Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

KanoBitch just got a full translation alongside Nariyuki and Sobo to Boku although don't know who did any of them
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Of course, of all good games Jinsei has, nothing is translated, but they release for the first time a "vanilla" game and is translated in just one month, geez....
Nah, don't worry, it's pin point 99% it'll become netorare.

I appreciate you're optimism. :D I was just sadly accepting that it would probably end up being Orcsofts Tsuma Wake with a slightly more malicious story.
Heya, Brothers!

Man, these typhoons have been kicking Japan's ass this season! Your resident Bastard was without power for a couple days, and a lot of people are still waiting to rejoin the ranks of their technology-addicted brethren.

Now indulge my sentimentality for a moment, boys, as I welcome back [MENTION=13786]Telsa[/MENTION] and [MENTION=11769]PirateKingCZ[/MENTION] from the old guard! Cool as hell to hear you're both still kicking and not gone the way of Our Holy Father, St. FHC, blessings of NTR be upon him. As others have said, if you'll give some more specifics and time references , we'll do our best to try to dig up some gems for you.

I'm really keen on the the upcoming ANIM game, and expecting Mario to hit me a corruption home run with the new Pin-point game, so I'm looking forward to November! Tempering anticipation with caution, but when things normalize a bit, I'll see if I can't translate what they have on the game pages, if anyone is interested. Also, I realized I never posted a piece I wrote up about the Heiantei NTR game. As it ties into some of my thoughts and hopes for the new Anim work, I'll see if I can't pretty it up a bit and post it for consideration. Finally, I don't think I've seen anyone mention that Mekujira's CG set has been gameified(surprised it wasn't the other way around tango bravo hotel). Has anyone checked it out? They usually put out pretty decent works and at a good price point.
KanoBitch just got a full translation alongside Nariyuki and Sobo to Boku although don't know who did any of them

Links also where? and i mean the transaltion....

Edict, no matter, found it thanks to vndb, but i still want to know who did it.....also could this be the start of other transaltions? i hope so, i still haven't played Iroyori properly so that 1 would be nice.
Links also where? and i mean the transaltion....

Edict, no matter, found it thanks to vndb, but i still want to know who did it.....also could this be the start of other transaltions? i hope so, i still haven't played Iroyori properly so that 1 would be nice.

I'm pretty sure I saw someone on the sad panda mentioning they were working on it. I know that's a pretty broad lead, but I assume it was something NTR/cheating related. I wouldn't hold my breath on any translation lest you be waiting a long time, but anyone that expands the number of folks who get to enjoy Jinsei works is fucking aces in my book.
Nah, don't worry, it's pin point 99% it'll become netorare.

I don't think is gonna become netorare, well, it depends.

I'm pretty sure she will become a slut, she already was in the past so the correct term will be she will go back to her slut personality, she will get pregnant with ntr guy's baby and she will keep fucking him forever.

But, the husband knows it and is happy with it, he is the one who asked for it, so, can you consider that netorare?

I think if the game is netorase, is netorase, don't think the husband is gonna want to stop and become netorare because the wife doesn't want to stop.
I'm pretty sure I saw someone on the sad panda mentioning they were working on it. I know that's a pretty broad lead, but I assume it was something NTR/cheating related. I wouldn't hold my breath on any translation lest you be waiting a long time, but anyone that expands the number of folks who get to enjoy Jinsei works is fucking aces in my book.

Yeah nothing like a translation to trap more innocent souls muahahahahahahahahaha
Disclaimer: Sorry, guys, I stay pretty busy and try to keep up with the thread but sometimes lose track of things. Sometimes I even write up long posts and then either forget all about them or delete them cause I don't think they're up to scratch. If I've ever forgotten to respond it's probably because I either thought I did or can't remember where the hell I was at the time. Likewise, I enjoy 95% of the folks here and appreciate your thoughts and input, even if we disagree about a title or some detail within our common fetish. This forum is the one place I try to keep it cool and stay nice to folks because you're all carrying the banner and are my NTR brothers. Here's something I wrote up a couple different time via notes on my phone while on business trips and then apparently forgot all about. It's centered around the Heiantei NTR game from last year(I think it was last year, time really flies...) and NTR mystery aspects which I think it did really well. I think-slash-hope some of it might apply to the upcoming Anim game as well. Also, it looks like I either deleted the other parts--probably got too ranty or something--or didn't go as far as I had originally intended. So while late, at least it's semi-topical. Here's what I had with a few additions. Hope it makes you think or laugh or consider checking the game out if you haven't already.

