Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

I don't really know what you mean by "master up". Maybe that means "you know how to do it, you're now able to do it on your own", right?

I've searched for the japanese meaning some time ago. It seems that master up means the completion of the master (mother) disc
... bad memories.

Me and a friend were going to do all the marina sequels back to back. And we were 90% done with the first when the mangagamer's announcement came. I have the first game mangagamer did but I'll be damn honest. Even though I have it installed and ready to play, I just couldn't push myself into starting the game at all.
And I knew it. Given MG's history, it would be months, if not years, before they pick up the second game. Maybe we will work on the second and third game after our current projects finish, I dunno. Part of me wants to do it just to spite them but part of me understands it was just bad coincidence and urges me to move on. /sigh Whatever, back to work.

I don't think I responded to your original post when you announced you decided to not go ahead with your translation patch in order to not hurt MangaGamer's sales.

Not saying you should blackmail them exactly but if I were you I would at least reach out to them if they didn't already know you were the only who ALMOST released a fan translation but didn't out of respect for the genre/franchise.

Saying upfront "I plan to translate the sequels" would be kind of dumb; if they're petty they might send a Cease & Desist, but if were to say "I would like to translate the sequels but I don't plan to release them anytime soon. If in the future you license the sequels I would be happy to send over my translation notes." This could help speed up the (hopefully) eventual official English releases for those sequels. If the work is already done all they'd need to do is uncensor the images and make sure there are no spelling/grammar mistakes = faster release (in theory). At the very least maybe you could be hired to be the official translator of those sequels if the translator for the first game is busy working on something else when the time comes. Why not make yourself some $ for a legit gig?
I'm excited for soredemo2 BUT...I do have one issue with the game or rather one issue I could see being a problem although not a drastic one. As we know the wife is basically married to a child (yes he's of age but...) and this kinda reminds me of a shota NTR more then anything (but instead of it being his mother its his wife). IT will be an interesting experience, seeing it through his eyes rather then a mature adult but I do feel it might take something away but creating this childish element.

So basically I imagine the NTR scenes will be great BUT I honestly might have an issue connecting with the main character if I feel like he's too immature to deserve his wife or protect her.

Soredemo 2 is 7,344 yens!!! Damn my wallet!!! :( I was expecting to be at least half of it...

Now I'm in a real dilema, I don't know if buy it or not, since if it's a dissapointment I'm gonna be pissed off the rest of the year... mmmm.....

As Tentacle Bandit said, one of the major issues for me is the MC, I guess they tried to appeal a wider audience, or probably just wanted to try something new; however by doing so they can either ruin the game or create a new subgenre in NTR(shota husband). Also I think the NTRadar will not be present since I haven't seeing any mention of it.... Mmmm.... hard choice :confused:

PD: by the way it's already out in DMM :D
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I'm excited for soredemo2 BUT...I do have one issue with the game or rather one issue I could see being a problem although not a drastic one. As we know the wife is basically married to a child (yes he's of age but...) and this kinda reminds me of a shota NTR more then anything (but instead of it being his mother its his wife). IT will be an interesting experience, seeing it through his eyes rather then a mature adult but I do feel it might take something away but creating this childish element.

So basically I imagine the NTR scenes will be great BUT I honestly might have an issue connecting with the main character if I feel like he's too immature to deserve his wife or protect her.

I'm pretty sure that's the point. Having a diminutive/inferior MC and knowing he'd most likely had no chance in retaining his wife invokes pity which is common in NTR.
This is probably a long shot (and this might not be the right place to ask, in which case I apologize) but can anyone tell me where to download 秘書課の彼女の残業が多すぎる。覗き寝取られアドベンチャー ? I've been looking for it for weeks and all I've found are dead links and incomplete torrents.
just a question, somebody know how I can download on DMM with full speed? it takes me for 1GB 10h and my connection is not the problem.
Thx in advance:)
just a question, somebody know how I can download on DMM with full speed?
I use DownloadThemAll! for Firefox. It's capable of splitting a single download into separate chunks each with its own connection. It works well on If you're using Chrome, I'm sure its has a download manager extension that can do the same thing.

Nicely put but not a viable solution when it comes to MangaGamer. The problem with MG is that they like to play the mystery angle a tad too much. They would display that they are doing 5 secret projects and obviously they won't announce which one exactly. Couple of months down the line when they are about a month or so away from release, WHAM.

