[Album] [Album] VA – 星のカービィ ディスカバリー コンプリートサウンドトラック HOSHI NO KIRBY: DISCOVERY THE COMPLETE SOUNDTRACK [FLAC / CD] [2024.09.13]


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Mar 19, 2015

Nintendo Switchソフト『星のカービィ スターアライズ』のオリジナルサウンドトラックがついに発売! !


Disc 1 [KBCI-00027] [1:02:45]
01. Ready to Go! (さぁ準備はできたかい) [2:35]
02. Kirby and the Mysterious Vortex (カービィとナゾのうず) [1:19]
03. Point of Arrival (はじまりの地) [0:39]
04. Running Through the New World (新世界をかけぬけて) [4:48]
05. Mysterious Mouthful Mode (フシギ!ほおばりヘンケイ) [0:41]
06. Welcome to the New World! (WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD!) [1:30]
07. The Waddle Dees Are Here Too?! (あのワドたちもこの世界に) [0:23]
08. Invasion of the Destroyed Town (町もこわされ大りゃくだつ) [0:47]
09. Plundering Beast Battle (りゃくだつのビーストバトル) [2:10]
10. Waddle Dee Town (ワドルディの町) [2:38]
11. Natural Plains (ネイチェル草原) [2:21]
12. Through the Tunnel (トンネルくぐって) [3:24]
13. Kirby Dance (Short) (カービィダンス/ショート) [0:06]
14. Wild Results (ワイルドリザルト) [2:13]
15. A Trip to Alivel Mall (行こうよアライブルモール) [3:03]
16. Invincible Candy (むてきキャンディー) [0:47]
17. The Smell of a Scary Beast (こわいケモノのにおい) [1:08]
18. The Brawl at the Mall (モールにひびくおたけび) [0:15]
19. VS. Dangerous Beast (VS. デンジャラスビースト) [2:31]
20. Stage Cleared! (クリアのおと) [0:46]
21. Kirby Dance (Long) (カービィダンス/ロング) [0:10]
22. A New Discovery! (新発見!) [0:07]
23. Beginner Treasures (はじまりのトレジャー) [2:35]
24. Rare Stone Found! (レアストーンゲット!) [0:09]
25. Everbay Coast (エバーブルグ海岸) [2:27]
26. Abandoned Beach (泳げ!ひろびろビーチ) [4:02]
27. Time Attack! (タイムアタックぅ!) [0:23]
28. Blue, Blue Breeze (BLUE BLUE BREEZE) [2:23]
29. Fast-Flowing Waterworks (地下水道に流されて) [4:39]
30. Unlocked! (アンロック!) [0:07]
31. Please Don't Inhale the Cinema Patrons (前のひとはすいこまない) [2:03]
32. Admiring the Figure Collection (ガチャルポンをながめて) [3:16]
33. Care for a Refreshment? (ごいっしょにドリンクは?) [1:09]
34. Lunch Rush! A Wave of Waddles (ランチにうえた!わにゃのむれ) [1:00]
35. Part-Time Gig Success (アルバイトせいこう) [0:08]
36. Disappointment (ざんねん) [0:07]
37. More New Discoveries! (さらなる新発見!) [0:08]
38. Welcome Back, Kirby (ただいまカービィ) [3:37]
39. A Quick Nap (おひるねちゅう) [0:11]

Disc 2 [KBCI-00028] [1:14:52]
01. Wondaria Remains (ワンダリア跡地) [2:18]
02. Welcome to Wondaria (ようこそワンダリア) [4:34]
03. Circuit Speedway (サーキットでGO!) [3:37]
04. Invasion at the House of Horrors (びっくりホラーハウス) [3:40]
05. Pitch-Black Horror (まっくらホラー) [2:49]
06. The Wondaria Dream Parade (ワンダリアパレードの夢) [3:13]
07. Winter Horns (ホワイティホルンズ) [2:25]
08. Northeast Frost Street (北のホワイトストリート) [5:27]
09. Metro on Ice (フローズン・メトロ) [2:33]
10. The Battle of Blizzard Bridge (ブリザードブリッヂの戦い) [5:49]
11. Dazzling Treasures (めくるめくトレジャー) [2:05]
12. An Unexpected Beast King (まさかのビーストキング) [1:16]
13. Roar of Dedede (シャウト オブ デデデ) [4:32]
14. From Victory to Sorrow (かなしみのカービィ) [0:29]
15. Originull Wasteland (オリジネシア荒野大地) [2:24]
16. The Wastes Where Life Began (命はじまる大荒野) [4:31]
17. Pitch-Black Valley (まっくらヴァレー) [2:55]
18. Moonlight Canyon (ムーンライトキャニオン) [4:37]
19. Forgo's Treasures (フォルガトゥントレジャー) [2:33]
20. Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop (ワドルディのぶき屋さん) [2:15]
21. Copy Ability Powered Up! (コピー能力大進化!) [0:12]
22. Waiting Room (ひかえしつ) [0:53]
23. Sword of the Surviving Guardian (SURVIVAL SWORD BOUNCER) [5:04]
24. Congratulations!! (おめでとう!!) [0:09]
25. Interview (インタビュー) [1:01]
26. Try Again Tomorrow (またあしたがんばる) [1:02]
27. Tilt-and-Roll Kirby (コロコロ! タマコロカービィ) [1:10]
28. Tilt-and-Roll Kirby (Extra Hard) (ゲキムズ! タマコロカービィ) [1:19]

Disc 3 [KBCI-00029] [1:03:37]
01. Redgar Forbidden Lands (レッドガル禁足地) [2:26]
02. Enter the Fiery Forbidden Lands (アツアツの禁足地へ) [6:30]
03. Burning, Churning Power Plant (資源エネルギープラント) [4:54]
04. The Beast Pack's Final Stand (決戦!ビースト軍団包囲網) [5:29]
05. Masked and Wild: D.D.D. (BAD MASKED WILD: D.D.D.) [1:48]
06. The King's Turn to Shine (オレ様の.出番だろーが!) [1:05]
07. Lab Discovera (ラボ・ディスカバール) [0:09]
08. The Dream Discoveries Tour (ドキドキ発見ドリームツアー) [2:28]
09. The One Who Controls the World (星統べる頂点) [1:04]
10. The Beast's Prey (野獣のえじきに) [1:06]
11. The Raging Lion Roars (隆隆たる獅子叢の哮り) [5:58]
12. Elfilin (エフィリン) [1:24]
13. Sudden Metamorphosis (トランスフォーム・ネオテニー) [0:41]
14. ID-F86 [0:33]
15. Hunted by the Beast (追獣) [4:06]
16. Gemini Reunion (再会のジェミニ) [0:28]
17. The Ultimate Life-Form (星届く場所へ) [0:30]
18. Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit (いつしか双星はロッシュ限界へ) [8:21]
19. The Fate of Two Worlds (この世界も、あの世界も) [1:09]
20. A Full-Speed Farewell from the New World (無敵にGOODBYE NEW WORLD!) [3:16]
21. Soaring Determination: No Night Is Eternal (翔る決意~No night lasts forever) [1:26]
22. Welcome to the New World! (Full) (WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD! (Full)) [3:38]
23. Entering a Dream of Isolated Isles (絶島の夢) [0:16]
24. Secret Area: HAL Room (シークレットエリア: HAL部屋) [4:52]

Disc 4 [KBCI-00030] [1:13:19]
01. Isolated Isles: Forgo Dreams (絶島ドリーミー・フォルガ) [2:43]
02. Faded Dream of a Psychomeddler (褪せ色のサイコメトラードリーム) [5:15]
03. VS. Psychic Power Given Form (VS. 象りの思念バトル) [3:52]
04. Scattered Souls across Isolated Isles (ソウル散る忘失の絶島で) [4:34]
05. Eternal Echo of the Thrilling Tour-our-our (時ドキ残響エターナルツアーアー) [0:56]
06. The Raging Lion Roars (Forgo Leon) (隆隆たる獅子叢の哮り (レオン・フォルガ)) [3:11]
07. Morpho Knight (バルフレイナイト) [4:25]
08. Kirby, the Beasts, and the King (カービィとみんなのねがい) [1:07]
09. Secret Area: HAL Room 2 (シークレットエリア:HAL部屋2) [4:53]
10. Champion's Waiting Room (チャンピオンひかえしつ) [2:16]
11. The Ultimate Fight (戦えアルティメット) [2:50]
12. In Pursuit of Victory (王道のその先へ) [3:17]
13. Decisive Battle: Ultimate Z (決戦のアルティメットZ) [4:09]
14. Defeat (ヤラレ) [0:07]
15. Try Again Tomorrow. Again! (またあしたがんばるぜっ.と!) [1:11]
16. Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit (Chaos Elfilis) (いつしか双星はロッシュ限界へ (カオス・エフィリス)) [7:49]
17. Finding the Light (やさしさの光をみつけて) [1:07]
18. Hero Interview (ヒーローインタビュー) [2:22]
19. A Thriving, Peaceful Town (にぎわいのピースタウン) [2:34]
20. Got 'Em All! Gotcha Machine Master (すべて発見!ガチャルポンマスター) [4:23]
21. NEW WORLD: 100% (100% NEW WORLD!) [0:14]
22. From Those Who Departed for Space (宇宙へと旅立った人々より) [2:45]
23. Welcome to the New World! (Bonus Track) (WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD! (Bonus Track)) [3:38]
24. Welcome to the New World! (Japanese) (WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD! (Japanese)) [3:41]

Total time: 4:34:33

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VariusArtists2024FLACKBCI0002730.part2.rar - 774 MB
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VariusArtists2024FLACKBCI0002730.part1.rar - 1024.0 MB
VariusArtists2024FLACKBCI0002730.part2.rar - 774.2 MB

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Minman45678 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
RJ01333903 https://www.dmm.co.jp/dc/doujin/-/detail/=/cid=d_521073/
Please! Upload this! i need this game :D
Andlydovo wrote on zhonyk's profile.
Hello Zhonky,Could you kindly provide an updated version of the doujinshi? The author has added extra pages to the latest edition:C105) [蟹村飯店 (かに村えびお)] 聖騎士団長様は婬術の治療のために娼館へ行きました Fanza: https://www.dmm.co.jp/dc/doujin/-/detail/=/cid=d_530878/?i3_ref=search&i3_ord=1.
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