Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread could someone tell me what are they saying here? is some notice or information about the new game or just promoting the HD version of the firts?

PD: am i the only one whose posts get repeated? i have to edit each one because the text appears double could someone tell me what are they saying here? is some notice or information about the new game or just promoting the HD version of the firts?

PD: am i the only one whose posts get repeated? i have to edit each one because the text appears double

For the first I don't think they're telling us anything new. They staff posting seems to spend the majority of the post going on about urinary trouble if I'm not totally misunderstanding, with the reminder of upcoming released of Yukikaze 2 and 1 Animation being tacked onto the end.

As for the latter, I've been having the same problem at times and having to edit/delete a few posts to deal with it. Someone posted about a similar problem here and the admin said they're aware there's a problem and are trying to isolate it, though if you want to chime in and let them know about your side there's no reason you can't.
i think this is about the favorite stereotype in ntr

ヒロイン属性 人妻:41.67% 幼馴染:23.33% means that 41% choose the heroine to be wife of protag and 23% choose the heroine to be childhood friend of protag

ヒロインの人数 1人:40.00% 2人:23.89% means that 40% choose only 1 heroine to appear and 23% choose 2 heroine

寝取られ方法 主人公側の弱みで脅迫:26.67% 恋愛感情:26.67% is about how the netorare situation come to be and it's tied in both that the antagonist have weaknesses of protag or because the heroine developed romantic feeling with the antagonist ( not too sure about this )

間男の属性 普通の人:14.44% DQN・不良:13.89% おじさん:11.11% choose the favorite stereotype of antagonist , with the highest being normal people? and the other is failure and you guessed it, the oji-san or old man type...haha

maybe i am wrong, feel free to correct my information
Sorry, everyone this is a bit off-topic.

But,Anyone have 凌辱ゲリラ調教 / Ryoujoku Guerilla Choukyou ? I only have the english version which is not complete and many scene were missing.
I wonder why the total percentage is not 100 % and what DGN means

Anyway, just tried Otonari no Kokujin Otto ni Dakarete Nakimodaeru Saiai no Tsuma ( by orcsoft. The quality of this game is amazing, especially in the CG, seiyuu department. The women are very sexy if you're into bbw/thick women. The seiyuus are top notch, usually seiyuu background voice (heroine's background voice when they're having sex) is kinda boring but in this game it's different, the variations are many. I don't know why but I can feel the acting of the protag's wife's seiyuu more than usual. The voice acting feels natural.
Premise is basic wife swapping but after swapping the route depends on the protag's choice. From trying it several hours, I can say there is NTR route. They even provide some kind of chart to give you basic idea when the route will diverge, which scene you haven't unlocked, and can be accessed from title menu. And my most favorite is you can change resolution in window mode.
One thing I noticed after playing it

The MC is fucking bald!!!
I wonder why the total percentage is not 100 % and what DGN means

It doesn't add up to 100% because the quote on ntrblog only mentioned some of the questions and choices to vote for from the survey. There were actually more questions and more choices for each, which you can find if you read anim's blog post for the results of the survey.

As for DQN (not DGN), it's a japanese internet slang which you can find adequately defined here. Used here in the delinquent sense rather than the foolish sense. In other words, that choice is for preferring the NTR guy to be the thug/troublemaker type that is almost as commonly used in NTR works as the fat old bastard. Most of the NTR guys in the Jinsei NTR games can be viewed as DQN types.
It doesn't add up to 100% because the quote on ntrblog only mentioned some of the questions and choices to vote for from the survey. There were actually more questions and more choices for each, which you can find if you read anim's blog post for the results of the survey.

As for DQN (not DGN), it's a japanese internet slang which you can find adequately defined here. Used here in the delinquent sense rather than the foolish sense. In other words, that choice is for preferring the NTR guy to be the thug/troublemaker type that is almost as commonly used in NTR works as the fat old bastard. Most of the NTR guys in the Jinsei NTR games can be viewed as DQN types.