"We are doing so and so game, so get your wallets cause we are about to drop it on your head in a few weeks."

So while we were toiling on Marina 1, they were secretly busy doing exactly the same thing and when they finally came out with their intentions, your suggestion of "approaching them with our work" was a horse that had already bolted. I'm sure some dig this approach of theirs but to be honest if they were forthcoming with their plans, like most reasonable companies are, folks like me and my friend wouldn't have wasted their time.

As for Marina 2 and 3, I'll discuss it with my group first. If they show interest in doing so, I'll contact MG with a temporary collaboration idea. For now I want to finish 2 of our current projects before any other plans.

PS: ANIM's new game got uploaded => For some reason I'm not getting a NTR vibe. It's DRM locked ofcourse so no use downloading it at the moment. Anyone wanna fill me on what type of game it is?

Nicely put but not a viable solution when it comes to MangaGamer. The problem with MG is that they like to play the mystery angle a tad too much. They would display that they are doing 5 secret projects and obviously they won't announce which one exactly. Couple of months down the line when they are about a month or so away from release, WHAM.

"We are doing so and so game, so get your wallets cause we are about to drop it on your head in a few weeks."

So while we were toiling on Marina 1, they were secretly busy doing exactly the same thing and when they finally came out with their intentions, your suggestion of "approaching them with our work" was a horse that had already bolted. I'm sure some dig this approach of theirs but to be honest if they were forthcoming with their plans, like most reasonable companies are, folks like me and my friend wouldn't have wasted their time.

As for Marina 2 and 3, I'll discuss it with my group first. If they show interest in doing so, I'll contact MG with a temporary collaboration idea. For now I want to finish 2 of our current projects before any other plans.

PS: ANIM's new game got uploaded => For some reason I'm not getting a NTR vibe. It's DRM locked ofcourse so no use downloading it at the moment. Anyone wanna fill me on what type of game it is?

The anim game is a mother/son incest game you won't get any ntr from that, if it's like the last games only a little bit of netori, and yeah the wait for the crack begins.
I use DownloadThemAll! for Firefox. It's capable of splitting a single download into separate chunks each with its own connection. It works well on If you're using Chrome, I'm sure its has a download manager extension that can do the same thing.

it works now thx:)

Nicely put but not a viable solution when it comes to MangaGamer. The problem with MG is that they like to play the mystery angle a tad too much. They would display that they are doing 5 secret projects and obviously they won't announce which one exactly. Couple of months down the line when they are about a month or so away from release, WHAM.

"We are doing so and so game, so get your wallets cause we are about to drop it on your head in a few weeks."

So while we were toiling on Marina 1, they were secretly busy doing exactly the same thing and when they finally came out with their intentions, your suggestion of "approaching them with our work" was a horse that had already bolted. I'm sure some dig this approach of theirs but to be honest if they were forthcoming with their plans, like most reasonable companies are, folks like me and my friend wouldn't have wasted their time.

As for Marina 2 and 3, I'll discuss it with my group first. If they show interest in doing so, I'll contact MG with a temporary collaboration idea. For now I want to finish 2 of our current projects before any other plans.

I have an idea that might make everybody happy.

As I'm sure you're aware the Marina franchise has some CD Audio Dramas (3 as far as I know).

The files for each CD Audio Drama are of course a sound file to play and a bmp photo (the cover art shown)

However the first CD Audio Drama was later re-released in visual novel form. So instead of just a single bmp photo now the entire CD Audio Drama has some different art throughout it (mostly alternate angles of the same photo) and on screen text. Not exactly a visual novel (no choices) but it's an exe file and has a menu, settings, etc but the on screen text is useful because in the past I think someone (in this thread actually) posted a script of all the Japanese text but using google translation isn't the same experience.

What you and your group could do is translate the re-release of the 1st CD Audio Drama in its 'visual novel' form


It's niche enough that I doubt Manga Gamer would get pissed if you did it (they may not license it anyway since it's just bonus content) but it's similar enough to a visual novel setup that it can sort of be your 'demo reel' if you decide to audition for Manga Gamer's potential sequels (you had to extract the text, translate it, etc)

And I think there are enough Marina fans that they'd be interested in this 'side story' that covers some details not found in the main games.

