?
Note, i did the test on windows xp x64 where i have the tools, but seeing the problem as described i don't think it's different.
I was wondering where that button was. Usually the text speed is uniform to a single slider in other VN's and was wondering why the voice parts were still crawling. So thanks for the heads up.
Well, wasted 15min in debugging the game. When testing my code I found that it didnt need h-codes in ATGH/ITH with TA. VNR even gave perfect extracted text.Code:/HBN-4:8@40A23B
WIN7 x64 is the only os for me and works perferct for debugging or text-grabing tools
Work is greatly appreciated. Takes out some of strange grammatical inserts and symbols and provides a smoother translation for ITH.
what is VNR????
It's another translation tool (never used it myself so I can't really comment one way or another if it works "better" or not)
I may try it out after my primary online translation option Google has opted to block out third party programs recently but I hear it uses Google translate as well?