[Eroge] *2024 in Review*

As is pretty much par for the course, this post is late. Apologies for that!

And so we come to the end of another year. 2024 was weird for me, I feel like I was fine for the first half, and then the latter half of the year has just completely flown by. Somehow I managed to finish 41 games this year, though you’d never know because my review backlog is like 10 titles long.

As is tradition, it’s time to have a little awards ceremony for this year’s games:

Favourite Opening Song

5th Place: Blue Skies – Yumeno Yuki (Skychord)

Terrible game but I can’t deny the opening song is gorgeous. Yumeno Yuki delivers as per usual.

4th Place: Unravel Sky – Sasaki Sayaka (Unravel Trigger)

The beginning of Antori dominance. Has this really “grand” feeling that fits fits well with the game.

3rd Place: A Night Comes! – Toyoda Serika (Yoru ga kuru remastered)

This song is a classic and for a great reason. The piano at the start is *chef’s kiss* and I love the heavy guitar usage which is just classic Shade. An absolute banger.

2nd Place: Da Capo III ~ Kimi ni Sasageru Ai no Mahou~ Yozuca* (D.C.III)

Another generation of Da Capo means another great song from yozuca*, what’s not to like? This song is used really well in game as well, which just adds the cherry on top.

1st Place: Graduation from Yesterday – Yozuca* (D.C.II Fall in Love)

When I first opened DC Fall in Love and heard this track it actually made me well up – the song perfectly encapsulates the bittersweet feelings I had finishing the Da Capo 2 games.

Favourite Insert Song

3rd Place: Shiny Steps! – Aimi & Mimori Suzuko (D.C.III)

Yes I’m being quite lax on the meaning of insert song but this does play like halfway through the game. It’s a super cute track and leads nicely into the heroine routes. What can I say, circus games have great music!

2nd Place: Contact Trigger – Shinkai Masayo (Unravel Trigger)

Again pushing the definition of an insert song but it plays in the middle of the game lmao. I love this song but hate that I would have to listen to it after a cliffhanger during the game itself.

1st Place: Cinderella – Youka

Hey look it’s an actual bona-fide insert song. As with the opening, this is a beautiful song attached to a mediocre game.

Favourite Ending Song

4th Place: ideal world – Koharu Meu (Hajimeru Sekai no Risouron)

I just like how upbeat this ending song is & Koharu Meu’s cute vocals work really well here.

3rd Place: shining! our life – Yuzuno (Kinkoi)

The true ending song is also good but I really love this one – it fits the youthful “live in the moment” message of the game.

2nd Place: Various Sky – Sasaki Sayaka (Unravel Trigger)

I apologise for the fact you only get to hear 30s of this song – it’s not uploaded on youtube & I’m not paying to upgrade my wordpress subscription to be able upload audio. Anyway, as you may be able to tell I really love the music from Antori and this true ending is no exception. The other route ending song (Snowdrop) is also great.

1st Place: Glass no Kutsu – Itou Kanako (Saya no Uta)

Beautiful, haunting, the perfect accompaniment to the twisted game that is Saya no Uta.

Favourite Heroines This Year

Honourable Mentions: Kyrie (Amazing Grace), Hibana (Lip Lipples), Sylvia (Kinkoi), Charles (DC3)

4th Place: Tanpopo (Lovepical Poppy)

Tanpopo might be a bit of a weirdo but she’s here to heal your soul with her weirdly calming aura. Once you get used to her lingo she’s utterly adorable.

3rd Place: Sophia (Unravel Trigger)

Deceptive, unpredictable, cruel. Not exactly traits you would assume would make a lovable heroine but that is exactly what makes Sophia hard to forget. You never quite know what her next move will be and that thrill makes her a very refreshing character.

2nd Place: Makoto (Yoru ga kuru)

I mean who doesn’t like a woman who that can break you in half? Makoto is a quiet assassin who has an adorable soft side and a tragic backstory. Thus delivering an absolute critical hit to your heart.

1st Place: Tier (Hajimeru Sekai no Risouron)

Pervert + Nun = profit? Tier seems like a really simple character on the surface and her ecchi antics are absolutely hilarious in game but her backstory adds so much depth to her character that she becomes more than just comedic fanservice. Definitely the most memorable of the heroines I’ve encountered this year.

The “Sub-Heroine Who Most Deserved Their Own Route” Award

2nd Place: Half the Cast of Unravel Trigger

Unravel Trigger’s only real problem was that the whole cast was too interesting and/or likable, to the extent that having only three routes almost felt cruel. Childhood friends Saina and Natore would be my personal pick for needing a route but all answers are absolutely valid.

