Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


Ready for a book, Brothers? 'Cause it's time to delve into Married Life!

Oda-san: Dudes, he's such a spaz you can't help but feel sorry of him and like the guy a little. He starts off coming across a bit like a tool because of how he acts around his wife and daughter(he's jealous of a four-year old friend his daughter makes, he's not too caring or considerate to his wife), but you quickly come to see that they're literally all he has, and in his way he thinks he's being a dutiful husband by working hard. He gets jealous easily of the things they do because he's not around them as much. His job is stressful, he gets random projects and other difficult stuff dumped on him, and he often works overtime.

Also, towards the beginning of the game he finds out he won't be getting his usual bonus, and is taking a pay cut.(Pretty sure they said this was do to the bad economy or something and was business-wide.) He has next to no bedroom technique, and his idea of good sex for both him and his wife, is for him to blow his load and fall asleep. Also, he's got like ED or something, and can't seem to get it up for his wife very well. From what I could tell, this is partially stress related and partially psychological. It basically feeds on itself in a cycle, i.e. he can't get it up 'cause he's stressed and that makes him ever more stressed. Also, their lovemaking has been pretty non-existent since his daughter was born. When they try something different or he can gather up some confidence, he does a little better, though he's nothing compared to the other men who wanna fuck his wife in terms of size, skill, or stamina.

Granted, after he starts to realize this, he does start making an effort to change, but even then it's kind of
half-assed, though this isn't entirely his fault. An important part of the story is how he sees his wife as
a spouse and a lover. He can get it up for a young call girl who's praising him and being more forward, but he
has a hard time with the normal sex he has with his wife, even though that's mostly his own fault. >_>

It could be argued that he's pretty dumb to not see the signs that his wife is cheating. When he does finally
start to realize what happening, it's pretty late in the game, and even then most of it is just having doubts in
his mind and feeling anxiety.

It could also be argued that most of his problems could have been resolved by putting in more effort and actually talking openly about their situation with his wife, but hell, if he was smarter and did those things, we wouldn't have a story. Poor dumb bastard.

The games starts with an introduction to his family and work, then that night Yoko and the profag are talking about trying to have another child. He stopped being intimate with his wife after Hinata was born. He wants to have another baby but he's worried he might not be able
to get it up. He can't manage to get hard that night.

The next night she's giving him a bj and he asks if he can go in her mouth, to which she wants to know how that's gonna make a baby. He thinks it'd be fun, but she says that that's gross and asks if he's a pervert. He's looking for something to turn him on again, but won't tell her that. They proceed to have regular sex, but he can't enjoy it and feels like something is wrong. He wonders if it's his fault for not having enough energy. He can't seem to get excited about his wife.

They're having some pillow talk and she mentions that Otsuka, the grandfather of Hinata's new friend Taro, said something about her being beautiful. The profag overreacts.

Things start to progress and the pay cut thing happens, so the wife says she could maybe get a part-time during the mornings. This is a blow to his ego as the family breadwinner. Also, she wants to work at the older guy's candy shop. The two are becoming closer since Hinata and Taro made friends at pre-school, and she's talking to Otsuka a lot. The husband doesn't think it's a good idea, and is jealous of all the time she's spending with another guy, he even claims he's trying to target her. She says he's overreacting and that she wants
someone she can talk to since she's often alone with Hinata.

The profag is at work when he gets an e-mail that Hinata has gotten in an accident. Didn't get the details, but apparently Otsaka hurt himself rescuing/helping her and Yoko has agreed to work at his shop while he recovers to show her appreciation. Profag reluctantly agrees 'cause it's like the honorable thing to do? More like honorable way to let some old man move in on your wife, amirite? -_-

This is when the old man begins to seduce her. Profag thinks he might be able to do it that night, but Yoko turns him down with a weak excuse.

The first clue that something's wrong(And where I really started paying attention. It's bad, but I'm not too diligent translating eveything until something happens to really suck me in.) is when Hinata tells him that Yoko asked her to keep a secret from him. Apparently, she was late picking her up from pre-school. Profag thinks this is weird and asks Yoko about it. She embarrassingly tell him that she fell asleep during the day when she was really fooling around with Otsuka. This confuses him because he thought she was supposed to be working that day. She assures him she had the day off. /cue mystery music. They do do it that night, but rather than keep trying for a baby, he doesn't cum inside due to worrying about money now.

The next day Yoko calls him and says that Otsuka is sick and she's going to stay over at his house with Hinata
to take care of him. Cure giant neon warning signs for all of us. Profag is upset about this, but less from an 'I'm
concerned' point and more from a whiny 'But you're my wife, why are you taking care of that guy when you should be at home cooking me dinner?'

Profag is lonely at home that night and the next day decides to walk down to where the park and candy shop are to check on them when she doesn't answer her phone. He finds Hinata and Taro playing with each other outside, but Yoko and Otsuka are no where to be seen. He calls her again, and when she comes out of the house, her hair is wet and pinned up, and she's embarrassed about something. He starts getting mad because she left a pair of four-year olds running around outside unsupervised, then Otsuka comes out all smiling and like, "'Sup, Bro?" while our profag is like, "Go eat a dick, Old Man!"

Also around here, Yoko tries giving the profag a bj and since he manages to get it up, he's ready for penetration
since he thinks that's all sex is. Yoko suggests maybe he could try to go down on her, and he freaks out and thinks that's gross, kind of a reverse situation from earlier. Also, since he's managed to get hard, he says that having sex will feel better for both of them. She blows up at this point and I was pleasantly surprised. Shocked silence follows then he actually has the gall to ask her what's wrong with her tonight because she usually likes it, and she starts screaming at him that's she's never really felt good doing it with him and that she's never came once. Extreme shocked silence. Yoko asks the profag if he even looks at her as a woman anymore, but he doesn't really answer. Instead of saying more, they both decide to go to bed upset.

