[Texture] 4K skin diffuse initial pack

Nahh I got all files from plasticmind and nothing worked for me, no matter with the newer game version or like your description. :(
Don't ask me what I did, that my old studio worked with the newer version from HS (Party) and showed me my girls in 4k textures.
I only know that my old studio made trouble when I used the HiR, that all my girls was gone from the list and by restoring the item list file, all my girls were back, but the new items are logically not more listed.
But you can tell me detailed, what all you installed and how, please.
If this all will not work for me, than I have two possibilities. Either I have to set back my game to the old v1.11 and have the 4k textures with the old studio, but can't use the new 2-colour shaders or I have to use the new v1.20 party game, but I'm to be forced to use that NEO Studio*, which I not like.

*That is something what makes me a bit thoughtful and upset.
Why released Illusion an new studio, when they already got an nice one. They only needed to rewrite resp. extend the source code from the old studio, for the new features.
I don't like that principal to be forced, to use something new. Cause just only the new thing get now all the support and is now more accepted by the majority.
Why I have to adapt myself with the majority, which means I have also to change my workflow?
From that NEO thing, I don't like the interface and handling, because is just to confusing and is has still no animated skybox, which I miss it from SBPR.
I still don't understand it, why people nearly always thinking, that the new stuff is the better than the old one?

What I also don't understand is. Why inserted Illusion in HS an limitation for the body textures?
In SBPR you need only to change all body textures into 4k ones and all additional user made 4k textures are worked fine.

I'm not a coder. But someone can tell me please, which files I have to modify, that the classic studio is working with the new HS Party and have the 4k support.
This is very really odd. When I install everything before NEO, than I have no girls in my list, with exception that sample girl.
The girls are only apearing by installing the party edition, but on the other habd I have no 4k textures.
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This is very really odd. When I install everything before NEO, than I have no girls in my list, with exception that sample girl.
The girls are only apearing by installing the party edition.

I be honest. I have no clue why old studio girls are not appearing. How about if you try to understand the NEO studio instead... If you have any trouble understanding NEO I be very happy to help. For that please contact on my Visitor board or Private message. So that we don't spam here, posting off-topic stuff.

Nah forget it, I'm not more in the mood.
By getting this answer "I dropped old studio support after HS Party DLC." I lose my interest.

I want to do it by myself, but no one is telling me how I can do it and which files have to be modifited.
Maybe I have just only to open some files with an HEX editor and to looking and to set an value like 1024 into 4096 and that's all. But I don't know which files I have to open.
I don't know what is so difficult to telling me that?
Than I could upload it as "4K Support for Updated Classic Studio".
Nah forget it, I'm not more in the mood.
By getting this answer "I dropped old studio support after HS Party DLC." I lose my interest.

I want to do it by myself, but no one is telling me how I can do it and which files have to be modifited.
Maybe I have just only to open some files with an HEX editor and to looking and to set an value like 1024 into 4096 and that's all. But I don't know which files I have to open.
I don't know what is so difficult to telling me that?
Than I could upload it as "4K Support for Updated Classic Studio".

i need use 4k mod in old studio too, u find the fix?
any news for update/patch after DLC 02 honeyparty 01 plus 0630 release? turn out it not compatible with 4k tex and it force the game to vanila texture.
if i install the 4k after updating with that dlc, the game stop every time i enter h-scene
any news for update/patch after DLC 02 honeyparty 01 plus 0630 release? turn out it not compatible with 4k tex and it force the game to vanila texture.
if i install the 4k after updating with that dlc, the game stop every time i enter h-scene

im also face same problem after patch 630..
it problem because HSparty Graphic patch..

u still can patch uncen 2.5e and 4k texture and skip hsparty graphic..
i hope have update for hsparty patch soon
any news for update/patch after DLC 02 honeyparty 01 plus 0630 release? turn out it not compatible with 4k tex and it force the game to vanila texture.
if i install the 4k after updating with that dlc, the game stop every time i enter h-scene

im also face same problem after patch 630..
it problem because HSparty Graphic patch..

u still can patch uncen 2.5e and 4k texture and skip hsparty graphic..
i hope have update for hsparty patch soon
Yes, it has to do with the fact that the 6/30 patch included updated files for the HoneySelect_32/64_Data folders, and that the present graphics patch hasn't been updated for it.

