Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

so some story points from
-they're madly in love with each other but the protag has one concern, his lover is really weak to alcohol, but she loves to drink. Even worse she won't remember anything happened when she's drunk. And they both knew about this, and asked their friends from when they were university students to look/watch out for her when she went out drinking party and such and make sure she won't do a "mistake". Now when they're engaged, a letter came for the protag. it says "your fiancee is cheating, She's been made to drink alcohol without you knowing it, and slept with her. Now she's been faking to be drunk and loves to have sex with someone else other than you. Would you still marry her?" After reading the letter, protag starts to realized one or two things that may be hints of what letter says being the thruth.....
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so some story points from
-they're madly in love with each other but the protag has one concern, his lover is really weak to alcohol, but she loves to drink. Even worse she won't remember anything happened when she's drunk. And they both knew about this, and asked their friends from when they were university students to look/watch out for her when she went out drinking party and such and make sure she won't do a "mistake". Now when they're engaged, a letter came for the protag. it says "your fiancee is cheating, She's been made to drink alcohol without you knowing it, and slept with her. Now she's been faking to be drunk and loves to have sex with someone else other than you. Would you still marry her?" After reading the letter, protag starts to realized one or two things that may be hints of what letter says being the thruth.....

i think your translation is spot on. from the synopsys alone it seems going to be good game. love mystery NTR :)
Little Review from me
The story start with Marina teasing Kenji like always, but for today she isn't telling Kenji about netorase activity, but Marina past Sex Life. Before meets Kenji, she had sex with two guys, her first boyfriend, and an oldman (Ojiisan), His first experience with her boyfriend is not good, he sucks at sex technique, so Marina feels really hurt at first. But on the otherhand, her sex experience with Ojiisan is great, Ojiisan is good at sex, even she admits, he was the one who make her love sex. And then... Kenji teasing continues (you know the rest :D)

It's only abou 15MB so i know this gonna be short voice drama. Not bad for me since i am fans of this series. Marina's seiyuu really know how to do sexy voice, her teasing voice is great. And all naration, even Kenji voice is done by her! His "man" voice isn't really bad, but i always imagining this is Hiroto voice since her "man" voice looks like teenager voice. But, this voice drama only contain Kenji teasing scene, i was expecting Marina sex flashback, and that's not happened in this voice drama. If you can understand Japanese, and love this series, i recomend this voice drama!
Little Review from me
The story start with Marina teasing Kenji like always, but for today she isn't telling Kenji about netorase activity, but Marina past Sex Life. Before meets Kenji, she had sex with two guys, her first boyfriend, and an oldman (Ojiisan), His first experience with her boyfriend is not good, he sucks at sex technique, so Marina feels really hurt at first. But on the otherhand, her sex experience with Ojiisan is great, Ojiisan is good at sex, even she admits, he was the one who make her love sex. And then... Kenji teasing continues (you know the rest :D)

It's only abou 15MB so i know this gonna be short voice drama. Not bad for me since i am fans of this series. Marina's seiyuu really know how to do sexy voice, her teasing voice is great. And all naration, even Kenji voice is done by her! His "man" voice isn't really bad, but i always imagining this is Hiroto voice since her "man" voice looks like teenager voice. But, this voice drama only contain Kenji teasing scene, i was expecting Marina sex flashback, and that's not happened in this voice drama. If you can understand Japanese, and love this series, i recomend this voice drama!
Can't wait for Marina 3! Hopefully I won't get spoilered this time! probably have to stay clear from the internet till the release xD
Have you tried "Uchi no imouto no baai"? is it good? what is the diferene between the "Heart Edition" and the "Pure Love Edition"

It's an awesome game. It's depressing as fuck and the NTR is more for the sake of causing more depression than for fapping. The game itself isn't really about fapping (it's not a nukige) though the NTR scenes are still pretty hot. Hell, I guess I could even plug the review I wrote for it years ago.

Pure Love Edition has the NTR removed, so I didn't play it.

This visuals for the upcoming NTR game from Eroit looks great, even if it'll probably short given the low price, really liking the woman's design (Mizuho, the main character's mother):

I had mixed feelings about their last NTR game, and it looks like this one has the same writer. That game, Nee-san no Kareshi (two blog plugs in one post? damn I'm good) felt like it had some wasted potential so maybe I'll give this new game a chance to see if the writer's able to pull things together a little better this time.
This visuals for the upcoming NTR game from Eroit looks great, even if it'll probably short given the low price, really liking the woman's design (Mizuho, the main character's mother):

There are already voice examples of her, just click on the numbers

Are there any old ntr-OVAs? I mean everything before lets say 2005?