Hey, brothers! Was surprised by the reactions from the latest Heiantei game here and from a discussion about it in one of the release threads. I’m shocked so many folks couldn’t get into. Now there are all types of fans of this crazy fetish, but am I so out of touch with the cool, hip kids that I’ve become some crazy bastard raving about NTR things no one else even cares for? …Probably.

But this game is great! It’s fucking great, boys! I live for the fall. For the giving in. For the betrayal. For the, ‘sorry, you have to eat a bento today because I’m too busy fucking to make your dinner!’ Good Lord! The mother in this game is sexual dynamite! If I could find a way to weaponize the boner fuel that results from her coruption, I’d give it to Best Korea and they’d use it to take over the world! They’d build statues of me next to Kim Dick Dong!

‘But, Action Bastard, you lovable scamp,’ you say, entirely unconvinced, ‘I heard this game is mother/son NTR! That’s gay and shit and shit again! There’s no romantic relationship there! Nothing is being stolen! Sure, the cgs might be good, but the main prospective is from a kid and there are barely any scenes in the main story! Also, you smell!’ ‘Don’t worry my brother and compatriot!’ I declare smugging quite smirkily. ‘I’ll tell you why your objections shouldn’t matter and your dick will thank you for playing this game!’

Public Service Announcement:
I write here out of a desire to hopefully entertain and inform. Don’t take any of this too seriously. If I say your opinion sucks I mean it but only in the same way that I mean your favorite sports team sucks and is terrible if they’re not the same as mine. They really do suck, by the way. Especially if they’re from New York! Fetishes are the last thing you can force on someone. If something doesn’t appeal to you, it just doesn’t. Sure, it means you have incredibly plebeian tastes and should feel bad, but that’s okay, too. I’m still always down to hear what other people here think. If someone has some good points or thoughts of their own, I’d love to read them. I’m really grateful to the guys who keep this thread going strong and prevent it from devolving to image board tier ‘gibs sauce please’ shit.
Similarly, this bastard’s impression of what the best NTR is and should be is not the only one. There are far too many different types of games and writers appealing to different fans for there to be a single good way to do things. That being said, I’m right and old and get off my lawn or I’ma go at your shins with my weedwhacker!

Now, his might be a minority opinion or not, but Uncle Bastard thinks the mystery aspect is the single most important part of a successful, impactful NTR game. Everything else is done—and usually probably better—by other non-NTR games. The unexpected and unexplained gradual changes in the heroine’s behavior and character is what makes the game. Mystery can make a good game great and its lack can make otherwise great game forgettable. I understand the argument for a single story that switches perspectives as things happen, but all that does for me is spoil a lot of the fun. Let’s face it, we the readers know what is happening. It’s why we’re playing the game to begin with! But it’s so much better to hint and tease at that very first time around than to outright show it. How can you build up a sense of dread or apprehension when things unfold right before your eyes? A flushed face. Disheveled clothing. Heavy breathing over the phone. All of those do more to create the right mood than the best artist drawing a sex scene does. Now that scene is assuredly hot! But there are tons of hot scenes to be found. In these games and elsewhere! In a good NTR game, those scenes are the icing on the cake, boys, not the cake itself!

Mystery can be hard to execute for a number of reasons. If it’s too subtle, it doesn’t create strong enough feelings to keep the reader going. Or, in place of the protagonist, the reader becomes paranoid. The know something has to be happening, but given no indication they stretch their minds too far trying to imagine what’s going on. Then, the dick tries to mutiny and he wins out against the brain and we rush through the story or skip ahead to get a scene and things are spoiled. Alternatively, the mystery is too heavy-handed and it adversely affects the story. Either, things have to be very light and teasing, or we find the protagonist to be the dullest lightbulb in the entire barrel of hammers. ‘WAKE THE FUCK UP!’ we shout. ‘SOMEONE ELSE IS OBVIOUSLY PORKING YOUR GIRL!’ At the end of the day, one can feel a bit cheated that they had to suspend their disbelief so much. So there’s a had balance to maintain. Too soft and it’s not spicy enough for us, too spicy and the genie leaves the bottle all too quickly.

