[Hentai game] [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game] [Crack]

At some special stage, u cannot make those characters to pop out. So better do it in normal stages instead of in some stages w special objectives.

I pressed the tab button for over 5 minutes where the victory requirement was move the unit to the designated spot. Eushully did not spawn. She's exclusive to NG+, the other two I triggered by waiting at the victory point until the turn counter was up.

Obviously the two mini-bosses won't show up on an angel capture stage or the start dash stage.
Does anyone else notice the screen keep going black for a split second whenever a scene changes CG? Its extremely annoying, I never seen any other game does this, is this intended? Anyway to turn it off?

Is there a way to get more equipment or items? I haven't see any kind of shop, unless I'm blind.

Also whats the point of research? I know you can summon unit directly with points once the bar is maxed. But to max the bar you usually need to sac multiples of that unit ... since the ones you recruit never die ... why not just recruit them from the get go instead of sacing for research then summon them after? Its very counter intuitive.

Lastly, is there a way to summon / get more rare-variant of monsters?
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Does anyone else notice the screen keep going black for a split second whenever a scene changes CG? Its extremely annoying, I never seen any other game does this, is this intended? Anyway to turn it off?

This happened to me too in fullscreen but in window mode it didn't.

Is there a way to get more equipment or items? I haven't see any kind of shop, unless I'm blind.

Don't think there is

Also whats the point of research? I know you can summon unit directly with points once the bar is maxed. But to max the bar you usually need to sac multiples of that unit ... since the ones you recruit never die ... why not just recruit them from the get go instead of sacing for research then summon them after? Its very counter intuitive.

It helps for rarer units and units that you only have one at a high level (since you can summon at the highest level you've had). It's also kinda nice once advancing ritual is unlocked if you want multiples of the upgraded class since it takes a lot of sacrifices in some cases.

Lastly, is there a way to summon / get more rare-variant of monsters?

Don't think so.
Does anyone else notice the screen keep going black for a split second whenever a scene changes CG? Its extremely annoying, I never seen any other game does this, is this intended? Anyway to turn it off?

Is there a way to get more equipment or items? I haven't see any kind of shop, unless I'm blind.

Also whats the point of research? I know you can summon unit directly with points once the bar is maxed. But to max the bar you usually need to sac multiples of that unit ... since the ones you recruit never die ... why not just recruit them from the get go instead of sacing for research then summon them after? Its very counter intuitive.

Lastly, is there a way to summon / get more rare-variant of monsters?

1. Doesn't happen to me. Must be a user-specific PC issue.
2. No shop, players get items and equipment from quest rewards and treasure drops on the map. Cheat engine players can cheat their way out of any situation, everyone else has to play carefully and decide if they really want to use that healing potion if there's a way to avoid the damage or spread it out to begin with.
3. Research unlocks units which can be summoned at any time when the player wants them. As already noted, they either come out at level 1 or summoned at the highest level commanded by the player. For casual players, it's not really necessary. Those playing the game seriously who want every possible benefit as soon as possible will like the feature, since it might mean getting a class upgrade several stages sooner than the game intended. It's also a fallback if players aren't thorough at capturing every single unit possible.
4. Rare variant monsters? Don't know what that means, but every unit in the game bar the unique characters (angels, demons and the unique variants of the regular monsters) can be summoned. Another reason for research, especially if players are short of a resource for a class upgrade and realised later they sacrificed the right candidate several stages before.

For the unique monster variants (unique slime, unique goblin, unique orc, unique succubi variants, unique angel, unique harpy, unique naga etc.), players have one chance to catch and recruit them. Miss that chance and it means retrying the stage or waiting for new game plus to try again. Players can tell visually where these monsters are, since they have a slightly different appearance and have a unique name. Upgrading these unique units does not change their appearance (e.g. the unique angel looks the same whether she's an angel or upgraded to tier 5).