Then if you want do the others which were re-release as 'visual novels' as well
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So i bought soredemo 2 from DMM. Here are my thoughts,

-The Art is excellent and the wife is very well drawn.
-There is no Ntr radar (quite upset about this as i thought it was a very interesting mechanic)
-Game felt short compared to soredemo 1, ( Also lesser variation, i had hoped that with lesser men, there would be more choices. 3 out of the 5 men had only one ending path)
-Only one good ending compared to soredemo 1.
-For ntr mystery lovers, there wont be much mystery. Just a couple of scenes.

Conclusion: Tasty but unfulfilling.
So i bought soredemo 2 from DMM. Here are my thoughts,

-The Art is excellent and the wife is very well drawn.
-There is no Ntr radar (quite upset about this as i thought it was a very interesting mechanic)
-Game felt short compared to soredemo 1, ( Also lesser variation, i had hoped that with lesser men, there would be more choices. 3 out of the 5 men had only one ending path)
-Only one good ending compared to soredemo 1.
-For ntr mystery lovers, there wont be much mystery. Just a couple of scenes.

Conclusion: Tasty but unfulfilling.

I noticed somebody commenting on a japanese site that the DMM version has extra scenario download patch - did you get it/try it? What does it add?

Outside of that I've read a few reviews that say the wife is too horny/gives in too easily and hence isn't a challenge to unlike Soredemo 1 where she had to first be "beaten" before being taken. Thinking this over it occurs to me that might have been the problem with a good too many NTR games right now - in that the wife just gives in too easily. Taking away the challenge and in this essence the pursuit for us to see her "break".
I was thinking about the NTR radar and outside of even attempting to figure out how to add that via TyranoBuilder (i'm sure there is a way) I was wondering how it could be implemented in a way t hat would feel both satisfying AND useful. I sometimes felt disappointed with it I recall in soredemo and was thinking of ways to improve it for my Marina game.


Also anybody been able to launch the original Soredemo on current AMD drivers?
I noticed somebody commenting on a japanese site that the DMM version has extra scenario download patch - did you get it/try it? What does it add?

Outside of that I've read a few reviews that say the wife is too horny/gives in too easily and hence isn't a challenge to unlike Soredemo 1 where she had to first be "beaten" before being taken. Thinking this over it occurs to me that might have been the problem with a good too many NTR games right now - in that the wife just gives in too easily. Taking away the challenge and in this essence the pursuit for us to see her "break".

I think that is ironically a backslash of all the critique about rape scenes and the like, creators are afriad to show the girl too hard to get because then eveyrone screams rape...wich is stupid if you ask me, i mean there are way more games focused only on that already.....

Also i will wait until someone i know is more dedicated plays it, no offense to the guy that bought it but even if its short i find it hard to believe he played all the routes already, at least not ifhe paid attention and read all the text (or most of it anyway). I don't mind if she "appears" to give in easily, that can be done well in a lot of ways, for that matter true ntr mistery should appear like that since the MC has no clue how it happened so to him it just seen like she fell fast. What i really mind is if the bond is real, i mean do we get to see them interact like lovers, do we see the love between them? If there is no love to be destroyed is not yummy xD
I was thinking about the NTR radar and outside of even attempting to figure out how to add that via TyranoBuilder (i'm sure there is a way) I was wondering how it could be implemented in a way t hat would feel both satisfying AND useful. I sometimes felt disappointed with it I recall in soredemo and was thinking of ways to improve it for my Marina game.


Also anybody been able to launch the original Soredemo on current AMD drivers?

The NTRadas was great idea, but was badly executed. It seems like that's the problem with Lune (good ideas but not executed too well). The NTRadar semmed like a detective game in which you should find out who your wife is cheating on you with. That's wrong because if you think with commons sense the question is not "Who my wife is cheating with?" but "IS MY WIFE CHEATING ON ME?" Now in real life relationships TRUST is important and in NTR games DOUBT is important, so I think the key for a good implementation of a NTRadas is to play with a bar that has TRUST and DOUBT in both extremes. Too much TRUST and the wife will be stolen withouth you even notice; too much doubt and the MC will be the one driving away the wife away because of silly jelousy and distrust.