Let me pause here to say something very important: STOP RUSHING THROUGH NTR GAMES! AND ESPECIALLY STOP FUCKING RUSHING THROUGH ONES WITH MYSTERY! I know! I know! I’m guilty of it, too! Mea culpa. Good mystery games are usually a slow burn. And they’re at their best when you take your time. But sometimes you just can’t hold back. For me, that’s where Orcsoft, Pin-point, Lilith, Miel and the like come in. The story isn’t usually the main draw for those studios(though it is a bit mean to compare the latter with the earlier mentions) so take advantage of what they’re good at! Take a break from the mystery, enjoy the scenes, and call it a night. Pick up the good stuff again later. It’s the alcohol equivalent to switching over to Jack Daniels or Jimmy B once you’re already good and drunk. The less refined taste no longer matters so much. NTR-BROS DON’T LET OTHER BROS RUSH THROUGH MYSTERY GAMES!
[If you’re rushing through because your Japanese isn’t up to par so you can’t really enjoy the story anyway, then that’s a bit of a different story and I don’t think anyone can really fault you for it! Just know you’re missing out on potentially a LOT and you probably shouldn’t try to offer up opinions on anything beyond the cg/scenes. I often see people say things on Sad Panda or the 4chan that are so wrong it’s almost infuriating. Shit that would have been immediately refuted if they had bothered to actually play the game or were capable of understanding it. (Their other big sin is trying to extrapolate the game’s story from just the cgs but now I’m digressing on a digression and that’s a bit gauche...)]

Back to the topic at hand, there’s been a couple different approaches to the challenges of mystery recently. Probably the most effective ones come from netorase-type games or games with routes where the guy ends up becoming some level of willing cuck. We see this in the Marina games to great effect and you can do it in swapping games, as well. Since the protagonist already knows or comes to know, you can add mystery elements while keeping the story going. The other usual approach is to hint and tease, follow-up, with one or two hard pieces that the profag has to think away or justify in some fashion, and then go darkish until a hard reveal. This last bit usually kicks off with the inevitable discovery scene. Even when it’s done well, the unfortunate fact is that unless the game is going to have the profag embrace it and go full-blown modern cuckold, this naturally ends the game. It goes bam! The guy finds out! And there we have it! Depending on game and choices, there’s either a confrontation or abject despair and they either patch things up or the woman leaves for her new career of cocksleeve. Cue the happy ending, the secret betrayal ending, or the video letter ending. The result: a grand total of one or two scenes plus the after credits sting.

It’s not the first time it has been done, but we were shown a really effective alternative to the above in the ANIM homestay game with the daughter’s pov. Rather than being a bystander or a rival, the daughter also has something more at stake. It allowed for more mystery reveals and voyeur scenes without forcing a confrontation or the husband becoming a willing cuckold. The daughter had to keep quiet for fear of her family falling apart. It is the heroine’s reaction that appeals to me in these scenes. It’s not necessary for the suspicion or worry to be coming from the male lead. It’s the fact that she becomes flustered and embarrassed when confronted with her actions and the methods she uses to keep things covered up, regardless of whom she is hiding it from.

This Heiantei game is more traditional in that the son is the main protagonist, so he’s not a side perspective. He’s the one that can’t have the masquerade given up too soon. The father is a supporting player, but this time I don’t think it’s a bad thing. The game is a bit different in the son being a bit younger than usual and not a crazed sex shota like are in Complets or other games. He’s starting to become interested in sex and girls but he never turns into a kid that wants to fuck his mom like many stories do.