1st Place: Tsukishiro Rei (Harukanaru Nirai Kanai)

Okay, okay I admit I am biased here. Rei is an imouto voiced by Kanako (one of my favourite voice actresses) BUT playing through this game knowing that there is no route for Rei broke my heart – she’s a much better heroine than the actual sole heroine of this game (Misaki) imo and a route for her just would make sense. Am I just coping at this point? Yes. Am I still mad about this transgression? Also yes.

Kusoge of the Year

Dishonourable Mention: Hayase Yuu’s writing this year (Maid-san no Iru Kurashi S, Amanatsu +).

3rd Place: Skychord

A game that had potential with great music and interesting premise. Sadly wastes all of this trying to be deep and failing spectacularly. The author’s take on mental health, suicide & religion is like something written by an angst-riddled teen. The more I think about this game, the more I hate it.

2nd Place: Secret Love (Kari)

I normally like Hooksoft’s gimmicks. Secret Love had a decent idea (hidden relationships) but then the common route goes against this immediately by featuring the four heroines visibly fighting over the protagonist in public. No real stakes to the hidden routes and too many poorly written H scenes to be worthwhile as a nukige. One of the few games I never bothered to finish.

1st Place: Ano Hi no Kimi o Furimukasete.

Anokimi is genuinely one of the worst written games I’ve had the displeasure of reading. I only bought it because the time loop setting seemed interesting but the game spends two thirds leading up to some big plot reveal only to turn around and spit on you, before offering up some paltry H scenes to try and appease. Utter drivel. Given his penmanship has claimed the top two spots I don’t think I’ll be buying anything from Kishida Sora for a long time.

Favourite Older Game Played in 2024

2nd Place: Da Capo 3

What can I say, I’m a Da Capo fan. It was always going to be hard for Circus to follow up DC2 as it was amazing. However, they did a damn good job. The setting and characters are good with the overall plot being engaging. I teared up during the DC2 part of the epilogue – it finally felt like that part of the series got the ending it deserved.

1st Place: Kiniro Loveriche

Kinkoi is the Saga Planets formula working at its best – fun characters, good comedy, slightly unusual setting, and then an emotional gut punch. This is a really good game and absolutely one of their top games (I’d probably put Natsunagi just above this but this is second best from their catalogue imo).

Favourite Game Released in 2024

(Note: Take this with a heavy pinch of salt, as I have absolutely not played all of the highly regarded 2024 titles yet. Kyokumari in particular is very high on my to-play list)

6th Place: Boku to Kanojo no Kojin Lesson 2

My favourite Azarashi Soft title this year & one of the better pure-love moege I’ve played recently Super sugary sweet with a likable heroine and improves on the first game by using the teacher setting a bit more. Also includes an omake scene with the characters from the first game for extra fluff.

5th Place: Lip Lipples

I absolutely did not expect to like this game as much as I did. A really interesting take on a moege that is genuinely hilarious at first, with some actual plot towards the end. Konohana Shina’s almost childlike humour really works for this off the wall style of game. A genuinely fun game. Hibana best girl.

4th Place: Koibana Renai – Mini Fandisk

The fandisc that we needed for this game and finished what the original promised and failed to deliver – sub-couple romance. I lapped up every moment of this fandisc and can’t wait for Asapro’s next game!

3rd Place: Moon Ghost

If you like Mikage’s writing then this is sure not to disappoint. Moon Ghost delivers an emotive and thoughtful sci-fi story in a reasonable mid-priced package.

2nd Place: Hajimeru Sekai no Risouron

My biggest surprise this year and something of a hidden gem. A game that delivers on its promise of making each heroine route feel like a true route. As such, all heroines have fascinating backstories and multifaceted personalities. Highly recommend.

1st Place: Unravel Trigger

This result was inevitable. Unravel Trigger was just a step above the other games I played from this year. The world-building, characters, writing style, pacing and production values were all excellent and combined to make an extremely memorable game. If you’ve somehow missed this one then definitely check it out.

Overall I thought 2024 was a pretty strong year for eroge with a good number of titles being pretty enjoyable (and I still haven’t even finished eveything yet!). It’s going to be hard for 2025 to compete but I would appreciate some time to look at my backlog for once.

As far as titles I’m highly anticipating then it would have to be Asa Project’s Renai Hajimemashita & Marmalade’s Bakkapuru Supplement. I’m also very excited for what may or may not be Amakano 3 coming later this year. At least it should be a good year for moege if nothing else.

Thank you for reading – I hope everyone had a peaceful festive period and has a wonderful 2025!


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redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

can you upload android version of B-Ginga simulation games ? thx in advance
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry if disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
Bedusz wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Reupload please 🙏
okinawa wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.
