Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Guys, I suddenly remember an old game called 夜這いゲーム as same publisher as 姫様と警備兵? I could not find anywhere. Is it worthy to play?
Yeah, I am very desensitized too after reading a lot of mangas and games. In my first times I was breathless and with heartache, I know if a ntr is good if I start feeling like this again.

Did you already tryed these mangas here? If not, try then to see if you feel something, I also reccomend then to the other users here.

[Seme Danjou (Mashiraga Aki)] Musa
[Seme Danjou (Mashiraga Aki)] Musa 2
[Namonashi] NTR² (for some reason they took off from exhentai and others online viewing site, I did not test the link)
[kiasa] Drive Your Nightmare
[Xration (mil)] Hime Kishi Tame (All of them, this is only the first one)
[NABURU] 72 Day 1- 4
[Toko-ya (Heizo, Kitoen)] Saint Foire Festival (All of them, this is only the first one. Even if you do not like the ntr, there are some interesting and well done storys)

Yeah I only got into hentai a few years ago now so my first experience with NTR was Otomedori (wish that had a vn). I remember feeling so confused/sick after and it would pop into my mind a number of times over the next few days. Its a bit different for me now though, when I was 19 two years ago I was in the situation where I had to turn a friend down who was making moves on me because she was in a relationship and i'm not enough of a scumbag to let her cheat. They are still happily together to this day but I've always had that "what if" fantasy in my mind and nothing fuels that better than NTR type A. Feeling sorry for the guy who's having his partner away still gets me though either way which I thought I was over until I started VN's.

Thanks i'll take a look at those later. I don't think i've seen any of those, for manga i've only been through the ones that are available on Fakku which seems to have a lot missing i've noticed.
LoL..realize it or not, since 27 the number of user browsing this thread are quite many..
i know what you're witing for..since i'm waiting for one too :D
3 days passed without single one of them out >..>
3 days passed without single one of them out >..>

You know we're allowed to buy them too, right? ;p

It probably won't be long to get the Anim and シルキーズSAKURA game, considering Anim is a popular brand and the other is by the famous Saiminjutsu 2 artist. I fear for how long we could have to wait for the rest.
I fear for how long we could have to wait for the rest.

The last Atelier Sakura game took about 1 and a half month until it's actually uploaded. I'm hoping it's faster this time, although I doubt it will happen.
You know we're allowed to buy them too, right? ;p

It probably won't be long to get the Anim and シルキーズSAKURA game, considering Anim is a popular brand and the other is by the famous Saiminjutsu 2 artist. I fear for how long we could have to wait for the rest.

Apart from 堕ちていく新妻 ~ごめんなさい、アナタ…私もう……でも、愛してる~ the other games haven't been released on DMM unfortunately, which is the only site I manage to purchase off.
[Seme Danjou (Mashiraga Aki)] Musa
[Seme Danjou (Mashiraga Aki)] Musa 2

I forgot to say that Musa is a underrated gem, it has one of the most beautiful ntr endings.

LoL..realize it or not, since 27 the number of user browsing this thread are quite many..
i know what you're witing for..since i'm waiting for one too :D
3 days passed without single one of them out >..>

Yeah, I checking Sukebei and 2djgame all the time, and no sign of the ntr releases...

You know we're allowed to buy them too, right? ;p

I would if I had more money and if I knew more japanese, paying for something I can not properly read (yet) is a little demotivating. But I will start studing japanese this year.

The last Atelier Sakura game took about 1 and a half month until it's actually uploaded. I'm hoping it's faster this time, although I doubt it will happen.

Unfortunately yes, but the hype was little to that specific game.
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Yeah, I checking Sukubei and 2djgame all the time, and no sign of the ntr releases...
actually they are in 2djgame but in the vip section so eventually we'll have them, a few days, a few weeks a month who knows, we just need to wait :(
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I have a question for you guys, How do you guys play VN? I mean obviously most of us playing it windowed since we'll need Translation aggregator beside the game window. Do you have problem playing 720p game that cannot be resized? When I play it, the translation software will cover part of game window and I have no way resizing game window. Is there any software to force resize it?