Plasticmind mentioned on his Linear Rendering thread at Hongfire that he thought there wasn't any need to update, and will wait a month to be sure that Illusion's done updating, and then he'd update the patch, etc....

Perhaps you all could have better luck at convincing him, otherwise?
Yes, it has to do with the fact that the 6/30 patch included updated files for the HoneySelect_32/64_Data folders, and that the present graphics patch hasn't been updated for it.

Plasticmind mentioned on his Linear Rendering thread at Hongfire that he thought there wasn't any need to update, and will wait a month to be sure that Illusion's done updating, and then he'd update the patch, etc....

Perhaps you all could have better luck at convincing him, otherwise?

aww that sad... cant open hongfire without using proxy because it blocked on my net provider and it way to slow to open with proxy....

have any sugestion for temporary fix? or we just wait until illusion developer have calmed down a bit with their official dlc release?
aww that sad... cant open hongfire without using proxy because it blocked on my net provider and it way to slow to open with proxy....

have any sugestion for temporary fix? or we just wait until illusion developer have calmed down a bit with their official dlc release?
I'm sorry to hear that! Eh... Here's what he posted on HF about an hour ago:

"I'll upload a hotfix patch to help you revert to 0616DLC, it'll be soon."

Followed by the hotfix.

Now... what exactly he means by a hot-fix to revert to the older 0616DLC, I have no idea. So, proceed with caution!
already download it and install it... turn out my game become stuck on black screen :miku_dejected:
oh well... good thing i still have raw data of DLC 02 honeyparty 01 plus 0630 to make the game run again but on vanilla texture
will wait for the finished patch from plasticmind then
already download it and install it... turn out my game become stuck on black screen now :miku_dejected:
oh well... good thing i still have raw data of DLC 02 honeyparty 01 plus 0630 to make the game run again but on vanilla texture :miku_down:
So it's still giving you that issue? I'm not sure if this makes a difference, but did you re-patch your game w/IPA?
yes, already did that too, maybe it just on my copy of the game tho
u're right with your warning before "So, proceed with caution!"
I actually thought the hot-fix patch would work out for you, and joked about proceeding with caution...
If things were perfectly fine before the update, I doubt it's because of your copy of the game.

Since I was too cautious to update to the 06/30 version, I can't really offer any more useful advice, unfortunately. : (
its ok, at least we know that the outhor are still in progress making patch/update for this mod.
cant blame him tho since illusion with their latest patch/dlc release feel like developer from mmorpg releasing their premium shop content once a week.

PS: if i can turn back time, i wish i dont install those 0630dlc tho since i dont see any difference at all from before

for some reason i can make it work again althoug some area are not working like lip color, be aware tho how i do this might not 100% work on others as well.

i put the hotfix file to my game folder, then re-patch wideslider (with it own patch file), GGmod (with it own patch) and then HoneySelect_64.exe (with IPA), when i open the game stuck on black screen.

so i re-install all the file from 0630DLC file back to my game folder then reinstall again all 3 from before.

when i open the game for some reason 4k texture are on
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Can someone help? Since I install the mod, my character went from bright body colour to this kinda like colour blind colour. And I have no idea how to fix it ;_;

Untitled.png and something like this happened when I tried to change body preset.... c22.png

Also, this may seem weird but I can't find studioneoconfig.xml anywhere. Only config.xml with no curve code to work on. Somebody please help.............
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Can someone help? Since I install the mod, my character went from bright body colour to this kinda like colour blind colour. And I have no idea how to fix it ;_;

View attachment 16792 and something like this happened when I tried to change body preset.... View attachment 16793

Also, this may seem weird but I can't find studioneoconfig.xml anywhere. Only config.xml with no curve code to work on. Somebody please help.............

Did you change body type in Ex body (no 4 diffused) and also changed face type to Ex?
Did you change body type in Ex body (no 4 diffused) and also changed face type to Ex?

