[Hentai game] [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game] [Crack]

Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]

Anyone have the game crashing right when you attempt to enter the tutorial battle?

View attachment 24730

For reference, I'm on version 1.02 with AP01. First I tried the code KillerDxD posted in this thread, and that allowed the game to launch but crashed at the same spot. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled everything and applied the crack, but it still has this problem. Japanese locale, region settings, etc. all fine.

as per usual eushully, at main screen then settings try change font to MS Gothic UI
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Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]

Anyone have the game crashing right when you attempt to enter the tutorial battle?

View attachment 24730

For reference, I'm on version 1.02 with AP01. First I tried the code KillerDxD posted in this thread, and that allowed the game to launch but crashed at the same spot. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled everything and applied the crack, but it still has this problem. Japanese locale, region settings, etc. all fine.

No issues here(yet), was able to play the tutorial battle. Win7-1.02-AP01, followed Anonymouse's instructions.
Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]

skimmed the CGs, findings:
- four H CGs with red-haired heroine
- two H CGs per other heroine, possibly during capture(?)
- large variety of females with scenes, like alot of unique females, but one scene each
- main red haired girl scene with, 1 green humanoid, 1 purple humanoid, both of which i don't know the identity (it's just pics)
- one 1v1 extra scene with luciel(?) (white-haired angel)
- large number of FFMs with different combinations of female heroines
For win7 how to solve the startup error prompt message which come from the movie cannot be show.
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Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]

Its a bit darker than recent games. For example, the main heroine is raping the orc instead lol.

I'm the opposite of the other guy. I'm more of a vanilla lover and skip their darker games, where the heroines are getting graped. Is this one I should skip; are there routes with different tones so people can choose vanilla or darker; or is it a mix with some darker moments, but a general vanilla feel all mixed in the same route?
Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]

I'm the opposite of the other guy. I'm more of a vanilla lover and skip their darker games, where the heroines are getting graped. Is this one I should skip; are there routes with different tones so people can choose vanilla or darker; or is it a mix with some darker moments, but a general vanilla feel all mixed in the same route?

general vanilla...
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Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]

Try all of the instruction but in the end error with ARCGameEngine has stopped working

I had the same problem about ARCGameEngine Stopped Working, It happens after the first battle tutorial, i wonder what makes the game crash everytime the game about to start the first battle. oh and for some reason my AppLocal doesn't work automatically, sometimes the text show up as a code rather than kanji, i had to manually use the AppLocal, does anyone know how to deal with this problems ?
Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]

I had the same problem about ARCGameEngine Stopped Working, It happens after the first battle tutorial, i wonder what makes the game crash everytime the game about to start the first battle. oh and for some reason my AppLocal doesn't work automatically, sometimes the text show up as a code rather than kanji, i had to manually use the AppLocal, does anyone know how to deal with this problems ?

Refer my #31 floor msg, tried it and see.
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Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]

I had the same problem about ARCGameEngine Stopped Working, It happens after the first battle tutorial, i wonder what makes the game crash everytime the game about to start the first battle. oh and for some reason my AppLocal doesn't work automatically, sometimes the text show up as a code rather than kanji, i had to manually use the AppLocal, does anyone know how to deal with this problems ?

The font setting please make sure it was MS UI Gothic
Can't move age.exe into game folder, says I don't have administrator rights to do it but I obviously do. Is something wrong with that crack?
Well, skipping this one, another dark theme game from eushully, I prefer games like Kamidori, Kami no Rhapsody, Amayui or even Soukoku no Arterial. Hope that next year eushully releases some game with a light theme.

