Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

sorry for my horrible english :/

where I can find a good tutorial about agth/atlas for I can translate game japanese ¿¿¿¿???

You can also look at this wiki, which gives you all the links you'll need. Most of them will just take you to the relevant pages on HF though. But it gives you plenty if you want to get started with H-codes. If you just want to play quickly and as easily as possible, just look up Interactive Text Hooker and hongfire on google. It's easy to use and plays the majority of games without needing a h-code. Just be aware that even if you get it working it's all just a machine translation, it'll never be as good as actually speaking the language and may seem like gibberish at first.

I can't help but get irritated a newbies who start using agth with atlas or TA, and then turn around and whine about it not making any sense. As though they actually expect it to translate all written japanese into perfect english as well as a living interpretor would. Sorry guys, it may be easier than learning the language but you actually have to make some effort yourself if you're going to understand anything.
So lemme get this straight, a month later and we get the ORCSOFT and Pinpoint games before the Atelier Sakura one? i'm starting to wonder if that game actually exists and it's not all a big hoax.

Hmm, if you mean, since I'm looking forward to it too, it looks like it sadly got delayed until June earlier last month.
Hmm, if you mean, since I'm looking forward to it too, it looks like it sadly got delayed until June earlier last month.

No he's talking about 愛する妻、渚の浮気告白 奥ゆかしい妻のカラダが、あいつの激ピストンでとろけていた真実 which was released at the end of march and still hasn't been uploaded anywhere.
That's also the reason why there are no CGs for it on sadpanda as well, since all the game cg galleries they put up are ripped from copies of the game itself. Can't get CGs when you don't have the game. Didn't people in Japan actually buy this one? Cause this is getting ridiculous.
No he's talking about 愛する妻、渚の浮気告白 奥ゆかしい妻のカラダが、あいつの激ピストンでとろけていた真実 which was released at the end of march and still hasn't been uploaded anywhere.
That's also the reason why there are no CGs for it on sadpanda as well, since all the game cg galleries they put up are ripped from copies of the game itself. Can't get CGs when you don't have the game. Didn't people in Japan actually buy this one? Cause this is getting ridiculous.

What about the links in the previous page from Jelly Sandwich, now there are mega links, usually i trust every link in the thread but there are 4 links and each part is 450 mb, usually the games from atelier sakura are from 400mb to 700mb total
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No he's talking about 愛する妻、渚の浮気告白 奥ゆかしい妻のカラダが、あいつの激ピストンでとろけていた真実 which was released at the end of march and still hasn't been uploaded anywhere.
That's also the reason why there are no CGs for it on sadpanda as well, since all the game cg galleries they put up are ripped from copies of the game itself. Can't get CGs when you don't have the game. Didn't people in Japan actually buy this one? Cause this is getting ridiculous.

Maybe is so bad they buried all copies in the desert xD
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What about the links in the previous page from Jelly Sandwich, now there are mega links, usually i trust every link in the thread but there are 4 links and each part is 450 mb, usually the games from atelier sakura are from 400mb to 700mb total

The total size 1800 mB ,Yes is the real game and the crack is working fine on my computer, joined files using hjsplit
What about the links in the previous page from Jelly Sandwich, now there are mega links, usually i trust every link in the thread but there are 4 links and each part is 450 mb, usually the games from atelier sakura are from 400mb to 700mb total


I can't believe I missed that. I remember reading the post before it and the post after mentioned me, so maybe I was too busy replying to notice. Or maybe I simply couldn't believe someone had finally come through for us after all this waiting. Wow I feel dumb. Go ahead. Point. Laugh. Do what you want, I don't care any more. I'm just going to start downloading it and find out what it's like. :forsaken:
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Don't feel bad, I missed it too. I'm the one who made the post complaining about the game on the very next page, after all.

