Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread
Maro Gatenkei OVA details. Your thought about this adaptation? Do you prefer this or boku no kanojou gatenkei for anime adaptation?

I think it is better that they choose this one first, because it is shorter and more straightforward, so it is easier to do in one or two (unlikely) episodes anime. More complexity, more risks. But in a world that hentai anime has a decent budget, I would prefer the Boku no Kanojo for the story and tension.
This is probably not my bussiness but does she (or he for all i know) know about this eroge fetish? (i mean the ntr not that you play eroges)

well, one person don't always got one fetish as far as i know myself. :D
although "fetish" usually describe what you prefer/like the most, but sometimes rational and logical reasoning must always prevail so you can have a decent social appearance and life on my environment (well, that's for me anyway..)
well, one person don't always got one fetish as far as i know myself. :D
although "fetish" usually describe what you prefer/like the most, but sometimes rational and logical reasoning must always prevail so you can have a decent social appearance and life on my environment (well, that's for me anyway..)

I think i didn't express myself well, but the question still stands, does s/he knows you like netorare? as for myself i am single and no one knows i like it (few of my friends and family would even know what does netorare mean) and i want it to stay that way, half my family wouldn't stop seeing me like i was crazy most likely xD
I think i didn't express myself well, but the question still stands, does s/he knows you like netorare? as for myself i am single and no one knows i like it (few of my friends and family would even know what does netorare mean) and i want it to stay that way, half my family wouldn't stop seeing me like i was crazy most likely xD

nah, s/he doesn't knows. better to keep it that way dude... :D
Hiyaa guys i'm just wonder you all like a NTR game but in the real life have you been experience the NTR stuff...??? maybe you stilling someone girl or your girl has been stilling by the other girl...????

For myself i have been experience both of them ^_^
Absolutely not, that's a fantasy fetish for me.
I think that it would break my heart if it was IRL :(

I think i didn't express myself well, but the question still stands, does s/he knows you like netorare? as for myself i am single and no one knows i like it (few of my friends and family would even know what does netorare mean) and i want it to stay that way, half my family wouldn't stop seeing me like i was crazy most likely xD
Same as me, even eroge in general is something I kept to myself when I was in a relationship. (And still keep to myself even with people I know well IRL).
There is no point in explaining, people wouldn't understand.
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Hiyaa guys i'm just wonder you all like a NTR game but in the real life have you been experience the NTR stuff...??? maybe you stilling someone girl or your girl has been stilling by the other girl...????

For myself i have been experience both of them ^_^

I haven´t experience ntr myself but my cousin had an experience with his wife (he went home early, find his daughter playing outside alone, he enter the house......... you know the rest)
Maro Gatenkei OVA details. Your thought about this adaptation? Do you prefer this or boku no kanojou gatenkei for anime adaptation?

I haven´t played Maro yet, but i think an adaptation of the original gatenkei would need too many episodes to be true to the game and most of this episodes wouldn´t have hentai scenes in them, i think that the original game is the favorite for many of us because the way that made us feel what the MC was living in all the events of the game.

P.D. I would love a gatenkei anime series but only if respects the pacing of the original story, even if many hentai scenes were removed

I think i didn't express myself well, but the question still stands, does s/he knows you like netorare? as for myself i am single and no one knows i like it (few of my friends and family would even know what does netorare mean) and i want it to stay that way, half my family wouldn't stop seeing me like i was crazy most likely xD

True, most of the people would see us as crazy, even though i like the genre only as player/reader and would not want to experience the ntr in my life
The funny thing is while I see that erotic literature is often at least acceptable for a lot of people, I know for sure that even mild eroge seems creepy as hell for them.
I haven´t played Maro yet, but i think an adaptation of the original gatenkei would need too many episodes to be true to the game and most of this episodes wouldn´t have hentai scenes in them, i think that the original game is the favorite for many of us because the way that made us feel what the MC was living in all the events of the game.

P.D. I would love a gatenkei anime series but only if respects the pacing of the original story, even if many hentai scenes were removed

I have never seen a hentai anime properly building a relationship before diving into NTR. All of them usually take a couple minutes to explain the mutual interest between MC and the heroine before showing NTR scenes. Really takes away from the impact of NTR, imo.

I guess it's a budget issue or something. There are plenty of games and manga that properly execute NTR, but their anime adaptations usually turn out to be mediocre to disastrous.
Hiyaa guys i'm just wonder you all like a NTR game but in the real life have you been experience the NTR stuff...??? maybe you stilling someone girl or your girl has been stilling by the other girl...????