I was reading the survey and at the end of it they say that most of the people want more "wife scenario" and are many people who want that the heroine also were a mother, but they say that this survey would be for later and the next ntr game would be in an school environment
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So an OVA of is being made:

First impressions are that the art doesn't come close to doing Takeda Hiromitsu's art justice. The heroine looks like a moe-blob at best and like she has Downs at worst. Happy this is getting adapted but my expectations are extremely low.

It looks like Murakami is doing this, which explains my distate and why the art looks so unfamiliar compared to the original. I never particularly liked his style.
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Oh snap! It's Action Bastard! Where the hell dig they dig him up from?!

First on the agenda is Angel Game, the NTR game made by a group with NTR in their name that delivers some of the best NTR in recent history.
Just kidding! This game kinda sucks. >.>

No, seriously. It's pretty meh. And the only thing that saves it is Pokemon. How?! Why?! Bastard, did you drink a bunch of cough syrup again? Read on to find out more!

There are eight main characters. They all get roughly equal screen time. As featured on the title screen, from left to right they are:

Tanaka 'Brock' Mitsuhiro : 25 year-old office worker. Best part of the game. He wrecks pussy like a fat woman wrecks cake. Seen as 'the taciturn big guy' by the rest of the group, he serves as a foil for the non-Alpha men/creates most of the good scenes/gets mistaken by the others for an AV actor. He's a subordinate of Keiko and a former sex friend of Rina. Has a thing for being a way more successful Brock that gets women addicted to dick.

Toujou Keiko: 29 year-old office marketing department leader. Seen as 'the commanding woman' by the rest of the group. She's Brock's manager and Shou's roommate. Might have a thing for Shou and dislikes Brock.

Ebina Yasushi: 31 year-old teacher. He's your standard generic quickshot profag husband that fails at pleasing his wife. Seen as 'the serious man' by the rest of the group. He's in a strained marriage with Rina and is Kotomi's teacher. Has a thing for his wife.

Ebina Rina: 25 year-old housewife. She's seen as 'the wife' by the rest of the group. Former sex friend of Brock and now in a strained marriage with Yasushi. Has a thing for having sex with people other than her husband because he's bad at it.

Fujimori Shou: 24 year-old office worker. He's seen as 'the kind young man' by the rest of the group. Brother of Kotomi and roommate of Keiko. Has a thing for Keiko. Weird(cause I didn't follow it closely, but it's porn so they end up fucking amirite?) relationship with his sister, maybe she was just being tsundere.

Fujimori Kotomi: Age conveniently not provided by the game for reasons I'm sure you can guess. Still in grade school. Seen as 'the female student' by the rest of the group. She's Shou's little sister and Yasushi's pupil. Has a thing for Shunsuke.

For the last two I might miss or be slightly off on a couple of the details because my attention was flagging by the time I got around to their scenarios and I started skimming. I'm great, right?

Nakayama Shunsuke: 20 year-old college student. He does college-y stuff. Seen as 'the college guy' by the rest of the group. He goes to the same school as Fuyuki and they kinda(? There's a flashback introduction scene between the two, but hahaha not paying attention) know each other. Also is like Kotomi's ex-boyfriend or something(again not sure of the specifics), they know each other and she likes him, but he has a bigger thing for Fuyuki.

Okamoto Fuyuki: 22 year-old college student. Seen as 'the refined woman' by the rest of the group. Acts cheerful and kinda like a nympho as she's the most gung-ho about things. Knows Shunsuke, but mostly it seems she just wants to fuck.

Pros: Brock

They did a novel style where you only get names for the character you're playing as and the people they know. So if you're playing from Brock's viewpoint you see his name,
Rina's, and Keiko's because he knows them. Everyone else is ?????? even during sex scenes. They use the previously mentioned type descriptions to describe everyone in the
narration. It's pretty interesting and creates a small thrill when you're first going through things.

