Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Woah, let's not get hasty and say things we'll later regret. The premise looks great but I'll be surprised if they don't manage to fuck it up somehow.

Looks like at some point they updated the site with some CGs, I could be late on this since I haven't checked the site in awhile, though they don't show much.

They put the CG up yesterday. what it is about Teambitters is like you said, the Premise for their story's always sound good but implement it badly. They go for sex with out development making the characters seem they where taken over by aliens trying to emulate what NTR is.
anyways I found a text version of the what the story is about and sounded good but thats happen with the other games.

I have said before that this game going to suck, doesn't mean I want to be right:gambler::)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

New game : 姉撮 ~堕ちていくお姉ちゃんを助けられない僕~

Enjoy :)

The key is that the guy needs to be passive rather than active in initiating the NTR. Otherwise it'll be the same as most of the games that focus on a MC with an NTR fetish who arranges for his GF/wife to cheat. It's hard to sympathise when he's dug his own grave.
Same for me, I'm not a fan when the mc is deliberately trying to be ntred, no real surprise impact :(

:goodtea: my interest in NTR is coming back, I'm even starting to think Teambitters game might not be bad.:shocked:
Well... if you expect something good from Teambitters apart some nice drawings, then you really need a new ntr game to play with ^^
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

when you refer to teambitters's game you mean the one that comes out in february? the one with magical girls? i didn't even know this was ntr focused (or at least plays a big part)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

i wouldnt expect much from the LTB game.. CGs doesnt look too great also seems to have monsters/tentacles in it

お兄ちゃんにはぜったい言えないたいせつなこと and 学園NTR ~僕の知らない彼女の淫顔 looks very promising though cant wait for jan releases
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Pfffftt hahaha

So many peoples rage to Tanaka Aiji in fa**u :lmao:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

when you refer to teambitters's game you mean the one that comes out in february? the one with magical girls? i didn't even know this was ntr focused (or at least plays a big part)

Well 魔法少女はキスして変身(かわ)る ~相手が彼以外の人だなんて……~ does have the NTR tag at getchu and they don't usually put it on unless it appears a lot.
And from what they're saying the whole premise of the game is the idea of the magical girl transformation being initiated by a kiss similar to the way it was in LiLiM's あい☆きゃん, but with the twist that it has to be a kiss from a different man than the protagonist. Which sounds like a pretty good premise for NTR.
But like Prettz said, they have a precedent of coming up with good ideas for NTR scenarios but always fail to make the most of them. So the plot will probably be lacking and just a way to lead up to each successive sex scene.

I'll try and stay hopeful, but looking at the writer's previous works it mostly a long list of nukige.....
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


How's it going, guys? Still swamped with work on my end, but I try to lurk when I can and saw some stuff I had to chime in on. xD

Nice catch with the Takenoko story あなたの選択 第1-2章. It seems despite the attempts of some vanillafags it never got tagged NTR, so I completely missed it. It's hard to say what I would have thought had I went into it unsuspecting, but up until the chapter break, there didn't seem to be that much NTR indication unless you were reading more into it than was actually being said. There's plenty of normal stories that revolve around the innocent junior turning out to be pretty wild/slutty too. Also not sure you can call it trolling since both chapters came out at the same time and there was a vote(Unless the vote was rigged and that's getting far too meta for my tastes). More just disappointing. Still, I have to say that I'm rather proud of the profag, so in the end I actually enjoyed the story as being different, though I'd have been more than fine had things gone the other way.

The profag did what I tend to continuously harp on, and that's be responsible for his own actions and act decisively. It was all set up for him to turn into what I feel is the most uninteresting of NTR profags: the dude with the fetish who takes things to far and gets burned. Instead, he said, 'Wait a minute, I don't think this is what I really want,' and then instead of going, 'Uh, but I'm a weak-willed pussy and we're already here, I guess I have to go through with this,' he acted boldy(And remembered to pay anyway which also makes him a gentlemanfag. ^^b). I got a good story out of it and the vanillafags got some sort of presumed moral victory over what they think is the dark side, made all the more ironic by the fact that the bookends of the story are talking about reality and knowing what is and isn't fantasy and the entire premise is a cute, loyal, nymphomaniac and her strong-willed, dependable, boyfriend who actually considers her feelings. /Cheshire grin

Still, I will admit to being slightly irritated by some of the comments from all the vanillafags and will look into seeing about maybe having their homes leafleted with the collected works of Sanbun Kyoden. That oughta teach the smug little asshats.