Research is also required to summon monsters that otherwise do not appear as enemies in the game (most notable examples are the skeleton warrior and the king slime).
Thanks for the info Resonae. Windowed screen fixed the flickering CG issue for me as well ... I'm curious are you using 1.0 or did you upgrade to 1.2? I like to keep the game in full screen since windowed mode cut off the bottom and warp some text ... I wonder if a update fixed it.
This game's design is a pokemon-clone gone wrong, especially when you progress down the story.
With all the named characters, collecting monsters become pointless as they eventually turn to some sort of sacrifice, mostly points.
The most one would collect are those named monsters (unique skins) but none of them are that good and there is not enough character slots to use them.
The limited #/annoyance to farm more rebirth orbs discourage me to try...
If they were doing it Lagrisser-style (squad-based) to make use of the trash mobs, that might mean something.
Well, at least we got to recognize Eushully's willingness to experiment with different format/things with their games.
Is there a way to get more equipment or items? I haven't see any kind of shop, unless I'm blind.

It seem you can only get more equipment via NG+ and do the specific battle/objective again for that particular equipment.
In NG+, you can also enable battle skip, so you can keep skipping to do specific battles' objective, and repeat... so long as you have the patience :)
Some equipment also requires you to level it up via repeated use...
I have window 10 and I cannot play the game, some weird error and some weird symbols show up and the game close itself. Changing full to screen to window does nothing and the unicode/jp package are already installed I can play other eroges just not this one.
I just finished this title and I have to say that I liked the previous title much more because it had a much cooler story and was much longer, besides, the combat system was much more dynamic and here you can only 10 characters per battle, honestly when I got 10 heroic, I stopped using monsters at all....

I totally don't understand how you can have such huge problems with running this game ?? you install and play ... with the new game plus I wait until some disc apend comes out
I have window 10 and I cannot play the game, some weird error and some weird symbols show up and the game close itself. Changing full to screen to window does nothing and the unicode/jp package are already installed I can play other eroges just not this one.

Have you tried changing your system locale to Japanese? Otherwise, try installing this font: Font BVSM
I found the solution and was very silly. When you change to japanese non unicode there is another option (UTF-8 unicode) turn that off and reset. I didn't realized at first since I did it without looking much, and other eroges worked so never tried looking it again.

Thanks for the reply anyway. I was missing that font anyway besides other went missing upgrading the window as well.
In hard mode, the treasure puttetos does not spawn in the AP01 expedition dungeons.

When save-scumming character stats, the value seem to be fixed based on current level.
E.g. If you raise from 1 to 60 always give the same stats, but different if you go from lv2 to 60.
Re-rolling from 2 to 60 again give same stats as previous roll from lv2, etc.
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In hard mode, the treasure puttetos does not spawn in the AP01 expedition dungeons.

When save-scumming character stats, the value seem to be fixed based on current level.
E.g. If you raise from 1 to 60 always give the same stats, but different if you go from lv2 to 60.
Re-rolling from 2 to 60 again give same stats as previous roll from lv2, etc.

there are 2 kinds of character develop, 1 is fixed stat and the other is random (though it says random but it usually end up w 2 ways: atk and def) and the way I understand is that u chose fixed stat.
beside that, when u class up ur character, the base stat is still from base class, so reset ur character (the 1 which req u to be atleast lv2) will raise ur base stat to ur current class which end up ur overall stats are higher. No need to reset 2nd time cuz nothing is different.
there are 2 kinds of character develop, 1 is fixed stat and the other is random (though it says random but it usually end up w 2 ways: atk and def) and the way I understand is that u chose fixed stat.
beside that, when u class up ur character, the base stat is still from base class, so reset ur character (the 1 which req u to be atleast lv2) will raise ur base stat to ur current class which end up ur overall stats are higher. No need to reset 2nd time cuz nothing is different.

Nope, I chose random. The seed seems to be based on your level and the amount of level you increase.
I started a new game and got to stage 1. Character at final form, so I reset it back to lv1 of the final form, save.
Ritual -> Train to 60 in one go, load again to see if I get something better but nope, stats are identical.

However, if you train to lv2, then to 60, the stats are different.
So that's why I am suggesting the seed is based on your current level, or xp.
The amount of stats you increase also changes based on the # of level (xp) you increase.
E.g. if you go from lv2->lv4 for Lily, her stats are better than if you go from lv2->3->4.