I stumble across weird CG from Tsuma game, make me wonder how on earth it can pass :D

Doesn't the illustrator need to imagine the pose before drawing it!?
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actually they are in 2djgame but in the vip section so eventually we'll have them, a few days, a few weeks a month who knows, we just need to wait :(

Going by ntrblog list for February 27th, it seems 2djgame is still missing 超・秘湯めぐりand エロ本を捨ててから兄の様子がおかしい. I'm hoping they are also going to be uploaded eventually.
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I have a question for you guys, How do you guys play VN? I mean obviously most of us playing it windowed since we'll need Translation aggregator beside the game window. Do you have problem playing 720p game that cannot be resized? When I play it, the translation software will cover part of game window and I have no way resizing game window. Is there any software to force resize it?

I stumble across weird CG from Tsuma game, make me wonder how on earth it can pass :D

Doesn't the illustrator need to imagine the pose before drawing it!?

I think pretty much everyone just has to adjust the size of the translation windows to fit around it, which can be difficult when the game has a higher resolution. I can usually manage since I'm using a 1920x1080 monitor so there's usually enough room to the side and slightly underneath the game window.
As for resizing the game window, not sure if it's possible unless the developer has included a means to lower the resolution. I know that when playing games with lower resolution such as RPGmaker stuff, you might need to lower your system resolution to make the window big enough to clearly see what's going on, but the only way to make a window smaller is to raise the resolution of your system which is limited by your hardware. I doubt there's much you can do but work around it.

As for the CG, what part do you think is so weird? Do you mean the part where her lower right leg looks like it's facing the wrong direction? It's hard to make out with just a little tab that I can't enlarge.
I think pretty much everyone just has to adjust the size of the translation windows to fit around it, which can be difficult when the game has a higher resolution. I can usually manage since I'm using a 1920x1080 monitor so there's usually enough room to the side and slightly underneath the game window.
As for resizing the game window, not sure if it's possible unless the developer has included a means to lower the resolution. I know that when playing games with lower resolution such as RPGmaker stuff, you might need to lower your system resolution to make the window big enough to clearly see what's going on, but the only way to make a window smaller is to raise the resolution of your system which is limited by your hardware. I doubt there's much you can do but work around it.

As for the CG, what part do you think is so weird? Do you mean the part where her lower right leg looks like it's facing the wrong direction? It's hard to make out with just a little tab that I can't enlarge.

I see..thanks for your explanation. Unfortunately mine is 720p. The only game I remember give me freedom to resize is Sore demo Tsuma. There I hope it's readable
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Sorry to bring it to you like that but most of the time those link from pastebin or too good to be true hentai site with the last release are just scam to collect money from premium account.

Yeah, I was naive.
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[MENTION=14267]Redorc[/MENTION] It's always been hard to find good mystery NTR in eroge. It's one of the reasons I favour the good eroge circles like Venus and Jinsei who know how to write good NTR and are dedicated to keep producing good games themselves. Since relying on commercial producers we don't get much other than shallow nukige that don't have much other than decent production values, with rare exceptions like ELF's stuff.
Yep, they don't have the money, but they compensate with their passion.

I agree with most of what you said about 'industrial NTR' but I should mention that while it has those flaws, as [MENTION=107220]Axioma[/MENTION] said the stuff written by their writer おんぼろ月 are usually well written at least, since he understands and shares the fetish. His stuff is usually worth the effort, even if it is sometimes flawed.
Yes exceptions exist, and of course おんぼろ月 works are way better than the rest, but only because of him. And he still had to conform to the "industrial ntr" style in the end.
-> What I mean is if he had a little more time to work, AS would have the time to do better stories, with more endings/situations, etc.
All Atelier Sakura games I played, regardless of their inherent qualities, felt rushed for me, and that's too bad, because that's the only ntr dedicated pro company I know of that can afford to have actual good cg artists.
In fact they could have been doing way better work by having half their release speed, and compensating by doubling the release price. They sell their work about ¥3,000, and while it's in the range of a good amateur circle game, it's far from a high quality pro game...