For another story that plays the profag in a pretty positive light, maybe check out Yamato Nadeshiko if you haven't already. I will say it's not the best of plots, though.

@DiabolicalGenius I can understand why the Takenoko piece hit you harder than it did me. I tend to enjoy NTR works more where the guy isn't already interested in NTR/swapping. I like the interplay more in what makes a relationship work and the story and sacrifices that go with it. That's why I often enjoy the games where the profag gets choices and through his choices can earn a 'happy' ending in addition to the standard NTR endings. I wouldn't be opposed to a game that let people play out both NTR and vanilla routes if both were actually done well. Spend all week working late = +3 to getting NTRed. Forget your anniversary = +5 to getting NTRed. Cheating on your wife = +20 to getting NTRed. Come home and romance your wife instead of going out drinking with co-workers = -3 to getting NTRed. Be considerate of your wife's needs in the bedroom = -5 to getting NTRed.

If your score is low enough you get the best vanilla ending(house,kids,promotion,sportteamofyourchoicewinsthebiggame), if it's a bit higher then maybe one where things aren't quite so great but they still have a strong relationship, a middle ending could be one where maybe the wife cheats, but they manage to work things out, high scores lead into things where she's cheating behind his back but they're still together, and for people who just wanna go full blown NTR you get ones where she's having someone else's kids or is just straight up the town bicycle. In my opinion we need more of that. Unlikely, but I can dream, damn it!

Gah. I was completely unimpressed by the original 橘さん家ノ男性事情 as a NTR story. Too long and too little NTR bang for my buck in a story that I had to get invested in to go anywhere and then got very little payout. You can't ever give up, but I'm not holding my breath... If we do a little critical analysis, in the previous story the girls seem to say they only did anything that one time and are intending to get abortions. If there's no follow-up, then a direct continuation story is just a big orgy back at the guy's apartments with the girls probably acting like whores. The boy watches the video is shocked/raged/feels betrayed, and this Bastard yawns and wanders off to fix himself a sammich. Of course, we can expect the art to be great, and there's always the chance that the author will take things in a different direction, but I'm going to treat it like a Team Bitters game: expect it to be crap and then anything nice that comes from it is a pleasant surprise.

I'm not ragging on anyone that enjoys it, but it just doesn't hit any NTR buttons for me. Still, it was a bit nostalgic thinking about it 'cause that came out right around the time we were moving over here from Hongfire. In light of the recent holidays, I can say I'm happy to see this thread is still going strong. I think most of the people who came over in the exodus have stuck around, and we've had plenty of new NTR-Brothers(and Sisters? ...Somewhat doubtful of that, but if you're lurking or just hiding under the anonymity of a presumed penis, welcome anyway.) join us and there's been some interesting insights and opinions shared.

Thanks for reading!
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Well said bastard i'm still glad to be part of this thread and hope others feel the same. There has always been a cool vibe in this thread with no conflicts among us and that says a lot.
I prefer the highest score possible, full blown NTR town bicycle scenario.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

some new CGs of the new Lune TB game just got released on the official site.. seems like it includes monster and tentacles, all in all its looking more and more of a copy of [LiLiM] 魔法神姫リリカ, probably another disappointment
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Sorry to ask again, but about Sword Art Online. What sort of Netorare that show has? Does the main girl have sex with another man? Does she at least kiss another man? I would like if someone could be clearer about this.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION];

You don't post a lot, but you always seem to have plenty to say when you do. ;)

Still, you're right that we both seem to have different tastes when it comes to NTR. You might feel better when a game ends with the MC manning up and doing something about it, either preventing the NTR and getting the tur love end as per the manga we were talking about, or when he discovers the NTR but deals with it like a man. Either confronting the girl and the other guy and having it out before dumping her and moving on with his life, or if it was pure type B punishing the bastard who coerced/forced the girl into the affair and takes her back with her not succumbing to corruption via sex again and with them managing to overcome it together and get a different kind of true love ending.

I understand how that works. Quite a few NTR fans express frustration over the loser protag who just stands by and lets it happen or fails to do anything about it when he finds out. It's natural, since you empathise with the protag and when he's a complete victim you end up feeling the same kind sense of inferiority and worthlessness that he is. So it natural that many guys wouldn't want to feel that way and wouldn't empathise with him after he goes in that direction, instead being frustrated and scornful of his reaction as though looking at it from a third person perspective rather than seeing it through the MC's eyes. That's how it seems to me.

