[Hentai game] [150424] [ALICESOFT] イブニクル -Evenicle- + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

level grinding and use some potion and use strategy... no joke

P.S: i already beat all the boss on every region, except the damn V2 bebeta on red sea (that's what i get when atlas translate the name), since in XX turn, the boss deal one hit KO attack... i need to increase my party's damage output

around 10 trun
What do you all use for accessories? I've been using mostly the staight damage ones (+100 attack/magic, etc), but now that I've also gotten a few Asta-only ones from the character-events at home, maybe I can improve the performance a bit. For reference: I'm currently at the beginning of the Hamlet part where you escort Towa's father to Horatio.

The best accessories will be for sale in Central (the upper city) after you finish chapter 6, so i would not spend time with events, only exception are the ones with H scenes.

Did someone kill the BossMob in Hamlet, i mean the one near the fish spot (Toten like) Neither Magic or melee makes more than 10 of damage... any trick ?

The best accessories will be for sale in Central (the upper city) after you finish chapter 6, so i would not spend time with events, only exception are the ones with H scenes.

Did someone kill the BossMob in Hamlet, i mean the one near the fish spot (Toten like) Neither Magic or melee makes more than 10 of damage... any trick ?

damage the boss with gurigura's 4 BP skill that reduce defense for 2 turn (the one that when she attack, there's a picture of shield when she hit the enemy, the def debuff only work for 2 turn, so damage the boss ASAP, or wait for gurigura to use her skill again)

i don't know wether it's def debuff or damage received increase... since i can't read japanese

anyone know where to get riche's 4x damage light magic - single enemy?
before you fight the second boss, go back in the previous room, walk around and there will be some rocks that will fall. you will fall into a cave room with another boss. fight that boss first than go back up and fight the other boss.

btw any one know how to do camlot 3rd door?

and does any one knows how i can proceed with campers events. im stuck on the second one

3rd door you need to end the fight with one of those big attacks that have a cut-in animation.
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can anyone help me i am stuck at chapter 5
it ask me to disable all traps in the school section, which i did apart from the part shown in picture below, whenever i step on it, it sends me back to the edge how do i proceed?
This one isn't the trap you are looking for. There's a hidden one without a !-symbol in one of the other rooms, in an upper left corner
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It's seem I was read the guide.
It's say I need to beat nobobo.
But I don't seem it.
Where is it?
anybody manage to hook text from the game ?im using ith but it doesnt seem to be working i tried using different version of it still end up the same
im missing 4 of the enemy girls to capture (2, 9, 10, 12), any one knows their location? the guide says 2nd one is a random encounter, not sure where. and also says about monster's burrows, dont know where that is located.
im missing 4 of the enemy girls to capture (2, 9, 10, 12), any one knows their location? the guide says 2nd one is a random encounter, not sure where. and also says about monster's burrows, dont know where that is located.

monster's burrows
monster girl 9.10
You go to the left upper mountain from a Maquimomo, and please board a balloon

monster girl 2
all location low probability

monster girl 12
colopty Food Ticket

level grinding and use some potion and use strategy... no joke

P.S: i already beat all the boss on every region, except the damn V2 bebeta on red sea (that's what i get when atlas translate the name), since in XX turn, the boss deal one hit KO attack... i need to increase my party's damage output

use "biyori" / stun skill...
don't let it get any turn as many as possible...
i'm using all item that i get from other boss for asterix LV.76...
Hello! Could somebody make an h-code for Evenicle with patch 1.01 or help me to make it. Game crashed and now saves are not loading. I could load my saves only with patch installed but i cant hook strings with patch. So i could play with patch, but without understanding anything. All help we be really appreciated.
I have a question when I start with adult rance came to a village with a castle in the center. dialogue after I returned to the main game know how to solve that problem? and move on to the next phase.

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