Yeah, I remember that feeling. I've been playing NTR stuff for at least six years now though so the desensitisation is becoming a problem. If something can make me recall that feeling even only a little, I know it must be good. Though I do think it's something that never goes away completely, and a good NTR will still get me off better than anything else can and will always leave me feeling a sense of black hatred and resentment against the NTR guy that make me angry even remembering it a while later.
Well I also feel more exigent to feel excited by an ntr story, but I don't think it's desensitization, even if there is of course a little bit of it, it's more like the difference between a complete beginner and a knowing amateur about a subject: since I saw some amazing works, I am able now to recognize bad and less than average games.
And BTW I don't play any ntr game if I'm not "in the mood", and of course separating the plays by vanilla games is a good way to not feel desensitized. :)

Fortunately it's not like other stuff doesn't do anything for me, and even well executed and drawn vanilla can get a positive reaction from me, especially if it's one of my favourite artists and features the kind of characters I like. I also have a taste for anything that delves into immorality, including cheating in general and anything emotionally damaging.
I'm like that too, except that I like mainly games with "well done" female characters, be it a nukige or not: I don't like the (boring) passive gentle type, I prefer the tsundere, the princess like, the clever, the schemer etc.
And if it's a training/corruption darker game, they're the best characters to play with :smug:

I almost forgot the main reason I replied, if you wanna know why the Namonashi works are gone, blame fakku.
Talking about Namonashi, I really recommend his non-ntr works, mainly "Ken Yori Tsuyoshi" and also "Tentacle Lovers", they really are well done.

I have a question for you guys, How do you guys play VN? I mean obviously most of us playing it windowed since we'll need Translation aggregator beside the game window. Do you have problem playing 720p game that cannot be resized? When I play it, the translation software will cover part of game window and I have no way resizing game window. Is there any software to force resize it?
If you have a 1920p screen 99% are playing fine in windowed mode, as a lot of them are only 720p.
Here is an example of the setup I'm using (ITH+TA):
If you have a 720p, maybe you can use chiitranslite?

I see..thanks for your explanation. Unfortunately mine is 720p. The only game I remember give me freedom to resize is Sore demo Tsuma. There I hope it's readable[/IMG[/QUOTE]
Indeed that's quite an impossible move :P
I have seen errors like this in animes, etc, to err is human I guess :D
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Yes exceptions exist, and of course おんぼろ月 works are way better than the rest, but only because of him. And he still had to conform to the "industrial ntr" style in the end.
-> What I mean is if he had a little more time to work, AS would have the time to do better stories, with more endings/situations, etc.
All Atelier Sakura games I played, regardless of their inherent qualities, felt rushed for me, and that's too bad, because that's the only ntr dedicated pro company I know of that can afford to have actual good cg artists.
In fact they could have been doing way better work by having half their release speed, and compensating by doubling the release price. They sell their work about ¥3,000, and while it's in the range of a good amateur circle game, it's far from a high quality pro game...

That would be nice, but it's not likely to happen. At the least since they're a maker specialised in NTR their target audience isn't as big as most of the typical nukige being produced and while as it is now they can be reasonably sure that their existing customers can afford to buy their short but frequent releases, those same customers might hesitate to buy a much more expensive game without being sure if it'll be better than the shorter ones, and they also might not be able to afford to spend as much in one sitting. So if they released a longer more expensive game, it's likely the sales wouldn't be as high and in order to make such a game they're spending more money on a bigger project that takes more time, more effort and more staff, with the intervening time being time when money is being spent but the only money coming in is from their back catalogue, which often means that they're putting all their eggs in one basket. If they put all that into a single game and it's flops and doesn't make enough profit not only cover the costs, but pay for future releases and further costs, it could easily result in the company going under. Very few small companies are willing to take risks like that.
It's much easier and safer to keep with the same model they've been using since the company starting, releasing lots of short cheap games with enough quality that the NTR fans will keep coming back, even if they think there's room for improvement. It's typical business.