My excuse: those last couple of posts at the end of a page are the easiest to miss because you're naturally drawn to check out the new page. I was caught up in the Pinpoint game being out as well. But hey, we got a double-helping - NTR for everyone! (Not literally, that would be mean.)
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I can't believe I missed that. I remember reading the post before it and the post after mentioned me, so maybe I was too busy replying to notice. Or maybe I simply couldn't believe someone had finally come through for us after all this waiting. Wow I feel dumb. Go ahead. Point. Laugh. Do what you want, I don't care any more. I'm just going to start downloading it and find out what it's like. :forsaken:

I didn´t saw it at first then didn´t know if it was real because of the size

Don't feel bad, I missed it too. I'm the one who made the post complaining about the game on the very next page, after all.

My excuse: those last couple of posts at the end of a page are the easiest to miss because you're naturally drawn to check out the new page. I was caught up in the Pinpoint game being out as well. But hey, we got a double-helping - NTR for everyone! (Not literally, that would be mean.)

That´s true, most people go straight to the last page, after finish the pinpoint game i will try this atelier sakura´s new game, the CG´s are already out in sadpanda and it seems that there are more CG´s than previous games from the company (did not saw them only how many pages from the site)
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Download links for 愛する妻、渚の浮気告白 奥ゆかしい妻のカラダが、あいつの激ピストンでとろけていた真実 below. Patched exe included, which may or may not work properly.[140328][アトリエさくらTeam.NTR]_愛する妻、渚の浮気告白_~ 奥ゆかしい妻のカラダが、あいつの激ピストンでとろけていた真実[140328][アトリエさくらTeam.NTR]_愛する妻、渚の浮気告白_~ 奥ゆかしい妻のカラダが、あいつの激ピストンでとろけていた真実[140328][アトリエさくらTeam.NTR]_愛する妻、渚の浮気告白_~ 奥ゆかしい妻のカラダが、あいつの激ピストンでとろけていた真実[140328][アトリエさくらTeam.NTR]_愛する妻、渚の浮気告白_~ 奥ゆかしい妻のカラダが、あいつの激ピストンでとろけていた真実!YpgDDYyA!yXVD8AlnRRuedBylRvDF1RrBm_Vh7i8qMzMkB-svxZs!JgRBjA7L!B7MEz-ZukjEdPl8O3RLPfprC9oaPPdU7vVv3VhFqbUk!0swBxLzC!cTKRoApliUyhWCIYRkQoTg6L2bdUmMvx-FMUiSRrGJo!F0gCHLrK!IAFY5yD3-jMUz3VbxGj85L1wnlK1tiJ1-NjwnI8LNF8

Could someone upload it in raw form? and what is the game about, i mean who is the girl (wife? teacher?, girlfriend?), who is the blonde guy (total stranger, friend of the family etc) and more or less what is the situation about?
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Could someone upload it in raw form? and what is the game about, i mean who is the girl (wife? teacher?, girlfriend?), who is the blonde guy (total stranger, friend of the family etc) and more or less what is the situation about?

Raw form? Not sure what you mean. The whole game is in this links and all, plus a working exe to play the game. Though expecting someone to create a torrent of it might be different.

Plot isn't that complicated. Husband works for a company, wife is full time housewife. They met in college along with the protag's best friend, gotten married and been living happily until now. Until the present when the husband notices a mail on his wife's phone that suggests an affair. Not wanting to believe it, he considers it for a while and eventually tells her about it asking for an explanation, and she admits she's been having an affair. Confession ensues. Similar vein to the Marika and Marina games, though only playing will tell if it's anywhere near as good.

The real problem right now is that it may require an h-code. Tried to give it a test run and ITH is having problems creating hooks for it. I hook the process successfully but no new hooks come up with any text in them. I'm actually wondering if there is a problem with the crack. For some reason after running the game and trying to attach ITH to the process, there are two GAME.exe processes running at the same time. Hooking neither of them gets any results, so I'm wondering if there is a problem there, though the game itself is running fine. Any ideas?
The real problem right now is that it may require an h-code. Tried to give it a test run and ITH is having problems creating hooks for it. I hook the process successfully but no new hooks come up with any text in them. I'm actually wondering if there is a problem with the crack. For some reason after running the game and trying to attach ITH to the process, there are two GAME.exe processes running at the same time. Hooking neither of them gets any results, so I'm wondering if there is a problem there, though the game itself is running fine. Any ideas?