The next morning the two of them aren't speaking, and even though he gets done with work early for a change,
he can't bring himself to go home in the state he's in. He goes to kill time at a restaurant and sees his manager
there. They have a conversation where the manager tries to act like the Obi-Wan Kenobi of office chiefs and gives him the most Japanese explanation for what's happening ever.

I forgot to take notes during this Icause I was reading and waiting for some big reveal or revelation, but I remember thinking that in the whole spiel, it seemed long at the time, there was was like two pieces of bad advice for every one piece of good advice. Stuff about how the both of them are getting older, and their needs are changing. That Yoko is a mother now and has responsibilities that make it hard for her to be a good lover, and that his duty is to focus on work and be a good provider and employee. The problem the profag is having according to the manager is that he's not ready to accept this and understand that their newlywed lovers style of life is over. He'll be happier once he comes to term with the fact that mostly they're relationship will be more and more sexless, and that if the profag just needs to let off some stress, then that's what call girls are for. I should note that this is a pretty widely accepted notion in Japan, which is why you see crazy shit like married couple sleepibf in two different beds, or sometimes even different rooms.

The manager also says that the reason his wife is unhappy about their sex life is because the profag is a selfish
asshole. He only cares about himself in sex and other things. This is another accepted notion in Japanese life, the man is number one and the wife is a servant who should rear kids, cook dinner, and perform her nightly duties when called upon. -_- Now I'm not saying everyone other culture doesn't have problems as well, but yeah, Japan's pretty fucked up like that.

The best thing the profag can do for everyone is try to appreciate his wife more, do the best he can(read: not much) to please her, and then pick up some tail on the side.

During this conversation the profag sways back and forth from 'Hey, he's right!' to 'I don't know...' You get the
feeling he wants to try harder, and I was thinking he was going to try to talk to Yoko when he got home...
Instead, his dumb ass sees that she's still upset and decides not to say anything. -_-

The next day, the manager takes him out from work early and introduces him to a hooker with a heart of gold, Kaori. Seriously. She takes him to a hotel and after talking a bit about his problems: the lack of excitement, stress, not being about to perform. He wants to see if he's really in as bad a shape as his manager says he is. She gets naked and he manages to pop one just looking at her. Can't remember how the wording went, but his justification is because she's young and beautiful(Though personally, I found Yoko to be more attractive and everyone who talks about his wife describes her as amazing looking and I'm pretty sure she's in her mid to late
twenties. >_> Derp.) but I think it's more or less implied it's because he can see this woman in a sexual light
whereas he sees Yoko as a wife and mother first.

He also justifies sleeping with her because it's ultimately for the sake of his wife and their happiness. :/ And we
all know that the road to being NTRed is paved with good intentions. xD So, he's amazed by how different things are and gets some new resolve to be a better man thanks to Kaori's encouragement. There's a nice bit where they talk to each other and she explains that she can really see that he loves Yoko, etc.

He's able to get it up for Yoko and is proud of himself, he also fingers her and tries to help her enjoy herself
before passing out. We get the impression that Yoko seems pleased but is actually disappointed that he can't do more though our profag remains oblivious. This also results in one of the most adorably pathetic lines ever, 'I got a boner from my wife! Go me!' @_@

Unfortunately, he doesn't manage to keep it up for long and a few days later he's back in a slump. He decides to
meet with Kaori again to see if it's really something wrong with him or something else. He manages to pop one, but this time doesn't want to do it with her, as he's feeling bad for his wife. She manages to convince him by saying she likes him and offering it for free, but even then they only do it between the thighs. When they're leaving, they run into the manager, who then proceeds to start pawing at Kaori and she acts slutty towards him.
This leaves the profag in a lot of doubt as to whether anything she said was true, or if she was just acting, but
ultimately he decides it doesn't matter since he's going to focus on Yoko, swearing he won't turn into a guy like the manager.

He comes home from work the next day to find a packaged meal waiting for him. Yoko has been 'sick' and couldn't make dinner. He tells her not to worry and that he'll help around the house and with Hinata, which makes Yoko start crying for some mysterious reason.

The next day, he gets off at a decent time and decides to call and see if he can pick up dinner since Yoko's been sick. She's out of breath on the phone for some reason. xD When get gets home he notices that she's changed the sheets in the bedroom and there are no tissues. ...'Cause shes's been sick, right guys?

Soon after while the family is out shopping, she leaves for a bit to buy something secretly. He tries to
find out what it is but then they're both distracted by Hinata.

The next day him and the manager go to visit the candy store so the manager can see Yoko, but the store is closed. Later, the profag makes an off-hand comment about her job and Yoko claims she was working that day, despite the profag knowing otherwise.

The night she's getting out of the bath and puts on some sexy underwear, that gets a rise of him, but then
he's suddenly concerned cause she's never wore anything like it before and it doesn't really seem like her, ie.
something a wife would wear. She changes and they go to bed.

They go another day, only to find the store open, but no one inside. Yoko emerges from inside the house,in a skirt and blouse with hard nipples much to his shock.

Yoko changes her shampoo to something with a nice smell.

Profag notices that Yoko suddenly becomes much better at oral and even swallows, and then the profag has a sudden realization and thinks she's been doing it all for him and is moved. The underwear, the shampoo, the technique, even wearing the skirt and stuff to build up her allure. -_- Yeah, the guy is seriously about as smart
as a box of hammers.

The profag starts getting much busier due to the manager being out of the office a lot, the profag thinks he's
meeting up with Kaori, but the manager says he's found someone even better than Kaori. Then, the profag is forced to work really late one night by the manager.