The Angel Game idea is well-executed mechanically in the game.

There are a couple good scenes where the girls really get into it. Usually they're with Brock.

The voice work is decent enough. Nothing stood out as particularly bad and there are some pretty good bits.

Brock again? I'm seriously out of good things.

Cons: Too ambitious, while not being big enough. There's a total of 30 scenes, stretched to 60 by having the viewpoint of everyone. Each male has two to three scenes with each female.
That's not really enough to get a feel for the characters and the multiple viewpoints are wasted by having minimal thoughts/other differences between characters.

95% of the game takes place in one night. After some introductory scenes and maybe a few flashbacks, the characters meet up at the Angel club and it goes from there. The
endings are limited and generic, usually showing who the viewpoint character has hooked up with.

In trying to cater to too many character types, the game is all the more generic. You have a wife, co-worker, girlfriend-type, and student. None are especially stand out or
interesting. And since the game ends after three scenes, you aren't given a lot to work with, nor can feelings build too much. Similarly, they are pandering to way too broad of a
market. There's a student/teacher route, co-worker route, a 'cheating' route, an incest route, etc. It's just all are short and none are very good.

Most of the scenes are pretty vanilla and each playthrough usually has only three. First pairing, second pairing, last pairing in the 'orgy room'. Usually this last person is a repeat of
the first or second pairing with someone they have feelings for. And despite being a group room, there is no group sex or active swapping. Lots of very average-ish 'We got paired
up. I suppose we should have sex. Said sex is bad, decent enough, or in Brock's case very good. The last scene for each pair also feels like it's trying to be an improvement, I just
usually didn't care.

Unlocking different routes is very annoying. Make sure you use a guide. They could have avoided it all by having a few more initial choice options to branch from. Instead you're
required to play certain people's viewpoints to activate routes for others. It seems very lazy on the part of Atelier Sakura, but really, so does most of this game. These people
created Marina for fuck's sake.

The game just isn't very NTR. It's more of a hook-up simulator. The characters are way too interconnected without having heavy emotional attachments. There is only one couple
when the swapping starts and it's a sexless marriage. Rina is not particularly slutty, she's just having sex with others as an outlet to relieve all the stress from her shitty marriage
with her husband whom is super generic 'I come right away and don't consider my wife's feelings'. When he tries a little it leads to a generic happy marriage ending. Too
bad I couldn't care less. The rest of the potential couples don't have a big enough attachment to create a lot of good NTR in the span of three scenes and one night. The rest of the
NTR stuff comes from one person having a crush on someone else and someone else fucking them as part of the game. Even then, it's usually not explored upon much because the
game is so short. The hottest bits for me, and what initially misled me to believe the game would be good, is Brock making girls scream through the walls and everyone else
hearing/reacting to it. Like the other couples are all gathered in the common room after their sessions and he's still banging away at a girl thirty minutes later. The hottest NTR stuff
shouldn't be CG-less audio bits.

Would have liked to see this with four married couples to make it more NTR, but as it is it does not deserve the Bastard Seal of Approval. Let me know your own thoughts or if anyone has any questions. Thanks for reading!
I think is right as long as come from their official Twitter. Horrraayyyy They back to the MILF roots ^_^

Unfortunately not. It's a sequel to the crappy Netori school game where you played as a dude who nails ten girls who are liked by others/have boyfriends. Done by the Darkness Team, each girl only had like two scenes and mostly just existed to fill a trope, sick girl, school idol, etc. Hot Garbage and one of those games that further led me to believe Atelier Sakura was trying their best to be the worst company ever until they made Marina.
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Looks like Marina is going to take a while as well. On getchu there is a bundle of the marina games dated for july, I doubt marina is out before then. That said the Ino game looks promising.
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Unfortunately not. It's a sequel to the crappy Netori school game where you played as a dude who nails ten girls who are liked by others/have boyfriends. Done by the Darkness Team, each girl only had like two scenes and mostly just existed to fill a trope, sick girl, school idol, etc. Hot Garbage and one of those games that further led me to believe Atelier Sakura was trying their best to be the worst company ever until they made Marina.
Would have appreciated it if there were less female characters and more corruption/breaking, only 2 scenes is meh.
They always forget how important is the psychology in these games, preferring to show a slideshow of (well drawn) sex scenes.
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Oh snap! It's Action Bastard! Where the hell dig they dig him up from?!

