Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Kaede wants to go to sleep to organize her feelings but protagonist immediately goes to his computer to see if Miya sent the video. In the recording protagonist can see that Miya was constantly trying to flirt with Kaede. But she shut him down very coldly every time. Even then protagonist cums harder than before and is immediately hard again. Kaede catches him and is angry that they hid that. But then she sees how effective it was to get the protagonist going. She accepts that they can start recording it from now on. Protagonist also wants to convince her to do more than a clothed handjob but doesnt want to pressure her any more that day. The next day Miya asks protagonist how he felt about the video. Seeing his excitement he proposes an idea to him to convince Kaede to take it further. Protagonist tells her that itd be exciting to make a lottery about what she does with Miya and pushes hard to take it further. She ends up accepting but only as long as its things protagonist wrote and dont take it too far. She leaves to Miyas house after Naoto gives her the result for this first day of lottery. The trial ends there but the author left a teaser for the next scene. Its another silhouette h scene where you can see that shes supposed to undress till her underwear today. Trial ends definitely. Game still looks great but I still keep my initial advice. Its best to wait until its done because release is still god knows how many months away. And these are very mean stopping points lol.


Just played that latest trial. Fuck, what's I suppose to do after that CRAZY cliffhanger. Suffering for waiting ?? XDDD
Just found out this waffle game is being translated, this is pure netorase or can it turn ntr?

Main routes are swapping (true route) and NTR, the netorase is a decently sized but smaller branch in comparison when you add up the NTR DLC.

NTR route is a let down. The plot has lots of character inconsistencies, lost opportunities, and is frankly overall a bit boring...should have intermixed it with netorase for cohesion.

Still a top-tier title. Exhilarating despite the flaws, I left a prior review here + there was subsequent chatter:

Do you still have link for that game DLC?
I managed to hook it to the point that it would translate the first sentence of every paragraph while randomly skipping entire sentences hahahah. This game is built in Tyrano so you need to search for the one hook that works with this specific game or it just won’t work.

My second option was going to be Mtool so it's good that you already confirmed that it works. Although since I’m a free user… no Sugoi for me. :(

I'm also free user of Mtool...but can't go back to using Google translate after experiencing Deepl...

Let me recommend to you all Agent (
I've never heard of it prior to trying to find a solution to hook this game, but I can confirm it works...may also work with other Tyranos games.

Setup is no harder than other text hookers.
Has DeepL option and won't mess with the in-game text.
Just played that latest trial. Fuck, what's I suppose to do after that CRAZY cliffhanger. Suffering for waiting ?? XDDD

Feels like all the best NTR games in development right now have cruel cliffhangers lol.

Speaking of which theres a ci-en prologue trial for 彼女が視線を逸らす理由. For those who dont know thats the new game by M.GAMES. Theyre best known for 彼女が回復魔法を唱えてくれない理由/Why she doesnt cast recovery magic. It wasnt perfect but pretty good NTR RPG with a full mystery route. Writing was good and even had unexpected twists. This new game KanoSora is a spiritual successor. So you dont need to play the previous one but youll recognize characters and setting if you do. The main characters this time are the twintail tsundere and gray haired boy that were always bickering in class. The protagonist has bad grades because of his character but he actually has exceptional memory. This will be important later. Hes cool and aggressive on the outside but a bit awkward which shows when women approach him. Meanwhile she hates that since shes a textbook tsundere. Their chemistry is good. The prologue quickly reveal that they were secretly dating for a while despite their constant fighting. Story starts with a long holiday approaching. Both main characters (you can change their names btw though default is Kenji and Mika) have failing grades so theyre forced to attend special classes at a training facility of the school. While theyre complaining about that after class Kenjis younger sibling comes. In contrast to him hes studious and openly shy. After he leaves they continue a conversation which deals with aspect of the setting that was mentioned in the previous game too. In this world adventurers who graduate from the school must work in couples. She is trying to become one because when she was a kid she always dreamed of being a cool magician. Meanwhile hes aiming at it because big adventurers make lots of money and his family is poor. But its not a dream he can fulfill alone. He would need for example a cool magician alongside him. This is the type of flirting they always get into in between all the arguing. They promise to go on a date after this training camp.