For myself i have been experience both of them ^_^

That's a rather sensitive question. Personally, as far as I know I've never experienced it. Of course it's possible for anyone to have a partner cheating with them ever finding out, but very few of us actually want to imagine it might be true in real life.
Though to be fair my love life doesn't contain a vast amount of experience since I'm slow to open up and warm to people and have some trust issues with people I don't know well, which makes it hard to meet people and start relationships. But for what I have experienced as I said, not as far as I know. I haven't been a victim, nor dared to let the fetish mix with my real life. I suppose if you have the fetish you can consider options like swapping and such, it happens often in real life. But looking at things realistically, I don't see any serious relationship getting through that kind of thing without any strain or damage.
I firmly subscribe to the school of thought that it's better to keep most fantasy and reality separate, and you should careful choose which fantasies are safe and practical to try and enact in reality and which aren't.

The closest thing I have to real life NTR which might have influenced the development of the fetish now, is the kind of experiences that the majority of us are likely familiar with. That is living though my youth and high school, falling hard for a few girls and watching all my first loves happily get boyfriends who are all taller and better looking than me and have a great time together (being couples in public, nothing dirty!) while I could only watch and slowly sink into depression. I had a bad habit of falling for girls way out of my league who saw me as nothing but a male acquaintance they had no romantic interest for. I can clearly remember being on lunch break and finding out my first crush had a boyfriend when I spotted them kissing and flirting in a secluded corner. It wasn't a good day for me. I know it's all typical adolescent stuff that should qualify as mentally scarring, but the feeling of being jealous and powerless to do a damned thing about it really stuck with me.
That's really all I have to share on the subject.
Maro Gatenkei OVA details. Your thought about this adaptation? Do you prefer this or boku no kanojou gatenkei for anime adaptation?

I don't like the idea of either. I have seen a few NTR anime adaptation that I liked, but all of them were only loosely based on the source material rather than following the story as is. Just using the characters and setting and coming up with their own story for the anime.
For a deep and in depth plot and character development of the Gatenkei games, there now way any of that can be conveyed in a couple of OVAs. This anime will surely just be pure nukige while paying a passing nod to the game. I'm not going to hope for much. The King of Negativity has spoken!
anybody already read manga "Kyoukai no Nai Sekai" ?
some people said that his manga had ntr element..
anybody already read manga "Kyoukai no Nai Sekai" ?
some people said that his manga had ntr element..

The "NTR" element is really light IMO. It's pretty much just the MC thinking his cousin had a crush on him when it turns out it was on his brother. It's a light-hearted rom-com though so I doubt it's going to get heavier than that, and it's almost certain to have a happy ending for the protagonist. It's just not that type of manga.

It's also a transgender manga so if thats's not your cup of tea, steer clear.

Another Manga Box-translated title, Red Blood Red Legacy, has much darker NTR themes. MC's virgin love interest gets kidnapped and thoroughly molested by vampires. See pic.

Edit: Looks like Black Lilith is releasing an animated version of Yukikaze 1 to coincide with the release of the sequel:

I just hope Yukikaze 2 doesn't get delayed, since I don't see an exact date, just "April."


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Edit: Looks like Black Lilith is releasing an animated version of Yukikaze 1 to coincide with the release of the sequel:

I just hope Yukikaze 2 doesn't get delayed, since I don't see an exact date, just "April."

Well the animation isn't bad for eroge animation, and it's a nice perk. Nice aside from it being a transparent ploy to get fans to buy the game for a second time for only about 25% less than they bought the original version for, when nothing is different save for replacing the CGs in the ero scenes with animated CGs. Since it seems like Yukikaze has been one of their better selling games of the last four years, they're milking it for everything it's worth. Greedy bastards.

The plus side is that them doing it with this timing at least gives me hope that Yukikaze 2 will also have animated ero scenes, since I'm betting they only decided to release this version of the 1st game because they already had a team doing animations for 2 and could easily have them go back and anime the scenes from the original without much extra cost and yet sell it for the price of having made a new game. That would make sense, and since they haven't released any CGs at all for Yukikaze 2 it gives me room to hope.
So if they now release Yukikaze 2 with still CGs just like with the original release, even after delaying the release of the sequel, I'll feel more than a little cheated. Because under these circumstances and having proven they can casually go back and animate the scenes from Yukikaze 1, they have no excuse for having no animations in the sequel.
Well the animation isn't bad for eroge animation, and it's a nice perk. Nice aside from it being a transparent ploy to get fans to buy the game for a second time for only about 25% less than they bought the original version for, when nothing is different save for replacing the CGs in the ero scenes with animated CGs. Since it seems like Yukikaze has been one of their better selling games of the last four years, they're milking it for everything it's worth. Greedy bastards.