Wow, the Bastard is back! And this's personal. Seriously, why do we hardly hear from you any more? Did you go off NTR for a while or something?

Can't say much about that Angel Game since due to it not seeming like a proper NTR game, I put it lower down on my backlog while doing other stuff first. I'll have to get back to you after I try it.

Unfortunately not. It's a sequel to the crappy Netori school game where you played as a dude who nails ten girls who are liked by others/have boyfriends. Done by the Darkness Team, each girl only had like two scenes and mostly just existed to fill a trope, sick girl, school idol, etc. Hot Garbage and one of those games that further led me to believe Atelier Sakura was trying their best to be the worst company ever until they made Marina.

Yeah, sounds like one of those typical boring netori nukige games where you play some bastard (not you) who just goes around banging a bunch of girls behind their boyfriend's back without any guilt or realistic consequences. I'd really like to play a realistic netori game about a normal guy (not bad but not particularly noble or selfless either) who gets the chance to have sex with another guy's significant other and gives in to the temptation, then shows the consequences that follow. A guy who knows he's doing a shitty thing but can't resist it when he knows he can do it, and gets a thrill out of doing something immoral. Particularly if it's a consensual affair rather than coercion. Isn't anyone interested in seeing something like that?
Oh snap! It's Action Bastard! Where the hell dig they dig him up from?!

First on the agenda is Angel Game, the NTR game made by a group with NTR in their name that delivers some of the best NTR in recent history.
Just kidding! This game kinda sucks. >.>

No, seriously. It's pretty meh. And the only thing that saves it is Pokemon. How?! Why?! Bastard, did you drink a bunch of cough syrup again? Read on to find out more!

There are eight main characters. They all get roughly equal screen time. As featured on the title screen, from left to right they are:

Tanaka 'Brock' Mitsuhiro : 25 year-old office worker. Best part of the game. He wrecks pussy like a fat woman wrecks cake. Seen as 'the taciturn big guy' by the rest of the group, he serves as a foil for the non-Alpha men/creates most of the good scenes/gets mistaken by the others for an AV actor. He's a subordinate of Keiko and a former sex friend of Rina. Has a thing for being a way more successful Brock that gets women addicted to dick.

Toujou Keiko: 29 year-old office marketing department leader. Seen as 'the commanding woman' by the rest of the group. She's Brock's manager and Shou's roommate. Might have a thing for Shou and dislikes Brock.

Ebina Yasushi: 31 year-old teacher. He's your standard generic quickshot profag husband that fails at pleasing his wife. Seen as 'the serious man' by the rest of the group. He's in a strained marriage with Rina and is Kotomi's teacher. Has a thing for his wife.

Ebina Rina: 25 year-old housewife. She's seen as 'the wife' by the rest of the group. Former sex friend of Brock and now in a strained marriage with Yasushi. Has a thing for having sex with people other than her husband because he's bad at it.

Fujimori Shou: 24 year-old office worker. He's seen as 'the kind young man' by the rest of the group. Brother of Kotomi and roommate of Keiko. Has a thing for Keiko. Weird(cause I didn't follow it closely, but it's porn so they end up fucking amirite?) relationship with his sister, maybe she was just being tsundere.

Fujimori Kotomi: Age conveniently not provided by the game for reasons I'm sure you can guess. Still in grade school. Seen as 'the female student' by the rest of the group. She's Shou's little sister and Yasushi's pupil. Has a thing for Shunsuke.