Preferences aside, this game looks really shorter in questions of CG, it looks like it has 650± counting variations aswell. I know eushully will release an estimated of 1 billion appends with CG but this one looks way shorter in this aspect when you compare with others games. This is what I've seen when looking at CGs and if this confirms, they kinda skipped 2019 and delivered this one in 2020. they don't seem to bet on this one or they'll really launch 1 billion append to surpass the 1k200+ from others games. But well, I've only seen CGs and they may be incomplete and I can be wrong about this.
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Everything works thanks! Now, how to play this game? :D I got shelled in ?fifth? mission (the one against the angels) :o_O:
AP01 expedition dungeon is interesting. You can only do each stage of it once per playthrough it seems (I got to stage two, havent gone further yet), so it seems like more of a one time boost instead of an infinite grinding area like in some other AP01s (still better than himegari's), and even has the little minigame of trying to corner the treasure puttetos. However you can break the game without even technically cheating easily. Since you can retire and carry over data whenever you want, you can pretty easily loop the treasure putetto dungeons to give insane training points, since they dont scale hp very much, if at all. Clear the AP01 dungeon (even the first stage is fine tbh, capturing both puttetos might be difficult until you get Lily or Claus's capture attack, Helmina can only seem to do 33% capture rate each cast unless shes way overlevelled against them). Sac the putettos for points (i havent seen a reason to bother keeping them so far or summoning more, but maybe the abilities they get are good). Pump up Claus's level, retire with save data, start a new game carrying everything over, make sure battle skip and enemy uncapping are turned on, and repeat. Enemies will scale on Claus's level, and the putettos give much more training as they gain levels. Level 16 ones had like 12k points per and only 9hp, meaning instant capture if Claus or Lily catches them. You can probably just repeat this until Claus/Helmina unit is capped before even doing the first mission.

Dont know what to make of this game so far. Hopefully things will get a bit more interesting once I unlock class-ups at stage 21, but it seems a bit barren right now. Himegari had alchemy and magic, along with getting the ranks of those things up to focus on between missions. This just has training it seems. I like that they give the option of fixed stat ups, makes savescumming unnecessary since you know you're getting a fixed reward. No saving during battles (except with the support item) makes them a bit more tactically involved since you have to start all over if you mess up too badly, rather than being able to go back to a save right before a crucial blunder. No permadeath seems to be balanced out by the fact that you cant seem to summon/rez units mid battle, unless you unlock something for that later. Holding items is a good thing, seems they're trying to move away from the infinite healing item spam of some of their other games.

Does anyone know if stat caps get lifted eventually, or raised? Seems like a low numbers game so far. I assume the caps would be raised once you class change, but haven't gotten that far yet. Lily seems like her Kamidori incarnation right now, low start but good, even growth and even caps make her seem like she'll grow into a powerhouse.
Anyone know how to use cheat engine in the game? The values seems to be encrypted.
None of the options worked :((, I have windows 7
"The program can't start because api-ms-win-eventing-classicprovider-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer"
Anyone know how to use cheat engine in the game? The values seems to be encrypted.

1st time hacking Eushully-chan's game :v?
Welp, I only hack mana though, just scan for unknown value 1st then make change or just go in or out a window then scan far change or unchange value :3

Though I'm in the 1st play through. Max lv is 60 and stats are kinda low even at max lv... welp
Sorry, but I don't think we needed to hear this part. Please understand that some of us like it dark :ninja:

I know that some of you like this, just talking why I'll not play this one and expressing preferences. No need to feel attacked or something :)

...besides thats not my mainpoint.
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I like that they give the option of fixed stat ups, makes savescumming unnecessary since you know you're getting a fixed reward. No saving during battles (except with the support item) makes them a bit more tactically involved since you have to start all over if you mess up too badly, rather than being able to go back to a save right before a crucial blunder. No permadeath seems to be balanced out by the fact that you cant seem to summon/rez units mid battle, unless you unlock something for that later. Holding items is a good thing, seems they're trying to move away from the infinite healing item spam of some of their other games.

Good, this was my issue about eushully games(lvl up, save scum, item use) mainly in meister series, it's really good that they are trying to put some difficulty making you think before act, I remember in amayui and kamidori enemys are not a problem except if they are extremely strong to almost kill your unit in 1 turn and come with dozen of the same enemy with a fast respawn. The game from eushully that i've played and kinda balanced it was Kami no Raphsody with item being a skill and limited uses, level up being runes of your choice, and don't remember if save scumming are a thing in hard difficulty. Soukoku no Arterial on other hand leveling wasn't a problem but using item indefinitely on your cards in your turn is the downside.
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