The next day Yoko asks if she can go on an overnight trip with some old friends. The profag is worried she might be meeting up with Otsuka, but then his manager tells him he should let her go, since one of the receptionists in the office asked for the day off to go, implying Yokowas telling the truth. He also asks if he wants to go out that day, but our profag has to decline since he'll have Hinata.

Profag ends up babysitting Hinata and takes her to the park to meet with Taro. Otsuka is there with Taro, so
profag feels bad for doubting his wife.

He's asks by the manager to deliver some work documents to him, while doing so, he runs into Kaori and they talk for a minute. Yoko won't speak to him that day.

A couple days later he comes home to find her banging Otsuka in their bedroom. He watches for a while, but then Hinata gives him away and the two come out pretending like they were talking about the store.

The profag leave work at noon the next day to look for Yoko. The store is closed, but he finds them in Otsuka's house fucking.

They don't speak at all until the profag tries to talk to her that night. He asks her to tell him honestly what's between her and Otsuka and her response is like, 'I was wondering when you'd bring this up, I guess we're the same now, huh?' He's like, 'What the hell?' and she tells him that she's decided she's gonna go live with Otsuka because he's been cheating on her. He's confused, but she then demands he explains himself and says she knows about him cheating on her with Kaori. He claims it wasn't like that, but she says she them together twice and heard more from Otsuka. Yoko says he's betrayed her, so she started a relationship with Otsuka who appreciated her as a woman and can make her feel good. She refuses to listen or believe him, and when he gets the idea to call Kaori, the business says she no longer works there. Yoko says she's going to live with Otsuka and that the profag can have the house and all their stuff, but that she is taking Hinata with her. She can't trust him anymore and she no longer has any feelings for him.

He has a goofy dream where everything is normal, only for Yoko to reveal she knows everything at then end. He wakes up to find he's alone in the house.

He spends the next couple of days trying to find Kaori, so he can prove to Yoko he was telling the truth. He can't find her and goes by the park to see Hinata and Taro playing while Otsuka gropes Yoko in mid-day, then she tells the kids to be careful and they go inside to do it. He finally finds Kaori and she agrees to help him.
They go to the candy store and she speaks with Yoko, who at first says she's lying and refuses to believe her. Kaori shows her various proof, but Yoko is confused and overwhelmed by the fact that this means the kind Otsuka has been lying to her and that the profag never betrayed her but she betrayed him completely. She
runs away, and the profag chases after her. She finally stops in the middle of the street and says she's a horrible person and can't go back to the way she used to be. Profag says he's willing
to forgive her... and then she gets hit by a truck. The end. Fucking trolls!

-_- When it comes to this game, I'm reminded of that old Linkin' Park song that goes, 'I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter.'

The first part, where you play as the guy, with the NTR mystery is great. Sure, there's some stuff I'd change or
could have done without, but it's not my story and that's something you've always gotta accept. Nevertheless, it's brilliant for what it is, and best of all, it stays consistent with itself. Once you come to understand the
profag and the kind of person he is nearly all of his choice and actions make sense in context, and that's what makes for a good NTR mystery.

After the profag finally catches her with Otsuka, the story really takes a nose-dive in my opinion. One of the things that made the last Elf game so powerful was the sit down conversation between the profag and Misaki with the oden vendor. We never get one of those here. In fact, the whole thing is turned around as the profag being the cheater and Yoko vindicating her behavior. Nor is there a good scene when she talks to Kaori, she listens just enough to find out she was wrong, and then runs the fuck away. -_- There's no mention of what the manager did in this ending, either, so the profag actually only know she was cheating with Otsuka.

Still, even though this isn't the true end, I still find it more rewarding than the 'true' end, 'cause that's just
a weird giant cluster-fuck. Sometimes, seeing things from the woman's point of view increases the NTR feelings, but in this case, I think it kinda ruins them. I guess I owe it to the game to play through Yoko's part completely and take notes. I rushed through the first time 'cause it was getting really late and I wanted to see if there would be a satisfying ending or not. I skimmed through it again to make sure my timeline was right for the mystery review. I'd give the Mystery end a 8/10. It'd easily be a nine or ten if not for the truck ending bullshit.

The True end I'd give a 5/10, mostly 'cause I'm bitter about it ruining a great, interesting story. A lot of the sex scenes are awesome, though. xD When I go back and piece everything together better, it might even earn a 6/10, but that's really the best I can give it from a NTR purist's view.

I still recommend everyone play the first mystery part for the awesomeness, and playing from Yoko's perspective just for the secenes. In my book, seeing the true story is setting yourself up for some fail in the end.

p.s. Only seven more days 'til Valentines Day! and you can't spell Valentine without NT--wait, DAMNIT! -_-
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION]

I totally agree with you, after he caught her on their room they should of press the breaks on the story, rather than confronting her the next day (after being caught again).

They should of also avoided the scort and concentrated on more endings, there is hardly any compare to their previous games, and the phone scene was too short.:raging:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

NTR A or B with mystery are the best IMO, but it really depends on the man/woman personalities:
-I don't know why, but I hate over-jealous male characters, who can't trust their female character at all: it seems like the guy knows since the beginning that he will be cheated on. The best is naive/good type of character, who seems to notice something weird going on, but doesn't know what precisely.
-I'm not a fan of too kind/nice woman characters, especially when they have no personality. The best being the clever/sexy type :lovestruck:

Curious to ask, but are you able to read japanese or are you using text-hooker/translator? I've been wondering if a person can really enjoy playing through a proper, story driven type game with the latter, even if it is technically an eroge. Been thinking about whether it possible to do it with something like Baldr Sky Dive.....
I personally read lots of games outside of the usual easy-to-read-nukige. My level in Japanese being just a little higher than a beginner, I can read the simple sentences, and decode the grammar, but I lack vocabulary, so I need agth to help me in that area.
Most of the time I manage to understand 50/75% on what's going on, and even more if I take the time to read thoroughly.