I did and it worked thank you so much :D But another problem appeared is that whenever I tried to start the game normally to have "Snu snu" with the girls, my game crashed... Only patched version of honeyselect64.exe crashed though, the other like battlearea64.exe, honeystudio64.exe and studioNeo64.exe still working fine. And the female and male character making still working perfectly only when i tried to has snu snu it would crashed :/ Do you know anything about this? :c
I did and it worked thank you so much :D But another problem appeared is that whenever I tried to start the game normally to have "Snu snu" with the girls, my game crashed... Only patched version of honeyselect64.exe crashed though, the other like battlearea64.exe, honeystudio64.exe and studioNeo64.exe still working fine. And the female and male character making still working perfectly only when i tried to has snu snu it would crashed :/ Do you know anything about this? :c

what is "snu snu"? doing sex u mean? try to read some previous post, it have the answer for it
Have someone an idea, if Plasticmind is working on an update of his 4K graphic mod?
I only have for the Studio NEO HSParty Graphic Patch ver.170527, but this is not really working with the DLC honeyparty_01_plus_0630.
By using his latest mod, I can use 4K textures indeed, but I can't use any FK items.
Because unfortunately there is not appearing the control box, to enable the FK nodes.

It would be cool, if anyone can maybe update this graphic patch for the DLC 06/30.

If someone have coding skills, than check this here out: https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy
The basic resolution limit is in CustomTextureControl, to find it in the Assembly-CSharp.dll
That assembly dll can be found in StudioNEO_64_Data --> Managed

using System;
using Manager;
using UnityEngine;

// Token: 0x020002BE RID: 702
public class CustomTextureControl
	// Token: 0x06001116 RID: 4374 RVA: 0x0000D09F File Offset: 0x0000B29F
	public CustomTextureControl()
		this.InitEnd = false;
		this.matDraw = null;

	// Token: 0x17000267 RID: 615
	// (get) Token: 0x06001117 RID: 4375 RVA: 0x0000D0B5 File Offset: 0x0000B2B5
	// (set) Token: 0x06001118 RID: 4376 RVA: 0x0000D0BD File Offset: 0x0000B2BD
	public Material matDraw
		private set;

	// Token: 0x17000268 RID: 616
	// (get) Token: 0x06001119 RID: 4377 RVA: 0x0000D0C6 File Offset: 0x0000B2C6
	// (set) Token: 0x0600111A RID: 4378 RVA: 0x0000D0CE File Offset: 0x0000B2CE
	public bool InitEnd
		private set;

	// Token: 0x0600111B RID: 4379 RVA: 0x0009D320 File Offset: 0x0009B520
	public void Initialize(string drawMatABName, string drawMatName, string createMatABName, string createMatName, int width, int height)
		this.InitEnd = false;
		this.matDraw = CommonLib.LoadAsset<Material>(drawMatABName, drawMatName, true, string.Empty);
		if (null == this.matDraw)
		this.matCreate = CommonLib.LoadAsset<Material>(createMatABName, createMatName, true, string.Empty);
		if (null == this.matCreate)
			this.matDraw = null;
		this.texMain = this.matCreate.GetTexture(Singleton<Character>.Instance._MainTex);
		if (Config.BasicSettings.enable4KSkinDiffuse)
			width = 4096;
			height = 4096;
		this.createTex = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0);
		if (Config.BasicSettings.enableSkinDiffuseMipMap)
			this.createTex.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear;
			this.createTex.useMipMap = true;
		this.InitEnd = true;

	// Token: 0x0600111C RID: 4380 RVA: 0x0000D0D7 File Offset: 0x0000B2D7
	public void Release()
		this.createTex = null;
		this.matDraw = null;
		this.matCreate = null;
		this.InitEnd = false;

	// Token: 0x0600111D RID: 4381 RVA: 0x0000D116 File Offset: 0x0000B316
	public void SetMainTexture(Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.texMain = tex;

	// Token: 0x0600111E RID: 4382 RVA: 0x0000D128 File Offset: 0x0000B328
	public void SetTexture(string propertyName, Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTexture(propertyName, tex);

	// Token: 0x0600111F RID: 4383 RVA: 0x0000D140 File Offset: 0x0000B340
	public void SetTexture(int propertyID, Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTexture(propertyID, tex);

	// Token: 0x06001120 RID: 4384 RVA: 0x0000D158 File Offset: 0x0000B358
	public void SetColor(string propertyName, Color color)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetColor(propertyName, color);

	// Token: 0x06001121 RID: 4385 RVA: 0x0000D170 File Offset: 0x0000B370
	public void SetColor(int propertyID, Color color)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetColor(propertyID, color);

	// Token: 0x06001122 RID: 4386 RVA: 0x0000D188 File Offset: 0x0000B388
	public void SetOffsetAndTiling(string propertyName, float tx, float ty, float ox, float oy)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTextureOffset(propertyName, new Vector2(ox, oy));
		this.matCreate.SetTextureScale(propertyName, new Vector2(tx, ty));

