[Hentai game] [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game] [Crack]

Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Great. Another game with DRM. That makes 2 games that are unplayable including Kabe Tsuma 2.

there are more than 2 of them, all the recent games from anim (2) and few from wendybell and i think games from alicesoft will include drm to.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

It's not THAT horrible, IF our "gods" from 2djgame release them for public real soon. It happens sometimes, and it seems like Anim games, Wendybell game and others have really low sales on japanese market. That's the main reason why we waiting. If you think drm is a problem for 2djgame team, you really underestimate that people.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

there are more than 2 of them, all the recent games from anim (2) and few from wendybell and i think games from alicesoft will include drm to.

Alice Soft too ?? i wa really looking forward to their game from this month =/
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Lo unico que espero es que no metan sus basuras de candados en el rance X me entraria depresion no jugarlo
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Alice Soft too ?? i wa really looking forward to their game from this month =/

If I remember right tsumamigui 3 didn't needed a crack, and if needed it was instantly cracked.
And yeah, their next game looks godly, might be as good or even better then oyakorankan and tsumamigui 3, can't wait till the release... if we have to wait 1 year for a crack like with the animmm games then it just might be the first eroge I'm buying.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

If I remember right tsumamigui 3 didn't needed a crack, and if needed it was instantly cracked.
And yeah, their next game looks godly, might be as good or even better then oyakorankan and tsumamigui 3, can't wait till the release... if we have to wait 1 year for a crack like with the animmm games then it just might be the first eroge I'm buying.

I said that bcs alicesoft is a company less friendly to west ppl (like ANIM btw) and she can afford a drm protection (a competent one right now). And a good part is that all this is a speculation of my own.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

We need a Skidrow version for Japanese visual novels. 2DJF needs some competition to step up their game. Too many good titles getting by without getting cracked or shared.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

I said that bcs alicesoft is a company less friendly to west ppl (like ANIM btw) and she can afford a drm protection (a competent one right now). And a good part is that all this is a speculation of my own.

All this companies hate us gaijins. Basically. Alicesoft and Anim more (Because they can! They are huge, pretty famous and wealthy), some maybe less. But nobody like us at least 1/100 bit. Anyway, they are VERY, extremely (and stupidly) proud of themselves. "Eat my (mighty) DRM monkeys!"

We need a Skidrow version for Japanese visual novels. 2DJF needs some competition to step up their game. Too many good titles getting by without getting cracked or shared.
Too bad it's not gonna happen any time soon. Almost nobody likes visual novels we like. Almost nobody wants them cracked. Who gonna be this "Skidrow"?
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

i dont think they implementing those drms against foreign pirates. when you dl torrent you can see 90% or more peers are from jp. so i think japanesse pirates are primary target. we are just collateral damage :)

and almost everyone in jp do not like gaijins not only their compainies. it's in their blood.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

I know all that perfectly, but my last words isn't only about our perspective. I meant japanese pirates too.

And their hate for us is VERY understandable to me. Extremely. All their not so distant history full of westerner's treacheries and their voracious greed. Every damn european colonial country. And USA of course, the largest one. What do you even expect from japanese people now? When their country completely dishonored and disgraced so many times? Love? Hospitality maybe?
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

I know all that perfectly, but my last words isn't only about our perspective. I meant japanese pirates too.

And their hate for us is VERY understandable to me. Extremely. All their not so distant history full of westerner's treacheries and their voracious greed. Every damn european colonial country. And USA of course, the largest one. What do you even expect from japanese people now? When their country completely dishonored and disgraced so many times? Love? Hospitality maybe?

Have you ever considered that H-game companies may simply not want to distribute their games world-wide because of:
- little audience (a very few people understand/read Japanese),
- the cost of translating text (localization) to make it more accessible,
- loli content (or even straight pedophily...) which is prohibited in most countries,
- the censorship problem (why would they keep it when the only reason of its presence is a japanese law ? Then, how to prevent japanese from buying the uncensored version ?)

That's, to me, way more concrete than "japanese hate the rest of the world", at least regarding H-games.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

But where in my words i said "i want japanese H-game companies to distribute their games world-wide"? Nowhere. I know why they don't do that, and probably never will. It's just how it is. Western people too "liberal", with all this so-called "pedophilia" hysterics. Paranoia and blind panic of western, mainly american "world".
I don't really know japanese either, but i read japanese vn anyway. With so many programs like VNR. It's not a big problem anymore.
And of course i know about retarded and incredibly outdated japanese censorship law. Who don't? That's the main reason, except loli\shota, why japanese companies don't distribute their products world-wide.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

you should also add to list that in US many activist trying to ban these games after the illusion game raplay incident. any games that includes violent sex such as rape are prohibited from US sites of amazon or ebay.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

you should also add to list that in US many activist trying to ban these games after the illusion game raplay incident. any games that includes violent sex such as rape are prohibited from US sites of amazon or ebay.