The character is written and developed well enough that his actions and thinking make sense both within the game and within the realm of reality unlike the Homestay ANIM game where the daughter bounces all over the place(One of my biggest gripes with that game, actually. She looks like she’s in elementary/early middle school but the thinking, mannerisms, and the way she’s treated by the rest of the cast is all over the fucking place going anywhere from elementary school to high school). Also he’s still naive enough that the game can use that to its advantage. Things that a grown husband would have to be retarded not to see are easily missed by a kid who’d really really like to have his own game console one day. This results in a ton of good mystery bits that would be lost or impossible with an adult lead. [That's all I found. I wrote a bit more, but lacking the rest, it's a bit disjointed, so I'll confine things to the mystery talk for now. I do still highly recommend the game, though!]

Addendum: Because it's a swapping game, some of the dynamics will obviously have to be different as our viewpoint shota in the Anim game will be sexually active. But I'm still hoping they write him as a dumb kid and not as an adult in a kid's body and really take advantage of some the mystery chances. We have an NTR ending(s) confirmed, so it's probably safe to draw some parallels to their most recent Kabe game. The site promises a harem end(Is it really a harem with only two women confirmed?), single-girl ends, and netorare. While, I think the first two might offer up some good parts as well if they're not too lovey-dovey, obviously I'm eyeballing that last one and saying, 'C'mon, baby, don't let me down~'

Sorry for any typos!
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but when things normalize a bit, I'll see if I can't translate what they have on the game pages, if anyone is interested.
I'm definitely interested in the pin-point one once you get things situated. They are my absolute favorite nukige company.
@ Action Bastard: Dude, i feel ya, i was so pissed at that game when it first came out because of its unorthodox way of segregating the h-scenes away to their own gallery and i honestly still think that part of the game is annoying... but, the fact that it was able to get me enticed as it did that caused my anger in first place made me later realize how effectively the game was written and directed. Looking back, i do think it's a great game, and one of Heianteis' more interesting products; as a mystery ntr/cheating game i think it's superb, but i'm pretty sure most ntr fans still prefer the standard husband pov and ntr game format. It would be interesting to see the Heiantei writer have another go at ntr but with a more traditional setting; then i think they would have a Marina caliber hit on their hands.

Thanks for sharing all your insights and impressions btw, i think pretty much everyone here loves your style of reviewing, and i don't mind reading them even when they're long. Props brother.
If it makes you feel any better, most relationships end and in a good portion of those cheating is involved but the other never finds out about it. You can try to use logic to define what men/women want and how a relationship should be and but I think when you get to know someone intimately people are different enough that you cant put them into boxes. What sucks is that even if you devote yourself 100% to someone it doesnt necessarily go the way you expect it to, but that's life. I hope someday you get to look back and not feel bad about whatever happened.

This game didnt get enough recognition imo, it does a good job of building up and giving you a proper interesting story before going into the NTR. Ultimately I couldnt get enough into the girl and the setting for the NTR so I didnt get to the endings. Maybe I'll try again sometime just to know what happens.

Basically the girl is the daughter of a famed but decadent sword style Dojo, she asks the MC's help to clear her brother's name as he is the police's main suspect of murdering ppl since the killer is recognized as someone who uses the same sword style her family teaches. If you fail to pick the right answers to solve the mystery, the brother gets framed and her family name is tarnished, so the main antagonist (corrupt police officer) convinces her father to sell her as a prostitute as a way of smoothing things over. Due reasons, she and the MC get separated when she is delivered as property, eventually he makes his way back to her and they try to escape but things only go sour from that point on. At the point I stopped reading, the MC has another escape plan ready and tells her to meet him but she stands him up while giving into being sexually trained by the antagonist b/c he convinces her it's the best way to make the MC give up on her and have the prospect of a better life outside.

Thanks, i hope you give it another shot. I'd really like to know what the other endings are.
are there any many chapter doujins or visual novels that play the long con? it looks really cute, safe and wholesome in the cover and even goes a few chapters with MC making love, but it's not until near the end that the heroine is raped or stolen? or in the case a VN, there is only 1 possible NTR / rape route out of the entire playthrough that you don't see coming.
Hey, brothers! Was surprised by the reactions from the latest Heiantei game here and from a discussion about it in one of the release threads. I’m shocked so many folks couldn’t get into. Now there are all types of fans of this crazy fetish, but am I so out of touch with the cool, hip kids that I’ve become some crazy bastard raving about NTR things no one else even cares for? …Probably.

