Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Yesterday was like earlier Christmas, so many good games released.
Now I have serious dilemma which game should I play first, Hinasawa Tomoka or Boku Mama.
I wish I could have that kind of dilemma everyday. :)

Wich is the first 1?

Well, here is the translation.

Don't be too harsh about the black boxes (I made sure to not cover any important part of the drawing) and about some possible grammatical errors (even if there are, I think the manga it's completely readable) .

If you guys read it, tell me what you think about the manga and if I did a good job translating it and should translate other things or I should stop because I'm not good at it.

Well, hope you guys enjoy:

Just take the constructive criticism and go translate Terasu's Comic Koh work or some P Herb!!!!! xD
Hi, all, long time no see.
Just my 50 cent to the new Mariko game (愛する妻、真理子の不倫報告 ~夫公認のガチ不倫SEX~) before I'm back to lurking again.

Like @stupid_army mentioned, this game is actually good?!
It's the sequel, the first one was alright imo, reason why it hit me like a truck how well polished this game is. It may not win any prizes in originality, but it knows what it wants, and it gets what it wants (ntr hearts).
Art is a major upgrade, you can even turn on/off glasses (EVERYONE should do this). Mariko is hot af, the voice actress AND the artist should get a raise. The only tiny problem I got is that they recycle cgs way too much. More cgs next time, PLEASE.
BUT the events were pretty sweet, so I graciously forgave them. The story is not locked with one pov, Mariko's pov is integrated into the main story.
In the beginning I rolled my eyes like a dozen times because of how similar the story was to the Marina games.
The story is ok sized. We got the husband, getting bored with the sex life with his wife, she also feels it, too.
He reminisces how awesome the affair was when she cheated on him. But he also remembers the heavy emotional shock, so he lets the idea of ntr episode 2 go at first.
(rolling eyes)
Mariko works in a company with a freshling who just joined this year.
His self esteems is low, pretty nervous at interviews, blabla.
(rolling eyes)
One day, Mariko catches husband watching old recordings of the first game, AFTER they had sex, but both let the incident drop like nothing.
Next day she goes drinking with the freshling, later that evening she confesses she had sex with him. Boom.
(surprised eyes, ice cold)
The freshling does not know she's married and asks her out.
(oh, that could be interesting *murmur*)
She tells him she'll think about it.
What she does is, she wants to ask her husband about it. (nooooooo)
Next days, she brings freshling over, so hubby can get an impression, ntrboy learns she's married, Mariko talking about his d*ck. (noooooo)
So, next days, you can decide if it's ok or not.
Interesting: Mariko agrees to date ntrboy, and lies to him her husband doesn't know about this (really?).
So let the games begin.

After approval, they have sex multiple times in freshling's house, nervous ntr boy getting better in "doing art" at a rapid rate. First condom, then raw (nooo, too fast).
But BOY, the events are intense. Mariko's voice hot af, cg gorgeous. povs switching between Mariko and hubby.
Later she describes hubby how it was.
Nothing gets left out (with a tiny exception later).

After multiple of these events, you can decide if you allow her to go to the onsen because ntrboy wants his birthday present.
BOY. Again: those events are well done.

In the final part of the game, hubby wants to see the action live, so she invites freshling- sry, sexgod- over to her home. Husband hears all the action in hiding, later he can't hold it, opens the door slightly to watch her riding.
She turns her head and signals him how awesome it is. She asks him with her eyes, if it's ok to let sexgod cum inside. He signals all ok. (lmao). boom.

Again, all my poor sentences are not doing justice how welldone the events are.
8/10 (art/voice: 10/10)

"Again, all my poor sentences are not doing justice how welldone the events are."

Not really, you convinced me.

I don't really like Atelier Sakura games that much and Marina games didn't do it for me, but your descriptions really picked my interest. Thanks for the reviews, I'll give it a try.

What did stupid_army mean by ambiguous ending?

Well, here is the translation.

Don't be too harsh about the black boxes (I made sure to not cover any important part of the drawing) and about some possible grammatical errors (even if there are, I think the manga it's completely readable) .

If you guys read it, tell me what you think about the manga and if I did a good job translating it and should translate other things or I should stop because I'm not good at it.

Well, hope you guys enjoy:

Sorry for late replies :) here is some of my answer

So like i said, this game has many influence from Marina, it's looks like Onboro trying making her into new "Marina". The story started five years after the first game, so they're not newlywed anymore and more understanding about each other (Mariko even doesn't feel weird at all when she sugesting doing more kinky sex to her hubby). In the first game we can see Mariko more like manipulative bitch towards her husband for her carnal desire. While she still loving her husband, it doesn't change the fact she cheating behind him. In the sequel, she only cheating just because for the sake her husband fantasy. Even she feel dissapointed and shocked when she saw her hubby fapping to their old ntr video.

