ALICE=ALICE Discussion

Also, Diabolik Lovers holds a place in many listeners'/gamers' hearts since it's the earliest series of its kind. Similar to how Starry Sky remains much-loved despite its inarguable mediocrity (I have a soft spot for it, too), since it's many an otome gamer's first otome game. Also, I think I've gotten sick of Diabolik Lovers a lot faster because of the handful of extremely stupid fans that rant and rave about it forever. Like how some Amnesia fans crazily defend the bad actions of the guys in that game, some DL fans have displayed some frighteningly apologetic stances on the abusive behaviour presented. I know it's not fair to DL since its small group of completely retarded fans are not its fault, but given the subject matter, it's not hard to get over it quickly.

I know what ALICE=ALICE tried to get across by calling Ura-Alice "Last Boss", though I certainly didn't see him that way because of how poorly his character was written. I guess it's "formidable" personality and the fact that he's the most important character in the game that gave the writers that idea.

That makes sense; it definitely explains the many many many recommendations of Starry Sky (those that don't convince me that I should try it out).

Lol it's kind of pitiful to defend the actions of the characters in Diabolik Lovers because of how pointless it is: wasn't the whole point of it to have them abuse the heroine-- I mean sexily drink their blood? They're really grasping for straws there...

Formidable...? I can't really see it... I guess Ura-Alice is the most important character of the game considering that he if it wasn't for him, Asuka wouldn't have even gotten to that world but he doesn't really feel like it when he's forgotten in other people's routes. What was his plan when he wanted to have Asuka choose which dude to stay with lol, I don't even know that.

Yeah, Kuro Usagi's route was pretty much like a very badly written slice-of-life with some "eating" scenes thrown in every now and then so you don't go to sleep! <- That's how I saw it. Though well-acted, 95% of the time, I found the eating scenes too stupid and pointless to appreciate them. The "twists" of Kuro Usagi's route were astonishingly stupid as well, especially in regards to his immortality and relationship to King. The endings were the only interesting part of Kuro Usagi's route, sadly.

Wow, slice-of-life? Kind of weird with the Wonderland setting... Most eating scenes felt pointless to me because they were there for the sake of being there (le fanservice, of course~): what is the Alice exactly? Why is she very delicious? Is that really all that there is to being the Alice? So many questions... Besides, me being... well, myself, I couldn't really appreciate the scenes for what they were since it's just really not my thing.

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