Back at Kenjis home he gets saddled with taking his little brother to the training camp. A few days pass until its time for the camp. On the way there they get harassed by a group of punks who want to hit on Mika. This introduces the combat system which is based on rock paper scissors. After this tutorial they arrive to the training campsite which is a big mansion. The leading teacher explains that theyll stay holed up in there to avoid getting distracted by outside temptations. Students begin to get separated in groups. The three main characters end up alone with Akaji who is a dirtbag looking teacher. Rude bald guy who specializes in magic so he immediately starts mocking Mikas grades in magic courses. This pisses off Kenji who starts confronting him about his attitude. Things get very tense but then Akaji says it was just a joke. Kenji brings Mikas luggage to her room and after chatting a bit she can finally thank him for all hes been doing to protect her. Theyre about to have their first kiss but they get interrupted at the last second. Kenji goes to his own room with his little brother. Its more spacious than Mikas and even has a big TV. Though mysterously it doesnt seem to work. After this youre free to begin exploring the mansion thats clearly full of secrets. Once youre done and go to sleep Kenji has a weird dream. He wakes up in a big library with magical butterflies. One of them explains that each each book is a memory of his. By reading them hes able to relive previous experiences as if it were a recording which is tied to his perfect memory ability. Theres more to these books and ability which is tied to the NTR mechanics of the game as teased in ci-en. But for now the dream ends here.

The next day you wake up and start attending classes. Kenji goes to a fighting lesson where you learn more battle mechanics and a nice teacher tries to get make him learn how to fight more strategically. Meanwhile if you go meet Mika after the lesson she tells you she had magic classes with Akaji. He put no effort into teaching and jokingly harrasses her with inappropriate questions. If you find other the other girl in Akajis lesson they tell you similar things. When you confront him it seems like hes about to fight you but again he brushes it off at the end. After going to bed you can access the library of memories again. You learn more things about the memory books. Blue ones are scenes from the present that have shaken your feelings. But theres also yellow ones which are scenes from the past before Kenji really developed his memory ability. To unlock those he needs memory keys which are a consumable item you can get in battles or quests. After class the next day you can go watch Mika and see that Akaji is encouraging the only other student in his lessons to leave the training camp and go with her father who had an accident. Everyone is wary but from now on Mika will have lesson with him alone. The next day Kenji accidentally walks into Mika changing her clothes and after that he gets a mysterious brief headache. At night his brother wakes him up because he hears some noise in another room. After walking into a vacant room next to Akaji's you notice a small holy you can use to peep. This is another NTR mechanic in the game where you can drag the image with the mouse. You get to see Akaji in bed having sex with someone whose face you cant see. Akaji keeps telling her that this is what she gets for her usual arrogant attitude. After hes done he tells her to go back to her room and take a shower which makes Kenji very suspicious. After all the only other female student just left. Its a hot mystery scene though if youre attentive you can already tell its not Mika. After all you saw her underwear earlier and if you drag the mouse enough in this scene you can see a different colored bra. Kenji rushes to the corridor to see who leaves the room and is calmed down when he sees that it was the lead teacher. He apologizes to Mika in his heart for doubting her. Prologue basically end here.

Also review for NTR教室 are turning more negative. Even the people who gave it positive ones mention the points I said in previous post. You have to play the game three times which is tedious since it could have easily been mystery/NTR reveal. Or at least skip the repeated content. Its also lacking in content with few CG and some characters who the protagonist sees having sex getting no CG despite having a tachi-e. Devs previous game had multiple DLC so maybe theyre trying to milk it that way. I like many ideas but its not worth it at that price (though you can get it very discounted through coupons).
Kubel Plus (standalone+DLC), patched V4 (adult), decrypted, repacked, proper

***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

Pixeldrain one is just base game and workupload one download is extremely slow.

Edit: both are same...

Something went wrong here. It clearly has some of the plus stuff in it, but if you start it, is just the base game.

Busted repack or could be problem on kagura's side. Just have to patiently wait for someone to release on f95zone or something.
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Kubel Plus (standalone+DLC), patched V4 (adult), decrypted, repacked, proper

***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

Something went wrong here. It clearly has some of the plus stuff in it, but if you start it, is just the base game.
The other one is just the base game, the one I posted is the base game with the dlc that came out today.
I'm playing it right now and it works fine.

Any censorship with english version?
Been a while since I played a rpgmaker game; there isn't anyway to make the text instant, is there?
Do you still have link for that game DLC?

Last time I'll probably do this. Expires in 2 months.

One of them is a standalone, and the other is in-game.

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Feels like all the best NTR games in development right now have cruel cliffhangers lol.