	// Token: 0x06001123 RID: 4387 RVA: 0x0009D414 File Offset: 0x0009B614
	public void SetOffsetAndTiling(string propertyName, int baseW, int baseH, int addW, int addH, float addPx, float addPy)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		if (addPx >= 0f & addPy >= 0f & (float)addW + addPx <= 1024f & (float)addH + addPy <= 1024f)
			baseW = 1024;
			baseH = 1024;
			addPx = Mathf.Abs(addPx);
			addPy = Mathf.Abs(addPy);
			baseH = 4096;
			baseW = 4096;
		float num = (float)baseW / (float)addW;
		float num2 = (float)baseH / (float)addH;
		float ox = -(addPx / (float)baseW) * num;
		float oy = -(((float)baseH - addPy - (float)addH) / (float)baseH) * num2;
		this.SetOffsetAndTiling(propertyName, num, num2, ox, oy);

	// Token: 0x06001124 RID: 4388 RVA: 0x0009D4CC File Offset: 0x0009B6CC
	public bool RebuildTextureAndSetMaterial()
		if (!this.InitEnd)
			return false;
		RenderTexture arg_75_0 = RenderTexture.active;
		RenderTexture.active = null;
		bool arg_55_0 = GL.sRGBWrite;
		GL.sRGBWrite = false;
		GL.Clear(false, true, Color.white);
		Graphics.Blit(this.texMain, this.createTex, this.matCreate, 0);
		GL.sRGBWrite = arg_55_0;
		this.matDraw.SetTexture(Singleton<Character>.Instance._MainTex, this.createTex);
		RenderTexture.active = arg_75_0;
		return true;

	// Token: 0x040016CC RID: 5836
	private RenderTexture createTex;

	// Token: 0x040016CD RID: 5837
	private Material matCreate;

	// Token: 0x040016CE RID: 5838
	private Texture texMain;

using System;
using Manager;
using UnityEngine;

// Token: 0x02000253 RID: 595
public class CustomTextureControl
	// Token: 0x06000ED4 RID: 3796 RVA: 0x0007903C File Offset: 0x0007723C
	public CustomTextureControl()
		this.InitEnd = false;
		this.matDraw = null;

	// Token: 0x170001CF RID: 463
	// (get) Token: 0x06000ED5 RID: 3797 RVA: 0x00079054 File Offset: 0x00077254
	// (set) Token: 0x06000ED6 RID: 3798 RVA: 0x0007905C File Offset: 0x0007725C
	public Material matDraw
		private set;

	// Token: 0x170001D0 RID: 464
	// (get) Token: 0x06000ED7 RID: 3799 RVA: 0x00079068 File Offset: 0x00077268
	// (set) Token: 0x06000ED8 RID: 3800 RVA: 0x00079070 File Offset: 0x00077270
	public bool InitEnd
		private set;

	// Token: 0x06000ED9 RID: 3801 RVA: 0x0007907C File Offset: 0x0007727C
	public void Initialize(string drawMatABName, string drawMatName, string createMatABName, string createMatName, int width, int height)
		this.InitEnd = false;
		this.matDraw = CommonLib.LoadAsset<Material>(drawMatABName, drawMatName, true, string.Empty);
		if (null == this.matDraw)
		this.matCreate = CommonLib.LoadAsset<Material>(createMatABName, createMatName, true, string.Empty);
		if (null == this.matCreate)
			this.matDraw = null;
		this.texMain = this.matCreate.GetTexture(Singleton<Character>.Instance._MainTex);
		this.createTex = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0);
		this.InitEnd = true;

	// Token: 0x06000EDA RID: 3802 RVA: 0x00079138 File Offset: 0x00077338
	public void Release()
		this.createTex = null;
		this.matDraw = null;
		this.matCreate = null;
		this.InitEnd = false;

	// Token: 0x06000EDB RID: 3803 RVA: 0x00079184 File Offset: 0x00077384
	public void SetMainTexture(Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.texMain = tex;

	// Token: 0x06000EDC RID: 3804 RVA: 0x0007919C File Offset: 0x0007739C
	public void SetTexture(string propertyName, Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTexture(propertyName, tex);

	// Token: 0x06000EDD RID: 3805 RVA: 0x000791B8 File Offset: 0x000773B8
	public void SetTexture(int propertyID, Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTexture(propertyID, tex);