Any word on some new games? i have some rage build up now. I am hella in the mood.
Unfortunately, nothing until 2/24 if you already played married life and Mesu Idol :(

[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION]
Great review :)
Although I am more indulgent than you for that game, considering that it's not a "big" production. Character art for example is way better than the preceding games IMO.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Does anyone of if the guy who made ヤンヅマ心春 ~お前の嫁は俺のモノ~ is making another game? I checked his blog but can't make anything out of the google translation, other than the "CG" on his posts.

If he is, I hope its another NTR game, since the last game was pure gold.:bigeyes:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

simple good ero manga. no special things for the heavy NTR fans. just for newbie.. some kind of orgy party.

maybe no. i'm sorry too, because that game was a masterpiece.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION] can you explain the true end?

PD: you made me hate the prota, the moment he thinks only in himself for me he deserves to be netorared, you said that he loves her and all but the fact that he is SO self centered pisses me off, i mean he demands oral sex but isn't willing to do it for her? or "as long i i cum is ok" ARCHHHHH, i better stop here or won't be able to stop
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Curious to ask, but are you able to read japanese or are you using text-hooker/translator? I've been wondering if a person can really enjoy playing through a proper, story driven type game with the latter, even if it is technically an eroge. Been thinking about whether it possible to do it with something like Baldr Sky Dive.....

I use text hookers but have been doing it so long that it like being a expert at pig Latin and learn to shuffle it on my head at a good speed but it can get exhausting. I also have it set up so I can look up the definition of any kanji and show the Hiragana and slowly as I see the same kanji use in different sentences I get a idea what it means in Japanese and not the English translation and be able to see the errors in the auto translation and fix it in my head.

then theirs games like Muvluv (thank goodness it's translated now) when the teacher starts talking physics and paradox time shifts in Japaneses I scream inside XD

their is also another type of NTR Mystery that I like and it's linked to NTR type-B
a good example is the dragon quest game form spoon. a situation where the guy and girl together are blackmailed or in a situation where the girl has to be with someone else. she goes off to the other guy at night but we don't see what happens (thus the Mystery tag, thou very different) so you look for clues and sings when talking to her the next day. this type plays on fears, anxiety and trust. this is not a "want to see wife bang form somebody else secretly"
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Sup guys iv'e been LURKING the board:breakin: but i have been busy playing(getting my ass-kicked in) SoulCaliburV :beatenup:and i finally got Monster Hunter portable 3rd HD ver. I shipped it from Japan and iv'e been hooked since.:gambler:

As for ヤンヅマ心春 ~お前の嫁は俺のモノ~ I still have it, if anyone needs it let me know. "ONE OF THE BEST EVER" :smooch: I Love This Game

All I'm gonna say about: Tachibana-san’s Circumstances With a Man by MTSP is: "ONE NTR IS BETTER THAN NO NTR" I still enjoyed it despite it's flaws:D
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

anyone had read tachibana circumstance with a man..?? MTSP/JIN newest manga that translated... if does.. tell me how's your opinion.. since it's ntr...

Already done here.

Redorc said:
NTR A or B with mystery are the best IMO, but it really depends on the man/woman personalities:
-I don't know why, but I hate over-jealous male characters, who can't trust their female character at all: it seems like the guy knows since the beginning that he will be cheated on. The best is naive/good type of character, who seems to notice something weird going on, but doesn't know what precisely.
-I'm not a fan of too kind/nice woman characters, especially when they have no personality. The best being the clever/sexy type :lovestruck:

I'm love all that as well. In my case though, I'd rather the male character wasn't potrayed as dumb or naive. I think it works best when he's shown as fooling himself. All the hints are accumulating and anyone outside the situation like the reader would hear the circumstances once and immediately think "She's screwing someone else", yet the guy in question refuses to see it. No because he's too stupid to notice, or too naive to see how things work, but because he doesn't want to see. Either subconsciously or willfully, he blinds himself to reality and either ignores the signs or sees them but rather than seeing the most obvious meaning, instead puts the clues together to form a picture where she's still loyal to him and it's all some big misunderstanding.
The guy loves the girl and the very idea that she's cheating is too horrible for him to face. Plus he loves her and wants to believe in her, and therefore feels guilty for suspecting her even if the truth does cross his mind. He'll tell himself

"How can I suspect the woman I love? How can I not trust her? I know what kind of person she is. She's a good hearted and lovely girl, and there's no way in hell she'd ever betray me just to screw some womanising bastard whose only after her body, just because he's great in bed. I'm just imagining things. I must be a terrible person to be so paranoid and jealous"

and so on. This is good because he's not only being betrayed even worse because he chose to believe in her over what his logical mind told him was true, but also because it's very feasible as a natural reaction for real people. I'm sure plenty of you have seen or heard of that kind of thing, whether it was a male or female in a relationship. Everyone knows their other half is cheating, but they refuse to hear it or even think it could be true, and may even lash out at anyone trying to talk sense into them. When you're in love with someone you don't want to believe they'd do anything to hurt you, even if your smart enough to know better in other circumstances. You can't look down on the guy being NTRed for deluding himself that it wasn't coming, since you might be the same way if that kind of thing happened to you irl. So I think.

I wish they'd have that kind of main character in NTR eroge as standard, though unfortunately they're usually just portrayed as dumb or simply oblivious and taking their relationship for granted, blind to the signs that there was a problem till it was too late. :sigh:

[MENTION=14267]Redorc[/MENTION] & [MENTION=7186]Prettz[/MENTION]

I see. I guess it is possible, though it helps to know the basics of the language. And yeah Prettz, seeing bits like Yuuko-sensei's infodumping from Muv-luv and Rin's extended explanations of magic from Fate, was the kind of thing that always made me hesitate to jump into something more in depth than your average nukige.