There also seem to be an append AP11 天冥のコンキスタ・アペンドデータ (limited edition version?)
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Here are my notes from playing so far:
- Effective/control luring makes everything manageable
- Capture all enemies for maximum profit (points to re-roll/upgrade). I like to min/max my poke... I meant angels.

For enemy capture, Lily does not have damage proc to make effective use of her capture attack (捕獲攻撃) when compared to Klaus. In fact, Lily is quite weak overall and much better off to go around charming things, which she excel at. Pairing 連撃 with the succubus' charm technique (淫魔の??) works quite well. Helmina comes with it naturally. Lily can equip a weapon for it, such as the repeating bow. Unfortunately Cerouge does not have access to it. Charm also benefits from high 魔力. Lily having access to SP regen makes her a great charmer even at low level.

For characters with 35+ 腕力/魔力, Metuka's Smile (メチュカの微笑み) +40 hit/+40 crit is usually stronger than using a weapon for the corresponding physical/magical attack. The 痛打 stat is the crit rate.
We can get the necklace from Stage 24 treasure.

SP Regen Rings (スピリットリング) can be obtain from treasure in stage 17 and 30. It also stacks with people who have SP regen skills. (e.g. Lily can regen 6SP/turn by using ring + equipping the skill).

In terms of usefulness of equip-able skills:
1) 再行動 (second wind) gives chance of double turn and procs based on your agility (敏捷 x 1.5%)
2) 連撃 (combo) procs with single target attacks and skills and allows you to repeat the action, also agility based (敏捷 x 0.5%)
3) 転移 (teleport). Bypassing terrain obstacle to get at treasure is rather convenient
4) SP再生 (SP Regen)... more SP to use skills is always good, especially for charming and the angels to use their spell attacks
5) 突撃 (charge). Every cell you move increases your physical attack by 3, great for physical damage.
6a) 貫通 (pierce) ignores physical defense. Proc rate is based on technique (技量 x 0.75%).
6b) (magical pierce) ignores magical defense. Proc rate is based on technique (技量 x 0.75%).
7a) Beserk increase physical attack by 50%. Proc rate is based on Str (腕力 x 0.75%)
7b) Concentration increase magical attack by 50%. Proc rate is based on Mag (魔力 x 0.75%)
8) 破竹之勢 for area attacks. Increases damage by # of targets hit (30 x # of target)%. It is available on the best spear and is pretty much for Juliana and her line AOE spear attack... If only we can get this for Cerogue or doggy.

In terms of healing, the named mob angel リエナ (Rina) from ch. 6 makes for best healer, if you are willing to invest in her. She have access to heal (4SP), full heal, and Medium SP regen (4SP/turn), which allows her use heal infinitely. I swap out full heal for 連撃 or the 5 cell range magic attack. In her final class (アンネイーレ) at 34 Mag, along with Sky necklace for another +5 mag, her 4SP heal skill can heal for 43. Only downside is her heal radius is 2 cells, compared to Rushieru's 5 cells (ルシエル). Rushi is better off focusing on offence given her skill access.
Unlocking all of Rina's skills would require 2 廻の宝珠, and 1 more 輪の宝珠 to max out her mag stat.
Angel have 3 skill trees to learn from:
The ザフィエル class gives you access to healing skills and need to level to 40 (healing tree)
アプサエル class gives access to 連撃 (spear tree), only need to level to 30.
フォドラエル class gives access to Medium SP Regen and is also the path for アンネイーレ class (5th tier), which maximizes her stats.
It is far more efficient to farm points to level Rina.
Does anyone have 突撃!!青い看板のお店 DISC(AP11)?
I would be grateful if someone shares it.
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hmm klaus got a skill that ignores the judgment skill of his enemy...what is that judgment skill?
hmm klaus got a skill that ignores the judgment skill of his enemy...what is that judgment skill?

The skill which archangels and others activate when they die. 10 damage, non-lethal to any foe within 1 square.

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