But this game is great! It’s fucking great, boys! I live for the fall. For the giving in. For the betrayal. For the, ‘sorry, you have to eat a bento today because I’m too busy fucking to make your dinner!’ Good Lord! The mother in this game is sexual dynamite! If I could find a way to weaponize the boner fuel that results from her coruption, I’d give it to Best Korea and they’d use it to take over the world! They’d build statues of me next to Kim Dick Dong!

‘But, Action Bastard, you lovable scamp,’ you say, entirely unconvinced, ‘I heard this game is mother/son NTR! That’s gay and shit and shit again! There’s no romantic relationship there! Nothing is being stolen! Sure, the cgs might be good, but the main prospective is from a kid and there are barely any scenes in the main story! Also, you smell!’ ‘Don’t worry my brother and compatriot!’ I declare smugging quite smirkily. ‘I’ll tell you why your objections shouldn’t matter and your dick will thank you for playing this game!’

Public Service Announcement:
I write here out of a desire to hopefully entertain and inform. Don’t take any of this too seriously. If I say your opinion sucks I mean it but only in the same way that I mean your favorite sports team sucks and is terrible if they’re not the same as mine. They really do suck, by the way. Especially if they’re from New York! Fetishes are the last thing you can force on someone. If something doesn’t appeal to you, it just doesn’t. Sure, it means you have incredibly plebeian tastes and should feel bad, but that’s okay, too. I’m still always down to hear what other people here think. If someone has some good points or thoughts of their own, I’d love to read them. I’m really grateful to the guys who keep this thread going strong and prevent it from devolving to image board tier ‘gibs sauce please’ shit.
Similarly, this bastard’s impression of what the best NTR is and should be is not the only one. There are far too many different types of games and writers appealing to different fans for there to be a single good way to do things. That being said, I’m right and old and get off my lawn or I’ma go at your shins with my weedwhacker!

Now, his might be a minority opinion or not, but Uncle Bastard thinks the mystery aspect is the single most important part of a successful, impactful NTR game. Everything else is done—and usually probably better—by other non-NTR games. The unexpected and unexplained gradual changes in the heroine’s behavior and character is what makes the game. Mystery can make a good game great and its lack can make otherwise great game forgettable. I understand the argument for a single story that switches perspectives as things happen, but all that does for me is spoil a lot of the fun. Let’s face it, we the readers know what is happening. It’s why we’re playing the game to begin with! But it’s so much better to hint and tease at that very first time around than to outright show it. How can you build up a sense of dread or apprehension when things unfold right before your eyes? A flushed face. Disheveled clothing. Heavy breathing over the phone. All of those do more to create the right mood than the best artist drawing a sex scene does. Now that scene is assuredly hot! But there are tons of hot scenes to be found. In these games and elsewhere! In a good NTR game, those scenes are the icing on the cake, boys, not the cake itself!

Mystery can be hard to execute for a number of reasons. If it’s too subtle, it doesn’t create strong enough feelings to keep the reader going. Or, in place of the protagonist, the reader becomes paranoid. The know something has to be happening, but given no indication they stretch their minds too far trying to imagine what’s going on. Then, the dick tries to mutiny and he wins out against the brain and we rush through the story or skip ahead to get a scene and things are spoiled. Alternatively, the mystery is too heavy-handed and it adversely affects the story. Either, things have to be very light and teasing, or we find the protagonist to be the dullest lightbulb in the entire barrel of hammers. ‘WAKE THE FUCK UP!’ we shout. ‘SOMEONE ELSE IS OBVIOUSLY PORKING YOUR GIRL!’ At the end of the day, one can feel a bit cheated that they had to suspend their disbelief so much. So there’s a had balance to maintain. Too soft and it’s not spicy enough for us, too spicy and the genie leaves the bottle all too quickly.