Glad they give five years time skip, and OL background for Mariko, so it still make sense for her changing her little personality. But if you play it, you can feel her not like her in previous game and act more like Marina when talking to her husband. She doesn't want to cheating except her husband ask her like Marina, even she agree all the rules her husband make for their new netorase relationships. If it's her in previous game, she probably just keep continue cheating behind him, and reporting her cheating after that :) .

And this is some problem in this games. Remember Chief? Mariko cheating partner in previous game? This game doesn't only mention him a little. So basically they just telling us, they stop having netorase relationship with him, without giving details. Damn! Atleast they can give details what happened after that, why they stopping, but...nooppe. Missed a chance. Instead sequel, this feels like more new series because they giving little progression from previous game

Also... Takagi, Mariko new partner, man.. i feel sorry for him. He is Hiroto with Chief body and more stamina, but twice the naivity. Mariko successes tricking him for their netorase play. Untill the end he doesn't know her husband know about their relationships. So Mariko really using her for sex. And he really good at it! As former marathon athletes he has monster stamina, and his dick is big like chief's. Since his "first" was with Mariko, at first he cumming quickly, but just having sex for two days, he became expert. No wonder Mariko like having sex with him (≧▽≦) . But because Mariko is his first, he easily get tricked, thinkinh Mariko really falling for him (Mariko only using him for sex, poor guy (-_- ;) ).

And for the ending.. yeah... While their previous game make me satisfied with the ending, this game ending just ..yeah just that. Don't get me wrong, i don't think it rushed , but like i said it's ambiguous. it doesn't give proper ending. Just after onsen trip, they chatting about continue this relationships, Mariko hubby letting them having sex in their house, he hide under the bed. And then he letting them having sex in their house again. And the end. That's make me like..."Just that?".Somehow this feels like Onboro giving this ending for possible sequel in the future. It doesn't resolve anything. About their relationships beside they continue
doing it. (¯―¯٥) (¯―¯٥)

But i really like the sex scenes, it's MUCH better than previous game (except the hotel scene ofcourse). Mariko getting sexier, and her voice is fitting he so much. Gentle sasaki works is great for this game. That's why i like this game.

P.S: i agree about recording haha, why only recording voice??? While it's true that scene was hot (Her hubby cant even hold his ejaculation LOL), i think it much better if she record their sex in video than just their voice
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Heya, brothers!

The new Anim game is NTR. Full stop. AND IT'S FUCKING GRRREAT! There are some happy endings, yes, but the amount of anxiety, jealousy, and cheating that takes place throughout the game followed by the NTR endings should more than do it for anyone that hangs out here regularly. If you can avoid the temptation to look at the flowchart until after finishing Takumi's routes, there's mystery as well. Now that the crack is out and people can play for themselves, I hope the doubts and spurious info can be laid to rest.

There are 7 endings:
Early NTR End: obliviousshota/10
Happy Mother End: congratskidyournewbrother'syourson/10
Mother-focus NTR end: completeandutterdiespairIneverknewIcouldfeelsobadforakid/10
Happy Other Mother End: weneedasequelwithshotasalarymenworkingtoraisetheirkids/10
Other Mother-focus NTR end: eatingkonbinibentos/10
Netori End: fortheguywhowantstostealbothmoms/10
Happy Swapping End: ithinkEitaisaprettycoolguyehhelpsyoufuckyourmomsanddoesn'tafraidofanything/10

Friendly reminder to avoid mass speculation and CG interpretation for new titles until you actually get to play the game.
Well, here is the translation.

Don't be too harsh about the black boxes (I made sure to not cover any important part of the drawing) and about some possible grammatical errors (even if there are, I think the manga it's completely readable) .

If you guys read it, tell me what you think about the manga and if I did a good job translating it and should translate other things or I should stop because I'm not good at it.

Well, hope you guys enjoy:

Could you translate the epilogue of his other series? Chapters 1-3 were translated but never the epilogue.

Hope you can do it.
Heya, brothers!

The new Anim game is NTR. Full stop. AND IT'S FUCKING GRRREAT! There are some happy endings, yes, but the amount of anxiety, jealousy, and cheating that takes place throughout the game followed by the NTR endings should more than do it for anyone that hangs out here regularly. If you can avoid the temptation to look at the flowchart until after finishing Takumi's routes, there's mystery as well. Now that the crack is out and people can play for themselves, I hope the doubts and spurious info can be laid to rest.