Like when I'm playing NTR, even if it's nukige the plot is often a bit more involved and I really want to know exactly what's being said and being thought, so I'll spend almost twice as long trying to get the proper meaning from each sentence. It must take me at least 2-3 times longer to play through a eroge than it would for someone fluent in the language. Unfortunately my level is mostly just accumulated from watching absurd amounts of anime and playing eroge and hearing the common words and phrases until I'm completely accustomed to the meaning. So not really exact there. I wonder if it's worth getting Rosetta Stone and giving it a proper go?

Ah well. BTW, is there anything really exciting coming up in the next few months? Not necessarily soon, but something to look forward to in the future? Or is it just the Team Bitters one and the Atelier Sakura one?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Ah well. BTW, is there anything really exciting coming up in the next few months? Not necessarily soon, but something to look forward to in the future? Or is it just the Team Bitters one and the Atelier Sakura one?

I am intrigued about the ntr game that clockup is making, and it isn't ntr but Taimanin Asagi 3 is supposed to come out this year :cheerleader: (yeah i am a lilith fan xD)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Note: There was a lot more to this, but the damn thing ate my fucking post, and I only had half of it copied into notepad. With an autosave feature, I shouldn't have to keep backing up everything I write. -_- /incredibly frustrated Sorry the last bit is bad. I had much more written, and a completely different section on what I thought about that story and Yoko, but I just don't have it in me to try to write again right now. Sorry, Guys.

[MENTION=14089]Animefan_09[/MENTION] I'm a bit hesitant to get too much into the True end and Yoko's story because I haven't played it through in detail. Some games it really doesn't matter in because you more or less know exactly what's going to happen and why before you even start playing the game. In good, long NTR games missing a small detail or screwing up some kanji can make a big difference in how you see and enjoy the story. For example, I'm still not
sure whether I like Yoko or not. I loved her in the mystery portion, but then from what I saw in her story, I was very wrong. I'll give you the basics, but please be aware things might be somewhat different. I'm also not sure when I'll get around to giving her play-through another chance.

I can speak Japanese and understand grammar well, but kanji are the devil. Even when I know the word, if there are no voices, I still have to make a bigger effort to translate. Since I partially play these to study, I handwrite kanji I don't know with my electronic dictionary and take notes. That's why I love it when more people are voiced; it makes it loads easier. I'm getting better, but for a long game like this that would take someone fluent several hours to get through, it might take me twice as long, so games are reserved for when I've got a good amount of free-time and in the mood.

I'd really appreciate it if anyone else who's played through this could confirm or correct me on these things!

Yoko starts getting seduced very early in the game. I think it's Otsuka's intention to seduce her and basically have her for his own as a wife. That I recall, there's no real domination or turning her into a slave type stuff, just good old-fashioned sneakiness, turning her against her husband, and getting her turned on to enjoying sex.

He doesn't really try anything extreme, I think the most daring thing they ever do is have sex in the park bathroom one time. I'm not entirely sure what lies he tells to her, but they do see the profag and Kaori together once when the two of them are already going to a love hotel.

After the manager sees her, he decides that he wants to have her to. After meeting her, he forces the profag to work really late one night on a big project while he goes to their house and rapes Yoko. At least it starts off as rape. Afterwards, she starts seeing him on the side as well. I'm not sure what the relationship is between Otsuka and the manager. It's weird. Something like, she thinks she loves her husband, but she's unsatisfied and Otsuka seduces her. She finds out her husband is cheating and decides to become Otsuka's woman. Then, the manager rapes her, and she starts doing it with him, basically cheating on Otsuka now?

The whole going on a trip thing was disappointing 'cause she just goes over to the manager's secret apartment and gets fucked for two days straight. I've played and read enough NTR to expect an overnight trip to imply onsen orgy/gangbang and was extremely unhappy with what actually happened. Weak. -_-

Then, she's back with Otsuka again and they're doing it. She does say that she likes him better than other men, so he has to know she was cheating with someone else, but I haven't played it well enough to figure shit out.

This is where the profag discovers she's cheating and they have their argument. She leaves to go stay with Otsuka. In this ending, the profag can't find Kaori. So, she's doing it with Otsuka, then, I can't remember what order it goes in, either the manager forces himself on her again and she finds out she's pregnant, or she finds out she's pregnant and then the manager forces himself on her again. When she finds out she's pregnant, she realizes it was from around the time of the trip. She learns from Otsuka that he's incapable of having kids, and it can't be her husband's because he hasn't been cumming inside, so it can only be the manager's. As a result, she goes back to the manager and agrees to become his woman. She starts living at his secret apartment, and I have no idea where Hinata is at this point.

The profag goes to Otsuka's house at some point and demands to see his wife, but Otsuka acts like a douche and tells him she's no longer there, she's run off with another man.