Let me pause here to say something very important: STOP RUSHING THROUGH NTR GAMES! AND ESPECIALLY STOP FUCKING RUSHING THROUGH ONES WITH MYSTERY! I know! I know! I’m guilty of it, too! Mea culpa. Good mystery games are usually a slow burn. And they’re at their best when you take your time. But sometimes you just can’t hold back. For me, that’s where Orcsoft, Pin-point, Lilith, Miel and the like come in. The story isn’t usually the main draw for those studios(though it is a bit mean to compare the latter with the earlier mentions) so take advantage of what they’re good at! Take a break from the mystery, enjoy the scenes, and call it a night. Pick up the good stuff again later. It’s the alcohol equivalent to switching over to Jack Daniels or Jimmy B once you’re already good and drunk. The less refined taste no longer matters so much. NTR-BROS DON’T LET OTHER BROS RUSH THROUGH MYSTERY GAMES!
[If you’re rushing through because your Japanese isn’t up to par so you can’t really enjoy the story anyway, then that’s a bit of a different story and I don’t think anyone can really fault you for it! Just know you’re missing out on potentially a LOT and you probably shouldn’t try to offer up opinions on anything beyond the cg/scenes. I often see people say things on Sad Panda or the 4chan that are so wrong it’s almost infuriating. Shit that would have been immediately refuted if they had bothered to actually play the game or were capable of understanding it. (Their other big sin is trying to extrapolate the game’s story from just the cgs but now I’m digressing on a digression and that’s a bit gauche...)]

Back to the topic at hand, there’s been a couple different approaches to the challenges of mystery recently. Probably the most effective ones come from netorase-type games or games with routes where the guy ends up becoming some level of willing cuck. We see this in the Marina games to great effect and you can do it in swapping games, as well. Since the protagonist already knows or comes to know, you can add mystery elements while keeping the story going. The other usual approach is to hint and tease, follow-up, with one or two hard pieces that the profag has to think away or justify in some fashion, and then go darkish until a hard reveal. This last bit usually kicks off with the inevitable discovery scene. Even when it’s done well, the unfortunate fact is that unless the game is going to have the profag embrace it and go full-blown modern cuckold, this naturally ends the game. It goes bam! The guy finds out! And there we have it! Depending on game and choices, there’s either a confrontation or abject despair and they either patch things up or the woman leaves for her new career of cocksleeve. Cue the happy ending, the secret betrayal ending, or the video letter ending. The result: a grand total of one or two scenes plus the after credits sting.

It’s not the first time it has been done, but we were shown a really effective alternative to the above in the ANIM homestay game with the daughter’s pov. Rather than being a bystander or a rival, the daughter also has something more at stake. It allowed for more mystery reveals and voyeur scenes without forcing a confrontation or the husband becoming a willing cuckold. The daughter had to keep quiet for fear of her family falling apart. It is the heroine’s reaction that appeals to me in these scenes. It’s not necessary for the suspicion or worry to be coming from the male lead. It’s the fact that she becomes flustered and embarrassed when confronted with her actions and the methods she uses to keep things covered up, regardless of whom she is hiding it from.

This Heiantei game is more traditional in that the son is the main protagonist, so he’s not a side perspective. He’s the one that can’t have the masquerade given up too soon. The father is a supporting player, but this time I don’t think it’s a bad thing. The game is a bit different in the son being a bit younger than usual and not a crazed sex shota like are in Complets or other games. He’s starting to become interested in sex and girls but he never turns into a kid that wants to fuck his mom like many stories do.

The character is written and developed well enough that his actions and thinking make sense both within the game and within the realm of reality unlike the Homestay ANIM game where the daughter bounces all over the place(One of my biggest gripes with that game, actually. She looks like she’s in elementary/early middle school but the thinking, mannerisms, and the way she’s treated by the rest of the cast is all over the fucking place going anywhere from elementary school to high school). Also he’s still naive enough that the game can use that to its advantage. Things that a grown husband would have to be retarded not to see are easily missed by a kid who’d really really like to have his own game console one day. This results in a ton of good mystery bits that would be lost or impossible with an adult lead. [That's all I found. I wrote a bit more, but lacking the rest, it's a bit disjointed, so I'll confine things to the mystery talk for now. I do still highly recommend the game, though!]