The plus side is that them doing it with this timing at least gives me hope that Yukikaze 2 will also have animated ero scenes, since I'm betting they only decided to release this version of the 1st game because they already had a team doing animations for 2 and could easily have them go back and anime the scenes from the original without much extra cost and yet sell it for the price of having made a new game. That would make sense, and since they haven't released any CGs at all for Yukikaze 2 it gives me room to hope.
So if they now release Yukikaze 2 with still CGs just like with the original release, even after delaying the release of the sequel, I'll feel more than a little cheated. Because under these circumstances and having proven they can casually go back and animate the scenes from Yukikaze 1, they have no excuse for having no animations in the sequel.

i hope is as you say and not what i think: that the game is being delayed again, and they are realeasing this as poor form of compensation, also if is a you say is good deal for those who didn't buy the game the firts time a.k.a 90% of the people in the internet who have played it xD
They can delay it as much as they want, as long as it's a good (ntr, or even just corruption) game :)
Hiyaa guys i'm just wonder you all like a NTR game but in the real life have you been experience the NTR stuff...??? maybe you stilling someone girl or your girl has been stilling by the other girl...????

For myself i have been experience both of them ^_^

It's not really happen with myself but with my friend. His lover makes him a cuckold when have sex with younger people (2,3 years younger than her). When my friend got notice from his friend about cuckold, he immediately returned his net and discovered sex scene of couple. The man was too surprise and fall off the bed. however at the end, my friend pretended to his lover's brother and get out of that house.
They broke up and just few months later his ex-girlfriend got pregnant and married young guy.
If you ask for hard core, I think my friend's story is hard-core NTR.
It had a ridiculous ending where both main characters got NTR'ed by some random guy who just got introduced a few episodes ago. Awful ending for many reasons, imo.
It had a ridiculous ending where both main characters got NTR'ed by some random guy who just got introduced a few episodes ago. Awful ending for many reasons, imo.

Glad I dropped this. How is Japan so consistently terrible at writing an ending? Anime, particularly original anime, has been so disappointing lately. I don't think I watched a single show from this season, unless the continuation of Parasyte counts. Death Billiards Parade was the only show I was vaguely interested in; was it any good?

On the other hand, the next two seasons look really good, so maybe my interest will be renewed.
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Glad I dropped this. How is Japan so consistently terrible at writing an ending? Anime, particularly original anime, has been so disappointing lately. I don't think I watched a single show from this season, unless the continuation of Parasyte counts. Death Billiards Parade was the only show I was vaguely interested in; was it any good?

On the other hand, the next two seasons look really good, so maybe my interest will be renewed.

sooo....absolutely truueee...
damn, i love this AZ at the start, even on still on the middle of the S2. But as you said, random guy appeared 2 ep before ending and BANG!! is it pointless to hope for a good ending at least for one of our male protag? this anime is not a real life for God sake...
really disappointed and i hope no continuation of this series, really!

and yes, 2 next season have a good anime that i expected.
sooo....absolutely truueee...
damn, i love this AZ at the start, even on still on the middle of the S2. But as you said, random guy appeared 2 ep before ending and BANG!! is it pointless to hope for a good ending at least for one of our male protag? this anime is not a real life for God sake...
really disappointed and i hope no continuation of this series, really!

and yes, 2 next season have a good anime that i expected.

Is it the true end? or more seasons are coming? I hate netorare in non erotic stuff
Is it the true end? or more seasons are coming? I hate netorare in non erotic stuff

yes, same with me bro..
i hate ntr on stuff that i seriously like/admire.
no news on next seasons, at least for now..

btw i see on dlsite
a marriage blue ova, what am i confused is that the sample pic are from past ova, while the release date is march 27.
something wrong? or is it just me and misunderstand?
Glad I dropped this. How is Japan so consistently terrible at writing an ending? Anime, particularly original anime, has been so disappointing lately. I don't think I watched a single show from this season, unless the continuation of Parasyte counts. Death Billiards Parade was the only show I was vaguely interested in; was it any good?

On the other hand, the next two seasons look really good, so maybe my interest will be renewed.

Death Parade is good high recommend wasn't disappointed in any of the episodes all interesting
Death Parade is good high recommend wasn't disappointed in any of the episodes all interesting

and also 1st ep is involving cheating/ntr...
and actually just that ep that i watch >..>
this anime is too mind consuming thinking for me

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