Speaking of which theres a ci-en prologue trial for 彼女が視線を逸らす理由. For those who dont know thats the new game by M.GAMES. Theyre best known for 彼女が回復魔法を唱えてくれない理由/Why she doesnt cast recovery magic. It wasnt perfect but pretty good NTR RPG with a full mystery route. Writing was good and even had unexpected twists. This new game KanoSora is a spiritual successor. So you dont need to play the previous one but youll recognize characters and setting if you do. The main characters this time are the twintail tsundere and gray haired boy that were always bickering in class. The protagonist has bad grades because of his character but he actually has exceptional memory. This will be important later. Hes cool and aggressive on the outside but a bit awkward which shows when women approach him. Meanwhile she hates that since shes a textbook tsundere. Their chemistry is good. The prologue quickly reveal that they were secretly dating for a while despite their constant fighting. Story starts with a long holiday approaching. Both main characters (you can change their names btw though default is Kenji and Mika) have failing grades so theyre forced to attend special classes at a training facility of the school. While theyre complaining about that after class Kenjis younger sibling comes. In contrast to him hes studious and openly shy. After he leaves they continue a conversation which deals with aspect of the setting that was mentioned in the previous game too. In this world adventurers who graduate from the school must work in couples. She is trying to become one because when she was a kid she always dreamed of being a cool magician. Meanwhile hes aiming at it because big adventurers make lots of money and his family is poor. But its not a dream he can fulfill alone. He would need for example a cool magician alongside him. This is the type of flirting they always get into in between all the arguing. They promise to go on a date after this training camp.

Back at Kenjis home he gets saddled with taking his little brother to the training camp. A few days pass until its time for the camp. On the way there they get harassed by a group of punks who want to hit on Mika. This introduces the combat system which is based on rock paper scissors. After this tutorial they arrive to the training campsite which is a big mansion. The leading teacher explains that theyll stay holed up in there to avoid getting distracted by outside temptations. Students begin to get separated in groups. The three main characters end up alone with Akaji who is a dirtbag looking teacher. Rude bald guy who specializes in magic so he immediately starts mocking Mikas grades in magic courses. This pisses off Kenji who starts confronting him about his attitude. Things get very tense but then Akaji says it was just a joke. Kenji brings Mikas luggage to her room and after chatting a bit she can finally thank him for all hes been doing to protect her. Theyre about to have their first kiss but they get interrupted at the last second. Kenji goes to his own room with his little brother. Its more spacious than Mikas and even has a big TV. Though mysterously it doesnt seem to work. After this youre free to begin exploring the mansion thats clearly full of secrets. Once youre done and go to sleep Kenji has a weird dream. He wakes up in a big library with magical butterflies. One of them explains that each each book is a memory of his. By reading them hes able to relive previous experiences as if it were a recording which is tied to his perfect memory ability. Theres more to these books and ability which is tied to the NTR mechanics of the game as teased in ci-en. But for now the dream ends here.

The next day you wake up and start attending classes. Kenji goes to a fighting lesson where you learn more battle mechanics and a nice teacher tries to get make him learn how to fight more strategically. Meanwhile if you go meet Mika after the lesson she tells you she had magic classes with Akaji. He put no effort into teaching and jokingly harrasses her with inappropriate questions. If you find other the other girl in Akajis lesson they tell you similar things. When you confront him it seems like hes about to fight you but again he brushes it off at the end. After going to bed you can access the library of memories again. You learn more things about the memory books. Blue ones are scenes from the present that have shaken your feelings. But theres also yellow ones which are scenes from the past before Kenji really developed his memory ability. To unlock those he needs memory keys which are a consumable item you can get in battles or quests. After class the next day you can go watch Mika and see that Akaji is encouraging the only other student in his lessons to leave the training camp and go with her father who had an accident. Everyone is wary but from now on Mika will have lesson with him alone. The next day Kenji accidentally walks into Mika changing her clothes and after that he gets a mysterious brief headache. At night his brother wakes him up because he hears some noise in another room. After walking into a vacant room next to Akaji's you notice a small holy you can use to peep. This is another NTR mechanic in the game where you can drag the image with the mouse. You get to see Akaji in bed having sex with someone whose face you cant see. Akaji keeps telling her that this is what she gets for her usual arrogant attitude. After hes done he tells her to go back to her room and take a shower which makes Kenji very suspicious. After all the only other female student just left. Its a hot mystery scene though if youre attentive you can already tell its not Mika. After all you saw her underwear earlier and if you drag the mouse enough in this scene you can see a different colored bra. Kenji rushes to the corridor to see who leaves the room and is calmed down when he sees that it was the lead teacher. He apologizes to Mika in his heart for doubting her. Prologue basically end here.

Also review for NTR教室 are turning more negative. Even the people who gave it positive ones mention the points I said in previous post. You have to play the game three times which is tedious since it could have easily been mystery/NTR reveal. Or at least skip the repeated content. Its also lacking in content with few CG and some characters who the protagonist sees having sex getting no CG despite having a tachi-e. Devs previous game had multiple DLC so maybe theyre trying to milk it that way. I like many ideas but its not worth it at that price (though you can get it very discounted through coupons).