So the system will work based on what the MC decides based on what he finds (if any). The MC should decide if he should trust or doubt his wife. If he makes the wrong choice (doubt for something silly or trust when there is a clue of a posible danger) he will be more onto one side of the bar (It could be 2 bars too). The key is to mantein and equilibrium between trust and doubt so you can have a happy ending (a true happy ending not a NTR one lol), since it's important that a NTR game has at least 1 happy ending, although the game should make that ending hard to get (it's a NTR game after all). The premise of that system is that the player feels that if the wife got stolen, it's because of his own fault; he must feel he is the one that drive her away in the end either by distrust her too much or by trusting her too much.

There is more, but I will discuss it in a future post, right now I'm playing soredemo2 :D

I think that is ironically a backslash of all the critique about rape scenes and the like, creators are afriad to show the girl too hard to get because then eveyrone screams rape...wich is stupid if you ask me, i mean there are way more games focused only on that already.....

Also i will wait until someone i know is more dedicated plays it, no offense to the guy that bought it but even if its short i find it hard to believe he played all the routes already, at least not ifhe paid attention and read all the text (or most of it anyway). I don't mind if she "appears" to give in easily, that can be done well in a lot of ways, for that matter true ntr mistery should appear like that since the MC has no clue how it happened so to him it just seen like she fell fast. What i really mind is if the bond is real, i mean do we get to see them interact like lovers, do we see the love between them? If there is no love to be destroyed is not yummy xD

I'm still in the begining, so my impressions are few for the time being:

They screwed up with the MC. You don't get the feel they are married, nor the maternal feel. It's more like a "oneechan" kind of feel. So in the end, by trying to appeal both, wife/NTR fans and mom/NTR fans, at the same time they
screw up and couldn't get to appeal neither of them.

At least they are lovey-dovey, but still you don't get a "married couple" feeling. The way they fall for each other it's totally unbelievable and silly, they should have totally skipped that part. But seriouslly if they were gonna go with that couple, they should have made a shota-game not a NTR-one, you can't take the couple seriouslly.

The potential I see in the game is that the MC is is going to get totally crushed, I hope they don't screw that up too. The first part were the MC try his best to get the girl (only to have her stolen from him later) shows promise; specially considering the hardships he had with his parents divorce and the depresion he had.

I hope the games get better once the mystery and the sex scenes begin to happen.
I think that is ironically a backslash of all the critique about rape scenes and the like, creators are afriad to show the girl too hard to get because then eveyrone screams rape...wich is stupid if you ask me, i mean there are way more games focused only on that already.....

Also i will wait until someone i know is more dedicated plays it, no offense to the guy that bought it but even if its short i find it hard to believe he played all the routes already, at least not ifhe paid attention and read all the text (or most of it anyway). I don't mind if she "appears" to give in easily, that can be done well in a lot of ways, for that matter true ntr mistery should appear like that since the MC has no clue how it happened so to him it just seen like she fell fast. What i really mind is if the bond is real, i mean do we get to see them interact like lovers, do we see the love between them? If there is no love to be destroyed is not yummy xD

Well giving in as you said, in the right context can certainly be sexy but just giving it up because "guy wants to fuck you thats not your husband because reasons" has always seemed...well a turn off. Call me old fashioned but I like to imagine wives at least in anime to be dedicated to their husbands - aka fight back. On the flip side in games like Marina 3, her "dislike" of her husband not acting like the typical husband (aka he shouldn't want to share her) and pretending to be a "normal" wife for the other guy I think was an interesting critique about NTR's current where the irony is probably lost in that wives shouldn't want to just give it up to other men if they ask, any more if their husbands are the ones asking for them to give it up.
They screwed up with the MC. You don't get the feel they are married, nor the maternal feel. It's more like a "oneechan" kind of feel. So in the end, by trying to appeal both, wife/NTR fans and mom/NTR fans, at the same time they
screw up and couldn't get to appeal neither of them.

At least they are lovey-dovey, but still you don't get a "married couple" feeling. The way they fall for each other it's totally unbelievable and silly, they should have totally skipped that part. But seriouslly if they were gonna go with that couple, they should have made a shota-game not a NTR-one, you can't take the couple seriouslly.

Ya this is what I was totally afraid of (although it hasnt been mentioned in any japanese reviews as a good or bad thing so theres that), but to me it seems like they were spit balling ideas and maybe they came up with the shota idea first - then were like - HEY he should be MARRIED! Oh and we can turn it into Soredemo 2!