Well I also feel more exigent to feel excited by an ntr story, but I don't think it's desensitization, even if there is of course a little bit of it, it's more like the difference between a complete beginner and a knowing amateur about a subject: since I saw some amazing works, I am able now to recognize bad and less than average games.
And BTW I don't play any ntr game if I'm not "in the mood", and of course separating the plays by vanilla games is a good way to not feel desensitized. :)

Exigent, good word use there.
Yeah, I try to moderate it and mix in other stuff, but unfortunately once I'm feeling turned on regardless of what got me going in the first place, I start craving some NTR. Sure I might be enjoying the current material a lot, but some part of me is always thinking about how hotter it would be if I could be looking at some really good NTR instead. Being aroused is bad for mental discipline, so I'll often give in to temptation and switch to NTR part-way through. It's harder to take a break than I thought. Though at least in those cases I'm looking for a quick fix and end up checking for new NTR manga on e-hentai, or classic works that never get old.

I'm like that too, except that I like mainly games with "well done" female characters, be it a nukige or not: I don't like the (boring) passive gentle type, I prefer the tsundere, the princess like, the clever, the schemer etc.
And if it's a training/corruption darker game, they're the best characters to play with :smug:

I won't argue there, though I don't hate submissive types either. But heroine's with a strong personality are very appealing and nothing makes me grin like a good tsundere, in ero or not.
I don't hate many heroine types, though I prefer cute and endearing types (though not cutesy and annoying). Milf type heroines don't appeal to me as much, but I don't hate them and can even like them if the character is interesting. The only heroines I hate are the whiny types, which tends to depend more on the character and voice actress than the character type or role.

Talking about Namonashi, I really recommend his non-ntr works, mainly "Ken Yori Tsuyoshi" and also "Tentacle Lovers", they really are well done.

Yeah, I read Tentacle Lovers years ago and though it was awesome, tentacle sex without the rape was an interesting idea and the art was great. It was such a nice and endearing work that I never noticed it was the same artist doing NTR² until the tank came out. It surprised me a bit when I got around to finding the artists old works and realised he also did that.

[MENTION=96248]hgawa61[/MENTION] Oh yeah I see what you mean now. If you look at it like that it looks like even though her body is facing away from him, her arms are wrapped around his neck like they're having sex face to face. Looking closely I can tell that she was meant to be reaching behind her to touch the man's head, but the arm is at such an angle that it just doesn't look natural, to the point that her arm seems stuck on backwards. It just doesn't look right.
Can anyone recommend me a game where hero and heroine live together(or hero have to travel) but heroine is still virgin and loses her virginity to some other guy? Kind of like triangle blue
Oooh boy, Tanaka Aji new netorase manga is really good. I can't wait for next chapter:

Speaking of Tanaka Aji, Hiyori-nee story get epilog chapter in here:

For Tanaka Aji, 可愛いナマイキ妻千佳代。。。と元彼 is kinda different. I just hope the ending doesn't get too dark just like his other works. btw where did you get info about MTSP Tachibana new novel? I cannot find it on his blog
edit: found it but there's no image on it. He just posted that it is summarized version (matome ban) novel and will be sold on middle of March
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Guys... I gotta keep it trill, i caved in and purchased 母さんのオトコ ~野獣のような男に牝の悦びを覚えさせられる最愛の母~. First of all, it has DRM software, and worst of all, i feel like a fool for choosing the game (it was the cheapest tho, that was a factor) with the art direction i liked the best over which story and theme seemed the most interesting. The writing in this game is some hot garbage. Atleast the latest Heiantei is hot as a Netori story. This new Eroitto game sucks as a Netori and Netorare.

Fuck. Yes. He could keep doing that series endlessly as far as i'm concerned. There's still so much potential for actual NTR as well.
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