Love these reviews (specially your input on the demos for Kaede's game) but i have a question regarding NTR教室, i too am in my first ´playthrough, i never reached the first ending before i said screw it and decided to play for real (i was skipping before that), but do the MANY choices that appear matter like at all? Because i can already feel a headache trying to keep track of them and can't imagine the nightmare it must be if it matters in each playthrough

PS: dlsite appears to say they do but that is from using google/deepl, moreover i am not sure how much it matters like is for different endings or just unlocking the scenes?
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The new AS game has one plot that make me laugh
Wife admit she was getting blackmailed by her Ex. But she said she can't stop having sex with him. And then she begging protag to divorce her. He refuse. And then she telling how slut she was, protag still won't budge. She showing her video of her and her Ex having sex, protag still won't leave her. She show him they having sex in hotel, and then ex propose to let him have sex with her, protag be like : Hell no. And then they having sex in the park, and wife begging to divorce him, but protag be like : I won't leave you. She then promise won't meet him again, but secretly fucking her Ex, and asking protag to divorce her. Protag: "I won't leave you i love you, you're the only one for me", Wife: "Awww", Ex: "Screw this i'm out".

And then they having sex, happily ever after

Ex was like "Fuck this shit, i will end up dead or worse sodomized!!" xD
Hello! I wanted to play the game Boku Mama x Tomo Mama Koukan Hameppu Life ( But everywhere I download the crack version of the game it always have a ransomware embedded with it. I have been told that allow the malware or turn off the AVs in order to play it but I am quite skeptical about it since other people's virus is trojan while mine is a ransomware. Is it safe to pretty much do it? Did someone tested it out and confirm it is safe? Or is there a website that just doesn't have anti virus readings. I really want to play the game and quite desperate at it haha. Please send help, thank you!

Hello! I wanted to play the game Boku Mama x Tomo Mama Koukan Hameppu Life ( But everywhere I download the crack version of the game it always have a ransomware embedded with it. I have been told that allow the malware or turn off the AVs in order to play it but I am quite skeptical about it since other people's virus is trojan while mine is a ransomware. Is it safe to pretty much do it? Did someone tested it out and confirm it is safe? Or is there a website that just doesn't have anti virus readings. I really want to play the game and quite desperate at it haha. Please send help, thank you!
Hello! I wanted to play the game Boku Mama x Tomo Mama Koukan Hameppu Life (
But everywhere I download the crack version of the game it always have a ransomware embedded with it.
I have been told that allow the malware or turn off the AVs in order to play it but I am quite skeptical about it since
other people's virus is trojan while mine is a ransomware. Is it safe to pretty much do it? Did someone tested it out and confirm
it is safe? Or is there a website that just doesn't have anti virus readings.
I really want to play the game and quite desperate at it haha. Please send help, thank you!
When I try to navigate to the last page of this thread (2556 at the moment), I keep getting redirected to the 2nd-last page (2555). Is anyone else having the same problem?

I was until you posted, lol. Im guessing it was a visual bug and there was no new page yet, till you posted.
So I just played chapter 1 and 2 of Henteria Chronicles over the past week or so. They are set in the same world but not connected. They are basically western-made spiritual successors to NTRPG2. NTRPG2 is my favourite piece of NTR media, despite the fact it never features anything more than sprite-based sex scenes. Its corruption NTR with a slow and steady burn where it starts with curious/unwanted fondling scenes and working all the way to accepted impregnation.

Chapter 1 of Henteria Chronicles was okay, I think it had its issues, particularly regarding map navigation, but if you liked NTRPG2 don't skip it. Chapter 2 was a big step up and I honestly think it's better than whatever an NTRPG3 could have been if its development ever finished, and its certainly richer in story and content than NTRPG2. It's really, really twisted and fucked up. I'm not sure if I'd ever want to play it from scratch again a few years down the line, its that truly depressing. Buuuuuut the corruption and slow burn NTR is more or less 10/10.

The story really had no right to be as impactful as it was. It's supposed to be a hentai game. There were even scenes where the choice of music carried weight. While I won't spoil them outside of spoiler tags, there are multiple endings and the True Ending tore me up a bit and made me conflicted for characters I initially didn't feel deserved redemption.

Warning ending spoilers
There's a couple of different endings including an NTR Ending, Happy Ending, Revenge Ending, and True Ending. The routes all diverge very late into the game. That means even the "Happy Ending" is somewhat bitter sweet, because what happened still happened - but its clear everyone has tried to move on. The True Ending was extremely bitter sweet, and the story did a miraculous job at somehow making me feel for the two heroines despite all the extreme betrayal. The Revenge Ending is almost funny but about equally as fucked in a different way.

It's all the scenes are animated sprites and that might be off-putting but I think the development of the story, and the story itself should genuinely make up for it.

I did have a few issues here and there, mainly regarding how things unfolded or how reveals were made but I don't think it detracts from the overall quality.

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ProfProcPlot wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[2001][e-Erekiteru] Suiso ~1/2 no Kiseki~(水素~1/2の奇蹟~) [Soundtrack OP+ ED + Update]

ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
Sk0rlupka wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: