4th of July


Mein 3D Waifu
Elite Member
Nov 29, 2010
To all our American members, friends and visitors, we would like to wish y'all,


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I would like to wish a happy birthday to my friend/cousin for being born on Independence day. Happy birthday! Just more than an hour away :3
Oh how did that go again....

"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." :D
I would like to wish a happy birthday to my friend/cousin for being born on Independence day. Happy birthday! Just more than an hour away :3
Happy B-day to your friend/cousin too. May God bless him/her with many more birthdays to come.

Oh how did that go again....

"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." :D
Four score?:reallyconfused:
How did people spend that day? I spent it with a friend, it was pretty amusing.
I spent it in the office, coz I'm not from the States.
But I do wish we have some sort of holiday on that day. In fact, make that everyday.
Hmm score was some number like how dozen is 12... As for what i did... spam? xD

Score = 20 years
This is for our founding fathers. *light belated fireworks* But I'm in the Old World now so I have to celebrate alone. ^^

I'm in the mood to play Age of Empires III or Sid Meier's Colonization.
Hmm i mostly played age of empires 2 but yes i sort of knew what those means ;p

^ Stuff i used continually~

NATURAL WONDERS (used once and never again)
^ Others i played with~

Spent July 4th at my older cousin's house for a BBQ party.

Created more deeds.

Tried to splash water on the firecrackers.

Mini-skewer war.


A big salute and thank you to those that gave their life for this day. Bless everyone~
Skewer war o.o sounds... dangerous... and painful...

Well seems like you had fun xD
Got caught trying to ruin the firecrackers. So I pretended the water was for the dogs since they were thirsty.

My older cousin owns two dogs. One is Chico and the other one is Kiwi.

Just pretended the skewers were like swords and 'battled' everyone.

/me pets Sam and Shiki
Ohh got caught xD No other way to "accidentally" ruin them?

Swords... well i would probably do that too xD


/me glomps ojou sama~
Almost everyone looked forward to play with the firecrackers especially those little brats little cousins of mine.

The only ones I wouldn't ruin were the sparklers. I like sparklers. ^^

Mostly those around my age played with the skewers. Those younger were prohibited. Might have poked their eyes out.

Hmm... the dogs are brother and sister. :3

Sam has become a 'glomper'. /me glomps Sam before he gets the chance
Hmm sparklers xD well small firecrackers should be quite fun... bigger ones are somewhat more dangerous...

So it was more for older ones that would be semi cautions...

Brother and sis~ Hmm pictures? OwO

Glomper... ehh idk xD Maybe?

Ehh glomps me first? D: fine... /me hugs ojou sama and swings her around~
It was 'crack'-tastic... Some like to put the firecrackers in bottles~

Young ones are exposed to much things nowadays. Let them have skewer wars when their older.

Haha... I'll see if I can find pictures. They rarely take pictures of the dogs. The dogs don't like cameras or riding in cars. Lol~

Yay~ Swinging~ ^^ /me hugs Sam tighter and laughs merrily
Talking about fireworks, I was imagine that it was something like the Komodo 300
Firecrackers in bottles... do the sparks feel like anything if it got on the skin or was it too small to actually do anything?

Lol yes xD I feel some of them have more knowledge of certain subjects than me... but not the maturity to use that knowledge correctly...

I take pictures of everything~ Look for stuff people would just ignore~ Lol dont like cameras... sounds somewhat like me but they managed to get some pictures of me nonetheless~

/me stumbles over a foot while swinging like i always seem to... xD

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