There are 7 endings:
Early NTR End: obliviousshota/10
Happy Mother End: congratskidyournewbrother'syourson/10
Mother-focus NTR end: completeandutterdiespairIneverknewIcouldfeelsobadforakid/10
Happy Other Mother End: weneedasequelwithshotasalarymenworkingtoraisetheirkids/10
Other Mother-focus NTR end: eatingkonbinibentos/10
Netori End: fortheguywhowantstostealbothmoms/10
Happy Swapping End: ithinkEitaisaprettycoolguyehhelpsyoufuckyourmomsanddoesn'tafraidofanything/10

Friendly reminder to avoid mass speculation and CG interpretation for new titles until you actually get to play the game.

Sweet thanks for the update. I started playing it and haven't reached any sex scenes yet but there definitely hinted some ntr or mystery right from the getgo. Glad to know, so I will tread through the game!
Would love if someone translated Anata No Nozomi series in the future. I'd do it when I polish up my Japanese within the next half year.

I really like Netorare Mousou Syndrome. I wish it hadn't played with the delusional fantasies, it takes the edge off what could have otherwise been a great NTR story, the little twist at the end isn't bad, but really it needs a next chapter, to move away from the delusions.

No disrespect to anyone who's a fan of Netoraserare but I cannot take that series seriously. It's not even fap material to me. It's literally one of the funniest things I've ever read. The climax of the whole series involves the husband talking about his theory of love and how suffering equals love and that scene is hilarious. There's also an omake at the end of the story that involves a separate couple and you should also read that too.

I'm sadly not a huge fan of Netoraserare. Everybody hates the netorase from day one, she doesnt like doing it, he hates asking her to. The art is great and i'm all for stories over multiple books. I just need a few less looks of pure self loathing on the MC's face. I mean, if you want your wife to fuck other men, and she's willing to do it, and you ask her too over and over, you really should just enjoy the ride.

What's the backstory of why they separated from the chief in the first game?

Been wondering this since it became apparent he wasn't involved. Seemed strange to me, since she really only seemed to want to stay married in the first one because she got off on torturing her husband.
Heya, brothers!

The new Anim game is NTR. Full stop. AND IT'S FUCKING GRRREAT! There are some happy endings, yes, but the amount of anxiety, jealousy, and cheating that takes place throughout the game followed by the NTR endings should more than do it for anyone that hangs out here regularly. If you can avoid the temptation to look at the flowchart until after finishing Takumi's routes, there's mystery as well. Now that the crack is out and people can play for themselves, I hope the doubts and spurious info can be laid to rest.

There are 7 endings:
Early NTR End: obliviousshota/10
Happy Mother End: congratskidyournewbrother'syourson/10
Mother-focus NTR end: completeandutterdiespairIneverknewIcouldfeelsobadforakid/10
Happy Other Mother End: weneedasequelwithshotasalarymenworkingtoraisetheirkids/10
Other Mother-focus NTR end: eatingkonbinibentos/10
Netori End: fortheguywhowantstostealbothmoms/10
Happy Swapping End: ithinkEitaisaprettycoolguyehhelpsyoufuckyourmomsanddoesn'tafraidofanything/10

Friendly reminder to avoid mass speculation and CG interpretation for new titles until you actually get to play the game.

The game was release like a day ago and you've already gone through most of it? Huh.
Shit, of course after uploading the translation I just realized that there is a second extra chapter, fuck my life.

I'm not gonna translate it since it seems to be just fanservice for anal lovers, looks like there is no plot.

How aboput the epilogue mentioned about the other series? And check the comments,looks like reception to your work is great!!
Shit, of course after uploading the translation I just realized that there is a second extra chapter, fuck my life.

I'm not gonna translate it since it seems to be just fanservice for anal lovers, looks like there is no plot.
If you ever want to translate it you can clone and unlock the current gallery and add the new pages without having to create a new one.
How aboput the epilogue mentioned about the other series? And check the comments,looks like reception to your work is great!!

I don't feel like translating just an epilogue for a manga that is already translated by other people, maybe if someday I'm bored, but not in my plans right now.

Since the reception is not that bad, I think I'm gonna keep translating things so I can improve both my english and my japanese.

Of course I'm not gonna translate new things because there is a high possibility that other people do it with better quality, so I'm just gonna focus on things from over a year ago.