So she's living with the manager and basically being his toy. One day she meets Kaori outside of a convenience store, and recognizing her, asks about whether she had really changed companies or not. Kaori is confused, but confirms this. This means that her husband was telling the truth and the other men had been lying. She's devasted and realizes she's been a stupid cunt. :D -_- She has a breakdown and runs away. Sometime later, you're playing as the profag again. You and Hinata go to the hospital/place 'cause Yoko has written him a letter and you're given two options. If you chose not to forgive her, the game goes straight to a game over with giant 'YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE WHO DIDN'T FORGIVE HER' text in red. Now what the fuck is that supposed to mean? He's the only one that matters about forgiving her. Trying to make the protag seem like a bad guy all of a sudden is really goofy. If you decide to forgive her, she cries and calls herself worthless. The profag says he and Hinata still love her and they get back together. There's like two lines mentioning they have no contact with either Otsuka or the manager again. Cue some random shot of nature while the Japanese try to wax philosophically about life. The end.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I understand Japanese, I can speak Japanese too...but just like Mr.Action Bastard, the kanjis are the hardest part about
Pretty sure profag's manager persuaded him to go to fuuzoku/prostitute/ was part of his plan to get Yoko...
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

After losing the post and getting frustrated with it, I decided I just wanted to be done with this game and powered through the ending. I might still be wrong about a few details in Yoko's main story path, but here's the correct True ending. This game is depressing. Not in a good NTR-y way, but in a bad, what might have been, I'm annoyed way. Seeing things with great potential not live up to them is way worse than playing a lame game that you knew not to expect much from. Others might enjoy it more for various reasons, and I'd like to hear those. Always nice to get a different perspective. It's just not my bag.

After a few days of looking for Kaori and not finding her, the profag goes to
Otsuka's and they exchange harsh words. He finds out that Yoko's
not living there and she's with another man. The profag doesn't believe it at first, but
Otsuka shows an e-mail as proof. Profag demands to know where Hinata is, and
Otsuka tells him not to worry about her because she's safe. He shouts back
that he's his daughter. Otsuka says something like she'll be better off with
him and the profag tells him that if he doesn't give her to him he'll be back
with the police. Otsuka relents and weakly admits Hinata should be with her father
since Yoko's not around anymore. Otsuka hints at who Yoko might be with and
the profag realizes it's the manager.

The next day he does into work, but the
manager still isn't there. He goes to the manager's wife and learns from him
that he often stays in an apartment. He goes to the apartment, but it seems like
no one's home. The door's unlocked, though, so he goes inside. He hears the shower
running and thinks it's the manager, but just then the manager calls him and
says he should get his ass back to work. The profag opens the door to the
bathroom to find Yoko's inside. She's tried to kill herself and is clutching
a letter addressed to him in her hand.

We now flashback to Yoko's perspective since their argument. (I didn't
realize that before, and there's where I got screwed up.)

Yoko is with Otsuka now. She's told Hinata her father was getting transfered
for work. She gives Otsuka a hummer and decides she won't go to the manager
anymore and will be happy with Otsuka. Since her husband loves the call girl,
so thinks things will now be better for both of them. So feels a little bad
about her husband, but hardens her heart by saying he cheated on her, and this
is the last time she considers him.

The next day she's feeling all happy 'cause she's dropped the kids off and
is gonna go home and get fucked when she runs in the the Manager. Apparently
the manager got to her by threatening the profag and Hinata? He's got a tape of
them doing it from the 'trip' but it doesn't matter since she's told
Otsuka about it. He has nothing to threaten her with.

The manage shows up at the candy store the next day. He starts molesting her
and tries to get her to go back to his apartment with him, she says she can't
because she's promised Otsuka she wouldn't.

He says it won't matter 'cause Otsuka doesn't need to find out. She gets mad
and threatens to call the police. He mocks her by asking why she didn't do that
the first time while she was still with the profag then leaves.

She wants to do it with Otsuka, but he's hurt/feeling bad, so she tells herself
she has to be patient. The manager comes by periodically to harass her.

She's feeling ill and Otsuka tells her she needs to go to the hospital. That's
when she finds out she's pregnant with the manager's baby. She's cries for about
about how she's stupid. She decides she has to go to the manager's apartment to
talk to him.

She's like, 'I'm pregnant...'
He's like, 'Cool story, Bro.'
She's like, 'It's yours.'
He's like, 'Don't care. You told me to cum inside, you dumb whore.'
She's like, 'OMG! :O'
Then, he's like, '/sigh I guess I'm just gonna have to keep fucking you 'til
it aborts...'
She's like, 'Oh noes!'
That's no good, and he won't bother his actual wife with this trouble, so he says
she can live at the apartment and start a new life as his woman. She protests
that she still loves Otsuka. He tells her that since the kid is his, she should
do what he tells her to and love him instead. She doesn't want to, and he gives
her the options of either aborting it or living with him. He does convinces her
these are her options by basically saying, 'Bitch, I am in charge.' xD
She gives in and says she has to 'reap what she's sown'. Poor thing. Not. -_-

She's grieving for her new life with Otsuka, but when the manager mentions her
husband she says he doesn't matter 'cause he's a cheater and when she thinks
about him she refers to him as 'that guy'.

He forces himself on her, she puts up a little token resistance, then gives in.
He takes her ass, she cries, then likes it. Then he pees in her mouth and she
takes it meekly.

She asks him if she can go back to Otsuka's since it's getting late and she
hasn't told him anything. He tells her she doesn't need to. She says Hinata
will be worried, but he tells her the only child she should worry about now
is the one in her belly. She ends up agreeing.

He spends the next couple days doing his best to turn her into a cock addict.

He leaves to go to work one day and she's thinking about Hinata and Otsuka.
Then she starts acting like a wife to the manager, cleaning the house, thinking
about dinner, just like she used to with the profag. She goes out shopping and
that's when she meets Kaori. That conversation went down like I said before.
Yoko learns her husband wasn't lying and freaks out.

She feels horrible that she never listened to him when he begged her to.
Then she realizes that she only ever saw the two of them talking, all the other
stuff had been inference on her part, or the manager telling her. It was all made
up so that she'd give up on him. Yoko tells herself that she's betrayed her
husband, Otsuka, and Hinata, and that if she had believed her husband in the
first place, maybe she would have never taken things so far with Otsuka. >_>
She then decides that she'll never be the manager's woman.
She can't forgive herself and for the first time in over a week, she wonders
how her husband must feel. She wonders if he could forgive her and decides he
wouldn't. Then, she apologizes to the baby and tells it she can't give birth
to it. She goes into the bathroom...