The GAME.EXE file works basically as a launcher for main.bin, which it extracts during startup and removes when game is closed. So the process you should be attaching to is named main.bin.
Since someone came and uploaded a game that is been overdue for so long how about now someones upload ママネトリ, we have have been waiting that one sinces september last year
Man... if Sadpanda isn't good site for hentai, i will never use it -_-. The mods easily getting butthurt, they veto netorare tags to latest 2 ntr game. Atelier akura san pin-point game. Any good recomendation site for NTR eroge list? VNDB is good, but isn't 100% complete.
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I can't believe I missed that. I remember reading the post before it and the post after mentioned me, so maybe I was too busy replying to notice. Or maybe I simply couldn't believe someone had finally come through for us after all this waiting. Wow I feel dumb. Go ahead. Point. Laugh. Do what you want, I don't care any more. I'm just going to start downloading it and find out what it's like. :forsaken:

lol... i feel the same too...hahaha, waiting for something that somebody already shared ~_~
thanks jelly sandwich

The real problem right now is that it may require an h-code. Tried to give it a test run and ITH is having problems creating hooks for it. I hook the process successfully but no new hooks come up with any text in them. I'm actually wondering if there is a problem with the crack. For some reason after running the game and trying to attach ITH to the process, there are two GAME.exe processes running at the same time. Hooking neither of them gets any results, so I'm wondering if there is a problem there, though the game itself is running fine. Any ideas?

i use use agth with /x3 parameter on game.exe since game.exe don't give me any hook with ITH
it's works for me
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The GAME.EXE file works basically as a launcher for main.bin, which it extracts during startup and removes when game is closed. So the process you should be attaching to is named main.bin.

Ah right, that threw me off. You're always supposed to attach the process with the same name as the exe file, so even though the main.bin was there I just thought it was a miscellaneous process.
It's different from normal, but like you said hooking that process works. It seems to be hooking the text fine now. Thanks for clarifying, you're really helping us out. I've been looking forward to this one almost as much as 新・他の男の精液で孕んでもいいですか…? so I'll be playing it soon. Might even put aside the pin-point one and play this one first....

[MENTION=53801]Selendius[/MENTION] Thanks for the tip, but it looks like I can still rely on nice, easy to use ITH after all.

[MENTION=12407]stupid_army[/MENTION] Are you sure it was just the NTR tags that they vetoed? Can't find those galleries on the site at all now that I check again. Did they actually take the galleries down? And if so, why? I didn't see any rules being violated....
Ah right, that threw me off. You're always supposed to attach the process with the same name as the exe file, so even though the main.bin was there I just thought it was a miscellaneous process.
It's different from normal, but like you said hooking that process works. It seems to be hooking the text fine now. Thanks for clarifying, you're really helping us out. I've been looking forward to this one almost as much as 新・他の男の精液で孕んでもいいですか…? so I'll be playing it soon. Might even put aside the pin-point one and play this one first....

[MENTION=53801]Selendius[/MENTION] Thanks for the tip, but it looks like I can still rely on nice, easy to use ITH after all.

[MENTION=12407]stupid_army[/MENTION] Are you sure it was just the NTR tags that they vetoed? Can't find those galleries on the site at all now that I check again. Did they actually take the galleries down? And if so, why? I didn't see any rules being violated....

Check it!
Reason? They can't find "netorare feel" from the galleries
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I don't even bother with the dumb as fuck mods of exhentai anymore, here's their definition of ntr They can remove all the ntr tags if they want, it'll just bring more people into the fold, when they play the game after looking at the cgs.

BTW thanks again to ron34 and jelly sandwich.
I don't even bother with the dumb as fuck mods of exhentai anymore, here's their definition of ntr They can remove all the ntr tags if they want, it'll just bring more people into the fold, when they play the game after looking at the cgs.

BTW thanks again to ron34 and jelly sandwich.

i always check the 'search downvoted tags' option to make sure i dont miss anything, might get a few false NTR but its better on missing out on a decent work

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