For the last two I might miss or be slightly off on a couple of the details because my attention was flagging by the time I got around to their scenarios and I started skimming. I'm great, right?

Nakayama Shunsuke: 20 year-old college student. He does college-y stuff. Seen as 'the college guy' by the rest of the group. He goes to the same school as Fuyuki and they kinda(? There's a flashback introduction scene between the two, but hahaha not paying attention) know each other. Also is like Kotomi's ex-boyfriend or something(again not sure of the specifics), they know each other and she likes him, but he has a bigger thing for Fuyuki.

Okamoto Fuyuki: 22 year-old college student. Seen as 'the refined woman' by the rest of the group. Acts cheerful and kinda like a nympho as she's the most gung-ho about things. Knows Shunsuke, but mostly it seems she just wants to fuck.

Pros: Brock

They did a novel style where you only get names for the character you're playing as and the people they know. So if you're playing from Brock's viewpoint you see his name,
Rina's, and Keiko's because he knows them. Everyone else is ?????? even during sex scenes. They use the previously mentioned type descriptions to describe everyone in the
narration. It's pretty interesting and creates a small thrill when you're first going through things.

The Angel Game idea is well-executed mechanically in the game.

There are a couple good scenes where the girls really get into it. Usually they're with Brock.

The voice work is decent enough. Nothing stood out as particularly bad and there are some pretty good bits.

Brock again? I'm seriously out of good things.

Cons: Too ambitious, while not being big enough. There's a total of 30 scenes, stretched to 60 by having the viewpoint of everyone. Each male has two to three scenes with each female.
That's not really enough to get a feel for the characters and the multiple viewpoints are wasted by having minimal thoughts/other differences between characters.

95% of the game takes place in one night. After some introductory scenes and maybe a few flashbacks, the characters meet up at the Angel club and it goes from there. The
endings are limited and generic, usually showing who the viewpoint character has hooked up with.

In trying to cater to too many character types, the game is all the more generic. You have a wife, co-worker, girlfriend-type, and student. None are especially stand out or
interesting. And since the game ends after three scenes, you aren't given a lot to work with, nor can feelings build too much. Similarly, they are pandering to way too broad of a
market. There's a student/teacher route, co-worker route, a 'cheating' route, an incest route, etc. It's just all are short and none are very good.

Most of the scenes are pretty vanilla and each playthrough usually has only three. First pairing, second pairing, last pairing in the 'orgy room'. Usually this last person is a repeat of
the first or second pairing with someone they have feelings for. And despite being a group room, there is no group sex or active swapping. Lots of very average-ish 'We got paired
up. I suppose we should have sex. Said sex is bad, decent enough, or in Brock's case very good. The last scene for each pair also feels like it's trying to be an improvement, I just
usually didn't care.

Unlocking different routes is very annoying. Make sure you use a guide. They could have avoided it all by having a few more initial choice options to branch from. Instead you're
required to play certain people's viewpoints to activate routes for others. It seems very lazy on the part of Atelier Sakura, but really, so does most of this game. These people
created Marina for fuck's sake.

The game just isn't very NTR. It's more of a hook-up simulator. The characters are way too interconnected without having heavy emotional attachments. There is only one couple
when the swapping starts and it's a sexless marriage. Rina is not particularly slutty, she's just having sex with others as an outlet to relieve all the stress from her shitty marriage
with her husband whom is super generic 'I come right away and don't consider my wife's feelings'. When he tries a little it leads to a generic happy marriage ending. Too
bad I couldn't care less. The rest of the potential couples don't have a big enough attachment to create a lot of good NTR in the span of three scenes and one night. The rest of the
NTR stuff comes from one person having a crush on someone else and someone else fucking them as part of the game. Even then, it's usually not explored upon much because the
game is so short. The hottest bits for me, and what initially misled me to believe the game would be good, is Brock making girls scream through the walls and everyone else
hearing/reacting to it. Like the other couples are all gathered in the common room after their sessions and he's still banging away at a girl thirty minutes later. The hottest NTR stuff
shouldn't be CG-less audio bits.

