Aliens fact or fiction?

I somehow do not towers ufo aliens in perhaps because of how not why I saw the towers helps somebody, sometimes I wonder just how I Aug. Aug. felt what I did as something in which I saw no wiezylem dotknoł it has not yet got from each other response
I somehow do not towers ufo aliens in perhaps because of how not why I saw the towers helps somebody, sometimes I wonder just how I Aug. Aug. felt what I did as something in which I saw no wiezylem dotknoł it has not yet got from each other response
Vhat?!! .
And I already questioned my understanding of the english language XD but it seems that it isn't just me who don't understand that lol
I do think that aliens do exist, and there are a number of reasons why people don't believe in them or refuse to. One is the religious aspect, if aliens exist and say that God as we know it on earth does not exist and has their own God or Gods...then religion is useless. Everything that we consider sacred may be just comfort that we made up to feel good in a lonely and unforgiving universe.
My uncle is an astro-physics and helped build/design that huge telescope in Hawaii, to say I learned much of the cosmos growing an understatement.

I truly believe 95% of the people on this planet DO NOT have any comprehension how VAST the universe is truly is, I know you think you do - but truly, truly don't. Honestly even those who DO, only understand it has far as scientific human understanding of the universe goes.

Now consider that scientists are ONLY looking for alien life in are SMALL galaxy - one of thousands - the humans species could survive thousands upon thousands of years yet map IN DETAIL less then 1/10 of the universe - hell 1/10 is probably a huge overstatement (and thats not taking into account any major disasters that put us back into the stone age.) let alone find "aliens".

So saying that humans are the ONLY life in the WHOLE universe as we understand it (and we really don't - ie dark matter for starters) is completely medieval to hear.

Of course some people just can't accept that their life is of complete insignificance in the greater they shouldn't forget to put in their day of worship at the local sun shrine or Zeus will strike them down with lightning from Ragnarok when Amaterasu isn't looking.

As for conspiracies...well governments love them as much as the public does. I remember this study in Nevada desert, where they walked a tourist group past a some men dressed in a military uniforms "guarding" shiny scrap metal which was spread out behind out in a large area behind yellow tape....yellow tape.

When they interviewed the tourists shortly after, they all said it looked like he was guarding some kind of garbage spill. Fair enough.

4 Weeks later they re-interviewed these tourists and EVERY single one had began to remember everything differently, focusing mostly on the uniforms guarding some kind of "crash site" that GLOWED. Now since they were in Nevada they all figured it must be related to area 51 and could very well be alien in nature...and you know, because it glowed.

I mean seriously...people have imaginations and sometimes they accomplish the wrong things. I'm not saying their aren't conspiracies - they are, their are MANY. I just don't think aliens are one of lizard people - THATS REAL.
^Agreed, well on certain points, It's simply ignorant to believe that in the supposedly "infinite" and constantly expanding universe that we are the only sentient beings.
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I hope you believe for this. But they no longer show that news. I hope someone at least saw that news. The TV Program was Knowledge Power, a special coverage. But they no longer run that show.
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Yes, it true, I remember the news in our country, They actually recover a dead body of the actual alien specimen, it was Bald, no hair at all and tall as human, big belly and completely naked. They said it was shot down, between the cross fire, in a actual war battle field in the country, then got shot down. They show a video of the examination of the alien's dead body. they also mange to recover the ship's dash board, it was Pure metal rectangular shape, and has a finger prints of the two hands of the alien. They think that it was used to run the destroyed ship, the UFO. But the Government itself hide it as top secret. I don't know why? I really hope someone here at least saw that news, in a certain TV program. The entire scenario happened in the US.

I'm actually sharing it, for at least you know it was true. The TV program was aired couples of years ago. But I won't forget what I saw.
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What I always say: It is selfish to thing that we are the only one in the Universe. If there is as many suns and stars, then there is definitely life in other planets. Perhaps not in this Solar System, but surely in other Systems.
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What I always say: It is selfish to thing that we are the only one in the Universe. If there is as many suns and stars, then there is definitely life in other planets. Perhaps not in this Solar System, but surely in other Systems.

I wouldn't say selfish, I think people are just more along the line of 'ignorance is bliss,' if people found an actual race or whatever of intelligent beings. It would change how a lot of people view the world they're in.
I'd say a fact.
It's hard to imagine that we are alone in this huge space.
We haven't reached the ends of space yet so we can't say for sure that there are no other lifeforms out there. :o
If by "Aliens" you mean something as simple as any organism on any planet in the universe outside of earth, of course there probably is.

But tentacled beasts flying around in ufo's or "space battleships" shooting lazer beams and trying to conquer the universe seems a lot more unlikely.
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I belive mate and I think, this world can communicate with him in future... So we look in future..
[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] Truth be told, you are partially correct. That meteor is still being studied. The media sensationalized the facts as usual. What they found was "structures that may be the fossilized remnants of micro-organisms." Meaning not actual organisms but what they leave behind. Fossilized space poop maybe? They still can't prove it. I personally think its possible, even probable.

I agree that statistically there must be life out there somewhere. Astronomers estimate there are about 100 thousand million stars in the Milky Way alone. Outside that, there are millions upon millions of other galaxies also! Basically a number of stars that Einstein would have trouble wrapping his mind around. Each of those uncountable stars forms several planets during ecretian. If you think about it to hard your head will explode. In our solar system 1 planet formed life. Odds are we are not alone. Any person who thinks life is only here and we are special and unique in all the universe is most likely ...whats the word?


As far as aliens visiting earth, we better hope they are friendly. Any species capable of intergalactic travel could probably squash us like bugs. They won't want to learn from us because to them we are primitive. Maybe study us like we do apes. If they want the planets resources then just go ahead and put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.
I believe in alien life, it's kind of hard to not believe it. Though the supposed sightings/abductions/experiences involving aliens are a little easier to be skeptic about.

The question I wanna know the answer to though is.... does the universe actually end? Is it endless space and just more and more suns and planets get created over the billions of years.... or does it just loop around if you go in a straight line. That oggles me far more than aliens xP
Im wondering if were part of some other giant thing that we cant see. Like how atoms have something smaller, would we be part of the "atom" of some larger being?
Suppose its possible, they we are one helluvan advanced atom to whatever giant being we are a part of xP
Lol defy their science XD Somehow this atom is orbited by too many electrons that act different from normal electrons XD
Many years ago, when I was still at school, there was a documentary about the universe.
Can't remember most of it, except that at one scene, the camera focus on a human, that zoom out and we saw part of the city, then the whole city, then the Earth surface, then the Earth itself, and it keep on zooming out until we can see Milky Way, after that the other galaxies, and it still kept on zooming out and all those galaxies now looks like stars and eventually form the shape of a human body.
Then it continue zooming out and the process repeat it self.

Imagine that.........
Imagine a giant Spaceship which is so gigantic, that if you zoom out so that you just see galaxies as small lights, and its driving through the universe crashing into galaxies, blackholes but the impact is always just in a small area, but in this small area it would be huge etc. °_°
The same with the human body zoom out thingy :D Fantasy is great, the universe too ^O^/ and Anime is tha best! ;)
It would really suck if our universe was the underspace of some giant super-bings toenail ಠ_ಠ

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