- Nov 23, 2014
- 107,961
- 4,521

Album/Single: DESTINY 8 - SaGa Band Arrangement Album
Genre: Game
File Size: 85MB
Format: Mp3 / 320 Kbps
Release Date: Feb 17, 2021
Keyboard: Kenji Ito, Noriyuki Kamikura
Guitar: Sorao Mori, Zenya Sakata
Bass: Harunosuke Ikejiri
Drums: Toshiharu Okajima
Kenji Ito: M1, 2, 5, 8, 10
Masashi Hamauzu: M3, 4
Nobuo Uematsu: M6, 9
Ryuji Sasai: M7
01 Ever Higher (Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe)
02 Four Sinistrals Battle I (Romancing SaGa 3)
03 Thema (SaGa Frontier 2)
04 Feldschlact I (SaGa Frontier 2)
05 Battle #4 (SaGa Frontier)
06 Wipe Your Tears Away (The Final Fantasy Legend)
07 The Talon (Final Fantasy Legend III)
08 Lethal Strike (Final Fantasy Legend II)
09 Enraged Battle (The Final Fantasy Legend)
10 Encounter with the Seven Heroes (Romancing SaGa 2)