My next project will be the manga in that koh magazine that you suggested.
I don't feel like translating just an epilogue for a manga that is already translated by other people, maybe if someday I'm bored, but not in my plans right now.

Since the reception is not that bad, I think I'm gonna keep translating things so I can improve both my english and my japanese.

Of course I'm not gonna translate new things because there is a high possibility that other people do it with better quality, so I'm just gonna focus on things from over a year ago.

My next project will be the manga in that koh magazine that you suggested.

HELL YES!!!!! Terasu is a great artist and i am sad we haven't seen more from him, i think the latest edition of Comic Koh may hold the answer as to why (something about new artist not being able to keep up with the magazine's releases) but i hope we see another work (maybe even a sequel to that manga chapter) even if its not ntr.
The game was release like a day ago and you've already gone through most of it? Huh.

Well, I live in Japan and can read Japanese. That's at least half the battle right there. I haven't done Mayumi's POV yet, which is like 60% of the game, but you get all the endings through the protagonist routes. And the writing is fairly simple since it's a shota POV. Comparing to some of their others games with flow charts, this one is shorter and less complex in terms of choices. Because there are many endings, there are a fair few prompts, but they're always binary except for the instance that puts you on the different ending tracks. There are a few more ero scenes than Kabe 2, but that game's story is longer and has more variable choices along with more dense writing. Homestay is also longer and has more scenes given that there's an additional POV character. So factor in all that and the fact that I probably played it for like fourteen or fifteen hours between Friday evening and Sunday at 2:00 in the morning when I posted about the endings.
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Well, I live in Japan and can read Japanese. That's at least half the battle right there. I haven't done Mayumi's POV yet, which is like 60% of the game, but you get all the endings through the protagonist routes. And the writing is fairly simple since it's a shota POV. Comparing to some of their others games with flow charts, this one is shorter and less complex in terms of choices. Because there are many endings, there are a fair few prompts, but they're always binary except for the instance that puts you on the different ending tracks. There are a few more ero scenes than Kabe 2, but that game's story is longer and has more variable choices along with more dense writing. Homestay is also longer and has more scenes given that there's an additional POV character. So factor in all that and the fact that I probably played it for like fourteen or fifteen hours between Friday evening and Sunday at 2:00 in the morning when I posted about the endings.

That right there is a big advantage, i always finish games that are translated fast unless i only play like for 1h and even then i usually cover a lot, right now i am reading a WN and what i find the most anoying is how slow i go through it, i mean i am used to read 300 page books in like 2 or 3 days so i feel i am going to slow......
I don't feel like translating just an epilogue for a manga that is already translated by other people, maybe if someday I'm bored, but not in my plans right now.

Since the reception is not that bad, I think I'm gonna keep translating things so I can improve both my english and my japanese.

Of course I'm not gonna translate new things because there is a high possibility that other people do it with better quality, so I'm just gonna focus on things from over a year ago.

My next project will be the manga in that koh magazine that you suggested.

At least translate the second extra chapter of the series you posted boss. You're work is great.
Whats the second extra chapter? I never came across it, im curious

Check the comment, he posted the magazine where it appears and yes he is right is nothing special apart from the incredible artwork of the artist.
Does anyone have some recommendations of eroge or doujin similar to Iro Yoridori ? Mainly NTR where a bad guy ends up stealing more than one of MC's loved one.

Preferably one bad guy, not stolen by bunch of people such as Tachibana circumstances with a man.

Examples are like some of Hana Hook's work, my favorite one was MC's mother and childhood crush both stolen by one of his friend, that was so crushingly good. And this one

And To Love Ru
Does anyone have some recommendations of eroge or doujin similar to Iro Yoridori ? Mainly NTR where a bad guy ends up stealing more than one of MC's loved one.

Preferably one bad guy, not stolen by bunch of people such as Tachibana circumstances with a man.

Examples are like some of Hana Hook's work, my favorite one was MC's mother and childhood crush both stolen by one of his friend, that was so crushingly good. And this one

And To Love Ru

Tanaka Aji unsweet teacher story
Last edited:
At least translate the second extra chapter of the series you posted boss. You're work is great.

I can translate it if you want, but i can't editing picture :( . You want me to do it?

Don't worry man, the problem is not translating it, the problem is that I don't want to upload it again.

I would do it if it was worth it, the first extra at least was a direct sequel from the last sentence of chapter 4, but this second extra is just filler with no plot, just adding some anal since there wasn't any in the original story, is not even in the tankoubon.

I think the first extra is a good way to end, no need for more.

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