Would have liked to see this with four married couples to make it more NTR, but as it is it does not deserve the Bastard Seal of Approval. Let me know your own thoughts or if anyone has any questions. Thanks for reading!

You Bastard!! Thank you for this great review. I'll keep playing other games until next Marina come out then.
I'm still dead, but trying to be less dead recently. I stay pretty busy and don't lurk as much as I used to. Trying to make up for that with a bit of posting action right now, though! :D

And no, I would never abandon the sacred genre that is NTR. More likely than not they'll put a little picture of me fucking someone else's wife on my tombstone. It's just on top of being busy, lately there hasn't been much worth talking about on the game side of things. You all did a good job covering Marina; it was pretty straightforward and easy to understand and enjoy. Aside from that, nothing else has really been a home run for me. There was a Heiantei game where the heroine is a nurse, a decent effort from them but kind of too vanilla overall, and a couple good Jinsei games, Honto no Kimochi and Hidamari no Kioku--great corruption elements, but they feature kids(well, not actually but they're teenagers/college students and this bastard likes his NTR heroines a little older and a lot more married).

Which leads us to Anim's latest game. It's good, brothers. Like great, even. Plaaaaay it. A very solid improvement over their last game that was supposed to be swapping-themed but just turned into the profag being a beta. The profag in this one is likable, the wife is a likable cutie, and the antagonist is nice and devious without being a complete monster or super unrealistic.

I'm through all the routes, and have a flowchart sketched out with the general idea of things and where the different endings fall into place, etc. Might do a big write up of it a little down the road if people think it merits it. If you haven't taken a look yet, or it's not on deck in your backlog, bump that sucker up near the top. Have some hooks to entice you!

There's mystery! You play through almost the whole game as the profag before a big reveal.
All the characters are likable and given the attention they need to feel real.
There's a side girl, but she plays an important role and never overshadows the wife. The wife is always the main focus of the game.
The husband and wife are in a loving, intimate relationship. No premature ejaculator, no roll off your wife and fall asleep while she's left unsatisfied, no I can't be assed to consider my spouse's feelings.
The antagonist looks like Brock's grandpa.
Go. Fucking. Play. It.
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So an OVA of is being made:

First impressions are that the art doesn't come close to doing Takeda Hiromitsu's art justice. The heroine looks like a moe-blob at best and like she has Downs at worst. Happy this is getting adapted but my expectations are extremely low.

It looks like Murakami is doing this, which explains my distate and why the art looks so unfamiliar compared to the original. I never particularly liked his style.

Went too moe-blob... But I don't mind.
I'm still dead, but trying to be less dead recently. I stay pretty busy and don't lurk as much as I used to. Trying to make up for that with a bit of posting action right now, though! :D

And no, I would never abandon the sacred genre that is NTR. More likely than not they'll put a little picture of me fucking someone else's wife on my tombstone. It's just on top of being busy, lately there hasn't been much worth talking about on the game side of things. You all did a good job covering Marina; it was pretty straightforward and easy to understand and enjoy. Aside from that, nothing else has really been a home run for me. There was a Heiantei game where the heroine is a nurse, a decent effort from them but kind of too vanilla overall, and a couple good Jinsei games, Honto no Kimochi and Hidamari no Kioku--great corruption elements, but they feature kids(well, not actually but they're teenagers/college students and this bastard likes his NTR heroines a little older and a lot more married).

Which leads us to Anim's latest game. It's good, brothers. Like great, even. Plaaaaay it. A very solid improvement over their last game that was supposed to be swapping-themed but just turned into the profag being a beta. The profag in this one is likable, the wife is a likable cutie, and the antagonist is nice and devious without being a complete monster or super unrealistic.