Addendum: Because it's a swapping game, some of the dynamics will obviously have to be different as our viewpoint shota in the Anim game will be sexually active. But I'm still hoping they write him as a dumb kid and not as an adult in a kid's body and really take advantage of some the mystery chances. We have an NTR ending(s) confirmed, so it's probably safe to draw some parallels to their most recent Kabe game. The site promises a harem end(Is it really a harem with only two women confirmed?), single-girl ends, and netorare. While, I think the first two might offer up some good parts as well if they're not too lovey-dovey, obviously I'm eyeballing that last one and saying, 'C'mon, baby, don't let me down~'

Sorry for any typos!
Oh bro, I can't agree more (except I like dense mc better since it keeps ntr mystery longer usually :p) .
Anyway, one of the great things about the Heiantei game was that they were able to introduce an "innocent naive oblivious" third party to basically make the real ntred mc "normal" (without making him super dense), so showing the mystery things (hot phone calls, flushed mother, etc) to kid was a way to NOT show it to the real ntred mc, so it avoided gracefully the downsides of having a dense ntred mc. Genius!
I think they could have gone further in the consequences/aftermath of the mom being banged/corrupted by netori dude since they could show slightly more to the naive child without arising suspicion.

I really hope for another game using the same trick.
I'm looking for a Netorare/Netori Game, where basically a Harem gets stolen away from the protag.
I fucking hate the dense Harem MCs and want a game where he gets punished for not making a move, if you know what i mean.
Do you guys have anything in mind? Do those games even exist?
I'm looking for a Netorare/Netori Game, where basically a Harem gets stolen away from the protag.
I fucking hate the dense Harem MCs and want a game where he gets punished for not making a move, if you know what i mean.
Do you guys have anything in mind? Do those games even exist?

Tsumamigui 3 ?
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are there any many chapter doujins or visual novels that play the long con? it looks really cute, safe and wholesome in the cover and even goes a few chapters with MC making love, but it's not until near the end that the heroine is raped or stolen? or in the case a VN, there is only 1 possible NTR / rape route out of the entire playthrough that you don't see coming.

Apart from Stupid_army's suggestion i think triangle blue and gatenkei count too, both dedicate a lot of time to the couple (hell triangle blue's prologue is bigger than some games...) and gatenkei's whole gimmick is that the ntr happens in a span of years.

Ph and triangle blue was originally a pure drama vainilla game......until the creators joined the darkside muahahahahahahaha
I'm looking for a Netorare/Netori Game, where basically a Harem gets stolen away from the protag.
I fucking hate the dense Harem MCs and want a game where he gets punished for not making a move, if you know what i mean.
Do you guys have anything in mind? Do those games even exist?

rance 9 and 10 fit the bill. almost all the main girls can be stolen and raped in a bad end each.
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rance 9 and 10 fit the bill. almost all the main girls can be stolen and raped in a bad end each.

Rance games don't give you real ntr feel even when heroines are raped, considering who is MC, lol. There are more netori moments in Rance series (for example Ran route in Sengoku is pure netori). From what I know there is no such situation like "girl in love with Rance but then she is raped by someone else and become corrupted, starting to love other men's dick more than Rance's", though I haven't read 9 and 10 yet, only 5-8.
November is going to be one of the best months for VN's this year, if not the best.

But I have my crosshairs fixated on a VN I care about myself.
Oh bro, I can't agree more (except I like dense mc better since it keeps ntr mystery longer usually :p) .
Anyway, one of the great things about the Heiantei game was that they were able to introduce an "innocent naive oblivious" third party to basically make the real ntred mc "normal" (without making him super dense), so showing the mystery things (hot phone calls, flushed mother, etc) to kid was a way to NOT show it to the real ntred mc, so it avoided gracefully the downsides of having a dense ntred mc. Genius!
I think they could have gone further in the consequences/aftermath of the mom being banged/corrupted by netori dude since they could show slightly more to the naive child without arising suspicion.

I really hope for another game using the same trick.

Hey @Action Bastard and @Redorc Always good to hear from you guys again and hope you are doing well ... Can you link me to the game you guys are talking about it sounds interesting.
So about this 僕ママ×友ママ交姦ハメップ性活 ~母性あふれる僕らの巨乳ママた game... For those of you guys that have problems with getting into games where the NTR is directed more to the son instead of the husband, how can you take a game like this seriously? The idea that we're gonna get some excellent story (we usually do) from anim team ntr, in a game staring extremely small shotas just seems absurd to me.