The thing is the world isn't US only. Even if Japan is anal about their censoring laws, they sure know how to differentiate between a loli and a toddler and so does a lot of the other world as well. I mean saying that playing a loli eroge will lead to pedo attacks on real children is like saying there are so many shootings in US due to people playing GTA. I am not a fan of loli genre but a lot of good titles like Aselia the Eternal got butchered trying to cut off a heroine's route because she looked young and called the protagonist "Papa". There wasn't even a relationship established like that and she just called him dad out of affection without understanding the concept of a parent because she was a spirit and they never had families to begin with.

Japanese are smart. Bar censoring, there is not much the world can force them NOT to do as long as they remain in their own borders. So they don't branch outwards aggressively. Even UN has been pushing them to stop doing a lot of things for years and yet they don't. The only messed up part is that US is biggest market outside of Japan for Japanese games and whatever content does manage to get out of Japan gets heavily influenced by "Western ethics" which ends up either cutting off portions of VN or just localizing the 13+ version.
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Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

you should also add to list that in US many activist trying to ban these games after the illusion game raplay incident. any games that includes violent sex such as rape are prohibited from US sites of amazon or ebay.

Yeah, of course... i hate that "liberal" idiots sooo much. Hail the japanese nation. One of the strongest ones and one of the most unaffected to all this western bullshit. It's our saviors. I'd love them even more, if not some of their laws.

The only messed up part is that US is biggest market outside of Japan for Japanese games and whatever content does manage to get out of Japan gets heavily influenced by "Western ethics" which ends up either cutting off portions of VN or just localizing the 13+ version.

Western paranoia... this isn't strange at all. US influence their people, make sorta like "zombies" from them, who obeys every order. All this pedophilia panic is natural events.
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Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Yeah, of course... i hate that "liberal" idiots sooo much. Hail the japanese nation. One of the strongest ones and one of the most unaffected to all this western bullshit. It's our saviors. I'd love them even more, if not some of their laws.

Western paranoia... this isn't strange at all. US influence their people, make sorta like "zombies" from them, who obeys every order. All this pedophilia panic is natural events.
Liberal? Wait till those feminists managed to learn another language (Japanese) and can access to VN. They will want to round up and execute most of people here, ISIS style. And it's not even an exaggeration.

(This girl don't have enough boobs. You are pedophile. That girl has too much boobs, that is objectifying of woman, you misogynists. #killallmen)

I can guarantee that there are less % of those who identified as lolicon, actually convicted for pedophile (than your national average). Just like those who like forced content has less charges for rape. Or those who play GTA or Doom, are less likely to carry out a shooting/ car-hijacking. Why? Because if they do, it's would have been amplified by every national media, on how "new/foreign entertainment poison our youth". Imagine if a child rapist was found to have lolicon VN in his hard drive? It will make Trump cover looks tame

(It's not all doom-and-gloom through. I still remember back in the fuss about Rapeplay. And they managed to interview a girl (with her bf) who admitted she dl-ed to try it out. Her opinion? 'Well, it's fairly tame unlike the fuss about. And the game clearly don't promote rape, as the only ending it had, is the guy got killed')
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Whenever an Anim thread gets bumped I get my hopes up for a crack only to be disappointed seconds later. :(
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Whenever an Anim thread gets bumped I get my hopes up for a crack only to be disappointed seconds later. :(

I'm the same =/ good thing i have at least four games to play right now and at the end of the month a few more.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Any news for crack guys?
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Out there is crack for a game who have playdrm protection(it's a Campus new one) and with that in mind there is question-why this one dont still have a crack?
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

I still do not get the crack I still remember that a guy said he would wait for anything to avoid spending good money and we are in 2017 apparently there is no interest in releasing the crack in the same way and check the eroge HCG are pretty good.

I hope that in February they upload the crack of the new game of wife-mother and son that if it will be worth it
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Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Out there is crack for a game who have playdrm protection(it's a Campus new one) and with that in mind there is question-why this one dont still have a crack?

In some cases it's possible to use trial version .exe to make a crack (depends on the game engine) so there is no need to have a serial to activate the game to crack it. For this game it looks like you need to give the activated copy to a cracker first.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Look like there is no hope then. Sigh!
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Look like there is no hope then. Sigh!

Buy the game and find someone to crack it for you. It's the only way.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Buy the game and find someone to crack it for you. It's the only way.

I would like to buy it if I can and even after buying it I still need someone to crack?

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