I can't get the harem route either. That being said, I can't even figure out how the hypnosis mini-game is suppose to work...
I'll translate the walkthrough page for y'all. It's accurate, I can confirm through testing.
The note at the top of the walkthrough says that the hypnosis mini-game is nearly pointless. You get 2 points (on a hidden counter) clicking the woman's crotch or breasts, and 1 point for head or arms. When you get up to 10 points, the Exit button will appear; press that, you'll clear the hypnosis. If you keep clicking on the woman, and get up to 20 points, you'll end up breaking the hypnotic trance and fail.
The second note says that basically for every woman there's seven points (8 in one case) that you need to see in order to get the right answers for the quiz at the end. Those are the first columns under each individual capture. The second column indicate other places you can click on that are failures/red herrings that prevent you from gathering the information you need.
However, the third note says you
do not need to actually see all the scenes. If you happen to guess the right answers in the quiz (perhaps from reading the walkthrough), no problem, you can still pass. It also notes that you don't have to get every single one of the quiz questions right, just "enough" of them, though the author isn't sure what the minimum number is.
The fourth note, about the harem route, says that you need to see every other individual character's ending to get the harem route to work. Then, you load up a save back where the doctor asked you for your
first target, select the option of "everybody" (全員.) You may need to pick the "some other target" option. It also notes that even if you made the save originally, before having viewed all the endings, the extra choice will appear when loading up an old save. (That is, you don't have to start over from the beginning, just use your old save.) When doing the harem route from the start, it will skip all the information gathering steps and just go to an abbreviated version of the quiz for each of the women (two questions per woman, instead of the eight on the individual routes.)
The next note is the list of choices for the options to take starting from the opening to the part where you select your first target. (You should save there.)
The next part are the captures. The first column is where to go to gather the data; the second column is the red herring locations; the third column is the quiz answers. The notes at the top indicate prerequisites if any. 璃月晶 and 寝屋川音寧 can be done from the start. 美山みあ requires that 璃月晶 be done first, 佐渡紗和子 requires 寝屋川音寧 to be done. After capturing one of the two second level women, 紗和子 or みあ, you can do the school headmaster, 東ヶ崎董子. There's a couple places where getting another woman to assist you gives you a different scene. Usually it's the doctor's assistant woman. For the headmaster, both her and the second level women have extra scenes. You can only get the choice to get help from the second level woman that you did, either 紗和子 or みあ, not both. If you want to see both, you need to reach the headmaster via both paths on different saves. (The game gives you a bad end if you try to do all the women, rather than proceeding onto the headmaster after you've done a level 2 capture.)
The harem ending note says what I already said; it's only available after viewing all 5 of the individual endings, and requires going back to the original first choice.
The last part just details when those various "Tips" (little facts about psychology and hypnosis) appear and are logged, depending on route.
Oh, and the part at the top says that the patches with 20140630 in the name are only to reduce the load on your computer by reducing the resolution of the CG and animations. If you go to the maker's site, it says to apply those *only* if you're having graphical troubles. The first patch (with just patch in the title) fixes bugs however, so you should do that one.
If you want to get everything, you should go:
Save at the first target selection.
璃月晶 capture. Save before the choice that says to make her yours (自分のものにする), that leads to her ending. View her ending, then reload and say you want to do another target. (Also, quicksave and reload before the option to get help from the other woman and to do it yourself to view both scenes.)
美山みあ capture. Again, save before the choice to make her yours, view her ending, then reload, say you want to do the principal. (Also, quicksave and reload as before.)
東ヶ崎董子 capture. Quicksave and reload before the choice to get help from either doctor's assistant or みあ, or do it yourself. View her ending. (There's also a scene where you take revenge on her but end up breaking her so you pick some other girl as your consolation prize. You can do this to view one of the other endings if you wish instead of saving an reloading to get all 5.)
Reload the first save, at first target selection.
寝屋川音寧 capture. Save and quicksave as before, viewing her ending.
佐渡紗和子 capture. Save and quicksave as before, viewing her ending.
東ヶ崎董子. Go to at least the choice to get help, this time view the scene with 紗和子's help.
Reload the first save, at first target selection. After picking "some other target" there should now be a everybody (全員) option that will take you to the harem path, since you've gotten all 5 endings.