Oh, I forgot why I start writing after reading other comments.. There is a game recently translated to English - Tenioha.
It doesn't have any NTR in that.. But you can change it! It have scenario redactor build in the game and available upon completion of the game (or full save, japanese is fine). Aaaand you can make best friend of MC into NTR guy! And you can write your own NTR story with BGS and BGMoans and CGs which are better than in most of NTR games! And then you can share your own scenario with others! Up until now I've done one and half scenario. I'm lazy. It takes about 1 hour to complete 5 minutes scene. But it worth it! Also the game have some hardcore CGs without MC's face on them. This was enjoyable experience to read my own NTR-scene with great BGS, BGM and CG, though I was too lazy to make proper plot. You guys also can try this out. Later I'll share scenes created by me, if someone want it. I've used Ami as my victim, lol. Because I'm lazy she fall too fast, but after sex she become disobedient again..