I'm through all the routes, and have a flowchart sketched out with the general idea of things and where the different endings fall into place, etc. Might do a big write up of it a little down the road if people think it merits it. If you haven't taken a look yet, or it's not on deck in your backlog, bump that sucker up near the top. Have some hooks to entice you!

There's mystery! You play through almost the whole game as the profag before a big reveal.
All the characters are likable and given the attention they need to feel real.
There's a side girl, but she plays an important role and never overshadows the wife. The wife is always the main focus of the game.
The husband and wife are in a loving, intimate relationship. No premature ejaculator, no roll off your wife and fall asleep while she's left unsatisfied, no I can't be assed to consider my spouse's feelings.
The antagonist looks like Brock's grandpa.
Go. Fucking. Play. It.

Agree, this ANIM game is one of the most complete NTR game i´ve played, since the mistery part to the character development, the way "Brock´s grandpa" slowly mislead the heroine to fall to his lies and the way the game show to us the guilt that the heroine feels (Kanae is awesome as a heroine), even the secondary girl have his part well played.

For me it was worth the wait and bring me hope that the next ANIM game will be of this caliber.

Don´t know for most of the forum but for me i really like the True Happy Ending of the game because both characters accept their fault of everything that happened, the MC was not a complete Hetare and comfront "Brock´s Grandpa", and as Bastard said this couple are completely in love of each other and besides the "japanese problem" of work first everything else later, we don´t see many of the NTR cliches

P.D. Don´t know about ANGEL GAME there is something about it that has kept me away from it, has anyone heard if the new Atelier Sakura game has mistery?
I'm still dead, but trying to be less dead recently. I stay pretty busy and don't lurk as much as I used to. Trying to make up for that with a bit of posting action right now, though! :D

And no, I would never abandon the sacred genre that is NTR. More likely than not they'll put a little picture of me fucking someone else's wife on my tombstone. It's just on top of being busy, lately there hasn't been much worth talking about on the game side of things. You all did a good job covering Marina; it was pretty straightforward and easy to understand and enjoy. Aside from that, nothing else has really been a home run for me. There was a Heiantei game where the heroine is a nurse, a decent effort from them but kind of too vanilla overall, and a couple good Jinsei games, Honto no Kimochi and Hidamari no Kioku--great corruption elements, but they feature kids(well, not actually but they're teenagers/college students and this bastard likes his NTR heroines a little older and a lot more married).

Which leads us to Anim's latest game. It's good, brothers. Like great, even. Plaaaaay it. A very solid improvement over their last game that was supposed to be swapping-themed but just turned into the profag being a beta. The profag in this one is likable, the wife is a likable cutie, and the antagonist is nice and devious without being a complete monster or super unrealistic.

I'm through all the routes, and have a flowchart sketched out with the general idea of things and where the different endings fall into place, etc. Might do a big write up of it a little down the road if people think it merits it. If you haven't taken a look yet, or it's not on deck in your backlog, bump that sucker up near the top. Have some hooks to entice you!

There's mystery! You play through almost the whole game as the profag before a big reveal.
All the characters are likable and given the attention they need to feel real.
There's a side girl, but she plays an important role and never overshadows the wife. The wife is always the main focus of the game.
The husband and wife are in a loving, intimate relationship. No premature ejaculator, no roll off your wife and fall asleep while she's left unsatisfied, no I can't be assed to consider my spouse's feelings.
The antagonist looks like Brock's grandpa.
Go. Fucking. Play. It.
I think you need to put all NTR game you've played into review. Best fucking review..
I'll soon play this game after I finish playing Otonari Kokujin from Orcsoft and Kabe no Mukou Tsuma no Koe from Anim. Is this what you're comparing to the Anim's latest games? Kabe no Mukou Tsuma is swapping-theme and the profag is the very definition of beta. NTR games are overcrowded with these kind of profag, it's refreshing to have different kind of protag.
Have you played Ochite Iku Niizuma ~Gomennasai Anata... Watashi Mou... demo, Aishiteru~ If you have I'd like to hear your impression...
I also prefer married heroine compared to school/college type heroine so it's nice to hear someone from similar taste :D
Welcome back Action Bastard! :)

Thirding you guys, I'm enjoying the hell out of the latest Anim game. I love that company.

