Spoilt myself on arc conclusion before coming into this episode. Frankly, Nomi really did win.

Ability stealer~ Nomi is seriously twisted for a first year middle schooler, stealing identities and abilties of his victims, and traumatising them. Despair was done well this week, with Haru and Chiyu completely broken down and unable to talk or do anything about it. Watching Haruyuki going berserk and spouting nonsense to his best friend and earning a punch was well-deserved. Poor Chiyu, she was a complete innocent third party.

Welcome back Ash Roller. His craziness and completely whacked character was so much needed this episode. Watch and listening to his nonsensical language mix was a quick laugh. Good thing he was never a bad fella. Or so comes the crazy vertical wall climbing scene when he didnt want to have wind blowing before he screamed 'Shit'.

Sky Raker~ Endo Aya-sama~ <3
Karasu jokes start.
Well...I should've known they would introduce a new plot element to save Haru's ass. At least this one actually adds to Haru's character in an interesting way and has wider implications. Basically the lesson Haru needed to learn was that the strength he relied on up until now was something he had within himself the whole time.

Sky Raker proved to be an interesting character and her backstory adds to KYH's character and puts it into more perspective.

Couldn't help but feel like it was all going a bit too fast though. In just half an episode he pretty much goes from the lowest point in self esteem right to the highest point. Apparently Haru had spent days doing that training but it never really felt like he spent that long to me.
Accel world is awesome show i only gotten up to ep 9 need see 10 to 16 soon ep 17 lol i love the OP/ED for the show i Download all of them xD
I'm new here hi, anyway I've been keeping up with accel world on hulu, and i just barely finished ep 17, waiting for the next episode is gonna be torture.. this show definitely has me in its clutches and i love it!

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
THAT ENDING in ep 17!
No joke, i almost got a heart attack and i was literally yelling "WHY?!" "WTF?!" OMG!"
i super facepalmed myself
THAT ENDING in ep 17!
No joke, i almost got a heart attack and i was literally yelling "WHY?!" "WTF?!" OMG!"
i super facepalmed myself

well then i guess i have to wait until ep 18 is out man i got some stack of accel world eps waiting to be watched xD

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Hhhmmm... I'm of two minds when it comes to the current Dusk Taker arc.

On the one hand, it would have been very cathartic and cool to see Haru and Taku finish off Dusk Taker this episode.

On the other hand, it's a bit more interesting this way. Just "leveling up" and "the power of friendship" isn't going to be enough for Haru to overcome Nomi. That does add an interesting wrinkle to everything.

On the other other hand (lol), this seems like a pretty long and complex arc for a "mid-boss" antagonist.

So at the moment I'm on the fence, and will take a "wait and see" approach. That's also true of my assessment of Chiyu, although I do like the pro wrestling-style "sudden dramatic heel turn!" approach they took with her at the end of this episode, lol.
Taken on its own, this was an excellent setup episode. And I have to admit that I loved the yuri vibes between KYH and Megumi.

The two new girls are a lot of fun too, and I like how this arc is fleshing out KYH while highlighting some of her personal backstory and connections.

But the timing for this all is a bit weird, imo. To stick in a KYH-focused 2-Parter (or longer) right after the huge cliffhanger of Episode 17... anime companies make some odd adaptation choices sometimes.
I can't help but feel like this episode was a meta-commentary on modern anime: "Magical girls now trump giant mechas!"

But on a purely superficial level, this was a very cool and fun episode... and it having both Transformers and magical girls is definitely a big reason why.

The action scenes were a blast, and fun to watch. I never really had a sense that KYH's back was truly against the ropes, but on the other hand there were times when I was wondering just how the heck they were going to beat that big, giant fire-breathing monster. That defeat involving a total Deus ex Machina was slightly disappointing at a literary level, I guess you could say, but I honestly thought it was Ok for an amusing little side-adventure that's mainly there to develop KYH and some supporting cast characters, as well as reveal a shady organization that needs to be dealt with it.

It also was a nice break from the Noumi arc, really. But I'm also glad we're finally going to get to find out what's going on with Chiyu next episode...
It's nice to see Haru really man-up in this episode.

OTOH, Nomi already playing this "invading the girl's washroom" card makes him seem less clever to me. It's now one less thing he can hold over Haru's head and use for blackmailing purposes.

It's certainly possible that Nomi feels that Haru is now useless to him (he has Haru's wings, and a healer in Chiyu as a seeming ally, after all). And I guess that Nomi is really just a total dick and gets off on bullying people.

I think that the emotions swirling around Haru, Taku, and Chiyu were presented well. I could tell how conflicted Chiyu feels. That's not to say that I necessarily agree what she's doing, but I think this episode makes it clear that at least she's not an out-and-out villain like Nomi.

Episode 20 wasn't exactly an enjoyable watch, given its more rage-inducing elements, but it does build up the plot well, and it had a lot of good character moments.

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