	// Token: 0x06000EDE RID: 3806 RVA: 0x000791D4 File Offset: 0x000773D4
	public void SetColor(string propertyName, Color color)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetColor(propertyName, color);

	// Token: 0x06000EDF RID: 3807 RVA: 0x000791F0 File Offset: 0x000773F0
	public void SetColor(int propertyID, Color color)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetColor(propertyID, color);

	// Token: 0x06000EE0 RID: 3808 RVA: 0x0007920C File Offset: 0x0007740C
	public void SetOffsetAndTiling(string propertyName, float tx, float ty, float ox, float oy)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTextureOffset(propertyName, new Vector2(ox, oy));
		this.matCreate.SetTextureScale(propertyName, new Vector2(tx, ty));

	// Token: 0x06000EE1 RID: 3809 RVA: 0x00079250 File Offset: 0x00077450
	public void SetOffsetAndTiling(string propertyName, int baseW, int baseH, int addW, int addH, float addPx, float addPy)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		float num = (float)baseW / (float)addW;
		float num2 = (float)baseH / (float)addH;
		float ox = -(addPx / (float)baseW) * num;
		float oy = -(((float)baseH - addPy - (float)addH) / (float)baseH) * num2;
		this.SetOffsetAndTiling(propertyName, num, num2, ox, oy);

	// Token: 0x06000EE2 RID: 3810 RVA: 0x000792A0 File Offset: 0x000774A0
	public bool RebuildTextureAndSetMaterial()
		if (!this.InitEnd)
			return false;
		RenderTexture active = RenderTexture.active;
		RenderTexture.active = null;
		bool sRGBWrite = GL.sRGBWrite;
		GL.sRGBWrite = false;
		GL.Clear(false, true, Color.white);
		Graphics.Blit(this.texMain, this.createTex, this.matCreate, 0);
		GL.sRGBWrite = sRGBWrite;
		this.matDraw.SetTexture(Singleton<Character>.Instance._MainTex, this.createTex);
		RenderTexture.active = active;
		return true;

	// Token: 0x0400135E RID: 4958
	private RenderTexture createTex;

	// Token: 0x0400135F RID: 4959
	private Material matCreate;

	// Token: 0x04001360 RID: 4960
	private Texture texMain;
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I found from Plasticmind some kind of an experimental mod. Now it's able for me to use 4K textures and I can activate the nodes from the FK items.
But my problem is, that the blendings are very different from my early settings.
I know that I can adjust the lights, colours etc. by pressing F5. But... what I have to adjust, to get the exactly same setup which I used for my last pictures.
I need to know, cause I want continue with my picture story.

This is how it looks before the experimental graphic mod and I like it more.

This is how it looks like now. Not really my taste.

I wished to know, how I can still use my early settings, but that the FK items are working too.
I used the old graphic patch “HSParty Graphic Patch ver.170527“.
Hello Futaboy.
I have a general question.. I use Linear rendering Experiment pack. LRE
I loved the ambiance it creates.
The problem is When i add light in studio .. Light shadows are always sharp, not smooth.
And also one light creates a few different shadows with a small distance in between .
Is it a problem of LRE or the game ? Is there a way to make shadows smooth.

Cause when i see the hard shadows.
I stopped with game lights and started to use ShortcutsHS lights ..Cause they render smooth...
Hmmm... sorry smoothlaunch, you ask unfortunately the wrong person.
Indeed I have that [All-in-One] HS linear rendering experiment (v3.1), but I still use HSParty Graphic Patch ver.170527, cause I like more from it the colours, gamma, contrast etc., than from that experimental rendering mod. The default settings from the experimental mod are completely changed and I don't have any idea, how to set something there. Yeah I know there is the F5 button, but no matter what I set, everything looks for me odd.
I'm more into creating mods and not with adjusting the graphical presentation.
So sorry, that I can't help you.
You have to ask Plasticmind himself, but I think it's not easy to get him.

I still have no idea, why Plasticmind is not first updating the HSParty Graphic Patch ver.170527, for the DLC 06/30 as an basic 4K mod.
This linear rendering mod he can release it as an extension, for people who want more to enhance their graphical presentation.
I figured out, that you must use that CinematicEffects.unity3d file, cause he linked it with the DLLs inside the Managed folders, from the Stuido NEO and the main game.
That unity file contains the shaders for all that effects.
If I not install this unity file, than is the game and studio not starting.
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