Back to the profag's view.

He read the letter and learns the whole truth. He's tore up because she
never once listened to him. He rages a little about how stupid they've both
been. He's upset because if he had talked to her, explained his problems, and
been more considerate, this would have never happened. THESE ARE SMART THINGS.
He claims he's the root of all their problems.

He wonders how he feels about Yoko now. She's pregnant with someone else's baby
and they can't go back to how things were. This is where you're given the choice
to forgive or not.

If you choose no, he thinks about how she can't love him any more after being
with men like Otsuka and the manager, and the thought of her pregnant with
the manager's baby makes him sick. He balls up the letter and tosses it into
the garbage, saying sometimes it's better not to know the truth. Just then
Otsuka comes up with Hinata. Hinata is confused that her father is here since
he's supposed to be off working. Otsuka calls him her husband and asks how Yoko is.
The profag tells him he's not her husband. He thanks Otsuka for bringing Hinata
as agreed upon, then says he can have Yoko, though they're not sure if she'll
regain consciousness. He tells Hinata it's time to go; from now on it'll just
be the two of them, but he promises to protect her.

Hinata refuses 'cause she's for. She wants to live with her mother and Otsuka and
play with Taro. She then scolds him for not wanting to help her. Profag is
speechless. Then he starts laughing and basically says, 'Fuck this noise.'and
walks off with Hinata shouting that she hates him.

He then goes to the manager's apartment and kills him. The part that I thought
was directed at the profag from before, is actually the profag shouting it at the
manager. 'You're the only one I can't forgive!' Still really lame, though.

If you choose yes, he can't believe everything that's happened, but refuses to
stop loving her. Everything really hurts him, but he vows to be stronger for the
both of them and make things right. Yoko wakes up and he goes to her. She's shocked
to see him. Some random song with lyrics starts playing in the background. She's
surprised that he was the was that saved her. She says it'd be better off if
she died because she hurt him. He says that her life doesn't belong to her alone,
that it's also his and Hinata's. Her killing herself wouldn't absolve anything
and make them feel worse. He asks what Hinata would do without her. She starts
sobbing. She tries to say something about what she's done, but he cuts her off
and says he knows everything but doesn't care. She cries more and asks if they
can start over. Profag assures her they will and Hinata rushes into the room.
The profag looks for Otsuka, but he's already turning the corner; he's dropped
her off as agreed upon and leaving. Hinata scolds her father for always working
too late, and her mother for making her keep strange secrets. Yoko dries her tears
and gives Hinata a big hug, and the profag asks her whether she wants a little brother
or sister. She shouts both and the profag promises to deliver. Hinata asks how
he's going to make the babies, then if she can watch. Dad says no way 'cause she's a kid.
She says it's fine 'cause she already knows anwyays. Both parents freak out, but
the Hinata explains that it has something to do with eggs and they all laugh and the
camera zooms out like an episode of Thundercats.

Cut to the lame nature closing. He quits his job, they never hear from the manager
or Otsuka again, and the next summer Hinata becomes a big sister. /end of fail

Alright, I now wash my hands of this forever. Final score 5/10 That ending
would've been fine for a regular game. Not for an NTR game. After the mystery
portion, it's a downward spiral. If she had carried about her husband after the first
half the the game, it would have been great. Unfortunately, she feels more upset
about betraying Otsuka than she does him until the very end. All because she thought
he was cheating on her. You guys have said it before, but having the male lead cheat
RUINS NTR games. And in this one it was only suspected cheating(Yes, he did
do it with Kaori, but his feelings were for his wife the whole time, so it's

Without her Yoko caring for the profag the whole time, it turns into a regular eroge. Her lovely-dovey sex with Otsuka is boring to me, and if I wanted to see normal sex, I could find a game with much better graphics, those're a dime a dozen.

Yoko is criminally dumb, and while that can be cute, she's not
a naive 'I have to do this because I love my husband' dumb, she's just selfish
and dumb, and I really have to question how much she ever loved the profag to
begin with. She loses all regard for him in less than a month for some old
man she's know for a couple weeks. Given, he was nailing her and she got
drawn in from the sex, but still. To refuse to even listen to someone you've
lived with for years and had a child with is crazy. Also, since she never
actually gets broken or turned into a sex slave, you can't use that argument.
She resists other people's advances when it suits her and then does it when
she wants to. Also, I don't know whether it's canon or just a might-have-been thing,
but the prolong has her getting nailed by one or two other guys while she's dating
the profag before they get married. What the hell? Still, it's completely non-voiced
and I have no intention of replaying it.

Since she clearly cared so little for her husband, I'll put forth two ideas I
think would have worked much better given the story.

1. If she had found out she was lied to from Kaori, but then just completely given
up and gotten mind broken since now all she had to live for was sex. Rather than
a 'He lied to me. Now I have to kill myself.' a 'He lied to me. Now he's the only
person that wants me anymore.' It's a bit off-putting that she agreed to become
the manager's woman because she didn't want to abort the baby even though she loved
Otsuka, but once she found out she had lied, she was ready to kill herself and
the baby. What did the baby do? O.o

2. If the letter thing was just a ploy to get the profag to take her back so that
she and the baby would be provided for without her having to give up the rest of
her life. She goes back to being the dutiful wife, but still gets nailed on the side.
For someone who was borderline addicted to sex to just put all that behind her is
hard for me to believe, especially considering how dumb she is and how little self
control she has.