Can you link me to the game you guys are talking about it sounds interesting.
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I agree in wanting to see another, more traditional NTR game from Heiantei. It'd definitely be interesting to see them try to play it straight given their netori roots. I wonder if they could do a good husband lead as the husbands in their other games are invariably a non-entity or unsympathetic. To the extent that in their most recent netori game the husband was such a shit that practically everyone was cheering for the netori guy in-setting. When things get to that point, it sort of ruins some of the premise in the first place for me. He didn't so much steal the wife away as rescue her.

And a lot of their netori guys are practically villain protagonists. Even their NTR game plays like one of their usual offerings when you watch the scenes the son isn't present for. Rather than default to the mother's perspective, it's the guy's. We usually don't get the antagonist's viewpoint, so it might have been weird coming from a different developer, but it's actually pretty standard for them given how their netori guys tend to run in two flavors. Heiantei profags are typically either paragon nice guy Commander Shepards or badass with a golden dick renegade Commander Shepards. In the NTR game, it's definitely a case of the latter, but he's still more relatable than the husband, who doesn't get much characterization and solely exists to have his wife stolen away. Now I'm an advocate for not self-inserting because I think that it does more harm than good, but for those that do, it provides some interesting options. With that game, someone that hates shotas or doesn't want to identify with the son could very easily do so with the 'bad guy' instead and they're basically given a stand-alone netori game to do so with. Whether they could do so as effectively in a more standard scenario is anyone's call. I'm not sure, but I'd at least like to see the attempt.

Yeah, man, you get exactly what I was saying! Heiantei created a more believable fall while avoiding the dense husband. It'd be more work, but I'd really like to see a game set around a whole family where you get to see multiple perspectives as the mom falls. With like junior high, late elementary, and then maybe pre-school or early elementary school age children. The last might to be too much of a chore writing-wise, but you could do a lot with even just a couple instances. Despite the fact that I hate the game, Venus' Married Life got some good mystery mileage out of the little girl for a few things. They could keep the husband as the main viewpoint character, but avoid having him see too many things that would force a hard reveal. Instead you'd see the risky stuff from the kids and he remains largely oblivious except for some odd bits here and there. Based on how the kids choose to respond to things, he might even get the sense that everything is a bit off rather than arousing suspicions of the wife. Man, there are so many great scenarios you could pull from something that expansive...

I'd say Anim could do it well because it's not too far off from things they've already done, they'd just have to try to avoid the pitfall of trying to make any of the kids targets. You could certainly do that--and there have been family NTR games where all the females are taken--but then you really start to lose focus.

It'd also allow for a stronger husband than usual. When I started thinking about the premise, it really hit me that the vast majority of mother/wife NTR stuff only ever has the one kid. (And I'd be very interested in people pointing out exceptions in games now that I'm thinking about it!) The wife has the one kid, becomes a mother, and then that dynamic is stuck. The husband begins his descent into overworked Japanese salarymandom and then you've got the start of 90% of married with children NTR games.

With multiple children, you can have a stronger father and husband. Someone who more or less does things right instead of being the oblivious sap or the idiot workaholic that never notices until it's too late. Games with stronger profags are usually more rewarding. For instance, even though it has mind control which can be a turn-off in NTR games, Sakurasaku Koubou's Netorare Osananajimi uses it to pretty good effect. And seeing that game's profag take the undeserved beating he did over the course of it was pretty excellent. I've been following NTR works for so long that it's hard to get much knee-jerk reaction from me anymore either through misery or anger. That game was one that really succeeded. Another who can usually manage is the writer of Jinsei games because he really knows how to twist the knife. And that's from two styles(mind control and non-romantic childhood friends) I don't care for nearly as much compared to proper husband/wife stories!

So I'd like to see something like that--where the guy fails despite his best efforts without being an idiot loser--except via the overwhelming power of dick than through mind control, blackmail, or lies that could be easily debunked simply by talking to a spouse.

Not the greatest game of all time, but it did a lot of interesting things and I think most of them were pretty effective.
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