It's an awesome game. It's depressing as fuck and the NTR is more for the sake of causing more depression than for fapping. The game itself isn't really about fapping (it's not a nukige) though the NTR scenes are still pretty hot. Hell, I guess I could even plug the review I wrote for it years ago.

Pure Love Edition has the NTR removed, so I didn't play it.

Thanks, just found it, it will be on my waitlist of the games i need to play
Little Review from me
The story start with Marina teasing Kenji like always, but for today she isn't telling Kenji about netorase activity, but Marina past Sex Life. Before meets Kenji, she had sex with two guys, her first boyfriend, and an oldman (Ojiisan), His first experience with her boyfriend is not good, he sucks at sex technique, so Marina feels really hurt at first. But on the otherhand, her sex experience with Ojiisan is great, Ojiisan is good at sex, even she admits, he was the one who make her love sex. And then... Kenji teasing continues (you know the rest :D)

It's only abou 15MB so i know this gonna be short voice drama. Not bad for me since i am fans of this series. Marina's seiyuu really know how to do sexy voice, her teasing voice is great. And all naration, even Kenji voice is done by her! His "man" voice isn't really bad, but i always imagining this is Hiroto voice since her "man" voice looks like teenager voice. But, this voice drama only contain Kenji teasing scene, i was expecting Marina sex flashback, and that's not happened in this voice drama. If you can understand Japanese, and love this series, i recomend this voice drama!

I'm a big fan of marina game but unfortunately i don't know anything about japan so i think i'm gonna skip for this one but when i see your review i just hope that Atelier sakura will make a sequel of marina game well if anyone has any update of new marina game or maybe OVA or Live action story
Little Review from me
The story start with Marina teasing Kenji like always, but for today she isn't telling Kenji about netorase activity, but Marina past Sex Life. Before meets Kenji, she had sex with two guys, her first boyfriend, and an oldman (Ojiisan), His first experience with her boyfriend is not good, he sucks at sex technique, so Marina feels really hurt at first. But on the otherhand, her sex experience with Ojiisan is great, Ojiisan is good at sex, even she admits, he was the one who make her love sex. And then... Kenji teasing continues (you know the rest :D)

It's only abou 15MB so i know this gonna be short voice drama. Not bad for me since i am fans of this series. Marina's seiyuu really know how to do sexy voice, her teasing voice is great. And all naration, even Kenji voice is done by her! His "man" voice isn't really bad, but i always imagining this is Hiroto voice since her "man" voice looks like teenager voice. But, this voice drama only contain Kenji teasing scene, i was expecting Marina sex flashback, and that's not happened in this voice drama. If you can understand Japanese, and love this series, i recomend this voice drama!

Yeah!! finally played this audio drama. for Marina series it's quite good though not on the same level with VN.
i guess the only thing bugs me is Kenji's voice but it can't be helped since its not possible to hire male actor just to voice Kenji. And there is no way not to voice Kenji since it's audio drama (duh). Marina's male voice is not bad, it's just like you said, it's more suitable for Hiroto. This audio drama is very short, about 30 minutes so it won't take up your time.
The timeline would be Marina 1 => Audio drama => Marina 2.

From this audio drama, it pretty much confirms my suspicion that 3rd game will feature this "Ojii-sama" since in 2nd game author's note mention that next game will feature someone they've talked about before. Can't wait for next game.

I'm a big fan of marina game but unfortunately i don't know anything about japan so i think i'm gonna skip for this one but when i see your review i just hope that Atelier sakura will make a sequel of marina game well if anyone has any update of new marina game or maybe OVA or Live action story
FYI the script is included in the .rar so if you're willing, you can copy the script to translation aggregator (atlas etc). it's not so bad hearing it while scrolling the text. that's the way i played it, plus displaying the included H-scene :D
Little Review from me
The story start with Marina teasing Kenji like always, but for today she isn't telling Kenji about netorase activity, but Marina past Sex Life. Before meets Kenji, she had sex with two guys, her first boyfriend, and an oldman (Ojiisan), His first experience with her boyfriend is not good, he sucks at sex technique, so Marina feels really hurt at first. But on the otherhand, her sex experience with Ojiisan is great, Ojiisan is good at sex, even she admits, he was the one who make her love sex. And then... Kenji teasing continues (you know the rest :D)

It's only abou 15MB so i know this gonna be short voice drama. Not bad for me since i am fans of this series. Marina's seiyuu really know how to do sexy voice, her teasing voice is great. And all naration, even Kenji voice is done by her! His "man" voice isn't really bad, but i always imagining this is Hiroto voice since her "man" voice looks like teenager voice. But, this voice drama only contain Kenji teasing scene, i was expecting Marina sex flashback, and that's not happened in this voice drama. If you can understand Japanese, and love this series, i recomend this voice drama!