Apologies for any typos, etc.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

running into bad side effect from playing too many NTR games

for example right now I'm playing 真剣で私に恋しなさい!S this game is not ntr still when I get to a scene where the girl acting distant and can't meet on planed date.... my reaction



[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION]:swearveng: welcome my friend to the dark path of NTR. climbing the pile of crap NTR in the never ending search for good NTR:samuraihero:
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Sry if this sound lame, can recommend me any NTR that has a good ending, meaning either the girl is happy with the new guy or the original guy got the girl back
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=7186]Prettz[/MENTION] So true, lately I've been unable to remove my NTR goggles while reading other games or watching anime.
Not that it bothers me :smug:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION] thank you for the hard work, honestly yoko is a bitch, plain and simple, almost everything makes me hate her, all in all this game is full of rage, but not the good one, ironically apart from hinata (XD) the only other character that i can forgive is ootsuka, at least it looks like he cared and loved yoko and hinata like they were his family (i think he actually uses them as an emotional replacement for his actual family that died or just left him with the years)
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

this is something i was wondering since some time ago: what traslator do you people use? atlas or traslate aggregator? i mean wich do you think is better?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14089]Animefan_09[/MENTION] That's a really good point. Maybe the game would have been better overall if you played the first part from Otsuka's perspective as he seduces Yoko, then watched as he gets NTRed by the manager? Playing as the profag after the mystery part is pretty pointless. Hinata Was adorable, though. She steals every scene she's in. xD Sorry, don't know anything about translating programs. I use the Action Bastard 5000. ^_^\V/ How do those that you're talking about work? From my experience a lot of internet translators are pretty wonky.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION] i use atlas because it the one more named in forums, its pretty simple you install, then you open it up and copy paste text from AGTH OR ITH and click traslate, and the other i heard more recently and when i was searching ITH i saw that was the program used in the tutorial, the only thing i can say is that it appeared to tell you the pronunciation of the kanjis in the text you are going to traslate

i aslk because i have noticed many flaws (HORRIBLE FLAWS) in some translation using atlas: for example goshishin-sama as husband not master
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Actually, that's not a horrible flaw at all. It's more about context. 主人(しゅじん Shujin) means husband, lord, master, head of house, etc. Usually it's understood to be husband unless there's some other specific context. Like the owner of a business could also formally be referred to as that. The 'go' makes it more polite. The 'sama' makes it ever more polite; a very dutiful and respectful wife might call her husband such, but she's not literally saying 'You're my master' and obviously neither would think that's the case. In hentai, we know it's usually meant as master, but that doesn't mean the translator is wrong, it just doesn't know your context, know what I mean? That's the trouble with online translators, if you don't already know what's up it's sometimes hard to tell what it's talking about. Don't even get me started on verbs. xD
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

this is something i was wondering since some time ago: what traslator do you people use? atlas or traslate aggregator? i mean wich do you think is better?
Translation Aggregator includes Atlas. Inside TA, WWWJDIC is awesome for obvious reasons and Honyaku usually does the best job with whole sentences in my experience. Still they come in handy for vocabulary and less common grammar constructs.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Translation Aggregator includes Atlas. Inside TA, WWWJDIC is awesome for obvious reasons and Honyaku usually does the best job with whole sentences in my experience. Still they come in handy for vocabulary and less common grammar constructs.

so TA is bettter?

and Bastard i through husband (or at least one of the words that means husband) was damma-sama or something like that, don't tell me that is like in spanish where one word can mean many things and viceversa
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=12202]anime[/MENTION]_fan09 I'm not familiar with Spanish, but Japanese is exactly like you just said, sorry. Has to do with all the kanji, then the various ways of addressing people and how polite you wanna be. I can think of three different words for 'husband' just off the top of my head, and I'm sure there's a couple more with obscure/alternate kanji that I have no inkling of 'cause I'm dumb. xD

Played ヤン妻 on everyone's recommendation, and after Married Life, it was just what the NTR Doctor ordered! I don't think it's a spoiler to say the game is ridiculous. The profag is retarded, the wife is a complete whore, and the rival guy is a douchenozzle. If you know anything about NTR, you can predict the ending within the first 10-15 minutes of gameplay, and know almost exactly what will happen in twice that, even if you can't understand any Japanese and just look at the pictures. That doesn't make it bad by any means, though!

If you'll permit me to use my rampant alcoholism to make an analogy: NTR is like booze. Mystery NTR is like whiskey, a bad one is practically poison, and a good one is aged 12+ years, single-malt bliss. You sit down with it and take it slow, enjoying the whole experience and pausing to enjoy subtle flavors. Different good mystery NTR stories have something unique about them that sets them apart from the others, just as you can tell different whiskies apart. A bad one leaves you sick to your stomach the next day, but with a good one, you can wake up the next day feeling all rainbows and unicorns.

ヤン妻, on the other hand, is like a gin and tonic, it's light and refreshing, but still packs the punch to do the job.
Whereas to enjoy a good whiskey, you need to be able to sit back and appreciate what the maker's have done, you can down a gin and tonic in a few gulps and not feel the least bit bad about it. It doesn't have the same level of complexity, but it doesn't need to because it's still enjoyable in its own right.

I learned from the game 'Discipline' a long time ago, that if a young male character that's not the profag is voiced and he's the only one, that I want nothing to do with him. Especially when they look like the kid in this game! xD Now, I'm not here to judge anyone else's fetishes, though, so whatever, Japanese dudes, go on with your bad selves and hurry up and make that ヤンママ game you might or might not be advertising in the bonus material. I knew it was coming, put my blinders up, turned the sound off, and skipped through it to get to the scene with the two wives. I did have a question, though. Why does the profag start doing it with the son? Was it more or less just so the creators could throw in something that appealed to them, or was it actually significant to the story?
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