I think you need a bit of a more ego-masochistic streak to get turned on by identifying with a protag who behaving like a useless, no-good hetare as his lover it being screwed behind his back or flaunted right before his eyes. Something which I get a real kick out of. But the way I'm understanding it from seeing various responses to NTR stuff in places like this, it looks like not everyone with the fetish sees it quite the same way.

For me I do enjoy the relationship side of things like you said Bastard, but I also rather like it when the NTR fetish is brought into the relationship and how it effects things between them. How he handles it, how she reacts to it. Whether she appalled and not sure if she can continue the relationship, or if she's supportive and even willing to consider being with another man for his sake. It can be pretty interesting, though in the end I prefer the opposite of yourself where our man is the victim who's having it inflicted on him and is unable to stop it. So I'd prefer stuff like her doing it more because she's turned on and excited by the idea rather than doing it for his sake. Even more so if he never intended to let it happen in reality and go beyond his fantasies, and she makes it happen anyway and tells him he has no right to complain since he gets turned on by it.
Already been through all that in my other post though, so I'll leave it at that.

Think your scoring is a little too subjective though, since it depends on the audience for what counts as a high score. For me for example, I don't think the whole bicycle bit with her doing it with just any random stranger has half as much impact as when it's with a man who has a personal connection with the protag. Either a close friend or relative who is screwing him over, or someone he can't stand dealing with. Gives it a lot more power for my view.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

more details on Lune TB's homepage about their next NTR game

sounds A LOT like Escalayer

you see this Alicesoft? step up your game xd
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

care to share a link?

You mean to the site for the new Team Bitters game? It's right here.

Also for some reason no-one's mentioned it here, but the new TeamNTR game is out. You can get it right here.
If anyone has the time to try it let me know if it's any good. With the track record probably won't be anything to get excited over, but hey. Maybe the writer is getting better with experience. You never know right? :rolleyes:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

thanks! about Atelier TeamNTR game found out today. Anyway, expecting great things with the Team Bitters game, for what I saw is very promising. And it comes out on my birthday! (what a way to get a present! HA!)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

:cheering: they are making a 対魔忍ユキカゼ anime. it be cool if they did it like 監獄戦艦 animation style. To bad none of the characters from ユキカゼ are makings a cameo in asagi 3
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=12407]stupid_army[/MENTION] and [MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION]
Yeah, normals got pretty annoying as of late. If you don't like something then don't read/watch/play it you stupid fuck. I troll their shit whenever possible.

[MENTION=7186]Prettz[/MENTION] Awesome, now if they get Murakami as director we are set.

[MENTION=10674]seph6[/MENTION] It's a Mario NTR plot, bad dude kidnaps main girl into another game while waiting for their marriage IRL, teasing the MC about it in true NTR fashion so it's type C stuff. Things don't get physical to the point of sex, but he could have molested her easily if he wanted. There's an episode where he sits in front of her with legs open, crotch at face level and touches her lips, damn if they weren't implying anything.
Or maybe it's just my dirty mind :whistle:
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I know I ask this periodically, but has there been any good Hentai OVA's with NTR themes released lately?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I know I ask this periodically, but has there been any good Hentai OVA's with NTR themes released lately?
アンスイート-寝取られ堕ちた女たち- 女教師 黒瀬勝子編
オトメドリ 下巻 悪夢のEncore

Nothing in November or December
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Well said bastard i'm still glad to be part of this thread and hope others feel the same. There has always been a cool vibe in this thread with no conflicts among us and that says a lot.
I prefer the highest score possible, full blown NTR town bicycle scenario.

i like that, with kids and everything and is a plus if the husband doesn't know and she makes ambigous remarks 8don't know if i said well), by the way have anyone checked maika's game, i skipped trough it and stopped to hear the dialogues from time to time, i think i will like it but the escene with the daughter breaks my heart

PD: can someone tell me if this is really ntr? it has the tag so i was wondering
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

i like that, with kids and everything and is a plus if the husband doesn't know and she makes ambigous remarks 8don't know if i said well), by the way have anyone checked maika's game, i skipped trough it and stopped to hear the dialogues from time to time, i think i will like it but the escene with the daughter breaks my heart

PD: can someone tell me if this is really ntr? it has the tag so i was wondering

It seems like it is and i hope it gets a eng trans. soon it looks good.:D

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