Actually according to the first game, before Kenji, Marina had 3 sexual relationship. It was stated explicitly when Hiroto asked Marina the first time they did it how many partner she had
But in audio drama, in line 62
「ふふっ……そうだね♪ あたしの全てを知ってる人が、2人、いたんだよ。健二がまだ、童貞だったときに……ね」
Marina said to Kenji when Kenji was still a virgin, there were 2 persons that know 'everything' about Marina.
Either Marina lied to Kenji or saying it because of the mood (Kenji was the first one saying there were 2 men not Marina). I hope the first reason but i think it's unlikely.
Actually according to the first game, before Kenji, Marina had 3 sexual relationship. It was stated explicitly when Hiroto asked Marina the first time they did it how many partner she had
But in audio drama, in line 62
「ふふっ……そうだね♪ あたしの全てを知ってる人が、2人、いたんだよ。健二がまだ、童貞だったときに……ね」
Marina said to Kenji when Kenji was still a virgin, there were 2 persons that know 'everything' about Marina.
Either Marina lied to Kenji or saying it because of the mood (Kenji was the first one saying there were 2 men not Marina). I hope the first reason but i think it's unlikely.

Are you sure you aren't misunderstanding?
When Hiroto asked her, did he actually state how many before she married Kenji, or just how many men she had been with other than he himself? Since it makes perfect sense if she meant the two men from her past, plus Kenji to make three.
Though it would certainly be interesting if she lied and kept one man secret, and she has lied in the past to try and spare Kenji's feelings, most obviously when at first told Kenji the guy from the 2nd game hadn't felt good at all and tried to convince him to find someone else. So if there was another guy who was special to her, possibly even rivalling her feeling for Kenji then it's possible she would try to pretend it never happened in front of him.
But I think it's more likely she simply included Kenji in her three other sexual relations.
so many release at the end of february...
thats still a long way to wait T_T
this january feels somewhat dry..
Are you sure you aren't misunderstanding?
When Hiroto asked her, did he actually state how many before she married Kenji, or just how many men she had been with other than he himself? Since it makes perfect sense if she meant the two men from her past, plus Kenji to make three.
Though it would certainly be interesting if she lied and kept one man secret, and she has lied in the past to try and spare Kenji's feelings, most obviously when at first told Kenji the guy from the 2nd game hadn't felt good at all and tried to convince him to find someone else. So if there was another guy who was special to her, possibly even rivalling her feeling for Kenji then it's possible she would try to pretend it never happened in front of him.
But I think it's more likely she simply included Kenji in her three other sexual relations.

nope, i'm VERY ABSOLUTELY SURE :). Here is what Marina said when Hiroto asked her how many men she had been with

By the way, before I got married, I had gone out with 3 men. If you include Kenji, then 4
I have sex with 4 men, but I wonder if tomorrow it'll add 1 to become 5?
Would be interesting if there is truth to both answers. 2 men before Kenji and 3 men before they got married, meaning Marina got a little bit naughty. Anyway I think ojisan is going to be the next character, but probably a mystery character as well?
Would be interesting if there is truth to both answers. 2 men before Kenji and 3 men before they got married, meaning Marina got a little bit naughty. Anyway I think ojisan is going to be the next character, but probably a mystery character as well?

that would be insanely hot..:D maybe before they got married she didn't love kenji that deep..haha but judging from her personality it doesn't seem she is the type to cheat. at this point i'm 70 % sure that Ojii-sama is going to be in the next game.

btw, anyone has played Bijiri Yurashi Hoka no Otoko It's Netorase game from Atelier Sakura. Rating in vndb is mixed so it's hard to judge from rating alone.
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nope, i'm VERY ABSOLUTELY SURE :). Here is what Marina said when Hiroto asked her how many men she had been with

By the way, before I got married, I had gone out with 3 men. If you include Kenji, then 4
I have sex with 4 men, but I wonder if tomorrow it'll add 1 to become 5?

I'll take your word for it then. That makes things interesting. I just hope that it's there for a reason and not just a careless mix up by the author, something which is more than possible as well.

so many release at the end of february...
thats still a long way to wait T_T
this january feels somewhat dry..

Buck up young whippersnapper, this is nothing compared to the dark days before anyone even knew there was a fetish called netorare. Back when there were no netorare tags and people who wanted it had to scour various eroge, ero-manga etc for any traces of NTR and find about it any way they could. Before they founded the old NTR thread, a lot of us didn't have any way to find out about NTR unless they got lucky. You kids don't know you're born! :samuraihero:

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