Thats the other thing, I'm not clear WHY they named it Soredemo 2. It doesn't share the NTR gauge which definitely was unique to the first game love or hate it. Other Lune Bitter games or rather all are NTR themed too. To me usually a sequel usually involves the same characters or mechanics. Kinda seems to me they just decided to use the name of the last game to sell this one.

I kind wished they ntr games from Lune has "true endings", especially when they have sequels like this because it could have been fun to "run into" the characters from the first game.

On the flip side, I was looking at the upcoming Illusion game and I was thinking it could be fun if we had a game like that but NTR with something similar to the trust/doubt gauge straight_shota suggested where you can follow your wife/gf around, ect. Influence scenes, since illusion games are basically just interactive CG movies with stats lol.

As for my Marina game I'm not sure if thats they way a gauge would work...there is a "true ending" but multiple endings depending on how much you decide to uncover/learn. If i did use a gauge I'd use it to influence those factors...but its a good idea and will go into the creative bin lol.

I'm hopefully gonna post my Marina thread tonight or tomorrow.
Hey so, I just downloaded 寝取られたママは好きですか? (Netorareta Mama wa Suki Desu ka? ~Kyouiku Mama to Kateikyoushi~) and it loads up the title screen just fine but when I go to actually start the game an error message pops up saying '寝取られたママは好きですか?.exe has stopped working'. Has this happend to anyone else or am I just lucky?
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Sordemo 1 works fine on AMD GPUs... as long as it's AMD 5000 series or older. If not, then only virtual OS is your friend.
Never played the first Soredemo but watched the OVAs. Is it still worth playing the game after seeing the OVAs? They weren't bad but nothing jaw-dropping.

Also I'm kinda bummed by the reviews about Soredemo 2. People make it seem like the trailer for the game was better than the actual game (never got tired of watching the trailer, was so hot).
Never played the first Soredemo but watched the OVAs. Is it still worth playing the game after seeing the OVAs? They weren't bad but nothing jaw-dropping.

Also I'm kinda bummed by the reviews about Soredemo 2. People make it seem like the trailer for the game was better than the actual game (never got tired of watching the trailer, was so hot).

I was never a fan of the OVA or the story line they used. the game was much better, hell even as a pure love route it was entertaining. Honestly its very rare that an ova does justice to a game unless it follows a game story very closely that doesn't have "options" and only one ending. But ya the older game is worth playing, its a lot of fun.
Here is some thought about Soredemo 2 when I got 91% unlock CGs.
Art: It is fantastic. It's rarely you can find the game have artwork as good as this one.
NTr plot: It has so many branch that I can only get 100% CGs until now. The shota round is the best round for me which including everything I need that is "happy ending". Sadly until now I can only see one "happy ending" scene which they should including more than that. I would not told detail about story because you should tried it. Soredemo 2 is good game but not totally satisfy. For me who love extremely cases this game just got 7/10. However it deserve putting in my NTR collection.

In conclusion, Soredemo 2 is worth to play. This is good game with beautiful art however for extremely NTR fan it is incomplete. We will have the thought that this game can become better than that. In my opinion, Its plot is weaker than the Marriage Blue in some cases so if you like Soredemo 2 then I also recommend new NTR fan should try [Lune Team Bitters] Marriage Blue.
Here is some thought about Soredemo 2 when I got 91% unlock CGs.
Art: It is fantastic. It's rarely you can find the game have artwork as good as this one.
NTr plot: It has so many branch that I can only get 100% CGs until now. The shota round is the best round for me which including everything I need that is "happy ending". Sadly until now I can only see one "happy ending" scene which they should including more than that. I would not told detail about story because you should tried it. Soredemo 2 is good game but not totally satisfy. For me who love extremely cases this game just got 7/10. However it deserve putting in my NTR collection.

In conclusion, Soredemo 2 is worth to play. This is good game with beautiful art however for extremely NTR fan it is incomplete. We will have the thought that this game can become better than that. In my opinion, Its plot is weaker than the Marriage Blue in some cases so if you like Soredemo 2 then I also recommend new NTR fan should try [Lune Team Bitters] Marriage Blue.

One thing that is in my mind for ages is how you guys can finish these games so fast ?? i mean usually on the day the game launchs you guys are already posting reviews and stuff, do you skip the common route or something ?? in my case even when i truly like the game and i'm really into it, it takes me two or three days to a week, i use ITH to read so that can be one reason but still...

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