妻の媚肉を弄る父の太い指 ~知らぬ間に父のモノになっていた愛妻(つま)は、悦びの喘ぎとともに腰をうねらせていた~

Now available atた~-[2436m]-drama-cd-crack-342770/#post1919372

Thank you!

I wonder why the total percentage is not 100 % and what DGN means

Anyway, just tried Otonari no Kokujin Otto ni Dakarete Nakimodaeru Saiai no Tsuma ( by orcsoft. The quality of this game is amazing, especially in the CG, seiyuu department. The women are very sexy if you're into bbw/thick women. The seiyuus are top notch, usually seiyuu background voice (heroine's background voice when they're having sex) is kinda boring but in this game it's different, the variations are many. I don't know why but I can feel the acting of the protag's wife's seiyuu more than usual. The voice acting feels natural.
Premise is basic wife swapping but after swapping the route depends on the protag's choice. From trying it several hours, I can say there is NTR route. They even provide some kind of chart to give you basic idea when the route will diverge, which scene you haven't unlocked, and can be accessed from title menu. And my most favorite is you can change resolution in window mode.
One thing I noticed after playing it

The MC is fucking bald!!!

:thumbup:This game was amazing!

Orcsoft rocks, already anticipating their upcoming game.
I'm still dead, but trying to be less dead recently. I stay pretty busy and don't lurk as much as I used to. Trying to make up for that with a bit of posting action right now, though! :D

And no, I would never abandon the sacred genre that is NTR. More likely than not they'll put a little picture of me fucking someone else's wife on my tombstone. It's just on top of being busy, lately there hasn't been much worth talking about on the game side of things. You all did a good job covering Marina; it was pretty straightforward and easy to understand and enjoy. Aside from that, nothing else has really been a home run for me. There was a Heiantei game where the heroine is a nurse, a decent effort from them but kind of too vanilla overall, and a couple good Jinsei games, Honto no Kimochi and Hidamari no Kioku--great corruption elements, but they feature kids(well, not actually but they're teenagers/college students and this bastard likes his NTR heroines a little older and a lot more married).

Which leads us to Anim's latest game. It's good, brothers. Like great, even. Plaaaaay it. A very solid improvement over their last game that was supposed to be swapping-themed but just turned into the profag being a beta. The profag in this one is likable, the wife is a likable cutie, and the antagonist is nice and devious without being a complete monster or super unrealistic.

I'm through all the routes, and have a flowchart sketched out with the general idea of things and where the different endings fall into place, etc. Might do a big write up of it a little down the road if people think it merits it. If you haven't taken a look yet, or it's not on deck in your backlog, bump that sucker up near the top. Have some hooks to entice you!

There's mystery! You play through almost the whole game as the profag before a big reveal.
All the characters are likable and given the attention they need to feel real.
There's a side girl, but she plays an important role and never overshadows the wife. The wife is always the main focus of the game.
The husband and wife are in a loving, intimate relationship. No premature ejaculator, no roll off your wife and fall asleep while she's left unsatisfied, no I can't be assed to consider my spouse's feelings.
The antagonist looks like Brock's grandpa.
Go. Fucking. Play. It.

I don't know why I can not hear sound and voice from this game after I installed it. So I leave it for a long time without play it and ask everyone for game's problem. Do you have the same problem with me and could you help me repair it? Thanks.

After reading 3 Gatsu no Lion, now I have NTR feeling... author...
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