Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread
Yeah they should have ended SAO in the episode where Kirito walks down the hospital corridor. I don't care much about the new fairies arc but it's still good and I very rarely drop series so might as well keep watching and enjoying the slight ntr flavour while I'm at it.
As for the other anime I picked up this season/continue from previous seasons:
Gintama: hail to the king
To Love Ru Darkness: this was supposed to be the fap show of the season before the censoring massacre, will wait for the BDs
Oniai: now this is more like it
Space Brothers: best anime of the past 3 seasons, after Gintama of course
BTOOOM: battle royale stuff is always worth watching
Little Busters: I don't like Key brand of instadrama but the brohammers make it tolerable. Also, spats.
Chuunibyou: good old hnnnng, fun
Code Breaker: picked this up for the Akiha Tohno expy and it's not bad so far. Too many dicks though, wish they would include some more girls
Hayate: liked the previous series but this one has some issues with animation, nothing special but an enjoyable show, Kugimiya definitely helps
(X'_____'): but of course
Ixion Saga DT: campy fun
Jojos Bizarre Adventure: I played the shit out of the fighting game but never got around to read the manga and I'm really enjoying the anime. Bonus points for the opening and ending
Jormungand: as good as the first season. I'm the only one who doesn't like Valmer's abs?
Medaka Box Abnormal: watching this by inertia
Robotics Notes: good stuff, I like this girl more than Kurisu btw
Pet na Kanojo: good, better than expected
Psycho-Pass: awesome, still not GiTS
Ichizon 2: I like this for some reason, it's kind of relaxing, not Aria relaxing but more like math-teacher-puts-you-to-sleep relaxing
Total Eclipse: this better pick up the pace again
Initial D Fifth Stage: