Thanks, nanashi, ELOS, Leggy, Uryunga, nawi, cram, Silver Crystal, bednarski, Dark Angel, Fear211, Ignis, Hentai Collector, KA, Langesha, chivien, FinalPyre, DreamCa7ch3r, Shir0, sam, Shinseph, Nazaka, tabemono3, coacoa, Lucifer Angel (you can keep the old ladies, though ;)), anayomex, angelice, Rakhool, shinigamidaiko, Arylin (aw, that's a pity :(), choonagi (nah, you're still in time), unownHGSS, and Shine. ^^
No thanks to WsE, who not only didn't congratulate me, but also forgot how I remembered his birthday and wished him well. Consider your monster girls confiscated until you reflected on your bad behavior. :@